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Abdullah bin Abbas



Abdullah bin Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib Al Hashemi

He was a prominent companion of the Prophet Muhammad, a scholar, jurist, hadith memorizer, and interpreter of the Qur’an. He was a cousin of the Prophet Muhammad and played an important role in early Islamic society.

  Birth and early life:

Abdullah bin Abbas was born in Mecca three years before the first revelation came to the Prophet Muhammad. He immigrated to Medina with his father, Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, before the conquest of Mecca. He witnessed decisive events such as the conquest of Mecca, the Battle of Hunayn, and the Siege of Taif. He was famous for his knowledge and wisdom since his childhood.

  Close relationship with the Prophet:

Abdullah bin Abbas had a close relationship with the Prophet Muhammad. The Prophet called for his understanding of religion and knowledge of interpretation, asking God to grant him wisdom and understanding of the Book. After the death of the Prophet, Abdullah bin Abbas became known as the “interpreter of the Qur’an” and the “sea of knowledge.”

His role in Islamic history

Abdullah bin Abbas served as an advisor to Caliph Omar bin Al-Khattab, even though he was relatively young. He participated in various military missions, including the conquest of Africa in the year 27 AH, and the Battle of Tabaristan in the year 30 AH. He led the Hajj in the year 35 AH by order of Caliph Othman.

He witnessed important events such as the Battle of the Camel, the Battle of Siffin, and the suppression of the Kharijite uprising in Nahrawan. He was appointed governor of Mecca by Ali bin Abi Talib, then Abu Al-Aswad Al-Du'ali in Basra.

Position during succession disputes:

Abdullah bin Abbas refrained from pledging allegiance to Yazid during the succession disputes, and recommended Imam Hussein not to go to Kufa. After Hussein's death, he distanced himself from public life, avoiding allegiance to Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan and Abd al-Aziz ibn Marwan.

Contributions to knowledge:

Abdullah bin Abbas was a diligent seeker of knowledge. He took knowledge from various companions, including reading the Qur’an to Zaid bin Thabit and Ubayy bin Ka’b. His home in Medina became a center of learning, where people came to seek knowledge in various fields.

He had a comprehensive approach to teaching, devoting specific days to various subjects, including jurisprudence, interpretation of the Qur'an, military campaigns, poetry, and Arabic history. Abdullah bin Abbas had many hadiths, as he narrated approximately 1,660 hadiths. He has a great place in the collections of Al-Bukhari and Muslim, where many authentic hadiths are attributed to him.


Abdullah bin Abbas died in Taif at the age of 68. His legacy continues through his contributions to Islamic sciences, hadith narration, and Qur’anic interpretation, which earned him a lasting reputation as one of the most prominent scholars and companions in Islamic history.

Lineage and family

Abdullah bin Al-Abbas, son of Al-Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, belongs to the Hashemite clan. His lineage goes back to Adnan, and his father is the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad. His lineage is as follows: Abdullah bin Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim bin Abd Manaf bin Qusay bin Kilab bin Murra bin Kaab bin Luay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik bin Al-Nadr, from the Bani Quraysh tribe. Kinaanah.

the mom:

His mother, Lubabah al-Kubra, known as Umm al-Fadl, was the daughter of al-Harith ibn Hazn ibn al-Bujayr ibn al-Hazam ibn Ruwaybah ibn Abdullah ibn Hilal ibn Amr ibn Sa`sa`ah ibn Muawiyah. Bin Bakr bin Hawazin bin Mansour bin Ikrimah bin Khasafah bin Qais bin Aylan bin Mudrikah bin Ilyas bin Mudar.


Abdullah bin Al-Abbas was known by his nickname “Abu Al-Abbas”.


Abdullah bin Abbas had ten well-known sons, including: Al-Fadl, Ubaid Allah, Abdul Rahman, Qatham, Aoun, Al-Harith or Al-Harith, Kathir, Tammam, Ma’bad and others. His younger brother, Tammam, and his older brother, Abdullah, were mentioned in particular in historical accounts.


Historical sources mention three sisters of Abdullah bin Abbas: Umm Habib or Umm Habiba, Safiyya, and Umm Amara or Umm Amna or Amna. Some sources also list other sisters, including Umm Kulthum.

His birth

There is a difference in the year of birth of Abdullah bin Abbas:

1. The most likely opinion is that he was born in the year of the Hijra (622 AD) in Medina. This is supported by the story that Abdullah himself mentioned that he was circumcised when he was ten years old after the death of the Prophet Muhammad.  

2. There is another opinion that indicates that he was born three years before the Hijra, around the year 619 AD, during the Muslim siege of Abu Talib’s people. This statement is supported by some narrations that indicate that he was circumcised before the Hijra.

It is most likely that he was born in the year of the Hijra.

Converting to Islam:

It is not known exactly when Abdullah bin Abbas converted to Islam, but he converted to Islam with his mother, Umm al-Fadl bint al-Harith, before the conquest of Mecca. However, they did not migrate to Medina at that time. Abdullah and his mother were among those whom God excused, as stated in the Qur’an: “Except the weak men, women and children who are unable to devise and are not guided to a way” (An-Nisa: 98). Abdullah was reading this verse.

Abdullah and his mother were not allowed to emigrate until his father, Abbas, converted to Islam. So they migrated with him, and they met the Prophet Muhammad in Al-Juhfa while he was heading to conquer Mecca. They returned with him and witnessed the conquest of Mecca on the morning of Friday, the 20th of Ramadan, in the eighth year of the Hijra.

Abdullah bin Abbas pledged allegiance to the Prophet Muhammad, while he was still a child who had not reached puberty. He and his younger cousin Abdullah bin Jaafar were among those whom the Prophet Muhammad allowed to pledge allegiance to despite their young age.

Companionship with the Prophet Muhammad:

After the migration, Abdullah bin Abbas followed the Prophet Muhammad and learned from him. He stayed with the Prophet for about thirty months. Because of his close relationship with the Prophet Muhammad, being the nephew of his wife Maimuna bint al-Harith, Abdullah was allowed to enter the Prophet’s house and spend the night in his aunt’s room. He would help the Prophet and describe his actions and words to the Companions.

Abdullah bin Abbas was present at important events, including the conquest of Mecca. He served the Prophet and was mentioned in the prayers of the Prophet Muhammad. The Prophet called on Abdullah bin Abbas to gain jurisprudence in religion and knowledge of interpretation. Abdullah bin Abbas mentioned seeing King Gabriel (Gabriel) twice and praying for wisdom.

He was also with the Prophet during his illness and the last days of his life and the events that followed, including the funeral and burial ceremonies. Abdullah bin Abbas was about thirteen years old (some sources state fifteen) when the Prophet Muhammad died. He played a fundamental role in conveying the details of the last days of the Prophet Muhammad and the events that took place among the Companions after his death. Abdullah bin Abbas was circumcised and reached puberty during this period.
