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Abbad bin Bashir bin Waqsh



Abbad bin Bashir bin Waqsh

 was one of the Ansar companions of the Prophet Muhammad, specifically from the Banu Abd al-Ashhal tribe. Aslam under the leadership of

Musab bin Umair, actively participated in all of the Prophet’s conquests and battles, and continued to serve in the apostasy wars after the Prophet’s death.


Abbad bin Bashir bin Waqsh bin Zaghba bin Zaourah bin Abdul Ashhal bin Jashm bin Al Harith bin Al Khazraj bin Amr bin Malik bin Aws.

Personal Biography:

Aslam Abbad under the leadership of Musab bin Umair and with him prominent figures such as Usayd bin Hudayr and Saad bin Muaz. After the migration to Medina, the Prophet Muhammad brought brotherhood between Abbad and Abu Hudhayfah bin Utbah. Abbad witnessed all the important events during the life of the Prophet and assigned various tasks to the Prophet himself.

He was among the group that played a role in the killing of Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf, the Jewish poet who posed a threat to the Islamic community. The Prophet also sent servants to collect alms from the Muzainah, Banu Sulaym and Banu Mustaliq tribes.

In the Battle of Hunayn, servants were appointed to distribute the spoils of war. The Prophet Muhammad later appointed him commander of the guard during the Battle of Tabuk.

After the death of the Prophet, Abbad participated in the Wars of Apostasy, which were conflicts with those who refused to pay zakat. He was martyred in the Battle of Al-Yamamah at the age of 45. According to some sources, he was killed by those withholding zakat, and buried in a place near Al-Lasak.

The martyrdom of Abbad bin Bashir is known in Hadhramaut, and his annual anniversary is commemorated by local residents who read about his virtues and achievements. This event is particularly confirmed by the Al-Khatib family, who claim lineage to him. There is also another companion named Abbad bin Bashir who was martyred in Hadhramaut, which may lead to some confusion in historical accounts.

Hadith narration:

Abbad bin Bashir had a prophetic hadith narrated on the authority of Abd al-Rahman bin Thabit bin al-Samit al-Ansari. This hadith is documented in the collection of Abu Dawud in the chapter on the virtues of the Ansar.

Status and rating:

Abbad bin Bashir had a high position among the Ansar. Aisha bint Abi Bakr, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, praised him and mentioned that three of the Ansar were particularly honored, all of them from the Banu Abd al-Ashhal: Saad bin Muaz, Abbad bin Bashir, and Usayd bin Hudayr. Aisha also mentioned an incident when the Prophet heard the voice of Abbad bin Bashir praying in her house. Upon inquiry, Aisha confirmed that it was the voice of Abbad, so the Prophet asked for forgiveness for him, saying: “O God, forgive him.”

Anas bin Malik narrated the incident of Abbad bin Bashir and Usayd bin Hudayr leaving the company of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, on a dark night. One of them used a glowing stick, and when they separated, they each had a glowing stick.

These narrations highlight the great position of Abbad bin Bashir among the Ansar, and the Prophet’s recognition of his piety and worship.
