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The Holy Quran Where Science Meets Miracles



Scientific Miracles

The scientific miracle is defined as informing the Holy Qur’an of a witnessed scientific fact, which was proven to be inaccessible by means at the time of the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. It is highlighting the Quranic facts that referred to the cosmic facts related to horizons and souls, with which modern science came in agreement.

In many of its verses, the Holy Qur’an urged people to look and contemplate, and commanded them to look at this universe and the signs in it, in order for this look to lead them to believe in God, Glory be to Him, and worship Him through several verses that can be considered a basis and origin for scientific miracles. God says in Surah Fussilat: ﴾We shall show them Our signs on the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. Every thing is a witness (53) [Fussilat: 53]

It is a topic that deals with the scientific topics mentioned in the Qur’an related to cosmic facts that were not aware of humans at the time of the revelation of the Qur’an, and then science proved them later. Where Muslims believe that the Qur’an is a miracle and that it is evidence of the prophethood of Muhammad bin Abdullah.

Some Islamic researchers and a number of Sharia scholars who also specialize in various scientific fields say that the Qur’an refers to a lot of scientific information in a number of verses, and that this constitutes conclusive evidence that its source is God, the All-Knowing and All-Knowing. The belief that the Qur’an explained several well-known scientific theories, hundreds of years before their discovery, spread throughout the Islamic world. On the other hand, some scholars and researchers criticized the texts of the Qur’an on the creation of the universe and the earth, the origins of human life, biology, and earth sciences, as they contain unscientific fallacies. , and is likely to contradict scientific theories

doctrinal background

Muslims believe that the Qur’an is a miracle of the Prophet Muhammad to the worlds, and that its verses challenge the worlds by bringing a similar one, a surah like it, or a verse like it, as they consider it evidence of his prophecy. Some researchers and a number of Sharia scholars who are also specialized in various scientific fields say that the Qur’an refers to scientific information There are many in a number of verses, which is called the scientific miracle in the Qur’an, and that this constitutes conclusive evidence that its source is God, the All-Knowing and All-Knowing. The belief that the Qur’an demonstrated several well-known scientific theories, hundreds of years before their discovery, has spread throughout the Islamic world, and they may differ about what they are. The miracle in the Qur’an is for science in an absolute way, 

so Muslims believe that God is the Creator of the universe, and since the Qur’an is His words, it is impossible for it to contradict the scientific facts that were discovered after the revelation of the Qur’an. Therefore, the scientific miracle means the compatibility of the Qur’anic text with the requirements of modern science, or the existence of hints or statements within it.

 Scientific facts known later confirm, and the most famous of those who worked systematically to clarify this is the French physician Maurice Boucay, who at the end of his experiment wrote his famous book, which was translated into seventeen languages (the Torah, the Gospels, and the Holy Qur’an according to the measure of modern science). On the other hand, Maurice Bucay's approach has been widely criticized by Western scholars and researchers, who consider his books non-objective, unscientific, and contradict scientific theories in several locations. For example, a number of critics, such as researcher Tanner Eddis, found that the Quranic references and verses that Morris Bucay relied on to prove the expansion of the universe, parallel universes, and the visible universe are "flagrantly wrong."

Scientific precedent

The word scientific scoop is used in the same way as the word journalistic scoop. The Qur’an is not a book of astrophysics, chemistry, medicine, agriculture, or other sciences of earthly succession that God has delegated to man, whom He has made a successor on earth, according to what the Qur’an says. The Qur’an urged the pursuit of knowledge and study: Scientific facts in In fact, it is a book of guidance and definition of human identity. 

The definition of why man was created, what is the role of man in this civilization, what his condition will be, what he will end up with, and what awaits him after his death. It is a scientific book of human behavior, morals, and transactions: Beira 9 ( [Al-Israa: 9] As for the aspect of scientific precedence, it is in his saying: {We will show them Our signs in the horizons and in themselves until it becomes clear to them that Indeed, is your Lord not sufficient that He is a witness over all things (53) [Fussilat: 53] Sharia scholars have agreed to name this scientific precedent with the scientific miracles in the Qur’an and Sunnah.

Quranic miracle

Historical detail of the events of the messengers and prophets

The Qur’an contained a historical detail of the previous prophets and messengers, and it is the history that the Arabs knew nothing about except the rabbis and monks, and they were at odds with each other. As for the Arab nation, they were illiterate and did not know anything about it. The monks and the priests believed him in what he narrated from his Lord clearly and evidently, and they departed from a religion whose scholars they were and followed Muhammad. This is from the news of the unseen which We reveal to you that you and your people did not know before this, so be patient. For the righteous, 49 (Hud: 49)

Disclosure of what is going on in the hearts of people, especially the hypocrites

This happened on several occasions during the reign of the Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah, including when the Jews were heralding the emergence of a prophet near his time who would emerge from the Arab countries, and they were threatening the Arabs that they would follow him and kill them with him, killing Ad and Iram. When Muhammad bin Abdullah appeared and resided in Medina, the faithful Arabs would meet the Jews and remind them of what they used to say of good news, so they would confess and declare their faith. From them that the account will be based on the certificate only. So he told the Qur’an, narrating their situation, and revealed their saying that they said secretly between them, so they did not deny what he said, and a group of them entered into Islam. What God has conferred upon you so that they may dispute with you with your Lord. Do you not understand? 76 Do they not first know that God He knows what they conceal and what they reveal (77) [Al-Baqarah: 76-77]

News about unseen and issues will be in the near and distant future

As the Qur’an told about events that will happen in the future and during the reign of the Prophet Muhammad, and after him, so the passage of days came as an explanation for what he told us, and examples of this:

The victory of the Romans and the lowest land

The news that the Romans will defeat the Persians in a few years, i.e. less than ten years, after the pagans in Makkah rejoiced in the victory of the Persians over the Romans, and they were ready to lie what God promised in His Book, so the seven years did not pass without what God promised was fulfilled: The lowest of the earth, and after they have been conquered, they will be conquered. 3 In a few years, God has commanded before and after, and on that day He will flee. The Believers 4 support God, He helps whom He wills, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Most Merciful (5) [Al-Rum: 1-5]. The modern era has known that the Dead Sea region is the lowest land in the world, and this was mentioned in the Qur’an:

The second battle in which the Romans defeated the Persians took place in the Dead Sea region, which is a depression considered by geologists to be the lowest region on land.

Abu Lahab's death on disbelief

The Qur’an tells that Abu Lahab will pray in a fire with flames in Surat Al-Masd {He will pray in a fire with flames 3} [Al-Masd:3] meaning that he will not enter Islam and he and his wife will die in disbelief, and Abu Lahab died in disbelief seven nights after the Battle of Badr, and he did not think that He converts to Islam, even hypocritically, as some of the hypocrites showed Islam, while his two sons, Utbah and Mutaib, converted to Islam after the conquest of Mecca.

News about modern science and facts

And it is the scientific miracle that we cannot show except by saying that it is a prior news of the scientific innovations of our time, and that includes his saying: {The two meadows of Bahrain meet 19 between them is an isthmus, they do not transgress 20} [Rahman: 19-20] The researchers discovered that the waters of the seas do not mix with each other Rather, they found that the waters of the Mediterranean Sea do not mix with the waters of the Atlantic Ocean at Gibraltar. There is a convergence and a barrier between them. He is with God, but most of them do not know. (61) [An-Naml:61].

There are many regions in the world where fresh water mixes with sea water without mixing. An example of this is in South America, where fresh water that comes from caves near the shore pours into the ocean without mixing with the salty water of the sea for long distances, or when two seas or two rivers connect with different densities, and this phenomenon is also found in the Fiordland fjords in South New Zealand. 

Note that this phenomenon does not exist in the seas surrounding the Arabian Peninsula, the site of the revelation of the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad, and a number of continents were still undiscovered at the time of the revelation of the Qur’an, including South America and New Zealand. There is a surface tension force that varies according to the density of the water, and this difference prevents the mixing of the two waters.
