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Unlocking the Wisdom Unbelievable Health Benefits of Sage Plant You Never Knew


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This plant contains volatile oils and flavonoids (apigen, diosmitin and luteolin) and phenolic acids, including rosmarinic acid. The plant has an effect on regulating hormones, relieving pain, preserving the digestive system and stimulating the nervous system. It also has an inhibitory effect on oxidation in the body.

Sage has a long history of medicinal and culinary uses, and in modern times it has become an ornamental plant in the garden. These plants were used in general, even in Europe in its dark ages, when it was rumored about these plants for treating various diseases, so that the French call them European tea.

The Greeks, Romans and Arabs used these plants as a serum against snakebites. In the sixteenth century, the professor recounted that Egyptian women used to drink sage infusion to increase their fertility. The Chinese have bartered these plants since ancient times, perhaps due to the scarcity of these types of plants in some of their regions, with other merchants by selling them precious types of tea. Sage is also drunk with tea and gives it a pleasant flavor, and it is considered one of the plants of high medicinal value.

Activate the function of the nervous system

Sage is one of the most powerful plants that help the nervous system to endure, prevent insomnia and fatigue, and improve memory by keeping the physiological activity of neurons in the best condition, and locking up components that disturb memory. People do not know the importance of sage for people who work with high concentration and for a long time, and therefore the sage drink should be used as tea and coffee, especially for students and children who are still in the process of academic achievement, because they need all the components that help preserve memory and improve programming and achievement,

 We note that science students prefer soft drinks and sweets over natural drinks, which is what happens to them, nervous disorder, memory impairment, forgetfulness and lack of understanding, and it may be very easy because stopping consuming substances containing chemical sweeteners while drinking natural drinks such as sage makes the student or student not He works very hard so that he does not become tired or forgetful.

Sage reduces the effect of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's, because it contains an enzyme inhibitor component, and this component is high in people with Alzheimer's disease, and sage plays to reduce this component through its power in preventing its formation through the enzyme that analyzes it. There is another component that accumulates in people with Alzheimer's disease, which is amyloid beta protein, but an enzyme makes this component not accumulate in the nerve cells of people with this disease. Sage is one of the medicinal food plants that enter the system of people with Alzheimer's disease to limit its rapid spread, and the more the disease is disrupted, the more the person with Alzheimer's will live in peace.

Sage is consumed in the form of a drink like tea, without sugar if possible, and it is sweetened with honey or fruit for people with joint pain, or it may be sweetened with regular sugar in a small amount if it is difficult, but the benefit of sage is in the absence of eating some vegetables that we mention in the paragraph devoted to that. Sage may be consumed as a plant that is also added to the stew, as well as Macedonians and celery.

Its medical benefits

Sage is a plant that has a distinctive aromatic smell, useful for abdominal pain such as colic and various colds, and useful in treating diarrhea, as its leaves and branches are boiled and the decoction of the leaves and tender branches is drunk. It also helps relieve menstrual pain in women.

It grows to a height of up to a meter. Its leaves are grayish-green with a thin pubescent layer. Sagebrush grows in mountainous areas and abounds in the Levant, such as Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and the Moroccan Atlas Mountains.

The scientist Gerard said about it in the seventeenth century that sagebrush strengthens weak memory and restores it in a short time, and the English researcher confirmed this saying, as they proved that sagebrush decreases the enzyme responsible for destroying the brain’s acetylcholine, which causes Alzheimer’s. Sage also contains antioxidants, and one of the most important compounds in sage is volatile oil, which contains the compound thiogon, but you must be careful not to use a large amount of this compound as it causes some convulsions. Sage contains volatile oils, flavonoids, phenolic acids, tannins, and the active substance belongs to volatile oil compounds.


1- During the first three months of pregnancy

2- During the breastfeeding period, because it dries up the breast milk

3- Children under ten years

How to prepare

The water is boiled and removed from the fire, then the sage is placed in the required amount and covered until it cools down, because it does not drink hot
