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Tap into Divine Wisdom Istikharah Prayer for Life's Most Crucial Choices


Istikharah prayer 

Istikharah in the language is asking for the best in something, and the prayer of Istikharah is asking for the best from God Almighty. It is a worship in Islam, not a specific time.

And it is for the Muslim to pray two rak’ahs other than the obligatory prayer and give the salutation, then praise God and pray for His Prophet, then supplicate with the text of the supplication that Imam Bukhari narrated:

“Oh God, I ask you to seek power through your knowledge, and I seek power over you through your ability, and I ask of your great bounty, for you are able and I am not, and You know and I do not know, and You are the Knower of the unseen.” O God, if You know that this matter - and he names the thing he desires - is good for me in my religion, my livelihood, and the outcome of my immediate and later affairs, then ordain it. and make it easy for me, then bless it for me, and if You know that this matter is bad for me in my religion, my livelihood, and the consequences of my immediate and later affairs, then turn it away from me and turn me away from it. Ordain for me what is good wherever it may be, then make me content with it.”

The importance of istikharah

Where a person is exposed in his life to many unseen matters and results, and he presents to matters of unknown consequences, he does not know their good or evil, whether he performs this work or not, so God prescribed istikharah prayer as a treatment for hesitation, and a solution to the problem so that hesitation turns into stability and doubt with certainty, so he becomes reassured and calm. The mind is content with what God has destined for it, even if it is apparently evil, because it has surrendered to its Lord and puts its trust in Him. It is an important act of worship that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was keen to teach to his companions.

her rule

The scholars are unanimously agreed that istikharah is a Sunnah, the one who does it will be rewarded and the one who abandons it will not be sinned, and the evidence for its legitimacy is what was narrated by Al-Bukhari

It was narrated on the authority of Jabir and on the authority of Saad bin Abi Waqqas in Sahih Al-Bukhari:

    Istikharah prayer that the Prophet said: Part of the happiness of the son of Adam is seeking God’s guidance, and part of the happiness of the sons of Adam is his contentment with what God has decreed, and part of the misery of the son of Adam leaving him is seeking God’s guidance, and part of the son of Adam’s misfortune is his discontent with what God has decreed., Sahih hadeeth Istikharah prayer

Doaa istikhaarah

From the hadeeth of Jabir, he said: “The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to teach us istikharah in all matters, just as he taught us a surah from the Qur’an, so he would say: “If one of you is concerned about a matter, let him kneel two rak’ahs other than the obligatory prayer, then say, “Oh God.” I ask you for power through your knowledge, and I seek power over you through your ability, and I ask you for your great bounty, for you are able.

 And I am not able, and You know, and I do not know, and You are the Knower of the unseen. In my immediate and later affairs, he said, or in my religion, my livelihood, and my afterlife, so decree it for me and make it easy for me, and then bless me in it. You know that it is bad for me in my religion, in my life and in my life to come. Or He said in my immediate and later affairs, so turn me away from it [and turn it away from me], and ordain for me the good wherever it may be, and then make me pleased with it.”

Istikharah conditions



Satisfaction with God's will.

Istikhaarah in permissible matters only.

Repentance, restitution of grievances, not earning or eating from forbidden things.

To use istikhaarah in anything, even if this matter is possible for you and you have the inclination and desire to do so.

No vision or dreams

The general public believes that the istikhaarah prayer has a vision after it, which is a good tiding for the fulfillment of the matter or the like, and this is a common mistake, so there is no vision, no dreams, dreams, or other things, but you rely on God to perform the matter. And he made it easy for you, so he is, and if he kept you away from it, then this is the destiny of God Almighty.

Marriage istikharah

If a man or woman wants to pray for istikhaarah in the engagement, i.e., marriage, he should also consult and take the reasons, as in the hadith of Fatimah bint Qais when Muawiyah and Abu Jahm bin Hudhayfah proposed to her. So a poor man who has no money, marry Osama bin Zaid: she said: I hated him, then he said: marry Osama bin Zaid, so I married him, so God made good in that and I was blessed with him.

Istikharah in the Qur’an

And among the people are those who express their respect for the Qur’an by taking the omen from the Qur’an. If he finds a verse commanding to do something, he does it, such as traveling or marrying. ) The saying of some historians that some scholars wanted to travel in the sea, so he opened the Qur’an and was met by the words of God Almighty: {And leave the sea hoping that they are drowned soldiers} [Al-Dukhan: 24] So he left the journey, and the boat sank in the sea with its passengers. 

And this is what happened by mere coincidence, and the Qur’an was not revealed by God Almighty to take the omen from it, but rather He revealed it to be a healing for what is in the breasts. And among the people are those who seek guidance from the Qur’an in another way, which is to take the Mushaf and randomly open a page from it, then look at the first line in the first sheet, and some of them count seven papers, then seven lines, then seven words, then read, and if he finds a verse commanding to do something, he does it, and if he finds a verse It forbids doing something to leave the act, and this istikharah has no basis in the Sharia and was not reported by any of the imams or scholars, and it is based on coincidence and risk, and the Qur’an was only revealed as a book of guidance as we mentioned before. 

The Prophet Muhammad legislated the istikharah prayer and its supplication, and it is forbidden for a Muslim to resort to other than this correct path, such as resorting to istikharah with such advanced heresies, in which there is no respect for the Book of God, and it is forbidden for him to resort to an astrologer or fortune teller, and his rigidity is to ask a Other than that, he should use istikharah for him and leave the revival of the easy legal Sunnah of istikhara by himself.
