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Islamic law on fasting



Fasting in the language is absolute abstinence from something, so if a person abstains from speaking or eating and does not speak or eat, then it is said to him in the language: fasting.

It is the voluntary abstinence from some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time. Dry fasting or absolute fasting is usually defined as abstaining from all food and liquids for a specified period, for one or several days. Water fasting refers to abstaining from food and drink except for water, but black coffee and tea may be consumed. Other types of fasts may be partially restrictive, limiting foods or substances only, or be intermittent.

In a physiological context, fasting may refer to the metabolic state of a person who has not eaten overnight, or to the metabolic state achieved after complete digestion and absorption of a meal. Many metabolic alterations occur during fasting. Some diagnostic tests are used to determine the fasting state. For example, a person is supposed to be fasting 8-12 hours after their last meal. The metabolic changes of the fasted state begin after a meal is absorbed (usually 3-5 hours after eating).

Rapid diagnosis refers to prolonged fasting from 8-72 hours (depending on age) conducted under observation to facilitate investigation of health complications, typically hypoglycemia. Many people may also fast as part of a medical procedure or exam, such as a colonoscopy or surgery. Fasting may also be part of a religious ritual.

Fasting in Christianity

Fasting in Christianity is a period of abstinence from physical desires (food) and spiritual desires (bad deeds), and the focus is on the second part more than the first part.

Fasting in Christianity has several sections, some of which are unified among denominations, and others that are specific to some denominations or cities.

Fasting in Islam

Its meaning in Sharia terminology is abstaining from things that break the fast from dawn to sunset, with the intention of drawing closer to God under the conditions set by Sharia, and this definition is agreed upon by the Hanafis. And the Hanbalis, as for the Malikis and the Shafi’is, they add the word “intention” at the end of it, because the intention is a matter of dispute.

God imposed fasting on Muslims in the month of Ramadan of the second year of migration, and his hypothesis has been proven by the Book, the Sunnah, and the consensus of the nation. It was said that the command to impose it came down in the month of Sha'ban of the second Hijri year. Vthboth book is reflected in what was stated in the Qur'an

As for its confirmation in the Sunnah of the Prophet, it is evident in a hadith on the authority of “Abu Hurairah” that the Prophet Muhammad defined Islam: “To worship God and not associate anything with Him, to perform the prescribed prayers, to pay the obligatory zakat, to fast Ramadan, and to make the pilgrimage to the House of God.” It is obligatory for every sane adult Muslim, with the exception of the sick and the traveler, provided that they make up for what they missed later.

medical app

Fasting is always practiced prior to surgery or other procedures requiring general anesthesia due to the risks of pulmonary aspiration of stomach contents after anesthesia (i.e. vomiting and inhalation of vomit, causing life-threatening aspiration pneumonia). In addition, some medical tests, such as a cholesterol (lipid) test or certain blood glucose measurements, require fasting for several hours until a baseline can be established. In the case of a lipid plaque, failure to fast for the full 12 hours (including vitamins) will guarantee an elevated triglyceride measurement.


Fasting or intermittent calorie restriction may affect cancer and tumor progression, but they are not currently used as a form of cancer treatment. In 2011, the American Cancer Society rec

ommended that people undergoing chemotherapy increase their protein and calorie intake, but presented evidence that a short-term fasting period may have benefits during chemotherapy. Chronic fasting is not recommended for people with cancer at risk for weight loss or a suppressed immune system.

Psychological health

In one review, fasting improved alertness, mood, and subjective feelings of well-being, and may improve overall symptoms of depression.

Lose weight

Although fasting for periods shorter than 24 hours, known as intermittent fasting, has been shown to be effective for weight loss in obese and healthy adults and for maintaining lean body mass, some researchers argue that the use of fasting for weight loss is unnecessary.
