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Secrets of Elias Unraveling the Untold Stories of One of the Most Influential Prophets



Elias is one of the prophets of the Children of Israel mentioned in the Qur’an, and it is believed that he is the same Elijah mentioned in the Old Testament.

Elias was sent to the people of Baalbek, west of Damascus, and called on them to worship God and to abandon the worship of an idol they called "Baal". It was said that a woman named Baal, and the first is more correct. They lied to him, and Ibn Abbas said: “Elias is Elias’ uncle.” As for Ibn Katheer, he says: Elias and Eliasin are two names for one man, so the Arabs append the “nun” to many names and replace it with others.

It is said that the Prophet Elias died and was buried in Baalbek. There is a shrine and a monastery for the Prophet Elias in the Bekaa Valley.

in Quran

It was mentioned in the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet. Where it was mentioned in the Qur'an 3 times; Once in Surat Al-An’am, and twice in Surat Al-Safat (considering that Iliasin is the same as Ilias, because the Arabs append the “Nun” to many nouns and replace it with others). Where it was mentioned in Surat Al-Safat in the words of God Almighty: And indeed, Elias is among the messengers, when he said to his people: Do you not fear a husband and leave the best of the Creator? God is your Lord and the Lord of your ancient fathers, but they denied him, for they will not be brought up except for the faithful servants of God, and we left it on him in the last Rin, peace be upon the family of Yasin. Indeed, We also reward the doers of good. He is one of Our believing servants (Surat As-Saffat, verses 123-132).

As it was mentioned in Surat Al-An’am, where it was mentioned that he is from the descendants of the Prophet Ibrahim, and that is in the saying of God Almighty: And We gave him Isaac and Jacob, both of whom We guided, and We guided Noah before and from his descendants. David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron, and likewise do We recompense the doers of good, Zakariya, Yahya, Jesus, and Elias, each of the righteous (Surat Al-An'am, verses 84-85).

These verses are all that the Holy Qur’an mentions about the story of Elias. Therefore, historians differed in his lineage and in the people to whom he was sent. Al-Tabari said: “He is Elias bin Yasin bin Finhas bin Eliezer bin Harun.” And it was said: Elias bin Eleazar bin Eliezer bin Harun bin Imran, as it was said: Elias bin Yasin bin Finjas bin Anzar, son of the Prophet Harun. And it was said: Elias bin Yasin bin Finhas bin Eizar bin Harun bin Imran. Muslims believe in the message and prophecy of Elias, and many scholars have mentioned that Elias is the same as Elijah. Where Al-Majlisi mentioned, “The union of Elias and Elijah is not excluded due to the similarity of the two names and the stories they contain.”

Idris and Elias

Some of the scholars among the Companions and those after them were of the view that they - i.e. Elias and Idris - are two names of one Prophet, and that Elias is Idris and Idris is Elias. He said

Ibn Kathir al-Dimashqi says in Stories of the Prophets:

    Elias Al-Bukhari said, and it is mentioned on the authority of Ibn Masoud and Ibn Abbas that Elias is Idris, and they sought comfort. This is what came in the hadith of Al-Zuhri on the authority of Anas in the Night Journey that when he passed by him, peace be upon him, i.e. Idris, he said to him, “Welcome to the righteous brother and the righteous prophet,” and he did not say, as Adam and Abraham said, “Welcome to the righteous prophet and the righteous son.” Despair

This is what Ad-Dahhak bin Muzahim went to, and it was narrated by Qatada bin Da'ama and Muhammad bin Ishaq.

And Abdullah bin Masoud used to read, “Peace be upon the family of Yasin,” and he would say: “Peace be upon Idrasin,” and he would say: Elias is Idris, and he would read: “And Idris is one of the messengers.” :( Peace be upon the family of Yasin) by cutting off the family from Yasin.

Ibn Katheer al-Dimashqi suggested that they are different and that Elias is not Idris, so he said: The correct view is that he changed him as previously.

In Islamic and Israeli heritage books

It came in the history of al-Tabari on the authority of Ibn Ishaq, a summary of which:

When Elias called on the Children of Israel to renounce idolatry, and adhere to the worship of God alone, they rejected him and did not respond to him, so he called on his Lord and said: “Oh God, the Children of Israel have refused except to disbelieve in You and worship others than You, so change what is in them of Your grace.” So God revealed to him: We have made the matter of their livelihood in your hand, so you are the one who commands that. Elias said: “Oh God, so hold back the rain from them.” So he was imprisoned for them for three years, until the livestock and trees perished, and the people exerted a lot of effort, and when he prayed for them, he disappeared from their eyes, and his sustenance came to him wherever he was.

 The house of a woman from among the children of Israel who has a son called Al-Yasa’ ibn Khatub with harm, so she took him in and hid his affairs. So he prayed to his Lord for her son, so he healed him from the harm he was in, and he followed Elias, believed in him, believed him, and adhered to him, so he would go with him wherever he went, and Elias was old and old, and Elias was a young boy. So he released them and rescued them, so their country revived, but they did not return to what they were upon, and they did not straighten up, so when he saw despair among them, he called on his Lord to take him to him, so he caught him and raised him.
