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Learn about Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace




There are few figures as shining as the Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of God, whose life and teachings profoundly shaped the Islamic faith. Born on Rabi’ al-Awwal 12 in the Year of the Elephant, around 570 or 571 AD in Mecca, his legacy extends for generations, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of millions.

Early Life and Spiritual Journey:

Muhammad was orphaned at an early age, and was raised by his grandfather, then by his uncle Abu Talib. Since his youth, he refused to worship idols and took refuge in the cave of Hira, devoting nights to prayer and meditation. At the age of forty, in the year 610 AD, he received the first revelation from God through the angel Gabriel, marking the beginning of his prophecy.

The mission of the Messenger:

For three years, the Prophet Muhammad secretly called on people to unify Islam. Thereafter, for ten years in Mecca, he openly proclaimed God's message, proclaimed God's oneness and his role as a prophet, and urged people to submit to the divine will. His teachings emphasized love, compassion, and the rejection of racism and tribal fanaticism.

  Immigration and the establishment of Islamic unity:

Facing opposition and threats in Mecca, the Prophet Muhammad migrated to Medina (then Yathrib) in 622 AD. There, he not only continued his preaching of Islam, but also laid the foundation of Islamic civilization. His wisdom and guidance united the diverse Arab tribes under the banner of monotheism, fostering a sense of unity and common purpose.

Legacy and lasting impact:

The influence of the Prophet Muhammad extended far beyond his lifetime. His teachings recorded in the Qur’an and Hadith continue to inspire believers around the world. Muslims revere him not only as the Seal of the Prophets, but also as a model of moral behavior and compassion. Every year, Muslims celebrate his birth in the month of Rabi’ al-Awwal, which is evidence of their constant love and reverence for him.

Interfaith Acknowledgment:

The influence of the Prophet Muhammad is not limited to the Islamic world alone. The Jewish writer Michael Hart recognized him as the most influential person in history, acknowledging his success on both the religious and secular levels. His legacy serves as a bridge that fosters understanding and appreciation between people of diverse backgrounds.

In a world often divided, the life of the Prophet Muhammad stands as a beacon of unity, compassion and unwavering faith. His teachings resonate across time, guiding believers and seekers alike, and reminding humanity of the importance of love, tolerance, and embracing shared values. The enduring legacy of the Prophet Muhammad continues to illuminate the path toward a more harmonious world, where the principles of Islamic spirituality will serve as an inspiration for generations to come.

Biographical sources

The personality of the Prophet Muhammad had a great influence on history, and therefore his life, deeds and ideas have been widely discussed by his supporters and opponents over the centuries. Muslims, past and present, also cared about the biography of the Prophet Muhammad as the practical approach to Islam, so Islamic scholars wrote many and comprehensive books on his biography, and wrote down everything related to that

The Qur’an A Timeless History of the Life of the Prophet Muhammad

At the heart of Islam lies the Qur’an, a sacred text revered by millions as the ultimate source of divine guidance. For those seeking a deep understanding of the life of the Prophet Muhammad, this Holy Book represents an indispensable source of knowledge.

The Qur’an: A comprehensive record of the life of the Prophet Muhammad:

The Qur'an, the oldest and most authoritative source of information about the life of the Prophet Muhammad, dates back to his time, making it a unique and authentic account. Muslims of all sects unanimously recognize its unique version. While the Qur’an does not go into all the details of the Prophet’s biography, it contains numerous references - explicit, implicit, and indirect - that shed light on his virtues, prophetic evidence, morals, psychological state, and even his military campaigns.

Prophet Muhammad in the Qur’an:

About 280 Qur’anic verses, which constitute 4.65% of the sacred text, deal with battles and reveal important events in the life of the Prophet. These references include prominent incidents such as the battles of Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, Hudaybiyyah, Khaybar, and the conquest of Mecca. Surah Al-Ahzab, in particular, provides intricate details about Muhammad's life, including his interactions with his wives and companions, providing a vivid picture of the Prophet's multi-faceted character.

The Qur’an: a testimony to the virtues of the Prophet Muhammad:

Although the Qur'an is not comprehensive, it offers glimpses into the Prophet's remarkable qualities, emphasizing his moral integrity, divine mission, and exceptional character. Through implicit references and direct narratives, the Qur’an highlights Muhammad’s legacy and emphasizes his importance as the final messenger of God.

Unity between Islamic sects:

One of the Qur'an's enduring strengths lies in its ability to bridge divisions between various Islamic sects. Its universal acceptance unites Muslims around the world, promoting a common understanding of the Prophet's life and teachings. Regardless of sect, believers find solace in the timeless wisdom of the Qur’an, which continues to inspire and guide generations.

Hadith books

Hadith books stand as invaluable repositories of knowledge, offering profound insights into the life, teachings and character of the Prophet Muhammad. These collections, meticulously compiled by specialist scholars, provide a glimpse into the many facets of the Prophet's life, his calling, his campaigns, and the companions who surrounded him.

  Special focus on the Prophet’s biography:

Hadith books devote sections, chapters, and entire volumes to the biography of the Prophet Muhammad. These collections, although not always arranged chronologically, accurately capture the essence of his life, teachings, and endeavors. Scholars have recognized the importance of placing the Prophet’s sayings and actions in their correct context, enriching their understanding of Islamic law, and guiding believers in matters of faith.

Muwatta Malik: Leading Group:

Among the oldest and most famous books of hadith, Muwatta Malik stands out for its comprehensive coverage of the Prophet’s biography. This book, written by Imam Malik, touches on various aspects of the Prophet’s life, descriptions, and narratives related to jihad, and provides a comprehensive overview of his legacy.

Al-Bukhari and Muslim: Determining the criteria:

Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim, two prominent scholars, meticulously documented the life of the Prophet Muhammad in their Sahihs. Al-Bukhari delved into the life of the Prophet before and after the mission, and devoted entire books to battles and jihad. In his Sahih, Muslim bin Al-Hajjaj provided a detailed description of the Prophet’s biography, virtues, and contributions to jihad, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of his life.

Continue the legacy:

The meticulous approach adopted by these early scholars has been echoed across generations. Later compilers of hadith, such as Abu Dawud, Al-Tirmidhi, Muhammad ibn Majah, Al-Darimi, and Ahmad ibn Hanbal, followed him. Their compilations, rooted in the Ahl al-Hadith approach, continue to shed light on the life of the Prophet, ensuring that his teachings and deeds remain accessible to Muslims around the world.

Biographical books

The journey to document the life of the Prophet Muhammad and his campaigns began at a later stage compared to the compilation of his words and deeds. While the Companions initially transmitted his biography orally, the task of writing these narratives began with specialized scholars, each of whom contributed to the development of the fabric of the Prophet’s legacy.

The first pioneers in writing the autobiography:

Urwa bin Al-Zubair, Aban bin Othman, Wahb bin Munabbih, Sharhabeel bin Saad, and Ibn Shihab Al-Zuhri were among the first pioneers who worked hard to write the biography of the Prophet. Unfortunately, much of their work has been lost over time, and only fragments have survived through the efforts of historians such as Al-Tabari. Muhammad ibn Ishaq, whose writings are widely considered authoritative, made significant contributions to the genre of biography, although his original work, Al-Maghazi, has not reached us intact. Ibn Hisham later summarized Ibn Ishaq's work in his famous book, "Biography of Ibn Hisham."

Al-Waqidi and Ibn Saad: Early sources with caution:

Al-Waqidi's book Al-Maghazi, partially authenticated by his student Ibn Sa'd Al-Baghdadi, emerged as another valuable source. Scholars such as Ibn Saad incorporated Al-Waqidi's narratives into works such as Al-Tabaqat Al-Kubra. While these sources have provided valuable insights, scholars have approached them with caution due to doubts about their accuracy, the distinction between historical accounts and the potential for inclusion of myths or false narratives.

Scientific accuracy and validation:

In later years, scholars diligently reviewed these sources, distinguishing between authentic historical accounts and unreliable or fabricated accounts. Their meticulous efforts were aimed at preserving the authenticity of the Prophet’s biography and ensuring that future generations have a reliable account of his life and campaigns.

Books of references and evidence

, Muslim scholars have meticulously documented his virtues, moral conduct, and moral characteristics in this respected genre of Shamail literature. These works, which focus on the moral and behavioral aspects of the Prophet's life, are cherished as essential references for believers who seek to emulate his noble example.

Adab Al-Shama’il: glorifying the morals of the Messenger:

Shamail literature occupied an important place in the Islamic scholarly tradition. Its purpose is to provide complex details about the morals, customs, and virtues of the Prophet Muhammad. The early scholars realized the importance of preserving the character of the Prophet, so they wrote prominent works such as “The Characteristics of the Prophet” by Abu Al-Bakhtari Wahb bin Wahb Al-Asadi, and “Al-Shama’il Al-Muhammadiyah” by Al-Tirmidhi. These texts, spanning centuries, played an instrumental role in shaping the understanding of the Prophet's moral superiority.

The development of Al-Shamael’s actions: preserving the moral essence:

Throughout the ages, scholars such as Abu Al-Hasan Ali bin Muhammad Al-Madini, Daoud bin Ali Al-Isbahani, Ismail Al-Qadi Al-Maliki, and Abu Al-Hasan Ahmed bin Faris Al-Lughuji have contributed to the development of Shamail. literature. Their works, including The Prophetic Ethics, have delved deep into the Prophet's moral teachings, ensuring that his moral legacy remains a guiding light for humanity.

Books of Evidence: Proving the Prophet’s Prophethood:

In parallel with the Shamail literature, Muslims emphasized the importance of books of evidence, as they provide conclusive evidence of the truth and authenticity of Muhammad's prophecy. These texts accurately document the comprehensiveness and generality of his message, and highlight his undeniable miracles and signs. The most prominent of these works is “Dala’il al-Nubuwwat” by Al-Bayhaqi, a comprehensive compilation that confirms the divine nature of the Prophet’s message.

Continuing Legacy: Inspiring Believers Through the Centuries:

The enduring importance of Shamail literature and evidence books lies in their ability to inspire believers and confirm the profound influence of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. Through these works, Muslims find solace in the Prophet's moral and ethical guidance, reinforcing a deep sense of reverence and tradition. The evolution of these texts over the centuries demonstrates scholars' unwavering commitment to preserving the essence of the Prophet's character, ensuring that his legacy continues to light the way for believers around the world.

other sources

In their quest to understand the multifaceted life of the Prophet Muhammad, Muslim scholars have explored a range of sources that go beyond traditional texts. These diverse resources, from Qur'anic interpretation to historical accounts, provide a comprehensive understanding of the life of the Prophet, enriching the fabric of Islamic knowledge.

Qur’anic Interpretation and the Reasons for the Revelation: Insights from Early Interpretations:

Muslim scholars have delved into the interpretation of the Qur’an and the reasons for revelation to reveal the complexities of the Prophet’s life. Prominent interpretations from the early Islamic centuries, including those of Ibn Kathir, al-Tabari, and al-Qurtubi, have shed light on verses related to the life of Muhammad. These interpretations provide valuable context, enhancing understanding of the Prophet's experiences and teachings.

Historical texts: Biography of the Prophet’s era:

Historical texts play a pivotal role in depicting the essence of the prophetic life. Works such as Al-Tabari's historical account and Ibn Khaldun's comprehensive analysis delve into the broader context of the Prophet's time, offering a glimpse into the social, political, and cultural landscape. These texts place the events of Muhammad's life in context, providing a deeper understanding of his challenges and triumphs.

Non-Arab sources: a global perspective:

Besides Arabic texts, non-Arabic sources have contributed significantly to understanding the Prophet's legacy. Greek sources, with writers such as Theophanes in the 9th century AD, provide unique perspectives on the historical context of the time. In addition, Syriac sources, including the seventh-century writer John bar Pincai, provide valuable insights, often within a few decades of the prophet's death. These diverse accounts bridge cultural gaps, allowing scholars to view Muhammad's life through a universal lens.

Continuous exploration: uncovering new dimensions:

As knowledge continues to evolve, researchers explore an ever-increasing range of sources. Rooted in different languages and cultures, these diverse texts provide new perspectives, allowing for a more nuanced understanding of the Prophet's life. By embracing a multitude of sources, scholars ensure a comprehensive exploration of the legacy of the Prophet Muhammad, revealing new dimensions that continue to inspire and enlighten believers around the world.
