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Unraveling the Divine Code Exploring the Legislative Miracles in the Holy Quran



Legislative miracle

The concept of a "legislative miracle" in Islam refers to the Quran's remarkable ability to address the varying levels of intellect, comprehension, and determination among human beings. The Quran accommodates a spectrum of cognitive capacities, providing general guidelines in its definitive verses while allowing room for diverse interpretations in non-deterministic aspects. This flexibility accounts for differences in understanding among individuals.

The Prophet Muhammad, recognizing the diversity in his followers' capacities, exercised diligence in elucidating the Quranic teachings. This commitment is exemplified by his efforts until the revelation of verses, such as those in the chapter "The Table" (Al-Ma'idah), which imposed absolute prohibitions. These clear and unequivocal statements left no room for alternative interpretations.

The Quran itself acknowledges this approach, stating in Surah Al-Ankabut (29:43), "And those parables We present to the people, but only the knowledgeable understand them." This verse underscores the Quran's use of parables and allegories, which require a deeper level of understanding. The phrase "only the knowledgeable understand them" emphasizes that individuals with a higher level of comprehension can grasp the full depth and intended meaning of these metaphorical expressions.

In essence, the legislative miracle of the Quran lies in its adaptability to the human experience, catering to individuals with varying levels of intellectual capacity. The combination of clear, definitive guidance and allegorical elements accommodates a broad audience while challenging those with deeper insight to delve into the profound wisdom embedded in the scripture.

The legislative miracle is the proof of the inability of all human beings, individually and collectively, to come up with the laws and rulings of the Qur’an that relate to the individual, the family and society. Among the characteristics of this miracle are divine, comprehensiveness, justice, ease, alleviation of embarrassment, continuity, caring for human interests, balance between matter and spirit, perfection, moderation and moderation.

An example of this type of miracle is the verse of religion. God says in Surat Al-Baqarah: Let no scribe refuse to write as God has taught him. If the one who owes the truth is foolish or weak Or is it not possible for him to dictate, then let his guardian dictate with justice, and bring two martyrs from among your men, if they are not men. A man and two women from whom you accept for witnesses, if one of them goes astray and one of them reminds the other, and the witnesses do not refuse. 

That is what they were called upon, and do not despair to write it down, small or large, for the sake of it. And the least that you should not be suspicious, unless it is a present trade that you conduct between yourselves, so there is no sin on you not to write it down and smell it. Pay back when you trade, and neither a scribe nor a witness shall be harmed, and if you do, then it is transgression against you. And fear God, and God teaches you, and God teaches you. All things Knower 282 (Al-Baqarah: 282).

Where Islam calls for writing the debt and witnessing it, so that the creditor and the debtor or their heirs know their rights and duties towards each other, because the passing of the years is a cause for forgetfulness, and the failure to write the debt leads to conflict, and the debtor’s denial of the right that he owes towards the creditor, as is happening today with some people. Islam is that the debt document is written by a clerk who is knowledgeable about the terms and conditions of contracts and the rulings of Sharia, and an expert in people’s dealings, and that he investigates justice between the two parties by not adding or detracting from the debt he writes. What is known today (the Notary Book), and this designation is originally derived from the Qur’anic text.

The Qur’an not only calls for the writing of the religion, but also calls for its witnessing, in order to increase the documentation and the desire to preserve the rights from denial, by requesting two men who are just witnesses. The wisdom behind the fact that the two women take the place of one man in the testimony is the fear that one of them will make a mistake or forget, so the other reminds her, and the reason for her mistake or forgetfulness is the woman’s lack of practice of financial affairs. For most.
