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His life after the mission to emigration



"Divine revelation and the spiritual awakening of the Prophet Muhammad in the Cave of Hira"

In the tranquility of Hira Cave, located in Jabal al-Nour, just miles from Mecca, a profound transformation in the life of the Prophet Muhammad is revealed. Here he sought solace, through worship, contemplation, and immersion in contemplation. In this holy place, at the age of forty, a very important event occurred that changed the course of history and shaped the Islamic faith.

  "Dawn of Revelation: A Divine Encounter"

Every year, during his month-long retreat, Muhammad found solace within the confines of Hira Cave. On an important night, believed to be the 17th, 24th or 21st of Ramadan in the year 610 AD, the heavens opened and the first revelation came down to him. The meeting was intense, and left Muhammad trembling and afraid.

  "Khadija's Doctrine: Pillar of Strength"

Facing uncertainty, Muhammad sought comfort in the arms of Khadija bint Khuwaylid, a woman of remarkable faith and wisdom. Her unwavering faith in her husband reassured him and dispelled his fears. With her encouragement, Muhammad found the courage to continue his spiritual journey.

  "Waraqa bin Nawfal: Proof of the Divine Message"

The meeting did not end inside the cave. Rather, it was the beginning of a divine mission. Waraqa ibn Nawfal, a Christian scholar and Khadija's cousin, played a crucial role in validating Muhammad's experience. His recognition of the divine parallels between Muhammad's verses and the law revealed to Moses provided much-needed proof.

  “The Unfolding Revelation: A Journey of Spiritual Endurance” After this momentous event, the revelation took place for a period that may have been forty nights, or as some sources indicate less than that, perhaps six months. Divine wisdom continued to emerge, revealing Quranic verses that would form the cornerstone of Islamic teachings. Muhammad described these revelations as various experiences, sometimes resembling the ringing of a bell, and at other times, a direct encounter with the divine presence.

  “The Enduring Legacy of the Prophet Muhammad: A Beacon of Divine Wisdom”

Hira Cave stands as a symbol of spiritual awakening, where the Prophet Muhammad's encounter with God laid the foundation for Islamic teachings. His steadfast faith, coupled with Khadija's support and befriending Waraqa ibn Nawfal, pushed him on the journey of enlightenment. Today, this legacy continues to inspire millions, serves as a beacon of divine wisdom, love and compassion, and illuminates the way for those seeking truth and spirituality.The beginning of the invitation

"The Silent Revolution: The Hidden Rise of the Prophet Muhammad and the Birth of Islam"

In the shadows of Mecca, a profound transformation was taking place, brought about by the words of a man destined to change the course of history. When the Prophet Muhammad received his divine calling, he set out on a mission that shaped the beliefs of countless generations. This secret period, which spanned three crucial years, saw the emergence of Islam and laid the foundation for a spiritual revolution.

"The Silent Call: The Secret Missionary of Muhammad"

During the first three years of his mission, Muhammad secretly called people to Islam, rejecting the watchful eyes of the Quraysh. His message resonated among free and enslaved men and women, and began to make its way into the hearts of those willing to hear it. These covered meetings, where the truth was spoken in secrecy, planted the seeds of deep faith.

    "The First Believers: Faithful Souls in the Shadows"

Among the first to respond to Muhammad's call were those close to him, including his Sunni wife, Khadija bint Khuwaylid, and his young cousin, Ali bin Abi Talib. Ali, who was just a child at the time, became a strong companion. Zaid bin Haritha converted to Islam, and he was the first to pray, then Abu Bakr bin Abi Quhafa, and he was a dear and loyal friend. Abu Bakr's steadfast faith later earned him a prominent place in Islamic history.

"The dawn of public declaration: Islam emerges from secrecy"

When the number of believers increased to about forty, a fundamental revelation came down commanding Muhammad to proclaim the message publicly. The secret meetings gave way to more explicit calls for Islam. Believers, who had been hiding in the shadows, began to openly embrace the teachings, laying the foundation for a public proclamation of the faith.

    “From Lunar Visions to Daylight: The Prophet’s Journey Unfolds”

The Prophet Muhammad's journey from secret to public revelation was guided by divine visions. Abu Bakr, one of the first to convert to Islam, saw a vision in which the moon descended on Mecca, a symbol of the spread of Islam throughout the country. This shared vision among believers became a testimony to their firm belief in the Prophet and his message.

    “Invisible Rise, Enduring Faith: The Legacy of the Birth of Islam”

In the faint whispers in the alleys of Mecca, Islam found its voice. These first believers, who grew up in secret, became torchbearers of a faith destined to enlighten the world. The secret mission of the Prophet Muhammad laid the foundation for a lasting legacy, demonstrating the power of faith, determination, and divine guidance. Their silent revolution changed not only Mecca, but the entire world, leaving an indelible mark on humanity's spiritual journey.

Invitation out loud

"Challenge in the Face of Adversity: Muhammad's Relentless Pursuit of Faith"

In the heart of the turmoil in Mecca, Muhammad stood undeterred, determined to carry out his divine mission despite growing opposition from the Quraysh. After three years of secret preaching, a divine order forced him to reveal his religion publicly. This pivotal moment marked the beginning of an arduous journey, marked by unwavering faith, resilience, and relentless dedication.

  “The Call to the Relatives: The Declaration of Muhammad the Brave”

Upon receiving divine guidance, Muhammad fearlessly gathered his closest family members and invited them to Islam. He confronted the Quraysh above Safa, warning them of the dire consequences they would face because of their disbelief. His words resonated greatly, highlighting the seriousness of the impending divine punishment.

  "The First Converts: A Story of Undying Faith"

The first converts, including Abu Bakr, Bilal, Khabbab, Suhaib, Ammar, and Sumayyah, faced brutal opposition. These brave souls, among others, dared to embrace Islam openly and endured torture, beatings and persecution at the hands of the Quraysh. Somaya, Ammar's mother, tragically fell victim to Abu Jahl's brutality, becoming an early martyr in the name of faith.

  "Negotiations and Rejection: Muhammad Al-Hazem's Resolute Position"

Realizing Muhammad's growing influence, the Quraysh attempted to negotiate, offering wealth and leadership in exchange for his silence. But Muhammad remained steadfast, rejecting all temptation. Even his uncle Abu Talib, who had initially protected him, found it increasingly difficult to protect him from the increasing hostility. Muhammad's unwavering commitment became a beacon of resilience.

“Inexhaustible determination: Muhammad’s tearful resolve”

Faced with the emotional burden of seeing his beloved uncle stressed by the situation, Muhammad was faced with a heartbreaking choice. Abu Talib, torn between family loyalty and societal pressure, left Muhammad with a grim ultimatum. Despite the pain, Muhammad's resolve became stronger. He vowed to continue his mission, even if it meant facing the harshest conditions.

  “Legacy of Perseverance: Muhammad’s Resilient Journey”

Muhammad's unyielding determination in the face of persecution became a cornerstone of Islamic history. His resilience, coupled with the steadfast faith of his early followers, set a precedent for the trials and victories that shaped the Islamic faith. This chapter of his life affirmed the strength and power of faith, leaving a lasting legacy of perseverance, determination and unwavering faith for generations to come.

“Exile and Unexpected Alliances: The Muslim Journey to Abyssinia”

In the face of mounting persecution, the Prophet Muhammad made a pivotal decision, granting his followers permission to seek refuge in Abyssinia under the benevolent rule of King Ashama al-Najash. Eleven men and four women, including Othman bin Affan and his wife Ruqayyah bint Muhammad, set out on this secret journey in the month of Rajab, marking the dawn of a new chapter in Islamic history. Shrouded in the secrecy of the night, this migration represents the emerging society's first steps toward safety and freedom.

"Abyssinia: haven of the persecuted"

Abyssinia, with its just ruler, provided refuge for persecuted Muslims. The community, fleeing persecution, found solace in this foreign land, where they were free to practice their religion without fear. This important migration laid the foundation for a resilient diaspora, marking the beginning of a global Islamic community.

  "The Surprising Turn: Muhammad's Declaration in Mecca"

In a bold move, the Prophet Muhammad confronted the Quraysh amid a noisy gathering in Mecca. By reciting Surah Al-Najm, he astonished his audience and dazzled them with the divine verses. As he received him, the crowd, including the Quraysh, prostrated in awe, indicating an unexpected acceptance of the message. Rumors even spread about the Quraysh converting to Islam, marking a turning point in the history of the faith.

  "The Double-Edged Return: The Return of Muslims to Mecca"

News of the supposed conversion of the Quraysh to Muslims reached Abyssinia. Eager to return home, some ventured back to Mecca, only to discover the harsh reality. They were forced to hide their faith, so they returned to Abyssinia, accompanied by others, searching for a new refuge. This second migration highlighted the continuing challenges faced by the emerging Muslim community.

  Negotiations and Enduring Faith: Muslims in Abyssinia

After witnessing the safe presence of Muslims in Abyssinia, the Quraish tried to manipulate the situation. They sent envoys with gifts, hoping to persuade King Ashama al-Najashi to expel the Muslims. However, the king, influenced by the story of the Muslims, resisted these efforts, adhering to the principle of justice.

“Resisting in the Face of Adversity: The Abyssinian Chapter”

The stay of Muslims in Abyssinia highlighted their steadfastness and unwavering faith in the face of adversity. The unexpected alliances, trials, and victories during this period became emblematic of the enduring spirit of early Islamic society. The Abyssinian Chapter, despite its challenges, demonstrated the power of faith and unity, laying the foundation for the enduring legacy of Islam.

The firm faith of the Prophet Muhammad and his divine support.”

Facing mounting adversity and the loss of his steadfast protector, Abu Talib, the Prophet Muhammad took refuge in Taif, hoping to find support from the Thaqif tribe. Little did he know that his journey to Taif would be a test of endurance and faith, revealing the inexhaustible spirit of the Prophet and the divine support that supported him.

  “Hope Amid Difficulties: Muhammad’s Journey to Taif”

Driven by the need for protection and the hope of spreading the message of Islam, Muhammad embarked on a journey to Taif. Despite his noble intentions, he faced rejection and hostility, and endured physical and psychological pain at the hands of the Thaqif tribe. This did not deter him, as he clung to hope, trusting in the divine plan despite the challenges he faced.

  "Resist in the midst of adversity"

During his ten-day stay in Taif, Muhammad faced relentless hostility. The people of Thaqif not only rejected his message, but also subjected him to physical abuse, leaving him injured and humiliated. In the face of this ordeal, the Prophet showed unparalleled patience and steadfastness, relying on his unwavering faith to endure hardships.

  "Divine Intervention: A"

In the midst of the hostility, an encounter with a Christian boy named Adas brought an unexpected ray of hope. Adas was moved by Muhammad's words and actions, converted to Islam, and became a testament to the transformative power of faith. This encounter illustrated the divine intervention that often accompanied the Prophet, providing moments of solace and reaffirming his message.

  “The return to Mecca and the firm faith of the Prophet”

Upon leaving Taif, the Prophet Muhammad returned to Mecca, unaffected by the rejection he faced. His steadfast faith and determination remained unwavering and served as an inspiration to his followers. Despite the trials in Taif, he continued his mission, guided by the faith that God's plan was unfolding, even in the face of adversity.

"The Taif Trials and a Test of Faith and Patience"

The trials in Taif stand as a testament to the Prophet Muhammad's unwavering faith, endurance, and unwavering commitment to his message. Despite the physical and psychological pain he endured, his decision remained steadfast. Divine intervention, exemplified in encounters like the one with Addas, served as a reminder that God's support was always there. The Prophet’s ability to endure the trials of Taif demonstrated the depth of his faith and perseverance, and he was a lasting example for believers throughout history.

The Night Journey and Mi'raj: The Prophet Muhammad's Spiritual Journey and Divine Revelation

In the annals of Islamic history, the night journey of the Isra and Mi'raj stands as a testament to the spiritual and miraculous nature of the Prophet Muhammad's prophecy. Taking place after the arduous Taif Journey, this heavenly journey is deeply rooted in Islamic tradition, transcending the material and divine realms.

"Divine Revelation: Al-Isra - A Night Journey Reflecting the Rise of Faith"

According to Islamic tradition, the Night Journey marks the night journey of the Prophet Muhammad from the Grand Mosque in Mecca to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Accompanied by the Archangel Gabriel, this extraordinary journey took place during the night, intertwining the earthly and heavenly realms. Believers believe that the Prophet's soul and body made this sacred journey, emphasizing the deep spiritual connection between humanity and the divine.

  “Miraj: Ascension to heaven

After the Night Journey, the Mi'raj marks the Prophet's ascension through the heavenly spheres led by Gabriel. Passing by the honorable prophets, including Adam, Yahya bin Zakariya, Jesus bin Maryam, Joseph, Idris, Aaron, Moses, and Abraham, the Prophet Muhammad ascended to the Sidra of the End. There he witnessed the splendor of Heaven and the horrors of Hell, and gained an unparalleled vision of the afterlife. This heavenly journey raised the spiritual awareness of the Prophet and strengthened his divine message.

“The divine encounter and the Prophet Muhammad’s vision of his Lord”

At the height of the Ascension, the Prophet Muhammad experienced a profound encounter with his Lord, a moment beyond human comprehension. According to Sunni scholars, he saw his Lord with his own eyes, an intimate relationship that confirms his status as the final messenger. During this meeting, important divine rulings were revealed, including the five obligatory daily prayers, the cornerstone of Islamic worship.

  "Al-Siddiq and Abu Bakr's firm belief"

When the Prophet returned to Mecca, he shared the details of his miraculous journey with his people. While many doubted his account, Abu Bakr, the Prophet's closest companion, believed every word he said. Abu Bakr's steadfast faith and acceptance of the Prophet's experience earned him the title "Al-Siddiq" which denotes an example of truth and certainty.

  "Symbol of spiritual uplift and divine connection."

The journey of Isra and Mi'raj remains a cherished symbol of spiritual ascension and divine connection for Muslims around the world. Beyond its historical significance, it serves as a reminder of the limitless spiritual potential within the human soul and the enduring relationship between the mortal and the divine. This heavenly odyssey stands as a beacon guiding believers to their own paths of faith and enlightenment.

“Support for the Ansar heralds the dawn of Islam in Medina.”

In the heart of the Arabian Desert, against the backdrop of the annual Hajj season, pivotal events are unfolding that shape the course of Islamic history. This story begins in the eleventh year of the Prophet, when the Prophet Muhammad, standing at Aqaba in Mina, encountered six possessed souls from the Khazraj in Yathrib (later known as Medina). Unbeknownst to them, their fate is intertwined with the future of Islam.

“The Prophetic Call and the First Pledge of Allegiance in Aqaba”

In a serious appeal for support, the Prophet Muhammad appealed to the Khazraj community to convert to Islam. A growing sense of urgency surrounded their decision, fueled by Jewish threats of the arrival of a prophet in their midst. These early converts returned to Medina inspired with conviction, and ignited the spark of faith in the hearts of their countrymen.

"Rising Faith: Secret Meetings and the Second Pledge"

Months later, in the thirteenth year of prophecy, an important gathering took place in Aqaba. Seventy men and two women, representing the Ansar, arrived from Medina. Under the sparkling desert sky, they pledged allegiance to Muhammad, promising unwavering loyalty and sacrifice. This sacred bond marked the dawn of a vibrant Islamic community in Medina, planting the seeds of a thriving faith.

  The emergence of leaders:

Amid the enthusiasm of the second pledge of allegiance, leaders appeared, chosen by the Ansar to guide their people. These twelve leaders embodied the spirit of unity and resilience, ensuring community growth and adherence to their new faith. Their commitment laid the foundation for a society that thrives under the banner of Islam.

  "The firm resolve of the Ansar"

In the face of increasing challenges and threats from the Quraysh, the Ansar showed unwavering determination. Saad bin Ubadah, the steadfast believer, faced the wrath of the Quraysh, and was saved only by the courage of Al-Mutim bin Adi and Al-Harith bin Harb bin Umayyah. Their resilience in the face of adversity was an example of the inexhaustible Ansar spirit.

  "The guiding light of Medina"

The Aqaba Treaties became a beacon guiding the Ansar and the entire Islamic nation through trials and victories. Their steadfast support has transformed Medina into a haven of faith and brotherhood, embodying the basic principles of Islam. The Ansar's legacy, rooted in their unwavering determination and loyalty, continues to inspire generations, reminding the world of the profound impact a committed community can have on the course of history.
