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Linguistic miracles in the Qur'an


The Qur’an was revealed, chanted and written down in the Arabic language, and it is still one of the living languages spoken by half a billion Arabs in the world, in addition to another billion non-Arab Muslims who read it and practice their worship in Arabic. This is because Islam is the dominant religion in the Arab world, where the Prophet Muhammad was born, raised and lived, and the message was revealed to him and spread in it. The Qur’an was revealed and the Prophet recited it to memorizers of the Qur’an and began collecting and codifying it during his life. It is authentic and not subject to change and distortion of the meaning that may happen to other heavenly books, as they have been translated throughout the ages into languages other than the ones in which they were revealed.

permanent novelty

Every human speech wears out if it is repeated, and as much as it is repeated, it wears out, and its status falls, but the Qur’an is known for its permanent seriousness, which is not affected by repetition or repetition. New to their tongues, and this is a miraculous sign that is subject to experience from everyone who knows the Arabic language at any time and place, and broadcasts its meanings in all languages, even if we take some neutral opinions on this subject, such as the opinion of the orientalist Lyon, where he said: “According to the Qur’an, majesty and glory that the fourteen centuries that She passed by him, and she could not reduce even a little from his manner, which is still juicy, as if he had known his existence yesterday.

Unique speech

Any speech of any human being on the face of this earth can be combined with other speech, so no one can distinguish his speech that has been merged into it; Because it is possible for people to imitate the words of any writer or poet, but the miraculous aspect here is that if we take a surah from the Qur’an and try to incorporate it into any speech, it must be distinguished on its own and appear on that speech, and for this reason Taha Hussein said about him: “The Qur’an is not prose, just as it is not With poetry, it is the Qur’an, and it cannot be called otherwise than this name.

 It is not poetry, and this is clear, as it was not restricted by the restrictions of poetry, and it is not prose, because it is restricted by restrictions specific to it alone that do not exist in others, and some of which are connected to the end of the verses, with a special vocal tone. The French orientalist Maurice realized this, and said: “The Qur’an is the best book that Divine Providence brought out to human beings, and it is a book about which there is no doubt.” And what the orientalist James Mitches said in his article was: “Perhaps the Qur’an is the most widely read book in the world, and it is certainly the easiest to memorize, and the most effective in the daily life of those who believe in it.”

Scientific Miracles in Quran

Supporters of scientific miracles in the Qur’an believe that the Qur’an refers to many scientific information in a number of verses that were discovered in modern times. Later, as a result, what is known as miraculous literature appeared. It published many books and materials that explain the compatibility of the Qur’an with the requirements of modern science, or the existence of hints or implicit statements confirming scientific facts known later. Among the most prominent writers of scientific miracles are Maurice Bukay and Zaghloul Al-Najjar. It is noteworthy that this type of books and methodology have been criticized by various scientific institutions and fraternities.

In his writings, Maurice Bucaille provided some interpretations of Quranic verses which, according to his method, are consistent with modern science and which were not known in the past. At the end of his experiment, he wrote his famous book, which was translated into seventeen languages (the Torah, the Gospels, and the Holy Qur’an, according to the standard of modern science).

Examples of scientific miracles in the Qur'an

The prevailing belief about the universe from ancient times until the beginning of the 19th century was that the universe was eternal; without beginning or end until the Big Bang theory emerged to confirm that our universe in its first seconds, about 13.8 billion years ago, was created from infinitesimal particles such as quarks, and a few photons and electrons, in a state of extremely high density and enormous temperature, its size increased in the beginning At a great speed, it led to a decrease in its temperature, which allowed the elementary particles to merge to form particles such as protons, neutrons, and hadrons, then the nuclei of simple atoms, then atoms (helium and hydrogen with a little lithium) and form giant clouds of hydrogen, helium, and a little lithium, and then these gas clouds coalesce under The influence of complex cosmic phenomena that depend on nuclear forces, gravitational forces, and electromagnetic forces to form stars and galaxies.

In 1964, the Big Bang theory became the best model for the origin and evolution of the universe, after the discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation, that is, the fossil radiation of the universe that was captured after the universe became transparent. This model allowed scientists to understand most cosmic phenomena. Supporters of the idea of the scientific miracle of the Qur'an see that the Big Bang theory is consistent with a number of verses of the creation of the universe in the Qur'anic text.

The universe is not eternal

The universe is not eternal as was common before the emergence of the theory of the emergence of the universe, and it is possible that it was found out of nowhere, according to the theory of inflation, which says that our universe is a sub-universe inflated within a multiverse, this universe that was created according to physical laws greater than ultra-accurate to produce life from Invisible particles can only be the result of the design of an omniscient and omnipotent Creator, because if protons were only 0.2% heavier, there would be no life, no atoms, no stars, no galaxies, no planets. This is in agreement with the text of the verse: “Creator of the heavens and the earth.

The separation of the heavens from the earth

That the heavens and the earth, according to the theory of eternal inflation, were one substance. Which agrees with the text of the verse: So do they not believe (30) [The Prophets: 30].

The continuous expansion of the sky

The debate about the expansion of the universe began coinciding with the emergence of the Big Bang theory in 1927, when Lemaitre found that the cosmic phenomena resulting from general relativity could not be stable as they were formulated by Einstein in a fixed cosmic position, believing that the universe is fixed. In 1929, Edwin Hubble demonstrated that the universe is expanding, after he noticed a redshift in the spectrum of distant galaxies, which means that they are moving away from each other at a speed proportional to their distances from our galaxy. The theory of the Big Bang and general relativity contributed to the discovery of the phenomenon of the expansion of the universe. This is consistent with the text of the verse: {And the sky We built it with hands, and indeed we are expanding it 47} [Al-Dhariyat: 47].

The universe goes through a smoke phase

The passage of the universe through the phase of smoke (helium and hydrogen with a little lithium) that prevailed before the emergence of stars and galaxies was interpreted as related to the meaning of the verse: Behold, she said, "We come willingly. 11" [Fussilat: 11] ].

Universe collapse

The theory says that the universe is constantly expanding and according to the Friedman equations, when the "energy-matter" density of our universe exceeds the critical density, the gravitational force generated by the mass will become stronger than the expansion force caused by the negative pressure of dark energy, and the universe will end up "collapsing" in on itself and will shrink to a point What is in a situation similar to the one from which it began, in what is called: "big crunch". This is what the advocates of the scientific miracle in the Qur’an see, clearly applies to the verse: Doers 104 ([The Prophets: 104]. Other theories have emerged about the fate of the universe, but the latest scientific developments confirm that our universe is finite and will stop expanding and collapse on itself.

Water and life

The above Qur’anic verse included another scientific fact that does not need clarification, which is that liquid water is an important and essential thing for the existence of life on planet Earth, and there is currently no liquid in the earth that is fit to be a suitable medium for vital interactions in the body of living things other than water, and a researcher has discovered that some Microorganisms such as bacteria can live without air for a period of time, but they cannot do without water at all, as the verse refers to before humans knew this, even if the verse refers to two scientific facts. They believe (Surah Al-Anbiya, verse 30).

Excrement and blood in histopathology

After the advancement of science and the discovery of how milk is formed in cattle, the researchers found that the digestive enzymes turn the food into droppings that travel in the small intestine, where the blood veins - the villi - absorb the dissolved nutrients from between the droppings, and the food flows into the blood, until it reaches the milky glands, and there the milky glands absorb it. The milky materials from which the milk will be from between the blood, so the milk will be formed, which is extracted from between the excrement first, and from between the blood secondly, and that is an explicit text that the verse in the Qur’an says: {And indeed, for you is a lesson in the cattle. pure milk palatable blood 66 For drinkers (An-Nahl: 66)

Low oxygen level when going up to the sky

After man was able to reach the sky by flying by modern means of transportation, it was known that the higher he rose in the atmosphere, the lower the oxygen and atmospheric pressure, which causes severe tightness in the chest and the breathing process, and that is exactly what the verse utters before human flight thirteen centuries of time, as stated in the Qur’an : ) So whoever God wants to guide, He opens his chest to Islam, and whoever God wants to lead astray, He makes his chest tight and uncomfortable, as if He ascends into the heavens. Thus, Allah places filth upon those who do not believe. (125) [Al-An’am:125] God punishes him for misleading him. So his situation when he hears the sermon and what is related to it of faith in Islam, and what afflicts him from severe distress is like the one who ascends to the sky.

The multiple darkness in the depths of the abyssal seas and the waves that cover them

Modern science has revealed that at the bottom of the deep seas that have plenty of water - the rugged sea - are severe darkness, so that living creatures live in these darkness without visual tools, but rather live using their other senses such as hearing, and these dark darkness are not found in the sea water that surrounds the Arabian Peninsula, but rather they discovered it in The oceans that are far from it have plenty of water - the rugged sea - as scientists discovered an internal sea wave that covers the sea, which is longer and wider than the surface wave, and it was also detected by satellites, and the Qur’anic verse says: A cloud of darkness shielded him One on top of another when he puts his hand out he can hardly see it, and for whom God has not made light, he has no light. 40 (An-Nur:40) So these darknesses were formed as a result The deep, rugged sea first, then the internal wave that reflects the rays of the sun, preventing them from penetrating to the bottom second Thirdly, the surface wave that reflects part of the rays, and the clouds that block much of the sun’s rays, preventing them from penetrating downward. Fourthly, they are darkness, one above the other, and their causes are one above the other.

The sea wave and above it another wave

This verse shows another aspect of the Qur’anic miracle, which is that the sea wave that all people knew was only one wave in the seas. Another wave appears that throws divers into it just as it throws swimmers on it, and this wave was discovered by the Scandinavian divers.

The first claim about this sea wave was documented at the end of World War II by the military submarines that were used by the Allies, as the waves of the sonar devices used were reflected to them, then its truth was revealed at the end of the twentieth century through modern research. The scholar Abd al-Majid al-Zindani mentioned it in his book on miracles (Tawhid al-Khaliq).

The nature of mountains as pegs in geology

The stake is planted in the sand to stabilize the tent, and so the mountains have penetrated with their extensions the sticky layer that lies at the bottom of the rocky layer that forms the continents, so it has become for the continents like the stake for the tent, so the stake fixes the tent with the part that is planted in the desert, and so the mountains fix the continents with the part that is planted in the sticky layer that lies Underneath the rocky layer that makes up the continents. And scientists confirmed this scientific fact in earth sciences in 1965, and they knew that if the mountains had not been created like pegs, the continents would have circled {and the mountains as pegs 7} [Al-Naba: 7], and the earth would tremble and tremble from under our feet. The Qur’an reminds us of this fact by saying: They move with you, and rivers, and paths, so that you may be guided. 15( [Al-Nahl:15] If making the mountains like pegs so that the earth does not move with us is the best evidence of its movement. .

Wind, pollination and rain

The Qur’an mentions: Wind pollination of plants by transferring pollen grains to the female parts of flowers for fertilization and fruit formation to take place, and the wind also stirs up the clouds By providing the air with the necessary moisture, and sending winds with different intentions of condensation helps the water vapor in the clouds to condense, and it also helps the water droplets condensed in the clouds to grow further until they reach the mass that allows them to fall as rain.

Earth's rotation around itself

The Qur’an states: Wen 88 ([An-Naml:88], which indicates that the mountains rotate rapidly like clouds, but the person sees them as fixed and stable, and there is a difference in what is meant. From the verse where Ibn Uthaymeen said that the verse is talking about the Day of Resurrection and not about the world.

The shooting star

God Almighty swore by great stars, and He said {By the sky and Al-Tareq 1, and what will make you understand what Al-Tareq 2 is the piercing star 3} [Al-Tareq: 1-3] and it is believed that they are the pulsating stars (in English: pulsating stars) because they make sounds like the sound of knocking. NASA scientists confirm that these stars make pulsating or pulsating sounds.

There is a neutron star called the pulsar, which is the remnants of huge suns (larger than our sun), with a high density in the stage of its annihilation, so it rotates at a very high speed. This pulsar is the concentrated core of a mortal star during a supernova (the explosion of a star's outer layers). It emits electromagnetic radiation that continues until its final death time, after 10-100 million years, and it emits these radiations on the straightness of its magnetic axis resulting from its rotation, which is not the axis of its rotation itself, which leads to seeing the radiation once in each of the cycles of this star. It gives the pulsating characteristic of this star (as in the picture), and it makes a sound because of the compressional waves that it causes in space. As this radiation has the ability to melt any cosmic body that falls in its path, it is also piercing. 

Professor Richard Rothschild of the University of California confirms that pulsars are produced by star explosions and emit huge amounts of radiation that are considered the brightest and act like a hammer that strikes, saying, “This explosion was similar to hitting a neutron star with a giant hammer, and this is what makes the star ring like a bell.” This researcher confirms that the light emanating from such explosions is very great, as this star emits within a tenth of a second what the sun emits during 150,000 years of light.

Corruption in the environment

The appearance of corruption, which includes land and sea, and the Qur’an expressed this by saying: Nun 41 ([Al-Rum: 41] and described it as the past, because the Qur’an only speaks the truth, so the future for God is a reality An inevitable event, as if it occurred in the past and the matter is over, and therefore the expression of this scientific fact came in the past. The verse also talked about the one responsible for this environmental corruption and identified the perpetrator, which is the human being, and talked about the possibility of returning to reason and logic and working to restore balance to the earth.


The Qur’an states: It would have fallen if they only knew 41 (Al-Ankabut: 41)

In it, the spider is treated as the feminine, even though the word spider is masculine in the Arabic language, and modern science has discovered that the one who builds the spider’s house is the female spider only through a special spindle located at the end of her abdomen, and there is no similar one for the male. Also, the likeness of God is those who take guardians other than God, such as those who take the spider's house as a refuge. Science recently revealed the secret of that analogy, as the spider's house is the furthest from the house to the house, with what the house needs in terms of safety, tranquility and tranquility.

 The female spider is the one who builds the house and spins its threads, and she is the ruler in it and kills the male after he fertilizes her and eats him. This is why the male tends to flee after he fertilizes his female and does not try to put his foot in her house, and the children eat each other after emerging from the eggs, and the female spider spins her house to be a trap and ambush. It kills insects, and everyone who enters the house, including visitors and guests, is killed and devoured, as it is the weakest of homes for those who try to take refuge in it.

the crow

The Qur’an states: To this crow, let me cover the nakedness of my brother, so he has become one of the repentant (31) [Al-Maa’idah: 31] And in it is the crow’s specialization in concealing its crime, and scientific studies have proven that the crow It is the smartest and cunning bird, and he explains that the crow has the largest size of the two hemispheres of the brain in relation to the size of the body in all known birds. Among the information proven by studies of the behavior of the animal world is the courts of crows, in which the group prosecutes any individual who deviates from its system, and each crime in the group of crows has its own punishment.


It was known to people in the past that masculinity and femininity exist only in humans and animals, but in plants, people did not know the truth about this matter except at the present time with the science of botany, with the advancement of the anatomy of plants, while the Qur’an mentioned this in its saying: {Glory be to Him who created The spouses are all of what the earth grows and of themselves and of what they do not know (36) [Yasin:36] just as people in the past were ignorant of the reality of plants and their composition, and modern science has revealed that plants consist of one basic material: (carbon, hydrogen, and nitrate gin, sulfur or phosphorus) and some Other insignificant substances, however, the reason for the difference in the proportion of chemical compositions in the plant is due to the different weights of the plant in each of them, and that the root of each plant does not absorb substances from the earth except in specific balanced amounts, and thus the Qur’an spoke to us about this scientific fact by saying: {And the earth We extended it. And We cast therein firm mountains, and We caused therein to grow of all things in balance (19) [Al-Hijr:19].

Superposition in love and fruits in plants and green pigment

In the past, people did not know how the seeds and fruits are formed in the plant, just as they were ignorant of how the different parts of the plant are formed, and scientists started studying botany and how the plant forms its grains and fruits. Where they found that in the plant there are small green plants - chloroplasts - that give the plant its green color and from which the nutrients that make up the grains, fruits, and other parts of it come out. After watering it with water, the plant emerges from the seeds in the ground, and these green plants are the first to emerge from the grain when its growth begins, and as the verse said in the Qur’an: Damage We bring forth from it overlapping grains, and from palm trees from Its sprouts are close to each other, and gardens of grapes, olives, and pomegranates are suspicious and not alike. Look at its fruit when it grows. Verily, there are signs in that for people who believe (99) [Al-An’am: 99] So the verse referred to the fact that green matter comes out of it grains and fruits overlapping, so the talk here is about the green pigment known as chlorophyll, not about the plant.

The positions of the stars in astrophysics and they are not what you see

The one who looks at the sky thinks the stars are close, but the scientific progress in the sciences of astrophysics came to show us that the distances between the stars and their locations are too great to be imagined or imagined by a human mind, and from these stars their light went out a long time ago, some of them are light years away. From Earth, including several million light-years away. What we see in reality are the locations they left in ancient times, and this fact remained unknown until the beginning of the twentieth century, when astronomical observatories showed the distance to these celestial bodies and the fact that we only see their locations that they left, and these stars shoot out into space at a great speed whose range is unknown while they shine And its light emanates from around it, and it is as the verse said:

The hail from above is like mountains in cumulonimbus clouds

One of the advantages of cumulus clouds is that they extend vertically to a height of fifteen kilometers or more, and thus appear to those who look at them from a distance as tall mountains. The opportunity for growth in the vertical direction provides the emergence of cumulus clouds through layers of the atmosphere whose temperatures vary greatly, thus creating vertical vortices and generating hail grains, and for this reason, the cumulus cloud is the only one capable of generating icy hail grains, and this is a scientific fact in itself that is explained by the verse: {Have you not seen That God stirs the clouds, then joins them together, then makes them into a heap, and you see the precipitation coming out through it and descending from the sky from There are mountains in which there is hail, so He strikes with it whom He wills, and diverts it from whom He wills.

 The sharpness of His lightning almost takes away the sight (43) [An-Nur: 43] And this is how the first part of verse stages Cumulus rain clouds are formed, although man did not reach this fact until recently, and when scientists used radar in the aftermath of World War II, it became clear to them that clouds begin in the form of several cells or units of clouds raised by air currents, then they unite and form cumulus clouds, and then allocate them with growth It is not necessary for the hail to fall from the cloud as soon as it forms, as the ascending air current may prevent it from descending in a specific place, even if this stream weakens, the hail falls in the form of relentless aggregates, as if The cloud exploded, and this explains to us what is meant by saying: (So He afflicts whom He wills and turns it away from whom He wills).

Nebulae and their formation in the astronomy outside the galaxy

The truth about the expansion of the universe, and this appears in the Qur’an: Bohra The universe contains columns of nebulae, and contains bridges of galaxies, and also contains great threads, each thread consisting of thousands of galaxies and extending to hundreds of billions of light years.

Gravitational forces between stars and planets

It is mentioned in the Qur’an as saying: “Allah is He who raised the heavens without pillars that you can see, then established Himself over the Throne, and subjugated the sun and the moon, each of which flows for He has a name that manages the matter, detailing the verses, so that you may be certain of meeting your Lord (2) [Ar-Ra’d: 2] And cosmic studies indicate the presence of hidden forces, in the initial building blocks Matter governs the construction of the universe and holds its limbs, and among the forces that scientists have recognized in both the earth and the sky are four images that are believed to be multiple aspects of one superpower, which apply to the various aspects of the universe. to tie it with a close bond, otherwise it will not untie, and these forces are: (1) the strong nuclear force (2) the weak nuclear force (3) the electromagnetic force (electromagnetism) (4) the gravitational force. These four forces are the hidden pillars upon which the universe is based, and scientists have realized them through their apparent and hidden effects on all the observable things of the universe.

In the short term, the gravitational force is considered the weakest of the forces known to us, and is equal to (10-39) of the strong nuclear force. Were it not for this governing bond, which God placed in the earth and in the bodies of the sky, the earth would not exist, nor would the sky exist. And if this bond were removed, the knot of the universe would have been untangled, and its components would have collapsed.

The height of the sky and the flattening of the earth

{And the earth after that he spread it out (30)} [Al-Nazi`at: 30] And the meaning of flattening it means spreading it out so that it is fit for humans and plants. And it appears that the earth, upon its separation, began to rotate and roll in its path, and it continues to roll and fluctuate as it runs in its orbit.

phases of the moon

Phases and shapes of the moon, movement in known houses, and the distinction between sunlight and moonlight, according to what came to us in modern science. {And the moon We ordained it in mansions until it returned like the ancient crescent, 39} [Ya-Sin: 39] Where this verse establishes the truth about the reason for changing the shape of the moon every month, and it moves it in known phases (locations) until it returns to a crescent as it began, and the crescent is an expression of the shape of the curved crescent. {And He placed the moon in them as a light, and placed the sun as a lamp, 16} [Noah:16] Where we find in this verse the distinction between the light of the moon and the sun, and so on, all the verses of the Qur’an describe the sun as a bright, glowing lamp, while the Qur’anic verses describe the moon as a light, so the difference is clear in the expression and indicates A clear scientific fact, which is that scientific progress has proven that the light of the sun emanates from itself, and it is like a burning lamp, while the moon is only a reflection from the sun, so it is not from itself, and it was illuminated by the light of the sun.

runoff of the sun

{And the sun runs for a stationary place for it. That is the decree of the Mighty, the All-Knowing. 38} [Yasin: 38] Scientists in the past century believed that the sun is the center of the universe and that it is fixed in its size, mass, and location, and that everything moves around it, but the sun runs and moves.

We have sent Our Messengers with clear proofs, and We have sent down with them the Book and the Balance so that people may uphold justice, and We have sent down iron. In it is great strength and benefits for people, and that God may know who helps Him and His Messengers in the unseen. Indeed, God is Strong, Mighty. 25 (Al-Hadid:25) Iron has many facts, including the sending down of iron from the sky The path of meteorites falling to Earth.

Studies and research

In February 2017, Stephanie Bigliari conducted a study on claims of scientific miracles in the Qur’an, in which he concluded that claims of miracles are nothing but a mixture of pseudoscientific claims and conspiracy theories, which may harm believers more than they benefit.

Lectures by Zaghloul Al-Najjar

In April 2017, Zaghloul Al-Najjar attended the Fourth International Conference on Qur’anic Sciences, and was surprised at the meeting by criticism and questions questioning the credibility of scientific miracles. He was forced to describe the Moroccan youth who criticized him as “a bunch of bad guys.”

Zakir Naik Lectures

In a scholarly response to one of Zakir Naik’s lectures that he delivered to emphasize the Qur’an’s prediction of the Big Bang and the merging of the earth and the heavens, he explains the scientific errors mentioned as follows:

When the Qur’an speaks that the heavens and the earth were connected and then separated, this is a clear scientific error, since if we consider what is meant by the heavens as what our current universe consists of, then the earth and the heavens are still one component until this moment, and it cannot be said in any way about their adhesion or separation. It is like looking at the sky from the earth and seeing the moon, or looking at the sky from the moon and seeing the earth.

The belief that the process of separation from the mixture occurred together at the same time is also wrong if what is meant is the formation of the Earth, as the process of formation of the universe passed through billions of years of cosmic dust, atoms and nebulae until it was the turn of the Earth to form after that.

Salafi opinion

Salafist scholars and thinkers were divided between two groups, with the street believing in Islamic Salafism behind them. Some of them support the scientific discoveries in the Qur’an and even the Sunnah of the Prophet, which were stipulated by contemporary scholars and which were difficult to discover or heal in the ancient times, and some of them oppose this link between the natural sciences and the Quranic sciences, complaining In these discoveries, because, in their opinion, they were made at the hands of humans, and humans are often mistaken a lot in their instinct, which makes them incompatible with the Qur’an revealed by God, which opens doubt and slander in Islam.
