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The migration of the Prophet to Medina



migration to the city

When the affliction intensified on the Muslims after the second pledge of allegiance to Aqaba, Muhammad authorized his companions to migrate to Medina, so they began to go out and hide that, so the first person to come to Medina was Abu Salama bin Abd al-Assad, then the Muslims presented messengers, so they descended on the Ansar in their turn, so they sheltered and supported them. None of them remained in Makkah except for the Prophet Muhammad, Abu Bakr, and Ali bin Abi Talib, or those intrigued or imprisoned or weak from leaving.

And when the Quraysh saw the Muslims leaving, they feared the exit of Muhammad, so they gathered in Dar al-Nadwa, and agreed to take a young man from each tribe of Quraysh, so they would kill Muhammad, and his blood would be dispersed among the tribes. So Gabriel told Muhammad the news and ordered him not to sleep in his bed that night, so Muhammad ordered Ali to sleep in his place to pay the trusts that he had and then join him. And those people gathered at his door, but he came out of their hands, and none of them saw him, while he was urging dirt on their heads, following verses from Surat Ya-Sin.

 So he came to Abu Bakr, and Abu Bakr had prepared two camels for travel, so Muhammad gave them to Abdullah bin Ariqat, on the condition that he would meet them in the Cave of Thawr after three nights, and be a guide for them,so they went out on the night of Safar 27 in the year 14 of the Prophethood, corresponding to September 12, 622 AD. And Abu Bakr carried all his money, and with him five thousand or six thousand dirhams, so he went to the cave of Thawr, so they entered it, and the spider struck its door with a nest, and the Quraysh made 100 camels in it when they lost it for whoever returns it to them. before Muhammad was born.

” So they left. Muhammad and Abu Bakr stayed in the cave for three nights, with Abdullah bin Abi Bakr staying the night, until they left the cave on the 1st of Rabi` al-Awwal, or the 4th of Rabi` al-Awwal. And while they were on the way, Suraqah bin Malik appeared to them while he was on his mare, so Muhammad called on him, and his horse’s legs were firmly fixed, so he said, “O Muhammad,pray to God to release my horse and turn away from you and return from behind me.” You have what is here, so turn away from it.

Muhammad arrived in Quba on Monday, the 8th of Rabi` al-Awwal, or the 12th of Rabi` al-Awwal. Ali bin Abi Talib stayed in Makkah for three nights and days until he paid the deposits that Muhammad had with the people, until when he finished with them, he joined Muhammad and stayed with him at Kulthum bin Hadam. Muhammad and his companions stayed in Quba with Bani Amr Ibn Auf for 4 days, and he established the Quba Mosque for them, then he moved to Medina, and entered it on Friday 12 Rabi` al-Awwal, year 1 AH, corresponding to September 27, 622 AD, and his age at that time was 53 years. From that day on, it was called the city of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, after it was Yathrib. And when he entered the city, riding his camel Al-Qaswa

The supporters objected to him telling him to go down to them, so he told them, “She is commanded, so let her go.” Until she finished, she was buried in a cemetery for two orphan boys from Bani al-Najjar, so he ordered the building of a mosque on it, which is the Prophet’s Mosque now. His journey.” And As’ad ibn Zarara came and took the reins of his camel, and it was with him, and female slave girls from the Banu al-Najjar came out rejoicing at his arrival while they were beating the tambourine chanting: “We are a slave from the Banu al-Najjar, O beloved Muhammad, who is a slave.” 

And the first thing he spoke in Medina was when he said: “O people, spread peace, feed food, uphold ties of kinship, and pray while people are asleep, and you will enter Paradise in peace.” A few days later, his wife, Sawda bint Zamaa, and his two daughters, Fatima, Umm Kulthum, Osama bin Zaid, and Umm Ayman, arrived with them. , After her husband was captured by the Muslims, then he was released on the condition that he let Zainab migrate to Medina.

Umar ibn al-Khattab took the event of migration as the beginning of Islamic history, but they delayed that from Rabi` al-Awwal to Muharram because the beginning of the determination to migrate was in Muharram, as the second pledge of allegiance to Aqaba was during Dhul-Hijjah, so the first crescent to start after the pledge of allegiance and determination to migrate was the crescent of Muharram It was the beginning of Islamic history, called the Hijri calendar. While the Shiites see that the Hijri date was placed in the time of Muhammad, and Muhammad himself dated it more than once.

his life in the city

The first thing that the Prophet Muhammad started was the construction of the mosque, so he chose for him the place where his camel sat, so he bought it from two boys who owned it for ten dinars, which he paid from Abu Bakr’s money, according to the Sunnis. And Muhammad used to transport bricks with them in building it, and three doors were made for him, and its length from the qiblah to the back was made 100 cubits, and on both sides the same or less than that, and his qiblah was made for Al-Aqsa Mosque until the order was revealed to shift the qiblah to the Kaaba after sixteen months of immigration (2 AH),

 At the will of Muhammad. And he built houses next to him, which are the rooms of his wives, to which he moved after the completion of construction from the house of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari after he stayed with him from the month of Rabi` al-Awwal to the month of Safar 2 AH. And after the qiblah was directed towards the Kaaba in a month, the month of Ramadan was imposed in Sha’ban at the head of the eighteen months of the Hijrah, and Muhammad commanded in this year to pay zakat al-Fitr, and that was before zakat was imposed on funds.

Five months after his arrival, he made a brotherhood between the Muhajireen and the Ansar in the house of Anas bin Malik, and they were 90 men, half of them from the Muhajirun, and half of them from the Ansar, until there was not one of the Muhajirun left but a brother between him and my Ansar. Muhammad said to them, “Brothers for God’s sake, two brothers.” Then he took Ali ibn Abi Talib’s hand and said, “This is my brother.” The Ansar used to divide their money and homes with the immigrants, and they inherited after death without the relatives until the Battle of Badr. the brothers. Al-Baladhuri mentioned that Muhammad had made brotherhood among the immigrants themselves in Makkah before the migration, and supported the occurrence of the Shiites, while Ibn Al-Qayyim and Ibn Katheer of the Sunnis suggested that it did not occur.

Then Muhammad organized the relations between the inhabitants of Medina, and wrote a book in that which he called the constitution of Medina or the newspaper, and this book aimed to clarify the obligations of all parties within Medina from immigrants, supporters and Jews, and to define rights and duties, as it stipulated an alliance of different tribes in the event of an attack on City. He made a covenant with the Jews, bid farewell to them, and approved their religion and their money. 

The document contained 52 items, 25 of which were related to Muslim affairs and 27 related to the relationship between Muslims and people of other religions, especially Jews and idol worshipers, so some historians suggested that it was originally two documents and not one document, the first (the Treaty of the Jews) was written in the year 1 AH before Battle of Badr, and the second (between the immigrants and the Ansar in particular) after Badr in the year 2 AH.
