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From Battlefield to Holy Ground The Remarkable Tale of Mecca's Conquest



The conquest of Mecca

One of the results of the Hudaybiyah Treaty was that the Khuza’a tribe entered into the alliance of Muhammad, and the Banu Bakr bin Abd Manat bin Kinana in the Quraysh alliance, and between the Banu al-Dail bin Bakr and the Khuza’a there were wars and deaths in the pre-Islamic period, so they were preoccupied with that when Islam appeared, so they stayed in that truce for about seven or The eighteen months, then the Banu al-Dail bin Bakr raided the Khuza’a on a water of theirs called “al-Watir” at night, and they killed some of them, and the Quraysh supplied the Banu al-Dail bin Bakr with weapons, and some of them fought with them. When the war was over, Amr bin Salem Al-Khuza'i went out until he came to Muhammad while he was sitting in the mosque

Muhammad said to him, “You have been helped, O Amr.” Then Abu Sufyan bin Harb came from Mecca, wanting to renew the peace treaty, but he was refused. Then Muhammad ordered the preparation of the army and the movement towards Mecca, and he concealed that until the Quraish were overtaken, and the Bedouins and the Muslim tribes mobilized, so he set out with 10,000 fighters on the 10th of Ramadan 9 AH, and the people at that time were fasting. 

And when he was in Al-Juhfa, his uncle Al-Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib met him, and he had gone out with his family and children as an emigrant Muslim, then when he was in Al-Abwa, he was met by his cousin Abu Sufyan bin Al-Harith and his cousin Abdullah bin Abi Umayyah, so he embraced Islam, then he encamped with the army in Mar Dhahran and 10,000 fires were lit, so Abu Sufyan bin Harb groped,so Al-Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib met him and brought him to Muhammad, so Abu Sufyan embraced Islam. On Tuesday, the 17th of Ramadan in the year 8 AH, the army continued its march to Mecca. In the meantime, Saad bin Ubadah passed by Abu Sufyan, saying: “Today is the day of the battle, today the Kaaba is to be purified.

Then Abu Sufyan returned to Mecca and began to pronounce the words that Muhammad had given him: “Whoever enters the house of Abu Sufyan is safe!” And whoever closes his door is safe! And whoever enters the mosque is safe.” Then the army entered Makkah distributing, so Khalid bin Al-Walid and those with him entered it from the bottom of it, and Al-Zubayr bin Al-Awam and those with him entered it from the top, and Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah entered it from the bottom of the valley.

 And he commanded them not to fight except those who fought them, and at that time the blood of nine people was wasted, and he commanded to kill them even if they were found under the covers of the Kaaba, so no fighting took place except for what was from Khalid bin Al-Walid and those with him, as they killed 12 men. Then the army reached the Kaaba,and they entered the mosque, so Muhammad approached the Black Stone, grabbed it, then circumambulated the House, holding a bow in his hand, and around the House 360 idols, so he stabbed them with the bow and said {Truth has come and falsehood perished, for falsehood was perishing} and the idols fall on their faces. 

Then he addressed the Quraysh and said, “O people of Quraysh, what do you think that I am doing to you?” They said, “Well, a generous brother and a generous nephew.” He said, “I say as my brother Yusuf said: Do not reprimand you today. God will forgive you, and He is the Most Merciful of the merciful. Then he came to Mount Al-Safa, and he did it where he looked at the house, so he raised his hands and began to remember God as he wished to remind him and call upon him, while the Ansar were below him saying to each other, “As for the man,I realized his desire for his village and compassion for his clan.” So the revelation came to him with what they say, so he said: “O community of supporters, you said: “As for the man, I realized him out of desire for his village and compassion for his clan”? They said: “We said that, O Messenger of God.” He said: “So what is my name?

The reactions of the Arab tribes to the conquest of Mecca

Shortly after the conquest of Mecca, the tribes of Hauzan, Thaqif, and some of the Bani Hilal allied, and they resolved to fight the Muslims, so they went out with their money, children, and women, which makes them fight to the death. When Muhammad heard about them while he was in Makkah, he went out on the Battle of Hunayn on Saturday, Shawwal 6 in the year 8 AH, and that was the nineteenth day from the day he entered Makkah, and 12,000 fighters went out with him. 

And when the Muslims reached “Wadi Hunayn,” Hawzan surprised them and attacked them with a trap they had set for them, so the Muslims fled, and Muhammad stood firm and a group of immigrants and his household fled, so Muhammad began to call out, “I am the Prophet. He threw pebbles at Hawzan's faces, then said, "They were defeated, by the Lord of Muhammad!" Then Hawzan and Thaqif were defeated, and most of them fled to Taif. And it was sent down from the Qur’an: God gave you victory on many occasions, and on the day of Hunayn, when you were amused by your abundance, but it did not avail you anything, and you were distressed. 

The earth overwhelmed you with what it welcomed, then you turned your backs, running away. Then God sent down His tranquility upon His Messenger and upon the believers, and He sent down For soldiers that you have not seen, and those who disbelieve are tormented, and that is the recompense of the unbelievers.The earth overwhelmed you with what it welcomed, then you turned your backs, running away. 

Then God sent down His tranquility upon His Messenger and upon the believers, and He sent down For soldiers that you have not seen, and those who disbelieve are tormented, and that is the recompense of the unbelievers.The earth overwhelmed you with what it welcomed, then you turned your backs, running away. Then God sent down His tranquility upon His Messenger and upon the believers, and He sent down For soldiers that you have not seen, and those who disbelieve are tormented, and that is the recompense of the unbelievers.

After Muhammad finished the Battle of Hunayn, and in the same month, he went to Taif, chasing Hawzan and Thaqif after they had barricaded themselves there. The Battle of Taif was besieged by the Islamic armies for 40 days. When the siege was prolonged, Muhammad said, “We have not been authorized until now against them, and I do not think that we will open it now.” And he ordered the people to return and lift the siege, until they reached “Al-Ja’rana.” A delegation of Hawazin Muslims came to him there.

In Rajab of the year 9 AH, the invasion of Tabuk, the last of Muhammad's invasions, took place, after news arrived from the land of the Romans stating that the king of the Romans and his Arab allies from Lakhm, Judham, Ghassan and Amila had prepared an army to attack the Islamic state. He urged the people to go out and told them the place he wanted to prepare.

 Because of the intense heat and long travel, and he sent to the Arab tribes to mobilize them to fight the Romans, so he went out with 30,000 fighters, accompanied by 10,000 Persians, and appointed Muhammad bin Maslama over Medina, and a number of Muslims left behind without excuse, including Kaab bin Malik, Hilal bin Rabi`, Marara bin Rabi` and Abu Khaithama Al-Salmi and Abu Dhar Al-Ghafari (and Abu Dhar and Abu Khaithama joined him later),and they crossed thousands of miles during which they suffered thirst, hunger, heat, and lack of means to ride, so it was called the “Invasion of Al-Usra”, and the army was called “the Army of Al-Usra.

” When he reached Tabuk, he stayed there for 20 nights, and when the Romans and their allies heard of the advance of the Islamic armies, they were terrified, and dispersed in the country within their borders, then the Muslim army left Tabuk without a fight, and presented Medina in the month of Ramadan in the year 9 AH, and made the Muslims sell their weapons and say “The jihad has come to an end.” This reached Muhammad, so he forbade them and said, “A group of my nation will continue to strive for the truth until the antichrist appears.” Many verses from Surat Al-Tawbah were revealed about that battle and its circumstances.Many historians doubt the occurrence of this invasion, based on the absence of any mention of it

In the same month of Ramadan, a Thaqif delegation came to Medina as Muslims. Then, in Dhul-Qa`dah or Dhul-Hijjah of the year 9 AH, he sent Muhammad Abu Bakr as the ruler of the Hajj, to perform the rituals for the Muslims. So he went out with 300 men from Medina, and Muhammad sent 20 camels with him. In that period, the various Arab tribes began to come to Muhammad in Medina and declare their conversion to Islam. The invasion of Tabuk and the Islam of Thaqif, and before the conquest of Mecca, were the biggest reason for those delegations. 

Almost seventy delegations came between the years 9 AH and 10 AH to Medina to declare their conversion to Islam, until the year 9 AH was called the year of delegations. Among those who came was the delegation of the Abd al-Qais tribe,the delegation of Kinana (including the delegation of Bani Abd ibn Uday and the delegation of Bani Laith), the delegation of Daus, the delegation of Hamadan, the delegation of Bani al-Harith ibn Ka’b, the Banu Athrah, the delegation of Bili, the delegation of Bani Hanifa, the delegation of Bani Shayban and the delegation of Juhayna.

 The Azd delegation, the delegation of Tai’, the delegation of Bani Aamer bin Sa’sa’a, the delegation of Jarm, the delegation of Banu Tajib, the delegation of Khawlan, the delegation of Salim, the delegation of Bani Bakr bin Wael, the delegation of Taghlib, the delegation of Muzaina, the delegation of Judham, the delegation of the Ash’aris, the delegation of Mahra, the delegation of Bariq, and the delegation The delegation of Himyar, the delegation of Bagila, the delegation of Al-Nakh`, the delegation of Sadaf,the delegation of Ghassan, the delegation of Anas, the delegation of Kinda, the delegation of Zabid, the delegation of Murad, the delegation of Tamim, the delegation of Bani Asad, the delegation of Fazara, the delegation of Saad bin Bakr, the delegation of Bani Kilab, and the delegation of Bani Aqil bin Kaab The delegation of Banu Qushayr bin Ka`b, the delegation of Bahla, the delegation of Banu Hilal and others.
