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Unlocking the Enigma: White Musk's Intricate Chemistry and Captivating Effects



White Musk and Legal Rooting

First: white musk and legal rooting:  

Musk is the king of all kinds of perfumes, the most honorable and the best, and it is the dunes of Paradise and its soil.

Al-Tabari mentioned in his interpretation on the authority of Safwan bin Amr, on the authority of Abi Al-Yaman Al-Hawzani, he said: ((Paradise is one hundred degrees, the first of which is a degree of silver, its land is silver, its dwellings are silver, its utensils are silver, and its soil is musk. The second is gold, its land is gold, its dwellings are gold, and its utensils are gold. Its soil is musk, the third is pearls, its land is pearls, its dwellings are pearls, its utensils are pearls, its soil is musk, and ninety-seven after that is what no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human heart has conceived. eyes as a reward for what they used to do} [Al-Sajdah: 17]. 

Musk was mentioned in the Holy Qur’an in Surat Al-Mutaffifin in the Almighty’s saying: ((Its end is musk, and in that let the competitors compete)) [Al-Mutaffifin: 26].

Ibn Masoud said about his saying: (its end is musk) meaning: mixed with musk.

Al-Awfi said on the authority of Ibn Abbas: May God bless them with wine, and the last thing He made in it was a musk that was sealed with a musk.

Ibn Jarir al-Tabari said: On the authority of Abu Darda: (Its seal is musk), he said: A white drink like silver, with which they seal their drink, and if a man from the people of the world inserted his finger in it, and then took it out, there would be no soul left without finding its perfume.

Then al-Tabari said: And the first of the sayings in this regard with us to be correct is the saying of those who said: The meaning of that: the end of it and its end is musk: that is, it is a good smell, because its smell at the end of their drinking ends with the smell of musk.

And it was proven on the authority of Abu Saeed Al-Khudri, may God be pleased with him, that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “The best perfume is musk.” Narrated by Muslim.

Al-Nawawi said: ((His saying - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -: (the best of perfumes) indicates that he is the best and best perfume, and that he is pure.

And on the authority of Aisha, may God be pleased with her: ((I used to perfume the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, before he entered ihram and on the Day of Sacrifice, and before he circumambulated the House with perfume containing musk)) [Sahih Muslim].

On the authority of Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari - may God be pleased with him - that the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: “The likeness of a good companion and a bad companion is like that of the carrier of musk and the blower of the blacksmith’s bellows. And the bellows: Either he will burn your clothes, or you will find a stench from him) [Bukhari and Muslim].

Ibn Hajar said in Fath Al-Bari: ((And in it is the permissibility of selling musk and ruling that it is pure, because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, praised it, encouraged it, and settled in it. Consensus on the purity of musk, and the permissibility of selling it)).

On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: ((Fasting is a shield, so it is not obscene or ignorant, and If someone kills him or insults him, let him say: I am fasting twice, and by the One in Whose hand is my soul, the mouth of the fasting person is better with God. higher than the wind of musk, leaves Fasting is for Me, and I will reward it for it, and a good deed is ten times as much.” [Al-Bukhari: 1761].

And Ibn Hajar explained in Fath Al-Bari that the angels like the scent of musk, and that musk brings one closer to God, and its owner will be rewarded.

Ibn Hajar said in Fath Al-Bari: ((It was said: What is meant is that this is in the case of the angels, and that they like the smell of good-bye more than they like the smell of musk, and it was said The meaning is that the rule of khuluf and musk is with God against what is with you, and it is close to the first. God Almighty will reward him in the Hereafter, so his flavor will be better than the wind of musk, as the bereaved comes and the wind of his wound smells of musk. What is meant is that its owner receives from the reward that is better than the smell of musk, especially in addition to the horses. ma'a: meaning that the horse It is more rewarding than touching someone who is delegated to him in gatherings and gatherings of dhikr, and al-Nawawi favored the latter, and the result is that he carries the meaning of good, p. To me is acceptance and contentment)).

And he said in ((al-Muntaqa Sharh al-Muwatta)) his saying: It is better in the sight of God than the wind of musk. Musk has three aspects: one of which is that its owner finds it It is better with God than the scent of musk. Because he attains more reward for her than the one who perfumes himself with musk, and it is possible that he wants her to marry her. A fragrant fragrance in a place described as being more fragrant with God than the fragrant scent of good musk, and the third is that the Creator Almighty benefits it for the fasting person. There is something that benefits the smell of musk to its owner.

Second: The benefits of white musk: 

White Musk and Legal Rooting

Musk is considered tonic for the heart and is beneficial for palpitations and flatulence in the intestines and its toxins.

It is used in eye-stimulating medicines, it brightens its delicate whiteness, dries its moisture, and removes wind.

A stimulant for baldness and beneficial for cold ailments in the head.

It is useful if you catch a cold.

One of the best antidotes for snake prey.

Safe, gentle and harmless disinfectant.

Eliminates fungus, bacteria and vaginal secretions.

Eliminates itching, allergies and inflammation.

Helps procreate and stabilize pregnancy.

It protects, God willing, from uterine cancer.

Third: The effect of white musk on magic and touch:

Ibn al-Qayyim, may God have mercy on him, said: Musk has a characteristic that the angels love it, and the devils repel it, and the most beloved thing to the devils is the foul, stench. And the good ones are for the good women, and it is known that musk is very useful in cases of witchcraft, love, and general touching, and its smell repels the devils from it, and reduces their sexual harassment and organic diseases, and this is proven and proven.

This is measured by that from his hadith, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him ((Whoever eats garlic and onions, should not come near our mosque, for the angels are offended by what offends the sons of Adam)) [Bukhari and Muslim].

Fourth: Characteristics of Misk:   

The pure white open musk is first class, and its density is high.

The product is for opening to treat and prevent cases of touch, witchcraft and envy.

It smells good and lasts for as long as possible, and it can be used as an air freshener for homes and mosques.

The product is available in multiple weight packages, one kilogram, one and a half kilograms, 250 grams, and 125 grams.

Musk is sold at competitive prices: 550 pounds per kilo, 275 pounds per half kilo, 150 pounds per 250 grams, and 75 pounds per 125 grams.

The packaging is first-class that does not interact with the product, sealed, inside a closed plastic bag, and a color carton box, to prevent imitation.

Shipping costs are added to the value of the product, and it varies from one place to another inside and outside Egypt.

You can receive the product from the headquarters of Al-Fateh Packaging and Packaging Company in 6th of October City without shipping charges.

White Musk and Legal Rooting

Fifth: How to use white musk:   

After bathing, the body is dried and perfumed with a little white musk.

A drop of it can be placed on the pulse areas (the wrist, the inside of the elbow, the elbow) and in the inner areas of the body, and a drop of it can be wiped on the underwear.

It can be placed behind the ear and neck.

It can be diluted with rose water.

It can be used as a body spray.

With regard to the treatment of touching and witchcraft: using legal ruqyah or reciting it while spraying white musk heavily in the corners of the house with His saying - the Most High -: {They do not listen to the assembly above, and they hurl hurls from every side} [Al-Safat: 8].

And His saying - the Most High -: {Allah will suffice you for them, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing} [Al-Baqara: 137].

Sixth: Using the opening musk to fortify the house and expel the devil:   

Reciting (The Opening of the Book), the first five verses of Surat Al-Baqarah, and (Ayat Al-Kursi) a hundred times, and the last two verses of Surat Al-Baqara, and the openings of (Hamm Al-Mu’min, which is Surah Forgiver), and the beginning of Al-Safat, and the endings of Surat Al-Hashr, and Surat Al-Ikhlas, and Al-Mu’awdhatayn three times Sprinkle the place with white musk.

Basmala and remembrance of God when entering the place and when leaving it.

Say three times: (In the name of God, with whose name nothing harms on earth or in heaven, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. I seek refuge in the perfect words of God from the evil of what He created) and sprinkle the place with white musk.

Call to prayer for a week in each room seven times, after sunset and dinner or dawn, and the place should be sprayed with white musk.

A quantity of water over which the indicated verses are recited, and a measure of rose water and white musk is added to it, in addition to seven tablespoons of coarse salt, and seven tablespoons of vinegar. The place is sprinkled all over the entrances and corners.

The house is fumigated with rue seeds and cider for 21 days, and sprayed with musk before the Maghrib call to prayer.

The place is fumigated with Cedrus after mixing it with white musk and reading Surat Al-Baqarah in its entirety once a week after the evening prayer.

Spray the house with Sidr leaf water and white musk once a week.

Paint the corners with oud oil with white musk or whatever is available once a month.
