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Saeed bin Amer Al-Jamahi , may God be pleased with him



Saeed bin Amer Al-Jamahi

 is the companion Saeed bin Amer Al-Jamahi bin Jadhim bin Salman bin Rabia bin Saad bin Jamah bin Amr bin Hussais. He embraced Islam before the Battle of Khaybar and witnessed it with the Prophet Muhammad and the scenes that followed. Umar ibn al-Khattab made him ruler over Homs and the environs of the Levant. He was known for his asceticism and piety, so if his giving went out, he would buy for his family their sustenance and give alms with what was left. He died in the year 20 AH and did not own anything.

His conversion to Islam

Saeed bin Amer was a young boy in the prime of his youth, and he was among those who went out to the Al-Tanaim region in the outskirts of Mecca at the invitation of the Quraish leaders to witness the death of the companion: Khabib bin Uday after they treacherously captured him. Saeed bin Amer was deeply affected by the incident of the killing and crucifixion of Khabib bin Uday, and he denounced what the Quraysh had done on the one hand, and the tolerant morals that he saw in Khabib on the other hand, so what he heard and witnessed from Khabib bin Uday was the main reason that made him desire Strong to enter Islam.

This incident did not leave Saeed bin Amer in his wakefulness and sleep, and he learned from that the extent of sincerity in faith and the firmness of faith, and this was represented to him by Khabib bin Uday, who heard him say before he was killed:

And I don't care when I kill a Muslim on which side my death is in God

And that is in the same God, and if He wills, He wills, blesses the joints of a shrouded shawl

He taught him another thing, which is that the man whom his companions love so much is a prophet supported by heaven. Thus, God explained the chest of Saeed bin Amer to Islam, so he stood up in a crowd of people and declared his innocence from the sins of Quraysh and its burdens, and his entry into the religion of God, and then migrated to Medina.

his life

After his conversion to Islam, Saeed bin Amer migrated to Medina and adhered to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and witnessed with him Khaybar and the subsequent invasions. And after his death, may God bless him and grant him peace, he became a drawn sword in the hands of his two successors, Abu Bakr and Umar, may God be pleased with them.

Based on Umar Ali's keenness to inspect the conditions of the subjects, Umar ibn al-Khattab asked his governor Saeed ibn Amer, the governor of Homs, so Omar said to him: What is your money? He said: My weapon, my horse, a mule to fight against, a boy to stand up for me, a servant for my wife, and an arrow to be counted among the Muslims. Omar said to him: What is wrong with this? Suffice it, he said, this is a lot. Omar said to him: Why do your companions love you? He said: I console them myself and be fair to them in my judgment. Omar said to him: Take this thousand dinars and fear him. He said: I have no need for it. 

Give it to someone who is more in need of it than me. Omar said: On your messengers until I tell you what the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, then if you wish, accept, and if you wish, leave: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, offered me something, and I said the same as what you said. A question and not looking forward to a soul, for it is a provision from God, so let him accept it and not reject it. The man said: Did you hear this from the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace? He said: Yes. So the man kissed him, then went to his wife and said: The Commander of the Faithful has given us this thousand dinars. And if you want us to eat the first, then the first: The woman said: Rather, give it to someone who trades with it for us, and we eat the profit, and the capital remains for us. His wife with what he used to do, so they searched for that, and they found the man who offered her to himself.

And Umar ibn al-Khattab appointed Saeed ibn Aamer on the soldiers of Homs, so he came to him, and he did it with al-Durra. Saeed said: Your rain has preceded you. He said: So Umar was ashamed, threw the pearl and said: What is the duty of the believer or the Muslim more than this? Saeed said: You commanded us not to increase the farmer's income to four dinars, so we do not increase or decrease except that we delay them to their yields. Omar said: I will not remove you as long as you are alive.

The complaint of the people of Homs

A map depicting the path of the Islamic armies and their conquest of Homs and the rest of the central Levant.

During the era of Umar ibn al-Khattab, Umar ibn al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, appointed him to Homs, and when Omar visited Homs, the people of Homs complained to Omar four things about him, 1/ that he does not go out to them even when it is daytime: he said that he kneads bread for his people, 2/ that he does not respond to them At night: because he performs the night and the day is for the common people, and the night is for his Lord, 3/ He does not go out to them for a day of the month: Because he has only one shirt, 

so he washes it that day until it dries and then wears it, 4/ He strikes him from time to time, so he is absent from those in his council, because he remembers how The Quraysh did to the honorable companion Khabib bin Adi, as the Quraysh represented him and that he left his support, so he thought that God would not forgive him, so he was struck by trance, so Umar bin Al-Khattab excused him.

Omar whispered: Oh God, I know him as one of the best of your servants. Oh God, do not disappoint my prudence in him... And he called Saeed to defend himself.

Saeed said: As for their saying: I do not go out to them until the day is high, by God I hated to mention the reason, because my family does not have a servant. Omar's face and said: Praise be to God, and the second?!...

Said said: As for their saying: I do not answer anyone at night, by God, I hated to mention the reason, because I made the day for them, and the night for my Lord.

As for their saying: I have two days in the month in which I do not go out, I do not have a servant to wash my dress, and I have no clothes to change, so I wash my dress and then wait for it to dry after a while, and at the end of the day I go out to them...

As for their saying: Trances take me from time to time, for I witnessed the death of Khabib Al-Ansari in Makkah, and the Quraysh cut off his flesh and carried him on a stump, while they were saying to him: Do you like that Muhammad, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is in your place, while you are healthy and well?... He answers them saying: By God, I do not like to be with my family and my children, with me the well-being and bliss of this world, and the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, be afflicted with a thorn... Whenever I remember that scene that I saw, while I was of the polytheists on that day, then I remember my abandoning the support of Khabib on that day, I tremble in fear of God’s punishment and He cheats me who cheats me...

And Saeed's words wet with tears ended when Omar said: Praise be to God who did not disappoint me, and he hugged Saeed.


He died in ar-Raqqa in the year nineteen, while he was in Caesarea its emir, and it was said: in al-Raqqa in the year eighteen, and it was said: in the year twenty. Ibn Saad said in the third layer: He died in the year twenty, and he was the governor of some of the Levant for Omar.
