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Abdullah bin Masoud, may God be pleased with him



Abdullah bin Masoud  

Abu Abd al-Rahman Abdullah bin Masoud al-Hudhali, an ally of Bani Zahra (who died in the year 32 AH), a great companion, jurist, reciter and hadeeth, and one of the narrators of the Prophet’s hadith. He is one of the forerunners to Islam and one of the heralds of Paradise. Medina, and among those who realized the two qiblahs, and he was the first to recite the Qur’an out loud in Mecca, and he was the one who killed Abu Jahl and cut off his head in the Battle of Badr and presented it to the Prophet Muhammad. He took over the judiciary of Kufa and its treasury in the caliphate of Umar and issued it in the caliphate of Uthman

his biography   

Abu Abd al-Rahman Abdullah bin Masoud bin Ghafil bin Habib bin Shamakh bin Far bin Makhzoom bin Sahilah bin Kahil bin al-Harith bin Tamim is affiliated with Bani Saad bin Hudhail bin Mudraka. Abd bin al-Harith bin Zahra bin Kilab bin Murra al-Qurashi, who married him to his granddaughter, Umm Abd bint Abd, and Wad bin Sawa'at al-Hudhaliyyah, the daughter of his daughter Hind bint Abd bin al-Harith.

An Ottoman miniature depicting Abdullah bin Masoud reciting the Qur'an aloud in Mecca in front of the Quraysh.

Abdullah bin Masoud was one of the first forerunners in Islam, as he embraced Islam before Dar Al-Arqam became a gathering place for the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, and he differed in his order of precedence to Islam, so it was said that he was the sixth of six to embrace Islam, and it was said that he converted to Islam after twenty-two souls Abdullah bin Masoud narrated the story of his conversion to Islam, and he said: “I was tending sheep to Aqaba bin Abi Muait, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and Abu Bakr passed by me, and he said: Oh boy, is there any milk? I said: Yes, but I am trusted. He said: Is there a sheep on which the stallion did not ejaculate? So I brought him a sheep, and he wiped its udder, and milk came down, and it was milked in a vessel, and he drank, and Abu Bakr was given to drink. Then he said to the udder: Cut back, and he cut back. Then I came to him after this, and said: O Messenger of God, teach me this saying, so he stroked my head and said: You are a teacher's boy. Since then, Abdullah bin Masoud embraced Islam, as did his mother, and he had companionship.

Ibn Masoud adhered to the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca, and he was bold in religion, so he was the first to recite the Qur’an in Mecca after the Prophet Muhammad, so Ibn Masoud suffered what the early Muslims suffered from the persecution of the Quraish, which forced him to migrate to Abyssinia under the weight of this persecution to save himself and his religion. Then Ibn Masoud returned years later to Mecca, before he left again, migrating to Yathrib, after the Prophet Muhammad authorized his companions to migrate to it.

With the Prophet Muhammad in Medina 

After the migration to Medina, Abdullah descended on Moaz bin Jabal, and it was said that Saad bin Khaithama, and the brother of the Prophet Muhammad, was between Ibn Masoud and Al-Zubayr bin Al-Awam, and it was said between him and Saad bin Moaz, and it was said between him and Anas bin Malik, and it was said between him and Moaz bin Jabal. And the Prophet Muhammad designated Abdullah and his brother Utbah a role with the role of Bani Zahra bin Kilab in the area of the back of the mosque.

As soon as Ibn Masoud emigrated, he and his mother had to serve the Prophet Muhammad, so Abdullah used to put the Prophet Muhammad on his shoes, then walk in front of him with a stick, until when he came to his council, he removed his shoes, so Abdullah entered them in his arm, and gave him the stick, and he used to enter his rooms in front of him with the stick, and it became Ibn Masoud is the owner of the Prophet’s (1) blackness, his pillow (2), his toothpicks, his shoes, and his purification. Therefore, he had a lot of access to the Prophet Muhammad, until Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari thought when he migrated from Yemen to Medina, that Ibn Masoud and his mother were among the people of the Prophet’s household because of their frequent entry and exit from him. Ibn Masoud witnessed all the scenes with the Prophet Muhammad, and he was the one who finished off Abu Jahl on the day of Badr after my son Afra struck him, and the Prophet Muhammad provided him with the sword of Abu Jahl on that day. As Ibn Masoud was one of the four who remained steadfast with the Prophet Muhammad after his companions retreated from him on Sunday.

After the death of the Prophet Muhammad   

After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Ibn Masoud participated in the Islamic conquest of the Levant, and witnessed the Battle of Yarmouk, and on that day he took over the division of the spoils. After the end of the conquest, Abdullah bin Masoud chose to reside in Homs, until an order came to him from the second caliph, Umar bin Al-Khattab, to move to Kufa, to teach its people about their religion, and to help its new prince, Ammar bin Yasser. Omar wrote to the people of Kufa, and he said: “I have been sent Ammar bin Yasser is a prince, and Abdullah bin Masoud is a teacher and a minister, and they are among the noble companions of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, from the people of Badr. Abdullah bin Masoud remained in Kufa for the duration of Umar's succession, and the beginning of the succession of Othman bin Affan, until Othman dismissed him and sent orders to him to return to Medina. The people of Kufa gathered and said to Abdullah: “Stay, and we are preventing you from having something that you hate.” City.

He described his death   

Abdullah bin Masoud stayed in Medina after his return until he fell ill with his death in the year 32 AH, where Ibn Masoud died in that year at the age of sixty-few years, and he was shrouded in a suit of two hundred dirhams, and he was buried in Al-Baqi at night, at the tomb of Othman bin Maz’un, after he prayed Al-Zubayr bin Al-Awam, according to the will of Ibn Masoud. Upon his death, Ibn Masoud left the estate of Baradhan, and he died for ninety thousand dirhams, except for slaves and livestock. And he had bequeathed to Al-Zubayr bin Al-Awam, and to his son Abdullah bin Al-Zubayr, to dispose of his estate, and that he did not marry a woman from the daughters of Abdullah bin Masoud except with their permission. After the death of Abdullah bin Masoud, Al-Zubayr entered the caliph Othman asking him to give Ibn Masoud, and he had left him when Umar bin Al-Khattab died, so Othman gave him fifteen thousand, and it was said twenty thousand, and it was said twenty-five thousand, which Al-Zubayr paid to the children of Ibn Masoud.

As for the description of Abdullah bin Masoud, he was a light-fleshed, skinny, short, severe-blooded Adam. He also wore an iron ring

His knowledge and service to the Qur’an

Ibn Masoud’s adherence to the Prophet Muhammad had an impact on his wide knowledge of the interpretation of the Qur’an and the reasons for the revelation of its verses. Masruq bin Al-Ajda narrated on the authority of Ibn Masoud as saying: “By God, besides whom there is no god, no surah was revealed from the Book of God except I know where it was revealed, and no verse was revealed from the Book of God.” God, except I know what it was revealed, and if I knew someone more knowledgeable than me about the Book of God, the camels would reach him, I would ride to him.” This is the saying of the companion Abu Masoud Al-Ansari, who said: “By God, I do not know the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, left anyone more knowledgeable about the Book of God than Abdullah bin Masoud.” Ibn Masoud took seventy-odd surahs directly from the mouth of the Prophet Muhammad, and he had a good voice when reciting the Qur’an, so the Prophet Muhammad loved to hear it from him. Recite it to you and to you when it was revealed?” The Prophet Muhammad said: “I would love to hear it from someone else.” 

So he recited it to him until he reached the Almighty’s saying: Ra bracket. La bracket .png, then the eyes of the Prophet Muhammad overflowed, and he said: “Whoever loves to read the Qur’an fresh as it was revealed, let him read the recitation of Ibn Umm Abd.” As the Prophet recommended, he said: “Explore the Qur’an from four of Abdullah bin Masoud, Ubayy bin Ka’b, Moaz bin Jabal, and Salem Mawla.” Abu Hudhaifa. Ibn Masoud was devoted to serving the Qur’an and its people, so he used to dictate the Qur’an by heart in Kufa, and he took reading from him casually from reciters such as Abi Abd al-Rahman al-Salmi, Obaid bin Nadila, al-Aswad bin Yazid al-Nakha’i, Tamim bin Hathlam, al-Harith bin Qais, Zur bin Hubaish, Obaid bin Qais, Alqama bin Qais al-Nakhai and Ubaidah Ibn Amr al-Salmani, Amr bin Sharhabil, Abu Amr al-Shaibani, Zaid bin Wahb and Masruq bin al-Ajda’, and to him the reading of Asim, Hamza, al-Kisa’i, Khalaf and al-A’mash ends. As Ubaidullah bin Abdullah bin Utbah said: “Abdullah used to stand up when the eyes calmed down, and I heard him buzz like the sound of bees until morning.”

And when the first caliph, Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, was concerned about collecting the Qur’an, and he delegated Zaid bin Thabit for that, he grieved for Ibn Masoud about that, and said: “I have read from the mouth of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, seventy surahs, and Zayd has a wolf playing with the boys,” as he said: “O Muslims. He is isolated from copying the Mushafs, and a man is responsible for them. By God, I have converted to Islam, and he is in the loins of his father, an infidel.” Al-Zuhri said: “It reached me that this was hated by Ibn Masoud’s article. Men of the Companions hated it.

” The third caliph, Othman bin Affan, chose Zaid bin Thabit to write his Qur’an and burn the copies he wrote, and Abdullah bin Masoud was at the time in Kufa. It was for a prophet to seize, and whoever seizes shall bring what he extorted on the Day of Resurrection, then every soul shall be paid in full for what it has earned, and they shall not be wronged. 161.png La bracket.png, so cast the Qur’an to God.” And he said: “The companions of Muhammad have known that I teach them the Book of God, and I am not the best among them.

” And if I knew that someone was more knowledgeable about the Book of God than me, and camels would reach him, I would have come to him.” Al-Dhahabi said: “It was difficult for Ibn Masoud, because Othman did not give precedence to writing the Qur’an, and he gave precedence to that who is fit to be his son. And because Zaida was writing the revelation to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, so he is an imam in drawing, and Ibn Masoud is an imam in performance, then Zaida is the one whom Al-Siddiq assigned to write the Qur’an and collect the Qur’an, so why did he blame Abu Bakr? It was reported that Ibn Masoud was pleased and followed Othman, praise be to God.” He also said that there are things in Ibn Masoud’s Qur’an that I think have been copied.

And when Umar bin Al-Khattab took over the emirate, he said: Whoever wants to ask about the Qur’an, let him ask Abdullah bin Masoud, and whoever wants to ask about inheritance, let him ask Ali bin Abi Talib, and whoever wants to ask about knowledge, let him ask Muadh bin Jabal, and whoever wants to ask about money, let him ask me. I am, for God has made me his store and seal. And his mention of Abdullah in the science of the Qur’an indicates that Abdullah bin Masoud taught Muslims the Holy Qur’an

His status with the Prophet Muhammad

Ibn Masoud enjoyed a high status with the Prophet Muhammad, who gave him his trust, and he said one day: “If I were to command anyone without advice, I would have commanded Ibn Umm Abd over them.” The Prophet Muhammad also admonished his companions one day when he ordered Ibn Masoud to climb a tree to bring him something from it, so they laughed at his thinness his legs, and the Prophet Muhammad said: «What are you laughing at? A man who worships God will be heavier in the scale on the Day of Resurrection than Uhud.

As some of the companions testified to Ibn Masoud’s status with the Prophet Muhammad, Hudhaifa bin Al-Yaman narrated the Prophet’s saying: “Follow those after me, Abu Bakr and Umar, and follow the guidance of Ammar, and adhere to the covenant of Ibn Umm Abd,” as it was said by Amr bin Al-Aas during his death illness. He was distressed: “The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to bring you closer and use you.” He said: “By God, I do not know what was that of him, loved or used to make me, but I bear witness to two men that he died while he loved them, Ibn Umm Abd and Ibn Sumaya.

” As Abu Darda’ al-Ansari narrated that The Prophet Muhammad delivered a light sermon, and when he finished his sermon, he commanded Abu Bakr, so he stood up and delivered the sermon, and he shortened without the Prophet. Be silent or sit down, for swearing is from Satan, and eloquence is from magic.” Then he said: “O son of Umm Abd, get up and speak.” And that Islam is our religion, that the Qur’an is our imam, that the House is our qiblah, and that this is our Prophet - and he gestured to the Prophet - we are satisfied with what God and His Messenger are pleased with us, and we hate what God and His Messenger hate for us, and peace be upon you. With what God is pleased with my nation and the son of Umm Abd, and I hate what God hates for my nation and the son of Umm Abd.

At the Companions and followers

Many companions and followers praised Abdullah bin Masoud, and Umar bin Al-Khattab said about him when he sent him to Kufa: “A canyon full of knowledge, which I influenced the people of Al-Qadisiyah.” Peace be upon him, until the wall of his house hides him from Ibn Umm Abd, and those who are preserved among the companions of Muhammad, peace be upon him, have known that Ibn Umm Abd is one of the closest to God and a means on the Day of Resurrection. And Abu Al-Darda’ Al-Ansari said on the day Ibn Masoud’s death came to him: “He did not leave anything like him after him.” Among the followers, Masruq bin Al-Ajda’ said: “I smelled the companions of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and found that their knowledge ended with six Ali, Omar, Abdullah, Zaid, Abi Al-Darda, and Ubayy. Then I smelled the six, and found their knowledge ended with Ali and Abdullah.” Abu Wael, Shaqiq bin Salamah, said: “I am not fair to anyone with Ibn Masoud.” Al-Sha’bi said: “No one of the Companions entered Kufa with more useful knowledge, and no one is more knowledgeable than Abdullah.”

At the Shiites

There is a disagreement about Ibn Masoud among the Shiites, so some went to that he is a great companion, and Al-Sharif Al-Murtada said about him: “Because there is no disagreement between the nation in Ibn Masoud’s purity, his grace and faith, and the praise and praise of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers be upon him and his family, and that he died according to the praiseworthy sentence of him.” Ibn Qulawiyyah al-Qummi narrated to him in his book Kamel al-Ziyarat, and at the beginning of his book he stipulated that he only narrate on the authority of those whom he trusts. And Prince Damad believes that Ibn Masoud regretted that he did not support Ali, as he said: “The news was reported and it is correct that Ibn Masoud retracted what he had done and regretted it and pretended to regret it.”

And some Shiites went by saying that he was not loyal to Ali, as Abu Al-Qasim Al-Khoei said: “And the summary of what we mentioned: Abdullah bin Masoud did not prove that he was the ruler of Ali (peace be upon him) and he said the truth, and God is All-Knowing.” Al-Fadl bin Shazan was asked about Ibn Masoud and Hudhayfah, so he said: “Hudhayfah was not like Ibn Masoud because Hudhayfah was a pillar and Ibn Masoud mixed up and was the ruler of the people and money with them and said about them.”
