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Miqdad bin Amr, may God be pleased with him



Al-Miqdad bin Amr 

also known as Al-Miqdad bin Al-Aswad (d. 33 AH), a companion of Badr, emigrated to Abyssinia and then to Yathrib, and participated with the Prophet Muhammad in all his conquests, as he participated in the conquests of the Levant and Egypt.


Al-Miqdad bin Amr bin Tha'labah bin Malik bin Rabia bin Thumamah bin Matroud bin Amr bin Saeed bin Dhair bin Luay bin Tha'labah bin Malik bin Al-Sharid bin Abi Ahun bin Qass bin Dream bin Al-Qain bin Ahood bin Bahra bin Amr bin Al-Haf bin Quda'ah.

his biography

Al-Miqdad bin Amr was one of the first forerunners to Islam, and Al-Miqdad was among the first to show Islam in Makkah.

There was a difference of opinion in his lineage, and it was said that he was Al-Miqdad bin Amr bin Thalabah bin Malik bin Rabia, and that he was from Bahraa, one of the tribes of the Quda’ah tribe, and it was said that he was an Hadhrami from the Kinda tribe, and it was said that he was a black slave. However, it is proven that he was an ally of Banu Zuhra bin Kilab in Mecca, and that Al-Aswad bin Abd Yaghuth bin Wahb bin Abd Manaf bin Zuhra bin Kilab adopted him, so he was called “Al-Miqdad bin Al-Aswad”, until a verse was revealed: Ra bracket. By God, if you do not know their fathers, then they are your brothers in faith and your freedmen, and there is no blame on you for that in which you erred, but what you Your hearts were baptized, and God is Forgiving, Merciful Aya-5.png La bracket.png by invalidating the adoption, so he was called by his name “Al-Miqdad bin Amr.”

As for his presence in Makkah, it was said that he afflicted blood in Kinda, so he fled to Makkah and swore allegiance to the lions. Rather, he is Hadhrami, his father Kinda swore allegiance, and he swore allied is Al-Aswad bin Abd Yaghuth. And it was said that his father, Amr bin Tha'labah, afflicted blood among his people, so he joined Hadramout, so he allied with Kinda, and married a woman there, who bore him Al-Miqdad.

Al-Miqdad migrated to the land of Abyssinia, then returned to Mecca, but he was not able to migrate to Yathrib when the Prophet Muhammad migrated to it, so he remained until the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, sent the detachment of Ubaidah bin Al-Harith, and they met a group of Quraysh under the leadership of Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl, and Al-Miqdad was And Utbah bin Ghazwan had gone out with the Quraishites, and when they met and did not fight, Al-Miqdad and Utbah joined the Muslims.

 Al-Miqdad descended in Yathrib with Kulthum bin Al-Hadam, and the Prophet Muhammad brotherly between him and Jabbar bin Sakhr, and it was said between him and Abdullah bin Rawaha. He witnessed the Battle of Badr with the Prophet Muhammad as a knight on his horse called “The Rosary”, and he was the first to cross his horse for the sake of God. Al-Miqdad also witnessed the rest of the scenes with the Prophet Muhammad, and he was a skilled archer. After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Al-Miqdad participated in the conquests of the Levant and Egypt.

Al-Miqdad died in the year 33 AH in Al-Jarf, so he was carried to Medina, and Othman bin Affan prayed over him, and he was buried in Al-Baqi’, and he was 70 years old at the time of his death. And it was said that he had a large belly, and he had a Roman boy, so he said to him: “Incise your stomach and take out a piece of his lobe, so that it softens.” So he cut his stomach and then sewed it, so Al-Miqdad died, and the boy fled. Al-Miqdad succeeded two daughters, Karima and Dabaa, and recommended that Al-Zubayr bin Al-Awam take charge of his estate, and gave 18,000 dirhams to Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein each, and 7,000 dirhams to the mothers of the believers.

Al-Miqdad was a tall man, with a large belly, thick head of hair, wide eyes, close-set eyebrows, majestic, yellowish beard, and a good beard that was neither thick nor thin. And he had a great status with the Prophet Muhammad. Buraydah bin Al-Husayb narrated on the authority of the Prophet Muhammad as saying: “You have to love four people: Ali, Abu Dhar, Salman and Al-Miqdad.” Al-Miqdad got engaged to a man from the Quraish, but the man refused, so the Prophet Muhammad married him to his cousin Dabaa bint Al-Zubair bin Abdul-Muttalib.

His version of the hadeeth of the Prophet

Narrated by: Prophet Muhammad

Narrated on his authority: Ali bin Abi Talib, Abdullah bin Masoud, Abdullah bin Abbas, Jubair bin Nafir, Abd al-Rahman bin Abi Laila, Hammam bin al-Harith, Ubaidullah bin Uday bin al-Khayyar, al-Mustawrad bin Shaddad, Tariq bin Shihab, Maymoon bin Abi Shabib, Anas bin Malik, al-Harith bin Suwayd and al-Sa’ib bin Yazid, Saeed bin Al-Aas, Salim bin Amer, Suleiman bin Yasar, Shrek bin Sami Al-Ghaifi Al-Masry, Abu Muammar Abdullah bin Sakhbra Al-Azdi, Amir bin Ishaq, Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari, Abu Rashid Al-Habrani, Abu Dhabiyah Al-Kala’i, his wife Daba’a bint Al-Zubayr, and his daughter Karima bint Al-Miqdad.

Al-Jarh wa’l-Ta’deel: Al-Miqdad has a hadith agreed upon, and Muslim singled him out with four hadiths, as the group narrated to him.
