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Muadh bin Jabal



Muadh bin Jabal

 (who died in the year 18 AH) was a companion, jurist, reciter of the Qur’an, and narrator of the hadith of the Prophet from among the Ansar from Bani Ada from Bani Jashim bin Al-Khazraj. He opened it to teach people the Qur’an and make them understand, then he sent him as his agent in Yemen after the Battle of Tabuk. After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Muadh participated in the Islamic conquest of the Levant, and died in Jordan in the plague of Emmaus.

his biography

Moaz bin Jabal converted to Islam at the age of 18, and he witnessed the second pledge of allegiance to Aqaba, while he was a rebellious young man whose beard had not yet grown. And when the Prophet Muhammad emigrated, my brother between Muadh and Abdullah bin Masoud. Moaz bin Jabal witnessed the Battle of Badr when he was 20 or 21 years old, then he witnessed all the rest of the scenes with the Prophet Muhammad.

And when the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, conquered Mecca in Ramadan in the year 8 AH, he appointed Atab bin Usayd to lead them in prayer, and succeeded Mu’adh who would read them the Qur’an and teach them in their religion. Then he sent him in Rabi` al-Akhir in the year 9 AH as a worker for him over some aspects of Yemen, then he returned after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, 

so he went out to the Levant, witnessed the Islamic conquest of the Levant, and participated in the Battle of Yarmouk. Muhammad bin Ka’b Al-Qurazi said about the reason for his departure to the Levant: “The Qur’an was compiled during the time of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, five of the supporters: Moaz, Ubadah, Ubayy, Abu Ayyub and Abu Darda’. Who teaches them the Qur’an and teaches them?” He said: “Appoint me with three.” They said: “This is a great sheikh - for Abu Ayyub - and this is sick - for my father -.” So the three went out to Syria, and he said: “Start with Homs, and if you are satisfied with them, let one of them go to Damascus.” and another to Palestine.

And when Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah, the governor of the Levant, was injured in the plague of Amwas, he appointed Moaz bin Jabal, so his two wives died, then his two sons, then he died in the same plague. It was said that he died at the age of 33, 34, or 38 years, and that was in the year 17 AH or 18 AH in Jordan, in the plague of Emmaus. Muadh was tall, well-groomed, big-eyed, white, curly, kitten, eyebrows full, with a limp.

Memorizing the Qur'an

Anas bin Malik said: “The Qur’an was compiled at the time of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, four, all of them from the Ansar: Ubayy bin Ka’b, Zaid, Moaz bin Jabal, and Abu Zaid, one of my paternal uncles.” And Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas narrated that the Prophet Muhammad said: “Take the Qur’an from four: from Ibn Masoud, Abi, Moaz bin Jabal, and Salem, the freed slave of Abi Hudhaifa.”

his status

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, praised Moaz, as Anas bin Malik narrated on the authority of the Prophet Muhammad as saying: 

“The most merciful of my nation to my nation is Abu Bakr, and the strictest of them in the religion of God is Omar, and the most truthful of them is the modesty of Othman, and the most knowledgeable of them about what is permissible and the forbidden is Moaz, and the most obligatory of them is Zaid, and every nation has a trustee and the trustee of this nation is Abu Ubaidah.” ». Al-Sanabihi said that he heard Muadh say: 

“The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, met me and said: “O Muadh, I love you for the sake of God.” I said: “And I, by God, O Messenger of God, love you for the sake of God.” And the Prophet Muhammad said: “Forbid before the scholars on the Day of Resurrection with one or two recitations.” Abu Hurairah said that he heard the Prophet Muhammad say: “The best man is Abu Bakr, the best man is Umar, the best man is Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah, the best man is Usayd bin Hudair, the best man is Ja’far, the best man is Thabit bin Qais, the best man is Moaz bin Jabal, the best man Moaz bin Amr bin Al-Jumuh.

 Moaz bin Jabal was also one of the few who were allowed to give fatwas during the reign of the Prophet Muhammad. Sahl bin Abi Hathma said: “Those who give fatwas during the reign of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, were three of the immigrants: Omar, Othman and Ali, and three of the Ansar: Ubayy bin Ka’b, Moaz and Zaid.”

As Muadh had his status among the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, when Omar bin Al-Khattab addressed the people in Jabiya, he said: “Whoever wants jurisprudence, let him come to Muadh bin Jabal.” And Abdullah bin Masoud said: “Moaz bin Jabal was a slave-girl who was obedient to God and upright, and he was not one of the polytheists.” Abu Idris Al-Khawlani said: “I entered the Homs mosque, and there were about thirty elderly companions, and among them was a young man with dark eyes. Buraq al-Thanaiya was silent, and when the people agreed, they turned to him and asked him, so I said: “Who is this?” It was said: “Moaz bin Jabal.” His love fell into my heart.”

His version of the hadeeth of the Prophet

Narrated by: Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

Abdullah bin Omar bin Al-Khattab, Abdullah bin Abbas, Jaber bin Abdullah bin Amr bin Haram, Anas bin Malik, Abu Umamah Al-Bahili, Abu Thalabah Al-Khashni, Malik bin Yakhamer Al-Siksky, Abu Muslim Al-Khawlani, Abdul-Rahman bin Ghanem, Janada bin Abi Umayyah, Abu Bahriya Al-Sukuni, and Yazid bin Umayrah al-Zubaidi, Abu al-Aswad al-Du’ali, Katheer bin Murrah, Abu Wael Shaqiq bin Salamah, Abd al-Rahman bin Abi Layla, Amr bin Maymun, al-Aswad bin Hilal, Masruq bin al-Ajda’, Abu Dhabiyah al-Kala’i, Omar bin al-Khattab, Abu Qatada al-Ansari, Abu Idris al-Khawlani, Jubair bin Nafir, Abd al-Rahman bin Samra, Aslam, the mawla of Umar and al-Aswad Bin Yazid Al-Nakhai, Al-Harith Bin Umaira, Asim Bin Humaid Al-Sakuni, Abdullah Bin Abi Awfa Al-Aslami, Abdullah Bin Shaddad, Abdullah Bin Amr Bin Al-Aas, Abdul Rahman Bin Aath Al-Azdi, Ubaidullah Bin Muslim Al-Hadrami, Urwa Bin Al-Nazal Al-Kofi, Ataa Bin Yasar, Abu Ayyad Amr Bin Al-Aswad and Abu Othman Amr bin Murthad Al-Sana’ani, Isa bin Talha bin Ubaid Allah, Qais bin Abi Hazim, Lalaj Al-Amiri, Al-Muqdam bin Ma’dikarb, Maymoon bin Abi Shabib, Abu Razin Al-Asadi, Abu Saeed Al-Hamiri, Abu Al-Tufail Al-Laithi, Abu Abdullah Al-Ash’ari, Abu Abdullah Al-Sanabehi, and Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari.
