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Abdullah bin Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him



Abdullah bin Omar bin Al-Khattab 

 is a modernist, jurist and companion of the young companions, and the son of the second caliph Omar bin Al-Khattab, and one of the many in the fatwa, as well as he is one of the many in the narration of the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. Ibn Omar was one of the most emulated people in the biography of the Prophet Muhammad, and one of the most followed his tracks. It was also a destination for students of hadith and fatwas in Medina, and students of gifts, because he was known for his generosity in alms, and asceticism in the world.

Ibn Omar witnessed a number of scenes with the Prophet Muhammad, and then, after the death of the Prophet, he participated in the conquests of the Levant, Iraq, Persia, Egypt and Ifriqiya. And when strife arose after the killing of Othman bin Affan, and after the death of Yazid bin Muawiyah, Ibn Umar preferred to retire from strife. Ibn Omar was always respected and trusted by Muslims, so Othman bin Affan tried to take over the judiciary, and Ali bin Abi Talib offered him the mandate of the Levant, and Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari nominated him for the caliphate on the day of arbitration between the armies of Ali and Muawiyah, except that he apologized for all of that, and was careful not to get involved in matters ruling in order to avoid delving into the blood of Muslims.

his upbringing

Abu Abd al-Rahman Abdullah bin Umar bin al-Khattab bin Nufail bin Abd al-Uzza bin Riah bin Qart bin Razzah bin Uday bin Ka’b al-Qurashi was born in Mecca ten years before the Prophet’s migration to Yathrib. Zainab bint Maz'un al-Jumahiyya, the sister of the companion Othman bin Maz'un.

Abdullah bin Omar embraced Islam in Mecca with his father, and he had not reached the dream at that time, then he emigrated with his father. And as soon as he migrated to Medina, he became involved in the Muslim contract, and he accompanied the Prophet Muhammad and gathered around him with other companions. And when the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, ordered his companions to go out to the Battle of Badr, on that day Abdullah volunteered to fight, and the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, rejected him due to his young age, which was repeated when he tried to volunteer to fight in the Battle of Uhud.

 The Prophet Muhammad did not allow him to fight except in the Battle of the Trench, and he was fifteen years old at that time. His master, Nafi’, narrated those events on the tongue of Ibn Omar himself, so he said: “I was presented to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, on the day of Badr, and I am thirteen years old, and he did not accept me, and I was offered to him on the day of Badr.” I was fourteen years old, and he did not accept. I offered him the Day of the Trench when I was fifteen years old, and he accepted.” From that day, Ibn Omar witnessed the aftermath of the Battle of the Trench from the scenes with the Prophet Muhammad, so he witnessed the allegiance of the tree, the conquest of Mecca, and the Battle of Mutah.

After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him

After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, Abdullah bin Omar participated in the conquests of the Levant, Iraq, Persia, Egypt and Ifriqiya, and witnessed in those conquests the battle of Yarmouk and the conquest of Nahavand, and Azerbaijan, then he returned to live in Medina, and the third caliph Othman bin Affan invited him to take over the judiciary, so he apologized. And when Othman was besieged at the time of the sedition, Ibn Omar took on his father's sword and defended Othman on the day of the house. 

After Othman was killed and Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan refused to pledge allegiance to the fourth caliph Ali bin Abi Talib, and Muawiyah monopolized the rule of the Levant, and demanded retribution for Othman, Ali came to Ibn Omar asking him to go out to the Levant as a prince, so Ibn Omar apologized, and he went out to Mecca, and he did not witness with Ali anything from wars, so as not to engage in sedition. Rather, when the sedition escalated, they came to Ibn Umar, and they said: “You are the master of the people and the son of their master, and the people are satisfied with you. Take out your pledge.

” The allegiance to him almost took place on the day of arbitration, despite the presence of Ali and Saad bin Abi Waqqas. Al-Dhahabi commented in his translation of Ibn Omar in his book “Siyar A’lam al-Nubala” on that by saying: “If he had pledged allegiance on that day, two would not have disagreed with him.” However, Ibn Omar believes that injecting the blood of Muslims has priority, as it was narrated that he said: “Our example in this sedition is like a people walking on a path they know, so while they are like that, when a cloud and darkness covered them, so some of them took right and left, so they missed the path, and we stayed where we caught up. That is until God cleared it of us, so we saw our first path, so we knew it, so we took it. These young men of Quraysh are fighting over this authority and over this world. I do not care that I do not have what they kill each other for with the soles of these two shields.” He also said: “If the nation had gathered against me except two men, I would not have fought them.”

Ibn Umar persisted in this policy of neutrality, so no Emir came to Medina at the time of temptation except that he prayed behind him, and he gave him the zakat of his money, except for al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf al-Thaqafi, who left Ibn Umar to pray behind him when he saw him delaying the prayer. And when the matter settled for Muawiyah, Amr ibn al-Aas infiltrated to know what was in the soul of Ibn Omar regarding the matter of the caliphate. Ibn Omar said: “If there were only three remedies left for desertion, I would have no need for them.

” So he knew that he had no ambition in the caliphate, so Amr said: “Can you pledge allegiance to someone who has almost gathered people over him, and write for you from the two lands and from the money that you and your son do not need beyond it?” for you. Get out of me. Then do not enter upon me. Oops! My religion is neither your dinar nor your dirham, and I hope to leave this world with pure white hands.” Al-Zuhri mentioned that Muawiyah was exposed to Ibn Omar one day in a sermon, and he said: “Who was more deserving of this matter than me?” So Ibn Omar prepared to respond by saying: “I have more right to him than hitting you and your father for disbelief.” However, he retreated, fearing that he would be thought of as keen on the caliphate. As Nafeh Mawla Ibn Omar mentioned that Muawiyah came to Medina one day, and swore on the platform of the Prophet’s Mosque to kill Ibn Omar, so the people gathered for him, so he retreated.

And when Yazid bin Muawiyah was sworn allegiance and the news reached him, he said: “If it is good, we will be satisfied, and if it is misfortune, we will be patient.” After the death of Yazid and Abdullah bin Al-Zubayr assuming the caliphate, Ibn Omar did not agree with his claim, and he saw that he transgressed against the Umayyads and broke their covenant. Her master.” Ibn Omar said: “How can I deal with the people of the East?” Marwan said: “We beat them until they pledge allegiance.” Ibn Omar said: “By God, I do not like that she owed me seventy years, and that one man was killed by my sword.” Marwan said:

I see sedition boiling its cauldrons, and the king after Abu Layla is for the one who prevails

And when the people gathered on Abd al-Malik bin Marwan, Ibn Umar wrote to him pledging allegiance to him in a letter in which he said: “Next, I have pledged allegiance to Abd Allah Abd al-Malik, the Commander of the Faithful, by hearing and obedience, according to the Sunnah of God and the Sunnah of His Messenger as far as I can, and my sons have acknowledged that.

” And when the pilgrims took over the Hijaz for Abd al-Malik, Ibn Omar denounced him for delaying the prayer. Then he prayed for him and said: “What made you do what I did?” Ibn Umar said: “We only come to pray, so when the time for prayer comes, pray for the prayer on time, and after that make as many gurgles as you like.” As Ibn Omar al-Hajjaj responded while he was preaching on the pulpit when he said that Ibn al-Zubayr altered the Book of God, he said: “You lied, you lied, you lied. He is not able to do that, and you are not with him.” Al-Hajjaj said to him: “Be quiet, for you are an old man who has become senile, and your mind has gone.

 A sheikh is about to be taken, and his neck will be struck, and he will be dragged, his testicles swollen, and the boys of the people of Al-Baqi’ will circumambulate him.” Saeed bin Amr bin Saeed Al-Ashdaq Al-Umayyad says that Al-Hajjaj was found in himself, and commanded some of his own, so he took a poisoned spear, and struck Ibn Omar’s man with it during the Hajj season, and he fell ill from it, the disease of his death. Abdullah said: You are the one who hit me. He said: “How?” Ibn Omar said: “The day I entered, God forbade weapons.” When the pilgrims left, Ibn Omar said: “I do not regret this world except for three things: the thirst of the midday hours, and the hardships of the night, and that I should not have fought this oppressive group that befell us.

his standing

Salim bin Abdullah narrated on the authority of his father as saying: “A man was during the life of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, if he saw a dream that he narrated to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. Peace be upon him, and I saw in a dream as if two angels came to me, so they took me to the fire, and behold, it was folded like the fold of a well, and it had a horn like the horn of the well, and I saw in it people that I had known, so I started saying: I seek refuge in God from the fire. 

So Hafsa told it to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he said: Yes, the man is the servant of God, if he used to pray at night. And Saeed bin Al-Musayyib said: “Ibn Umar died on the day he died, and there is no one on earth more beloved until God meets the like of his deed than him.” Who remains.” And Ibn Muhairiz said: “By God, if I would consider the survival of Ibn Umar as security for the people of the earth.” And when Abu Salama bin Abd al-Rahman Abd al-Rahman bin Abi Laila was asked: “Was Umar better with you or his son?” He replied: “No, Umar.” He has no equal.” And both Tawoos and Maymoon bin Mahran said about him: “I have not seen more pious than Ibn Omar.” And Muhammad bin Al-Hanafiyyah said: “Ibn Omar was the best of this nation.”

worship him

Nafi’ said: “Ibn Omar used to read: Ra bracket.png Is not the time for those who believe to submit their hearts to the remembrance of God and what has been revealed of the truth, and not to be like those who have been given Scripture before, so the time was long for them, so their hearts hardened, and many of them are disobedient Aya-16.png La bracket. He cried until he was overcome with tears.” And when Nafi’ was asked what Ibn Omar was doing in his house? He said: “You cannot afford to perform ablution for every prayer, and the Qur’an in between.” And Ibn Omar was a lot of alms, as it was narrated that he gave him twenty-few thousand in his council, so he did not rise until he distributed it, and Nafeh narrated that Ibn Omar divided thirty thousand in the council, then a month came to him when he ate meat.

 And that the Umayyad caliph Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan sent him a hundred thousand, and the year had not passed until they were all sold out. And Ibn Omar used to buy slaves, then free them, and if he saw something he liked from his slave, he freed him, and his slave knew that from him, so they used to do good in front of him, so he freed them. His companions admonished him, saying: “By God, O Abu Abd al-Rahman, they are only deceiving you.” He says: “Whoever deceives us with God, we will deceive him.” And his son Salem said that Ibn Umar never cursed a servant except one, so he set him free. His master, Nafeh, mentioned that Ibn Omar freed a thousand or more people. Peacock bin Kisan said: “I have not seen a worshiper like Ibn Omar more receptive to the qiblah with his face, hands, and feet,” and he was keen for people to start saluting.

Just as Ibn Omar followed the traces of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and his orders and conditions, and he cared about them. Aisha bint Abi Bakr said: “No one followed the traces of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in his homes, as Ibn Omar used to follow him.” In every place he prayed, even the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, descended under a tree. 

And Nafeh narrated on the authority of Ibn Omar, saying that the Prophet Muhammad said one day: “If we left this door for women,” Nafie mentioned that Ibn Omar did not enter through that door until he died. He who saw his eagerness to follow the traces of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, thought that he had some kind of madness. And if he came from a journey, he would start by visiting the graves of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, Abu Bakr, and his father Omar, before heading to his house, and saying: “Peace be upon you, O Messenger of God. Peace be upon you, O Abu Bakr. Peace be upon you, Father.

And he was also one of the keenest people to stay away from desires. Abdullah bin Masoud said: “One of the Quraysh youth’s possessions for himself from the world is Abdullah bin Omar.” Abdullah bin Omar.” And Aisha bint Abi Bakr said: “I have not seen anyone more committed to the first matter than Ibn Omar.”


Al-Zuhri said: “We are not fair in the opinion of Ibn Umar, because he resided after the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, for sixty years, and nothing of his or that of the Companions was hidden from him.” People’s delegations.” He also said: “He was the imam of the people with us after Zaid bin Thabit Abdullah bin Omar. He stayed for sixty years giving fatwas to people.” Ibn Hazm said in his book “Al-Ahkam fi Usul al-Ahkam”: “The many companions, may God be pleased with them, in what was narrated About them from the fatwas, Umar and his son Abdullah, Ali, Aisha, Ibn Masoud, Ibn Abbas, Zaid bin Thabit, they are only seven that can be collected from the fatwas, each of them a huge book.

Ibn Omar was very careful and careful in giving fatwas. Nafeh narrated that during the Hajj season, Ibn Omar and Ibn Abbas were sitting to give fatwas to people. As for his methodology in fatwas, Ibn Omar used to derive his rulings from the Qur’an, and if he did not find it, he would refer to the Sunnah. As Ibn Omar was very influenced by his father’s jurisprudence in his jurisprudence, which is evidenced by the narration of Zaid bin Aslam on the authority of his father when he said: “What a camel lost its herd in a wilderness of land, I ask for its impact from Ibn Omar to Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God Almighty be pleased with them.” However, despite this follow-up to his father's approach, he had his independence from this approach when he saw the right thing in opposing his opinion.

his death

The death of Ibn Omar was in the year 74 AH, and it was said 73 AH, in Makkah, and al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf al-Thaqafi prayed for him. Al-Dhahabi mourned him, and said: “Where is Ibn Umar’s example in his religion, his piety, his knowledge, his deification and his fear, from a man who was offered the caliphate, but he refused it, and the judiciary is like Uthman, so he rejects him, and the representative of the Levant is Ali, so he flees from him. God brings to Him whomever He wills and guides to Him whomever He turns to.” Ibn Umar died without making a will, and Ibn Umar left from the children Abu Bakr, Waqid, Abdullah, Abu Ubaidah, Omar, Hafsa, and Sawda (she was the one whom Ibn Omar married to Urwa bin Al-Zubayr) and their mother Safia bint Abi Ubaid bin Masoud Al Thaqafiya, Abd Al-Rahman and his mother Umm Alqama bint Alqama Bin Naqsh Al-Muharibiya Al-Fihriya, Salem, Obaidullah, Hamza, Zaid, Aisha, Abu Salama, Qilabah, Bilal, and their mothers are the mothers of children.

As for his characteristic, Ibn Omar was a man of quarter, human, massive, bald. Said bin Al-Musayyib said that Abdullah bin Omar was more like Omar's son than Omar, and that Salem bin Abdullah was more like Abdullah's son than Abdullah. And Ibn Omar loved perfume, so he did not go to Friday or Eid unless he was anointed and perfumed. And Ibn Omar had a seal engraved by “Abdullah Ibn Omar”, which he kept with his son Abu Ubaidah. If he wanted to seal, he took it and sealed it.
