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Our master Salman Al-Farsi or one who converted to Islam from the Persians



Salman Al-Farsi or Salman Al-Mohammadi

  Mawla of the Prophet Muhammad, and one of the narrators of the Prophet’s hadith, and he is the first Persian to convert to Islam. Originally from Persia, he left his family and his country in pursuit of knowledge of the true religion. So he moved between countries to accompany the righteous men of the priests, until one of them described to him the appearance of a prophet in the Arab countries, and described signs for him to verify it. Salman agreed with a people from Bani Kalb to transfer him to the Arab countries, but they betrayed him and sold him to a Jew from Wadi Al-Qura, then another Jew bought him from Yathrib from Bani Qurayza, and deported him to his country.

And when the Prophet Muhammad migrated to Yathrib, Salman heard of him, so he hurried to check the signs, so he was sure that he was the prophet he was looking for. So he embraced Islam, and the Prophet Muhammad and his companions helped him write to his owner, until he was set free. After his release, Salman witnessed with the Prophet Muhammad the Battle of the Trench, and it was he who advised the Prophet Muhammad to dig the trench to protect the city from the Quraysh and its allies, and then witnessed the rest of the scenes with him. After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Salman witnessed the Islamic conquest of Persia, and took over the Emirate of Cities in the succession of Omar bin Al-Khattab until he died in the succession of Othman bin Affan.

His name and lineage

His name was Rouzbeh, and the Prophet Muhammad called him Salman, and his father's name was Khashfudhan, and the latter was from Dahaki Fars - and it was said from its bracelets - who had authority over some of the peasants from the sons of Isfahan, and he was well off and owned some farms.

As for his lineage: he is Mabeh bin Budakhshan bin Murslan bin Bahbudhan bin Fayrouz bin Suhrak from the son of the king's father.

Biography of Salman Al-Farsi, may God be pleased with him

“I was a Persian man from the people of Isfahan, from the people of a village called Ji, and my father was Dahqanha. hour. And my father had a great estate, so he was busy building it for him one day, and he said to me: “My son, I have been busy building this day about my estate, so go and look at it,” and he ordered me to do some of what he wanted. So I went out, then he said: “Do not be imprisoned on me, for if you withheld me, you would be more important to me than my estate, and you would distract me from everything of my affairs.

” So I went out to seek his estate, so I passed a Christian church, and I heard their voices in it while they were praying, and I did not know what the people had commanded to lock me up in his house, so when I passed them, and heard their voices, I entered to see what they were doing, and when I saw them, I admired their prayers, and wanted their affairs. And I said: "This - by God - is better than the religion that we follow." By God, I did not leave them until the sun set, and I left my father's estate without going to it. I said to them: "Where is the origin of this religion?" They said: "In the Levant." Then I returned to my father, who had sent for me and distracted him from all his work. When I came to him, he said: “My son, where have you been? Did I not entrust you with what I entrusted?” I said: “Father, I passed by people praying in a church of theirs, and I liked what I saw of their religion. By God, I was still with them until the sun set.” He said: “O my son, there is no good in that religion. 

Your religion and the religion of your forefathers is better than it.” I said, "No, by God, it is better than our religion." He said: “He scared me, so he tied my legs, then locked me in his house.” So I sent a message to the Christians and said: “If a group of Christian merchants comes to you from Syria, tell me about them.” So riders came to them from the Levant, and they told me about them, so I said: “If they fulfill their needs and want to return, then tell me.” So they did, so I threw the iron from my feet, then I went out with them until I came to Syria. When I presented it, I said: “Who is the best person in this religion?” They said: “The bishop in the church.

” So I came to him and said: “I wanted this religion, and I wanted to be with you, serve you in your church, learn from you, and pray with you.” He said: “Then enter.” So I entered with him, and a bad man was ordering them to give alms and urging them to do so, so if they collected something from it for him, he would hoard it for himself, and he would not give it to the poor until he collected seven bowls of gold and paper, so I hated him with a strong hatred for what I saw him do. Then he died, so the Christians gathered to him to bury him, so I said to them: “This is a bad man who commands you to give alms and encourages you to do so, so if you bring it, he will store it for himself and not give to the poor.” never".

 They crucified him and then threw stones at him. Then they brought a man who put him in his place, and I did not see a man who I thought was better than him. You see what you see of God’s command, and by God I have never loved anything your love, so what do you command me and to whom do you advise me?” He said to me: “Oh my son - by God - I only know a man in Mosul. When he died and went into occultation, I followed Mosul, and I went to its owner, and I found him in the same state of diligence and asceticism. He said: “Then, O son, stand up.

” So I lived with him according to the command of his companion until death came to him, and I said to him: “So-and-so has recommended me to you, and he has presented you with what you see from God’s command, so to whom will you recommend me?” And what do you command me to do?” He said: “By God, I do not know, O my son, except a man from two shares.” When we buried him, I joined the other, and stayed with him in the same condition as they were until death approached him. He recommended me to a man from the people of Amoriyah in the Romans, so I came to him and found him in the same condition as them, and I acquired until I had booty and cows. Then he died, so I spoke to him, who will recommend me? He said: “My son, by God, I don’t know anyone who remains as we used to, I command you to come to him, but the time of a prophet who is sent from the sanctuary has overshadowed you. gift and not eat charity.

 If you can reach that country, do so. For his time has shaded you.” When we showed him, I stayed until men from the Arab merchants passed by Kalb, and I said to them: “Carry me to the land of the Arabs, and I will give you my booty and these cows of mine?” They said: “Yes.” So I gave it to them and they carried me, until when they brought me to Wadi Al-Qura they wronged me, so they sold me as a slave from a Jewish man in Wadi Al-Qura. I didn't deserve it until a man from Banu Qurayzah came to Wadi Al-Qura, so he bought me from my friend and took me out until we came to Al-Madinah. So I lived in slavery, and God sent His Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to Makkah, and nothing of his matter was mentioned to me despite the fact that I am in slavery, until the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, presented a cloak, and I was working for my friend in a palm tree for him. May God fight the Banu Qila, and by God they are now in Qubaa meeting over a man who came from Mecca claiming that he is a prophet.

” By God, it was only that I heard it, so trembling seized me until I thought that I would fall on my companion, and I descended to say: “What is this news?” So my master raised his hand and gave me a heavy blow, and said: "What is yours and why, I accept your work." And I said, “Nothing; I only heard news, so I wanted to inform him.” When evening came, and I had some food, I carried it and went to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, who was in Quba, and said to him: “It has informed me that you are a righteous man, and that you have strangers with you, and I had something from charity, so I saw that you are more worthy than in this country, so here is this, so eat from it ». So he stopped and said to his companions: “Eat.” So I said to myself: “This is a trait from what my friend described to me.

” Then I came back, and the Messenger of God turned to Medina, so I collected something that I had and then brought it to him, so I said: “I have seen you not eating alms, and this is a gift.” So the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, ate and his   companions ate. I said: “These are two traits.” Then I came

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was following a funeral, and Ali was wearing two covers for me while he was among his companions. When he saw me turning behind him, he knew that I was verifying something that was described to me, so he dropped his robe from his back, so I looked at the ring and recognized it, so I bent down on it, kissing it and weeping. He said to me, "Transform." So I turned and told him my hadith as I told you, O Ibn Abbas, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, 

was amazed that his companions could hear that. Then Salman worked on slavery until he missed Badr and Uhud with the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. Then the Messenger of God said: Write, O Salman. So I wrote to my friend on three hundred palm trees, which I will give to him for the poor, and forty oqiyas. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to his companions: “Help your brother.” So they helped me with palm trees, a man with thirty amicable gifts, a man with twenty, and a man with fifteen, until three hundred amicable gifts came together. He said: “Go, O Salman, and poverty for her, and if you are done, miss me, and I will put it in my hand.

” So I begged for it, and my companions helped me, so that when I had finished with it, I came to him and told him, so he went out with me to her, so we would bring him closer to the valley, and he would place it in his hand. By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Salman, not one of them died, so I paid the palm trees, and the money remained. So the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, came with the equivalent of a chicken’s egg of gold from some of the raids, and he said: “What did the Persian do the offices?” do not worry". I said: “O Messenger of God, where does this fall from what I owe?” He said: “Take it, for God will pay it for you.” So I took it and weighed forty ounces of it for them, and I paid them their due and set manufactors free.

Despite this narration, however, there are other narrations that dealt with the story of his conversion to Islam, including that he is from Ramhormuz from the people of a village called “Ji”, and that his master who sold him is Othman bin Al-Ashhal Al-Qardi, the Jew, as it was said that the Prophet Muhammad was my brother between Salman and Abi Al-Darda, and it was said that my brother is between him And between Hudhaifa bin Al-Yaman, except that Al-Zuhri denied the issue of his fraternity, because the fraternity was invalidated after the Battle of Badr, and Salman at that time was in slavery.

The Battle of the Trench was Salman's first battle with the Prophet Muhammad, who advised him to dig a trench around Medina to defend it from the Quraysh army and its allies. Where the Persians were digging trenches for defense in war, Salman said: “O Messenger of God, we were in Persia if our trench besieged us.” Then he witnessed the rest of the scenes after that. After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Salman participated in the conquests of Iraq, Salman took over the Emirate of Al-Madain, and despite that, he used to work with his hand, so if he got money, he bought food with it, and invited the poor to eat with him. And the caliphs had made him a salary of 5,000 dirhams, but he used to spend it on the poor. And when his gift came out, he spent it, and he ate from his hand.”

His status and position with the Messenger of God

The Prophet Muhammad is higher than the status of Salman Al-Farsi. Anas bin Malik narrated that the Prophet Muhammad said: “Paradise longs for three: Ali, Ammar and Salman.” Anas also narrated the words of the Prophet Muhammad: “I am the forerunner of Adam’s son, and Salman is the forerunner of the Persians.” On the day of the parties, when the Muhajireen and the Ansar argued over Salman al-Farisi, each of them said: “Salman is from us.” The Prophet said: “Salman is from us, Ahl al-Bayt.”

Also, Salman was the reason for the revelation of a verse: Ra bracket.png Their reward is with their Lord, and there is no fear upon them, nor do they grieve Aya-62.png La bracket.png, when Salman told The Prophet Muhammad told his companions of priests who accompanied them before his conversion to Islam, so he said: “They used to fast and pray, and they testified that you would be resurrected.” The Prophet Muhammad said: “Oh Salman, they are among the people of Hell.” So this became more severe for Salman. And he said: “If they catch up to you, they will believe you and follow you.” Then the verse was revealed.

As the Companions glorified his worth, it was narrated that when Muadh ibn Jabal al-Mut attended, his companions said to him: “Recommend us.” He said: “Faith and knowledge are in their place, whoever seeks them finds them.” He said it three times, so seek knowledge from four: Abu Darda, Salman, Ibn Masoud, and Abdullah bin Salam, who was a Jew and converted to Islam. I heard the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: “He is the tenth tenth in Paradise.” And when Ali bin Abi Talib was asked about the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, he said: “Which of them do you ask?” They said: “Ammar?” He said: “A believer who forgets. If you mention him, he remembers.” They said: “Abu Dhar?” He said: “He learned knowledge that he was unable to do.

” They said: “Abu Musa?” They said: “Hudhayfah?” He said: “The most knowledgeable of the hypocrites are the companions of Muhammad.” They said: “Salman?” He said: “He has grasped the first knowledge, and the last knowledge is a sea that does not reach its bottom, and he is from us, Ahl al-Bayt.” They said: “So you, Commander of the Faithful?” He said: “If you asked, you would give, and if you were silent, you would initiate.” Also, when Salman came to Umar ibn al-Khattab, who was the caliph, Omar said to the people: “Come out with us and we will meet Salman.”

his death

Salman died in the caliphate of Othman bin Affan in Al-Madain, in the year 33 AH, and it was said that he died in the year 36 AH, and Salman had a wife from the Kinda tribe, her name was Buqayra, and it was said that he had a daughter in Isfahan who had offspring and two daughters in Egypt. As for his character, Salman was a strong man with long legs and a lot of hair. Al-Dhahabi said about him: “He was intelligent and firm, one of the wise men, their worshipers and nobles.
