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The birth of Zaid bin Haritha

He was born in the homes of his people, Banu Kalb, and his mother is Sa`dah bint Tha'labah. Zaid was captured when he was a young boy. He was kidnapped by the horses of Bani Al-Qain bin Jisr before Islam, when they raided the homes of Bani Ma’an, his mother’s family, and he was with her on a visit to her family. They sold him in the Okaz market, so Hakim bin Hizam bought him for his aunt Khadija bint Khuwaylid. And when the Prophet, peace be upon him, married her, she gave it to him.

The Prophet, peace be upon him, adopted Zaid bin Haritha

Time passed, and people from the tribe of Zaid bin Harith made a pilgrimage, and they saw him, so he knew them and knew him, then they returned and told his father where he was, so his father Haritha and his uncle Kaab went out to ransom him. They met the Prophet, peace be upon him, and asked for his ransom, so he invited them to choose Zaid himself, if he wanted to stay, and if he wanted to return with his family without anything in return. Then the Prophet Muhammad called him, and said to him: “I am the one who knew and saw my companionship with you, so choose me or choose them.” Zaid said: “I am not the one who chooses anyone over you.”

 You are with me in the place of the father and the mother.” So his father and uncle marveled and said: “Woe to you, O Zaid, do you choose slavery over freedom and over your father, uncle, and your household?” He said: “Yes. Indeed, I have seen from this man something that I would never choose over.” When his father and uncle saw that, they were reassured and left. Zaid became called "Zaid bin Muhammad".

Islam Zaid bin Haritha, may God be pleased with him

Zayd was one of the first forerunners to Islam, and his conversion to Islam was after Mrs. Khadija bint Khuwaylid and Ali bin Abi Talib, and before Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, who was the first follower to Islam. Since his conversion to Islam, Zaid accompanied the Prophet, peace be upon him, until the Prophet, peace be upon him, ordered him to migrate to Yathrib.

Zaid's marriage to Zainab bint Jahsh and the annulment of adoption

The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, married Zayd to his paternal aunt’s daughter, Zainab bint Jahsh. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has indeed strayed into clear error.

After Zaid divorced his wife Zainab, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, wanted to marry her, but he hesitated to marry her because she was the ex-wife of his adopter until the revelation came ordering him to marry her: And fear God, and you hide in yourself what God reveals and you fear People, and God is more deserving that they should fear him, so when Zayd had fulfilled her desire, we gave her in marriage so that there would be no blame on the believers in being married. Invoke them when they fulfill their desire and the command of God is fulfilled.

 So the verse invalidated the embarrassment that the people of the Jahiliyyah used to feel embarrassed by the man marrying the wife of his supplicant, as a verse was revealed: {Call them} for their fathers, it is more just with God, and if you do not know their fathers, then you are your brothers in religion and your freedmen, and there is no sin on you in this matter. You erred in it, but your hearts did not intend it, and God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

The invasions witnessed by Zaid bin Haritha, may God be pleased with him

Zaid witnessed with the Prophet Muhammad the Battle of Badr, and he was the one who was the herald of victory for Medina. Then he participated after that in the battles of Uhud, the Trench and Khaybar, and he witnessed the Treaty of Hudaybiyah, as the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, appointed him as caliph over Madinah when he went out to Al-Muraysi’, and Zaid was known to be one of the skilled archers.

The martyrdom of Zaid bin Haritha, may God be pleased with him

The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, sent Al-Harith bin Umair Al-Azdi, may God be pleased with him, to the king of Bosra, and when he reached the land of Mu’tah, Shurhabil bin Amr killed him. To call its people to Islam, if they refused, he commanded them to fight them, and Zaid bin Haritha commanded them, and he was stabbed in this battle, and that was in Jumada Al-Awwal of the eighth year of immigration.

The virtue of Zaid bin Haritha in the narration of hadiths

Zaid bin Haritha narrated some of the hadiths of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, directly and on the authority of Anas bin Malik, and Anas bin Malik, Al-Bara bin Azib, Abdullah bin Abbas, his son Osama bin Zaid, and his brother Jabala bin Haritha narrated them on his authority. He had another conversation.

Calling it the love of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “...As for you, O Zayd, you are my master, from me, and to me, and the most beloved of people to me.”
