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The Ten Promised Paradise



Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq "The Friend"

He is Abdullah bin Othman bin Aamer bin Amr bin Kaab bin Saad Al-Qurashi Al-Tamimi, his nickname is Abu Bakr, and his father's nickname is Abu Quhafa. He was a clothing trader, and he was an author whom people loved for his good manners, and they loved his hadith for his knowledge of genealogy. His name was Abd al-Kaaba, so the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, named him Abd Allah, and he was the first man to embrace Islam. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to him: “You are freed by God from the Fire.” He was named Ateeq. People embraced Islam at his hand, Uthman, Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf, al-Zubayr, Talha and others, and he freed seven who were being tortured, among them Bilal and Amer ibn Fuhaira - and Abu Bakr, the best of the nation after the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.

 He was a generous man who gave all his money to God, and he was the companion of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, before and after Islam, and he was also his companion in his emigration, and his successor after him, and he was the one who was proven on the day of the death of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and reminded Muslims that his death was right, during which he fought wars Grinding against the apostates to return them to Islam. He was born two years and months after the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and died two years and three months after him in Jumada al-Akhirah in the thirteenth year of migration, and after him Omar Ibn Al-Khattab succeeded the Muslims. And in his virtues, may God be pleased with him, there were countless hadiths.

Omar bin Al-Khattab "Al-Faruq"

He is Umar bin Al-Khattab bin Nufail bin Abd Al-Ezza bin Riyah bin Qart Al-Qurashi Al-Adawi, his nickname is Abu Hafs, and his nickname is Al-Farouq. He was born, may God be pleased with him, thirteen years after the year of the elephant. He was one of the nobles of Quraish during the pre-Islamic era and their official spokesman with the other tribes.

When God sent Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, Omar was very hard on him and the Muslims, then God decreed guidance for him, so he embraced Islam at the hands of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in Dar al-Arqam, in Dhul-Hijjah, the sixth year of the mission, three days after Hamza, may God be pleased with him, converted to Islam. And the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, had prayed: “Oh God, cherish Islam with the most beloved of the two men to you: Umar ibn al-Khattab or Amr ibn Hisham – meaning Abu Jahl.”

The summary of the narrations, with the combination of them, is that he converted to Islam, may God be pleased with him, that he sought refuge one night outside his house, then he came to the sanctuary, and entered into the cover of the Kaaba, while the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was standing praying, and he opened Surah (Al-Haqqah), so he made Umar listen to the Qur’an and marvel at its composition. He said: So I said - that is, to myself - This is God, a poet, as Quraysh said. He said (Not by the saying of a soothsayer. Little do you remember a revelation from the Lord of the Worlds) to the end of the surah: He said, so Islam fell into my heart.

This was the first time that the nucleus of Islam fell into his heart, but the veneer of ignorant tendencies, traditional fanaticism, and arrogance in the religion of the ancestors prevailed over the brain of the truth that his heart was whispering about. It was from the intensity of his temper and his excessive enmity towards the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that he went out one day with his sword, intending to eliminate the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he was met by Naim bin Abdullah Al-Nahham Al-Adawi, or a man from Bani Zuhrah, or a man from Bani Makhzum, and he said, Where did you baptize, Umar? ? He said: I want to kill Muhammad. He said: How can you be safe from Banu Hashim and Banu Zuhrah when you have killed Muhammad? Omar said to him: I do not see you except that you have become impatient and left your religion that you used to follow.

 Your sister and your sister-in-law have become deaf, and they have left your religion, which you are upon, so Umar walked in ruins until he came to them, and they had Khabbab bin Al-Arat with him a scroll containing Taha to read to them - and he used to go to them and read the Qur’an to them. When Umar approached the house, he heard Khabab reading to them, and when he entered upon them, he said: What is this hum that I heard with you? They said: Except for a conversation we spoke between us. He said, did you do it? And his circumcised said to him: O Omar, do you see if the truth is in a religion other than yours? Then his sister came and raised him from her husband, so he blew her with his hand, so her face bled - and in the narration of Ibn Ishaq he hit her and broke her - so she said - with my anger -: O Omar, if the truth is in a religion other than your religion, I bear witness that there is no god but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.

 When Umar despaired, and he saw what his sister had of blood, he regretted and was ashamed, and said: Give me this book that you have, so I can read it. His sister said: You are an abomination, and only the purified can touch it. Pure goodness. Then he read: (Taha) until he ended up saying (I am God, there is no god but me, so worship me and establish prayer for my remembrance) He said: What is the best and honorable speech? Show me Muhammad. When Khabab heard what Umar said, he left the house and said: Preach good tidings, Umar, for I hope that the call of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, will be for you on Thursday night (O God, strengthen Islam with Umar ibn al-Khattab or with Abu Jahl ibn Hisham) while the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was in the house where At the origin of Safa. 

So Umar took his sword and wrapped it around, then went until he came to the house and struck the door. Then a man stood looking through the door and saw him wearing a sword. They said: Omar, so he said: And Omar, open the door for him. If he came wanting good, we will give him, and if he came wanting evil, we killed him with his sword. Then he gave him a heavy blow and said, 'Are you ready, Umar, until God sends you down with disgrace and punishment what befell Al-Walid bin Mughirah?' O Allah ! This is Omar Ibn Al-Khattab. Oh God, strengthen Islam with Omar Ibn Al-Khattab. Omar said: I bear witness that there is no god but God, and that you are the Messenger of God.

 And he embraced Islam, so the people of the house said Allahu Akbar, which the people of the mosque heard. Omar, may God be pleased with him, had a grouch that was not fine, and his conversion to Islam caused an uproar among the polytheists with humiliation and humiliation, and clothed the Muslims with glory, honor and pleasure. Ibn Ishaq narrated with his chain of transmission on the authority of Umar, he said: When I converted to Islam, I remembered which of the people of Makkah had the most enmity towards the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. He said: I came to tell you that I have believed in God and His Messenger, Muhammad, and believed in what he brought. 

He then slammed the door in my face and said, "May God curse you, and the ugliness of what you came with." After Umar embraced Islam, he consulted the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, about the Muslims going out and declaring their Islam in the Sacred Mosque, so he gave him permission. On that day, he greeted Al-Farouq. On the authority of Ayyub bin Musa, he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “God made the truth on the tongue of Omar and his heart, and he is the difference.

 God differentiated between truth and falsehood through him.” And his conversion to Islam, may God be pleased with him, strengthened the strength of the Muslims and they declared their faith, on the authority of Abdullah bin Masoud, who said: “Umar’s Islam was a conquest, his emigration was a victory, and his leadership was a mercy. And when the order came to migrate to Medina, Umar migrated, and he deliberately migrated in public to anger the infidels, so he circumambulated the House seven times, then came to the station and prayed with authority, then he stood with all his weapons and said to the polytheists: Their faces are distorted, God does not force except these sneezes - i.e. noses - from He wanted his mother to be bereaved, his son to be orphaned, and his wife to be widowed, so let him meet me behind this valley.

 No one followed him. Umar ibn al-Khattab witnessed all the battles with the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he was one of the closest people to his heart, on the authority of Abdullah ibn Abbas, he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “My two ministers from the people of heaven are Gabriel and Mikael, and my two ministers from the people of the earth are Abu Bakr and Umar ". And he said: "If there was a prophet after me, it would be Umar ibn al-Khattab.

And Omar is one of the heralds of Paradise, and he is Abu Hafsa, the mother of the believers, may God be pleased with her. And the Holy Qur’an was often revealed in agreement with Omar’s opinions, on the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, who said: “It was never revealed to the people, and they said about it, and Omar said about it - or Ibn Al-Khattab said - except that the Qur’an was revealed in the way that Omar said.” He was famous, may God be pleased with him, for his asceticism, breadth of knowledge, and boldness in the truth, and after he took over the caliphate, he became an example of justice in his time and to this day of people. On the authority of Ibn Abbas, he said: Remember Omar a lot, because if you mention him, you mention justice, and if you mention justice, you mention God, the Blessed and Most High. Omar assumed the succession of the Muslims after the death of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, in the thirteenth year of the Hijrah, and his succession lasted ten years, six months and five nights.

During his reign, the state of Islam became the first great state in the world, as the conquests that began during the era of Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, were completed, and the power of the Romans was broken, and the Persian state was permanently removed from existence. He conquered Iraq, the Levant, Egypt, the Jazira, Diyarbakir, Armenia, Araniyeh, the countries of the mountains, Persia, Khuzestan, and others. Omar managed giving to the people, and made himself in the position of a hired hand and like a single Muslim in the treasury. 

Omar Ibn Al-Khattab was left-handed: he worked with his hands, and he was bald, tall, and white in complexion, except that the color of his skin changed in the year of ash - the year of distress and drought - because he ate more oil, and he prohibited himself from ghee and milk until people fertilized and their conditions were reformed. So it changed its color. He was the first to be called the Commander of the Faithful, the first to adopt the Hijri date, the first to gather the people on the qiyaam of Ramadan, and the first to write down the bureaus in the Islamic state.

 He was martyred, may God be pleased with him, after he was stabbed on Wednesday for four nights remaining in Dhu al-Hijjah in the year twenty-three of the Hijrah, at the age of sixty-three years. Islam claims! He stayed three, then was buried on Sunday morning of the new moon of Muharram in the year twenty-four, next to the graves of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and his companion, Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him.

Othman bin Affan "The Two Lights"

Othman bin Affan bin Abi Al-Aas bin Umayyah bin Abd Shams bin Abd Manaf Al-Amawi. Third Caliphs, and one of the ten promised Paradise. He embraced Islam at the beginning of Islam at the hands of Abu Bakr. He married the daughter of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, Ruqayyah. Then, when his wife, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, died, with her sister, Umm Kulthum, he was named Dhul-Nurayn. 

He migrated the two migrations of Abyssinia, then migrated to Medina, and he was rich with a lot of expenditures, as he alone equipped half of the army of Al-Usrah, and he bought the well of Ruma that is in Medina with his money and made it for the wayfarer, and he was alive and the angels were ashamed of him. He took over the caliphate after Omar was killed in the twenty-fourth year of migration, and at the end of his life some of the people of Egypt, Basra, Kufa, and Medina revolted against him, so they besieged him. May God be pleased with him, a great tragedy that terrified the believers, and opened the doors of sedition for a long time, and that was in the year thirty-five AH, and his age at that time was eighty-few. This black day was known as the Day of the House.

Ali bin Abi Talib

He is Ali bin Abi Talib, and Abu Talib is Abd Manaf bin Abd al-Muttalib bin Hashim bin Abd Manaf al-Qurashi al-Hashemi. The cousin of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the husband of his daughter Fatima, the Lady of the Women of the Worlds, and the father of the two grandsons, Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein, the masters of the youth of the people of Paradise. And Ali is the first of the boys to embrace Islam after Khadija and Abu Bakr, and it was said, but before Abu Bakr, and he is ten or fifteen years old, and he is one of the ten who were given the glad tidings of Paradise. . He slept in the bed of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when he left the emigration, and covered himself with his cloak to blind the polytheists lying in front of the house of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and commanded him to give what he had of the trusts to its people. 

Then he emigrated in disguise, walking, and his feet swelled from a lot of walking until he came to the city, and he witnessed Badr and did a good job in it, and he witnessed Uhud and was wounded sixteen times, and he was the bearer of the standard after the martyrdom of Musab bin Omair, and he witnessed all the scenes except the day of Tabuk, because the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace He sent him back to Medina, appointed him as successor over his family, and said to him: "Would you not be satisfied to be with me as Aaron was with Musa, except that there is no prophet after me?

On the day of Khaibar, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, gave the flag on the first day to Abu Bakr, but it was not opened to him, so he gave it to Omar on the second day, and it was not opened to him. So he gave it to me, and God gave victory to him. Ali was a scholar who people would ask him and they would not ask anyone after him, and Umar would seek refuge from a dilemma and Abu Al-Hassan did not have it, and the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, appointed him to judge Yemen. 

He pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr after the death of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and helped him, and pledged allegiance to Umar after him and helped him, and pledged allegiance to Uthman and helped him, and supported him in his sedition with great support, as he offered him to bring his sons to fight without him, and break his siege, but Uthman refused our right to blood, so when Uthman was killed, all agreed People agreed to pledge allegiance to Ali in the caliphate, so they pledged allegiance to him and some people differed over him, so Muawiyah fell behind among the people of the Levant, and they refused to pledge allegiance to him, and Muawiyah fought him, demanding the blood of Uthman, and it was a severe sedition against the Muslims, in which two famous battles took place, the camel and two descriptions, and after that Ali and Muawiyah agreed to arbitrate our right to blood Muslims,

 so a group of his companions revolted against Ali, refusing to accept arbitration between him and Muawiyah, and those who revolted against Ali are the Kharijites, and Ali, may God be pleased with him, fought them, and killed many of them, fulfilling the prophecy of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace to him. And three of the Kharijites decided to kill Ali, Muawiya, and Amr ibn al-Aas, and each one turned to the man who chose to kill him, and none of them succeeded in his goal except for Ali, who was Abd al-Rahman ibn Malajim. . Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, was very knowledgeable, many companions asked him, until Ibn Abbas said: Ali was given nine tenths of knowledge, and I swear to God he shared with them the tenth.

Al-Zubair bin Al-Awam, "The Messenger's Disciples"

He is Al-Zubayr bin Al-Awam bin Khuwaylid bin Asad bin Abd Al-Ezza bin Qusay bin Kilab, his nickname is Abu Abdullah, the disciples of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and the son of his aunt Safia. He embraced Islam when he was fifteen years old, and it was said that he was twelve years old, and he is one of the seven who converted to Islam. And the husband of Asma’ bint Abi Bakr, “Dhat al-Nitaqayn,” was the first to draw his sword in Islam, and that was in Makkah when it was rumored that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, had been killed. He said: I was told that you were taken, so the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, prayed for him and his sword. He emigrated to Abyssinia and then to Medina. He witnessed Badr and all the sites, and he was one of the greatest and bravest knights. 

Omar said about him: Al-Zubayr is one of the pillars of religion. He was famous for his generosity and generosity, and it was narrated from him that he had a thousand slaves who gave him the rent of his land, so he did not enter his house even one dirham, but he gave all of that in charity. He is one of the ten who were given the glad tidings of Paradise, and one of the six whom Omar chose to succeed after him, and he named his children after the names of the martyrs of the Companions. The camel witnessed a fight against Ali, so Ali was alone with him that day and spoke to him, so he returned and left the fight, but Abdullah bin Jarmuz followed him and killed him treacherously, and carried his head and sword to Ali, so Ali cried and kissed his sword and did not allow his killer to enter him and give him good tidings of fire. And that was in the year 36, and the age of al-Zubayr at that time was 67 years old.

Saad bin Abi Waqas

He is Saad bin Malik bin Wahib bin Abd Manaf bin Zahra Al-Qurashi Al-Zuhri, one of the first Muslims. He embraced Islam at the age of seventeen years, and he is one of the ten who were given the glad tidings of Paradise, and one of the six people who were chosen by Omar upon his death, to choose a successor from them. And he was the first to shed blood for the sake of God, and that was when the polytheists intercepted the way of the Muslims, when they wanted to pray in one of the reefs of Makkah. He is also the first to shoot an arrow for the sake of God. 

And the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, prayed for him and said: “O God, respond to Saad when he calls upon you.” He witnessed all the battles with the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and did a good job on the day of Uhud. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to him: “Permit, may my father and mother be sacrificed for you.” It was narrated that he threw a thousand shares on that day. Omar commanded him over the armies that he sent to fight the Persians, so he was the leader of the army that defeated the Persians in Qadisiyah, and he was the one who conquered the cities of Khosrau, and he was the one who built Kufa. Omar appointed him over Iraq, and likewise Othman appointed him over Kufa. At the time of sedition Saad retired teams. Saad, may God be pleased with him, died in the year fifty-five, and was buried in Medina, and he was the last of the immigrants to die.

Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah, “The Trustee of this Ummah”

He is Amer bin Abdullah bin Al-Jarrah bin Hilal bin Dabbah bin Al-Harith bin Fahr, from Kinana, and his nickname is Abu Obeida. One of the first forerunners to Islam, and he is the trustee of this nation, and he is one of the ten who were given the glad tidings of Paradise. He migrated to Abyssinia, then returned to Mecca, and migrated to Medina. He witnessed Badr, and all the scenes, and on the day of Badr, Abu Ubaidah killed his father, as he was an unbeliever pursuing Abu Ubaidah to kill him. Nor Omar commanded the armies. And Abu Ubaidah died in the plague of Emmaus in the eighteen year of immigration.

Talha bin Obaidullah "Talha Al-Khair"

He is Talha bin Obaidullah bin Othman bin Amr bin Kaab bin Saad Al-Qurashi Al-Tamimi. Of the forerunners to Islam, and of those who were severely tormented by God, and he is one of the ten who were given the glad tidings of Paradise. He did not witness a full moon because he was sensitive to the news of the polytheists in the Levant. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, named him on the day of Uhud Talha al-Khair, the day of Hunayn the Talhah of Generosity, and on the day of hardship Talhah al-Fayyad. He was rich with a lot of money, a lot of alms. Omar Ibn Al-Khattab chose him upon his death among the six, who are the owners of the Shura; To choose a caliph for the Muslims from among them. And he was harsh on Uthman in his sedition, but he was not satisfied with killing him, and he used to say: “Oh God, take from me for Uthman until you are satisfied.” He participated in the war of the camel against Ali, but Ali spoke to him and Al-Zubayr, so they turned back from fighting him, but they were killed, and the one who killed Talha was Marwan bin Al-Hakam.

Abdul Rahman bin Auf

Abd al-Rahman bin Auf, one of the eight who converted to Islam, Abu Bakr offered him Islam, and the matter did not become distressed for him, nor was he slower. Rather, he hastened to the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - to pledge allegiance to him. Immediately after his conversion to Islam, he carried his share of the persecution of the polytheists. He migrated to Abyssinia, the first and second migration, just as he migrated He went to Medina with the Muslims and witnessed all the scenes, and on the day of Uhud he received twenty wounds, one of which left a permanent limp in his leg, and some of his folds fell off, leaving a clear interest in his speech and speech.

 A stone would have found silver and gold under it.) And trade with Abd al-Rahman bin Awf was a work and an effort not to collect money but for an honorable living, and this is what we see when the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - made a brotherhood between the immigrants and the Ansar, so he made a brotherhood between Abd al-Rahman bin Awf and Saad bin Rabi`, so he said Saad to Abd al-Rahman: (My brother, I am the most wealthy of the people of the city, so look at half of my money and take it, and I have two women under me, so see which of them appeals to you until I divorce her and marry her). God’s right was that Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf’s trade was not for him alone, but for God and the Muslims to have a right in it.

 He heard the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - say one day: “Oh Ibn Awf, you are one of the rich, and you will enter Paradise with love, so lend to God and let your feet be free for you.” And since At that time, he was lending God a good loan, so God multiplied it for him many times over, for one day he sold land for forty thousand dinars, which he distributed all to his family from Bani Zahra, the mothers of Muslims, and the poor Muslims, and presented five hundred horses to the armies of Islam, and another day, one thousand and five hundred camels, and upon his death he bequeathed fifty thousand dinars In the way of God, and four hundred dinars for each of those who remained who witnessed Badr until he reached the caliph Othman a share of the will, so he took it and said: (The money of Abd al-Rahman is lawful and pure, and the food from it is wellness and blessing). 

Partners for Ibn Auf in his money, one-third he lends them, one-third pays off their debts, and one-third connects them and gives them) and he left after him a lot of gold, struck with axes until the hands of men were stripped from it, the caravan of faith. What turned out to be a large caravan reverent for loads, crowding the city and making it hopeful, and the mother of the believers, Aisha - may God be pleased with her - asked: (What is this happening in the city?) And I was answered that it is a caravan of Abd al-Rahman bin Awf that came from the Levant carrying merchandise for him,

 so the mother of the believers was amazed: (a caravan) Is all this commotion happening?) So they said to her: (Yes, O Mother of the Believers, she is seven hundred departed women) and the Mother of the Believers shook her head and remembered: (As for I heard the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - say: (I saw Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf enter Paradise, they crawled) and I prayed These words to Abd al-Rahman bin Auf, and he remembered that he heard this hadith from the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - more than once, so he urged his steps to Mrs. Aisha and said to her: (You reminded me of a hadith that I did not forget)

 Then he said: (As for I bear witness that this caravan With its loads, its saddlebags and its sweets for the sake of God) and the load of seven hundred camels were distributed to the people of Medina and its surroundings fear and the wealth of Abd al-Rahman - may God be pleased with him - was a source of annoyance and fear for him, as he was brought to him one day with breakfast food and he was fasting, and when his eyes fell on him he lost his appetite and wept, then he said: (Musab bin Omair was martyred, and he was better than me, so he was shrouded in a burdah, if it covered his head, his legs were visible, and if his feet were covered, his head appeared.

 And I am afraid that our good deeds have been hastened for us) as food was placed in front of him one day while he was sitting with his companions, and he cried, and they asked him: (What makes you cry, Abu Muhammad?) He said: (The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - died, and he and his family were not satisfied with bread Barley, he did not see us delaying what is best for us) and his fear made this old man not know a way for him, it was said: (that if he saw a stranger who did not know him while he was sitting with his servants, he would not be able to distinguish him from among them) fleeing from power Abd al-Rahman bin Awf was one of The six companions of the Shura whom Omar made the caliphate for them after him, saying: (The Messenger of God died and he was satisfied with them) and everyone pointed to Abd al-Rahman that he is the most deserving of the caliphate, 

so he said: (By God, for a knife to be taken and placed in my throat, then carried with it to the other side, is dearer to me From that (immediately after the meeting of the six to choose the successor of Al-Faruq, Abd al-Rahman bin Awf waived his right that Omar had given him, and made the matter between the remaining five, so they chose him to be the arbiter between them, and Ali - may God honor his face - said to him: (I heard the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace He describes you as trustworthy in the people of heaven, and trustworthy in the people of the earth) So he chose Abd al-Rahman bin Awf (Uthman bin Affan) for the caliphate, and everyone agreed on his choice. He died in the thirty-second year of the Hijrah. 

So she offered him to be buried in her room next to the Messenger, Abu Bakr and Umar, but he was ashamed to raise himself to this neighborhood, and he asked to be buried next to Othman bin Maz’un, as they trusted one day which of them died after the other to be buried next to his friend, and she was muttering and his eyes were filled with tears: (I am I am afraid that I will be withheld from my companions due to the large amount of money I had.) But soon, peace overtook him, his face shone, and his ears were eager to hear, as if there was someone talking to him, and perhaps he heard what the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - promised: (Abd al-Rahman bin Awf in Paradise). 

Saeed bin Zaid Al-Qurashi

Said bin Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail Al-Adawi Al-Qurashi, Abu Al-Awar, one of the best companions, cousin of Omar bin Al-Khattab and his sister’s husband. He was born in Makkah in the year (22 before the Hijra) and immigrated to Medina. The ten who were given the glad tidings of Paradise. He and his wife were Umm Jamil (Fatima bint Al-Khattab) and his father - may God be pleased with him - (Zaid bin Amr) retired from pre-Islamic times and unified God Almighty without a Hanif mediator. Saeed bin Zaid asked the Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace He greeted and said: (O Messenger of God, Abu Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail was as you saw and as he told you, and if he came to you, he believed in you, so ask forgiveness for him?) He said: (Yes) and ask forgiveness for him, and he said: (He will come on the Day of Resurrection as a nation alone).

It was narrated on the authority of Saeed bin Zaid that he said: The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: “Ten from the Quraysh will be in Paradise: Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, Ali, Talha, Al-Zubayr, Abd Al-Rahman bin Awf, and Saad bin Malik (bin Abi Waqqas). ), Saeed bin Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail, and Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah (may God be pleased with them all) The answered call was - may God be pleased with him - answered the call, and his story is famous with Arwa bint Aws, as she complained about him to Marwan bin Al-Hakam, and claimed that he usurped something From her house, he said: (Oh God, if she is a liar, blind her sight, and kill her in her house) She was blinded and then faltered in the well of her house.

 Who is with him for jihad, so Saeed wrote to him: (Now after that, I would not favor you and your companions in jihad over myself and what brings me closer to the pleasure of my Lord. Mu’awiyah to Marwan in Medina giving allegiance to his son Yazid, and a man from the Levant said to Marwan: “What is keeping you?” Al-Shami and Saeed came with my father in the house. By God, you call me to a people and I fought them on Islam.” So he went back to Marwan and told him, so Marwan said to him: (Shut up) and the mother of the believers died (I think she is Zainab) so she recommended that Saeed bin Zaid pray for her. Marwan said: “Wait for the one whose head you wanted to strike, for she commanded that the funeral prayer be offered for her.” Al-Shami said: “I ask God’s forgiveness.”

His death He died in Medina in the year (51 AH) and his grave was entered by Saad bin Abi Al-Waqqas and Abdullah bin Omar - may God be pleased with them all -
