Beginning of the story
The children of Israel were afflicted by the weakness of the enemy when it took control of their affairs, so they were poisoned by the evil of torment: their sons were slaughtered and their women were spared, in a form of humiliation from the humiliation of enslavement and the bitterness of tyranny, until God permitted the dawn of splendor to dawn, and for the night of injustice to fade away. So he saved them through his prophet Moses - upon him be peace and blessings - and established them in the land, and bequeathed to them the kingdom of Pharaoh after they saw his destruction, and God completed His most beautiful word for them, and destroyed what Pharaoh and his people were making and what they were erecting. And the Lord's blessings are still seen on them when he promised his words for forty nights; To give the Torah a method for the Children of Israel, a guidance and a light, so Moses hastened to meet his Lord. In order to please him, he succeeded his brother Harun - peace be upon him - as a shepherd for his people and recommended him to reform and avoid the ways of spoilers. And when Moses attended the promise, and his Lord spoke to him, and gave him the Torah written in tablets containing an exhortation of everything and its details - he told him what befell his people, the Children of Israel after him, from the temptation of worshiping the calf by misleading a man from among them whose name was Samaritan.
The return of our master Moses
Moses - peace be upon him - returned from his Lord's appointment with anger filling his stomach; When he saw the condition of his people, he was awed by the terrible scene of polytheism, when he saw them devoted to worshiping the body of a calf that had no soul or life, disbelieving in the grace of their master and his selection for them. And the news is not like the inspection; So he threw the tablets out of his hand. And he set out to treat this dangerous disease and uproot its roots from the hearts of his people, which imbibed the love of this idol. So he started with his people from whom the act occurred, then praised his brother Harun, who is in charge of their affairs, then he thirded because of the sedition and its Samaritan source. So he proceeded to rebuke his people and remind them of the great favor of God upon them by asking about the reason for this disappointment: Is it the length of his absence from them? Or is it their distance from the time of prophecy? Both of these times are short-lived; Do not justify this ugly act. There is no reason other than the will of disobedience that brings down the wrath of God; so they broke the promise of righteousness, and the commandment of Aaron; They did not observe the absent, nor did they respect the present.
Israeli apology
And they apologized with a cold excuse for the ugliness of their act: that they had worshiped the calf against their will when they sinned that the Coptic ornaments remained with them, so they threw it away, so the Samaritan made of it a calf that had a mooing (sound). And the heavens, in fact the rebellion went too far with them, so Moses made a mistake in going to meet his Lord, and their Lord is present between them - God Almighty is far above their oppression -. This is from their dullness, and the absurdity of their minds. Do they not see that He does not revise them even with a single word, and He does not have power over them to harm or benefit, for the one who is destitute of perfection, speech and action does not deserve to be worshiped, in fact he is less than His worshipers who have speech and ability. Thus, ignorance destroys its owner in his foolish and immeasurable tasks. They sinned by carrying jewelry; So they replaced it by worshiping the calf statue!!
Our master Moses pity his people
And the anger of violating the limits of God still dominated Musa - peace be upon him - out of pity for his people and complete advice until he approached his brother Harun, holding his beard and his head, dragging him to him, admonishing him for failing to catch up with him because he informed him of the sedition of his people. Mother); to soften his heart, otherwise he is his brother, asking him to stop reprimanding him; So that his enemies would not gloat at him, and because of his innocence from the shame of negligence, he preached to them when he saw their shirk, and he said: {O my people, you have only been tempted by him, and indeed your Lord is the Most Merciful, so follow me and obey my command}, but they were weak And they almost killed him, and he feared that by leaving them, they would disperse and disperse their affairs. So he bears the sin of violating the command of his brother Musa. He gave priority to the lower spoiler over the higher one. Then Moses - peace be upon him - realized his brother's advice and his doing the matter. He asked God to forgive him and his brother and to enter them into His mercy. Thus, the Prophet of God, Moses - peace be upon him - was still in the treatment of the sedition of his people until he resisted the Samaritan, the cause of the sedition and its spark, asking him about his affliction with which he tempted the Children of Israel, and he answered him that he saw what no one else saw when God sent His Messenger Gabriel - peace be upon him - to drown Pharaoh. So he took from his trace the size of a fist, and when he finished molding the ornaments in the shape of a calf, he threw that fist at him, and the calf bellowed. A trial from God and a test, or that mooing was the sound of the air coming out of the calf after it entered its anus. Sedition happened to him.
After the crime of worshiping the calf
And after this investigation conducted by the Prophet of God, Moses - peace be upon him - in the crime of worshiping the calf - the condemnation focused on two parties: they are the worshipers of the calf from the Children of Israel and its Samaritan maker, and the time has come to recompense the slander against God that contains God's wrath on the slanderer and strikes him with humiliation in this world. Despite the enormity of the crime, God did not despair them of His mercy, rather He opened the door to repentance for them. Recompense the fabricators * And those who do evil deeds and then repent thereafter and believe that your Lord thereafter is Forgiving, Merciful. Then the worshipers of the calf realized the greatness of the crime and the remoteness of the error, and it fell into their hands, and they began to recite the forgiveness of the prophets: {If our Lord does not have mercy on us and forgives us, we will be among the losers}. So their Prophet Musa - peace be upon him - commanded them to repent, which is one of the necessities of killing the soul, by killing one another, as Allah - the Most High - said: And repent to your Creator, and kill yourselves, that is better for you with your Creator. The Most Merciful. Al-Zuhri said: When the Children of Israel were commanded to kill themselves, they came out with Moses, and they were stirred with swords, and they cursed each other. reward, and Moses raised his hands, even if they spent some of them, they said: O Prophet of God, pray to God for us. And they took hold of his hands, supporting his hands, and their matter remained in that, until God accepted their repentance. They turned away from one another, so they laid down their arms, and Moses and the children of Israel grieved for the killing among them, so God revealed, exalted be His praise, To Musa: What makes you sad?! As for those of you who were killed, they are alive and provided for, and as for those who remain, I have accepted their repentance. Moses and the children of Israel were so pleased. Narrated by Ibn Jarir with a good chain of transmission, as Ibn Katheer said.
God's punishment for the Samaritan
And the punishment of the Samaritan who caused this sedition is of the same type as his crime: {He said, “Go, for in life you have the right to say no touching}; Just as you took and touched what was not taken and touched from the traces of the Messenger, your punishment in this world is expulsion and deportation, and that you say: {no touching}; That is: do not touch people, and they will not touch you, the penalty of dismissal and declaring the desecration of the defiled; No one will approach him, and no one will approach him. As for the other date, it is the time of punishment and recompense with God - Glory be to Him -.
There was nothing left of the scene of the crime except that idol, which Moses burned in front of his enchanted worshipers and scattered it as ashes in the sea; An end to the substance of sedition, and to sever its ties in the hearts. With this, that blind sedition ends at the hands of the Prophet of God and his interlocutor, Musa - peace be upon him - in a successful treatment that carries in its folds patience for those who are invited, closeness to them, following up on their conditions, enduring their setbacks, being keen on their religion, resolving the materials of polytheism without them, and properly refining the defects, and knowing its causes. , discussing its parties, purifying society from the symbols of corruption, opening the door to repentance for every sinner, and not giving up on God’s mercy.
And that story exalted the danger of imbibing sins, and that its owner was less likely to graze. And it shows the greatness of the tolerance of the Islamic law, which is one of the great forms of ease of repentance and its achievement by regret, contrary to what the law of the children of Israel is upon.