Moses with al-Khidr
Our conversation today is about a story and a situation that God mentioned in Surat Al-Kahf. It is the story of Moses with Al-Khidr, peace be upon them both.
Moses, peace be upon him, gave a sermon to the children of Israel, so his sermon was a wonderful university that amazed the audience and the people were amazed at it, so a man from the children of Israel stood up and said, O Prophet of God, is there a man on the face of the earth more knowledgeable than you? Teach him that God has a servant in the assembly of Bahrain, and he is more knowledgeable than you.
Servants of God, God blamed His Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, in the previous story when the people of Makkah asked him the three questions, and he told them I will answer you about them tomorrow, and he did not say, God willing. In Bahrain, he is more knowledgeable than you, and this teaches us a lesson in delegating all our affairs to God, and that we know with certainty that God has the unseen of the heavens and the earth, and in His hands are the reins of the heavens and the earth.
And here, when God said to Moses, “There is a servant of God in the compound of Bahrain, and he is more knowledgeable than you.” Moses, peace be upon him, yearned to seek knowledge and benefit from the knowledge of others, so he announced to his daughter Joshua bin Nun about his determination and determination to reach the compound of Bahrain, whatever the cost and whatever time he would spend on this trip. And when Musa said to his servant, I will not leave until I reach the compound of Bahrain, or I have passed some time.
Behold, O servants of God, a prophet from God’s prophets, one of the messengers of determination, God spoke to him verbally, he travels and emigrates in order to learn from a man of lesser status and merit than he wants to benefit from a man whom God described by saying: knowledge from Us Al-Khidr, peace be upon him, this is the great humility, and this is the lofty morals that the great prophet turns into a humble student of knowledge for his teacher and sheikh.
Moses asked his Lord about how to reach this divine world, how to travel to it, and where he will find it, so God revealed to Moses to carry a whale with him in a cluster, and in the place where life returns to the whale and seeps into the sea, for Al-Khidr, peace be upon him, is present in that place.
Moses set out with his boy, Joshua bin Nun, and with them the whale in the al-Maktala, and there was no guide with them to guide them on the way except for the divine miracle, which is the return of life to the whale and its leakage into the sea.
Moses, peace be upon him, and his girl arrived at a rock on the seashore, and here Moses slept and succumbed to sleep, but his boy stayed awake and did not sleep, so the waves came to the shore and reached the massif in which the whale was, so the waves touched the whale, and the water reached the whale, so life came into it and he jumped into the sea. Between them they forgot their fish, so it took its way in the sea as a flock.
Moses woke up from his sleep, and the boy forgot to tell him what happened to the whale, so they continued their journey and continued walking until they became tired of exhaustion, and they were exhausted, so Moses said to his boy, “Bring us our lunch, we have found a reward from this journey of ours.” Here, the boy remembered what happened to the whale, and he said to Moses, “You see.” We sheltered at the rock, for I forgot The whale, and only Satan makes him forget that I remind him. And the wrongdoers { } Shaytaan has taken possession of them, so He made them forget the remembrance of Allah. Ron
Moses, peace be upon him, rejoiced with great joy with this news, so he said: “That is what we desired.” That is, this is what we want and this is what we hope will happen, because God told him that in the place where the whale flees, there is Al-Khidr, peace be upon him.
So Moses and his young girl went back to narrate and follow their tracks until they reached the rock where he slept and the whale fled there. You.” He said, “I am Moses.” Moses said, “The Children of Israel.” He said, “Yes, and what made you aware of me?” He said, “The one who made you aware of me and directed you to me.” What do you want, Moses? So Moses said with great politeness and great humility {Shall I follow you on condition that you teach me what you have been taught rightly} He said to him, Moses, I am aware of God’s knowledge that you do not know, and you are aware of God’s knowledge that I do not know, O Moses. Is it not sufficient for you that the Torah is in your hands and that revelation comes to you Go, for {you will not be able to be patient with me} so Moses insisted on learning with him {You will find me, God willing, patient and I will not disobey you in any matter} When he saw him insisting on seeking knowledge from him, he stipulated a condition for him in return for accompanying him And he learns from him, so what is the condition? He said the condition is that you don't even ask me about anything I am telling you about him. The Most High said: “If you follow me, do not ask me about anything until I tell you about it.”
So Moses, peace be upon him, and Al-Khidr, peace be upon him, set off walking on the sea coast. A ship passed by them, and they spoke to it to carry them. The people of the ship knew Al-Khidr, but they did not know Moses. He threw it into the sea, and here Moses, peace be upon him, was amazed and said to himself, “A people who carried us, honored us, and boarded us without any price.” Then after that he breaks their ship and spoils their means. mentioned to him With the condition between him and him, and drawing his attention to the futility of trying to learn from him, he said to him {Did I not say that you will not be able to be patient with me} So Moses began to apologize to him by forgetting and asking him not to punish him or to burden him. with what I have forgotten, and do not burden me with my hardship) Al-Khidr accepted his excuse and forgot him.
Then they walked and passed by a garden in which the boys played until, when they got tired of playing, each one of them moved to one of the sides of the garden, so Al-Khidr came to one of them and uprooted his head until his head was separated from his body! It is a terrifying scene and a frightening scene, so Moses did not bear this scene, so he said: {You have killed a pure soul without a soul. you that you will not be able to be patient with me (so I apologize Musa and said: “If I ask you about something after that, do not accompany me, for I have conveyed an excuse.”
So they went until they reached a stingy village whose people did not know hospitality and generosity, so they arrived at the village and they had run out of food, so they sought food from the people of the village and asked them to feed them and add them, but they refused to add them until the evening came upon them. He spent the whole night fixing it and building it again, so Musa said to himself that the people of the village are miserly and did not honor us and did not host us, so why should he tire himself with them and be miserable for them and offer them this free work that they do not deserve? The phrase {This is a parting between you and me, I will inform you of the interpretation of what you could not bear with it}.