Imran's wife, Mary, went to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in fulfillment of her vow, so that she would grow up in a good way, learn the fundamentals of her religion, and be raised on good manners.
Good news of the angels to Mary
Mary lived in her sanctuary worshiping God, praising Him, and sanctifying Him, and one day a group of angels entered upon her in human form, and they conveyed to her the praise of God Almighty for her, and urged her to do more obedience, worship, and prayer, and they said to her: Women of the worlds, O Mary, be obedient to your Lord and prostrate, and bow with those who bow (Al-Imran: 42-43).
Then they gave her the glad tidings of a son from her who would be a noble prophet supported by miracles, so they said: } When the angels said, O Mary, that God gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, distinguished in this world and beyond. He is among the righteous, and he speaks to people in the cradle and in adulthood, and he is among the righteous.” [Al-Imran: 45-46] ]
So Maryam wondered, as how could she have a son when she was not married, and no man had touched her!! So the angels of God told her that this is the will of God, Glory be to Him, who is capable of everything, and Mary - peace be upon her - in this matter had no choice but to surrender to God Almighty, and fortify himself in this place, perhaps God Almighty will make a way out for her.
Mary carried Jesus, peace be upon him
One day, while she was alone, God sent her the trustworthy spirit, Gabriel, peace be upon him, in a human form and in a good image.
So Gabriel reassured her that he was the Messenger of God to her, to give her a good and blessed boy, and he blew a puff into her, and she became pregnant immediately, then Gabriel, peace be upon him, disappeared.
Days passed, and Mary felt the pain of pregnancy, so she went to a far place for fear of people's words against her, and sat under the shade of a palm tree thinking about her affairs and what her condition would be like after her birth, and the hour of childbirth approached, so she wished that she had died before what happened to her. Mary gave birth to Jesus, peace be upon him, and she needed food and drink in order to regain her strength and vitality, as she became weak after giving birth.
And this voice kept speaking, as if he knew what was going on in Mary’s chest of fears when she entered upon her family and people, while she was carrying in her arms a baby whose mother she is, even though she did not marry or associate with men. Your Lord has placed beds under you, and shake the trunk of the palm tree at you, and it will fall upon you fresh ripe dates, so eat and drink and cool your eyes, so either you see If I tell anyone, I have vowed to the Most Merciful to fast, so today I will not speak to any human being.” [Maryam: 24-26]
And she turned left and right to know the source of the voice calling her, but she did not find anyone except her son, whom she gave birth to moments ago, so she was very surprised at that, and immediately realized that she was facing a miracle of God's great miracles, so she rejoiced with her son with great joy, and knew that God would make her After this hardship, there is relief and a way out.
Mary's return to her people
Mary trusts her Lord, and she carried her little son, Jesus, peace be upon him, returning to her people, and while she was walking, her people saw her from the Jews and they were amazed at that and they came to her for blame and violent, and they said: Your father was a bad person, and your mother was not a tyrant.” [Maryam: 27-28]
So Mary referred to her infant son, so the Jews marveled at her command, so how would they speak to this infant?! So God Almighty spoke to Jesus, peace be upon him, and said: {He said, “I am a servant of God, who gave me the Book and made me a prophet, and made me blessed wherever I am, and enjoined me to pray and pay alms as long as I am alive and righteous.” He did not make me a wretched tyrant, and peace be upon me the day I was born and the day I die and the day I am raised alive (Maryam :30-33]
Mary's departure and return after Jesus, peace be upon him, grew up
Mary did not escape the rumors and accusations of the Jews, and when she feared for herself and her son from the treachery of the Jews, she took her son and walked him to a place far from her people, so that they would not harm him. To his people, he saw that they had deviated from the approach that Moses brought before, and from their deviation they were embarrassed from doing good deeds on Saturday as a holiday in which it is not permissible to work, so the day passes without doing good deeds to draw closer to God.
And they accepted the love of money, so it dominated their souls and their thinking, and the poor priests were forced to make a vow to the temple, to take it to them, knowing that the poor and the needy most need it, and some of them would deny it on the Day of Resurrection, and say: There is no reckoning or punishment in the afterlife, and another category overwhelmed by life and love the world, so they took to extorting people’s money in any way and in any way, so the society’s need for reform and guidance was severe, so God sent them the Messiah Jesus, peace be upon him, to guide them to the correct approach, so he went to them calling them to worship God, and leave what they are in of ignorance and misguidance.
Miracles of Jesus, peace be upon him
God Almighty supported Jesus with great miracles that are commensurate with the people of his time, to be evidence that he is a messenger from his Lord, so God gave him the ability to revive the dead, and heal the sick whom doctors and wise men were unable to heal, and God taught him some of the unseen, so he knew what people eat and what they store in their homes Then Jesus - upon him be peace - called his people to the straight path, and showed them the miracles that God supported him with, and said: {And as a messenger to the Children of Israel,
I have come to you with a sign from your Lord that I create for you out of clay the shape of a bird. I will blow into it and it will become a bird, God willing, and I will heal the blind and the lepers. And I bring the dead to life with God's permission, and I inform you of what you eat and what you store in your homes. I owe from the Torah, and to make lawful for you some of what was forbidden to you, and I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so fear God and obey me.” [Al-Imran: 49-50]
Despite these wonders and miraculous miracles that Jesus brought to the Children of Israel, only a few believed in him, and most of them persisted in their disbelief and stubbornness, in addition to that they accused him of magic. Peace be upon his people, victory for the religion of God, so God guided a group of the poor and needy to faith, so these were the disciples whom God chose; To carry the call of truth, and support Jesus, and their number did not exceed twelve men.
The story of the table
And one day, Jesus, peace be upon him, commanded all those with him to fast for thirty days, so they fasted, and when they completed it, they asked him to pray to God to send down a table for them from heaven, so Jesus advised them to fear God in this matter. You have given us charity, and we shall be among the witnesses to it.” [Al-Ma’idah: 113]
And when Jesus saw the insistence of the disciples and those with them among the children of Israel to request a table from the Most Gracious, he rose to his prayer place, invoking God, saying: {Jesus, son of Mary, said: Our Lord, send down a table to us from heaven, so that it will be a feast for us, for the first and the last of us, and a sign from You. And provide for us, and You are the Best of Providers (Al-Ma’idah) : 114]
Then the Almighty said: {Allah said, “Indeed, I will reveal it to you, so whoever among you disbelieves after that, I will surely punish him with a punishment that I do not punish with anyone from the worlds.” [Al-Ma’idah: 115]
Moments later, God sent down the table from the sky, and the people looked at it as it approached little by little, and whenever it drew near, Jesus would ask his Lord, the Almighty, to make it a blessing and peace, not vengeance and torment, and it still approached until it settled in front of Jesus, so Jesus and those with him prostrated to God, thanking Him for answering their request. Then Jesus removed the cover from that table, and there was on it what the souls desire and the eyes delight. And the apostles ate from this table, and thousands of people who came to Jesus in order to heal them, God willing, ate with them from their diseases, and the day when this table came down became a feast for the apostles and followers of Jesus for a long time.
The hatred of the priests and the rich Jews against Jesus, peace be upon him
The news of Jesus spread in the country, and many of the poor and needy believed in him, so the priests and the rich among the Jews hated him and wanted to get rid of him, so they plotted a cunning trick for him, as they went to the Roman ruler and told him that Jesus is a rebellious man who incites people against them, and plots against the Roman state, And they kept inciting the ruler against Jesus until he issued a sentence of execution and crucifixion, and they searched for Jesus for a long time, but they did not find him, as God revealed to him what the Jews and the infidels had planned, so Jesus and the disciples hid in the mountains, worshiping God far from them.
And durng those events, God said to Jesus: } Then to Me is your return, and I will judge between you concerning that wherein you used to differ.” [Al-Imran: 55]
And the ruler met with senior statesmen, accompanied by infidel Jews, to consult about Jesus, where did he go, and what should be done towards him? And they kept looking for the Prophet of God, Jesus, everywhere to kill him, but God Almighty preserved him and took care of him and raised him to heaven, and cast his resemblance to a man among them, so they took him thinking that he was Jesus, so they crucified him and killed him.
The preaching of Muhammad, peace be upon him
And Jesus bid farewell to the disciples, and gave them the glad tidings of a messenger who would come after him and complete what he started, and through him God’s blessing upon the creatures will be complete. And bringing good tidings of a messenger who will come after me, whose name is Ahmad, so when he came to them By evidence, they said, “This is clear magic.” [As-Saff: 6]
And the Jews thought that Jesus was the one who was killed, so they rejoiced at that, but the Holy Qur’an confirms to us that he was not killed, and that he was saved from their hands, as God - glory be to Him - raised him to Him. They crucified him, but it was made to appear to them, and those who disagreed about it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except following conjecture. And God is Mighty, Wise.” [An-Nisa: 157-158]
Perversion of the Gospel
God Almighty revealed the Gospel to Jesus, and commanded us to believe in it. The Almighty said: }Say: We believe in God and what was revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the tribes, and what was given to Moses and Jesus and what was given to the prophets From their Lord, we make no distinction between any of them, and we submit to Him ([Al-Baqara] : 136]
But the People of the Book distorted the Bible and altered a lot in its verses and rulings, and Jesus was the last of the prophets of the Children of Israel, and only the seal of the prophets and messengers came after him, Muhammad, the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, and the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, told us that Jesus, peace be upon him, will descend to earth once again at the end of time, and call people To the law of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and to break the cross that the Christians took as their emblem. He said: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, the son of Mary will soon descend among you with justice, break the cross, kill the pig, put an end to war, and overflow money until no one accepts it until one prostration is better than the world and what is in it.” [agreed]
The misguidance of the Christians after Jesus, peace be upon him
The Christians have gone astray after Jesus, as they believed that Jesus is the son of God, just as the Jews believed that Ezair was the son of God. Exalted be God above what they say, He is far above what these infidels said. He, the Most High, said: dust, then He said to it, “Be,” and it was. (Al-Imran: 59)
And God Almighty will hold them accountable for saying that, and He will punish them severely for it. The Almighty said: {And the Jews said Uzair is the son of God, and the Christians said, the Messiah is the son of God. Rather, God will fight them. How can they be turned away? (At-Tawbah: 30)
And on the Day of Resurrection, God Almighty will ask His Prophet Jesus about the misguidance of his people and what they did after him by deifying him and saying that he is the Son of God. ]
Then Jesus says to his Lord: )...Glory be to You, it is not for me to say what I have no right to. I told them only what you commanded me to do, to worship God, my Lord and your Lord. a witness over them as long as I am among them, and when You caused me to die You were the Watcher over them and You are a witness over everything. If You punish them, they are Your servants, and if You forgive them Indeed, You are the Mighty, the Wise.” [Al-Ma’idah: 116-118]