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The story of our master Ibrahim



Childhood and youth of our master Ibrahim

Azar was living in the land of Babylon in Iraq, making idols and selling them to people to worship them. He had a young son named (Ibrahim), and God gave him wisdom and guidance from a young age. One day, Abraham entered his father Azar, and he saw him making statues. Himself: Why do people worship her when she does not hear or speak, and does not harm or benefit?! And how can they be gods when people are the ones who make them?! These questions became haunted by the young boy without an answer

Our master Ibrahim called on his people to abandon idolatry

When Abraham grew up and grew up, he began to think about this matter, and search for the true God who deserves to be worshipped. So he went to the vast desert, sat looking at the sky, and saw planets and stars, and he denounced that it was his Lord who was looking for him, because it was a creature like him that worships its Creator, so it appears with His permission and is absent. With his permission, Abraham remained in the desert looking at the sky, thinking and contemplating, hoping that he would be guided to his Lord and Creator, so God Almighty guided him to his knowledge, and made him a prophet sent to his people, to bring them out of darkness into light, and from worshiping idols to worshiping God, Lord of the worlds

And God, glory be to Him, sent down pages to Abraham containing etiquette, exhortations, and rulings to guide his people, teach them the foundations of their religion, and advise them to obey God, to worship Him alone, and to keep away from everything that contradicts good morals. So Abraham approached him and took his advice and said to him:) When he said to his father, “O my father, why do you worship that which neither hears nor sees, nor avails you anything? You are a straight path , O Father, do not worship Satan, for Satan was for the Most Merciful. I disobeyed, my father, I fear that a torment from the Most Gracious touches you, so you become Satan's protector (Maryam: 42-45)

His father answered him angry, and said: {He said: Are you willing to stand up for my gods, O Abraham

But Ibrahim did not meet that cruelty with the same, but he was patient with his father's savagery, and met him with righteousness and mercy, and said to him: Perhaps I will not be miserable when supplicating to my Lord ( Maryam :47-48]

And Abraham left his father's house, heading to the temple, to call his people to worship God, and when he entered them, he found them devoted to many idols, worshiping them and praying to them, and asking them to fulfill their needs. You are devoted to it.” [Al-Anbiya: 52]

The people replied to him and said: “They said: We found our fathers worshiping it.” [The Prophets: 53]

Abraham explained to them that worshiping these idols is misguidance and blasphemy, and that God Almighty, who created the heavens and the earth, is the one who deserves to be worshiped alone. The next day was a feast day, so the people held a big celebration outside the city, and all the people went to it, and Ibrahim went out alone to the streets of the city, and he did not find anyone in it, so he seized this opportunity and brought an ax, then he went to the temple in which the idols were without anyone seeing him, and he found many idols And he saw in front of her a lot of food that his people put as an offering to her and to get closer to her, but she did not ea

approached her, and came forward from her, then said to her mockingly: Don't you eat?! He waited for a while, perhaps they would respond to him, but to no avail, so he asked again and said: What is wrong with you that you do not speak?! Then he began to break the idols, one by one, until they all became wreckage except for a large idol that Abraham left and did not smash, and hung the ax around his neck, then he left the temple. One idol with an ax hanging in his head, so the people asked: Who did this to our gods? Some of the people said : Yesterday we heard a boy named Ibrahim who was making fun of her, and threatening her with plotting and smashing, and they unanimously commanded them to bring Ibrahim and ask him, and investigate with him what happened

In moments, some people went and brought Ibrahim to the temple, and when he stood in front of them, they asked him: Did you do this to our gods, O Ibrahim?! Ibrahim replied: Rather, the eldest of them did this, then he pointed his finger to the big idol hanging in his neck the ax, then he said: So they asked them if they could speak, and some of the people answered him and said to him: O Ibrahim, you know that these idols do not speak or hear, so how do you order us to ask them?

So Abraham seized this opportunity and said to them: ) He said: Do you worship besides God that which neither benefits you nor harms you

So they all remained silent and did not speak, and bowed their heads out of shame and disgrace, and yet they wanted to take revenge on him, because he destroyed their idols and insulted their gods, so a group of people said: What is Abraham's reward, and what is his punishment that he deserves? They said: “They said burn it and help your gods, if you will do it.” [The Prophets: 68]

Our master Ibrahim was thrown into the fire

The soldiers of the Temple went with Ibrahim to the desert, and they collected firewood and wood from everywhere, and lit a great fire, and they came with a machine called the catapult, to throw Ibrahim out of it into the fire, and when the time came for the implementation of the sentence against Ibrahim, people gathered from everywhere to witness his torture, and a strong flame escalated from the fire , So the people stood far away watching the fire, and yet they could not bear its heat, and they brought Ibrahim tied with ropes and put him in the catapult, then they threw him into the fire, so he fell in the middle of it, and Abraham said: God suffices me, and He is the best disposer of affairs

So God commanded the fire not to burn Abraham or harm him. The Almighty said: {We said, O fire, be cool and peace upon Abraham} [The Prophets: 69]

So the fire became cold and peace upon him, and it did not burn anything from him except the chains with which they tied him, and the fire remained burning for several days, and after it was extinguished, Abraham came out of it unharmed, and it did not harm him, and people talked about that miracle and about Abraham's escape from the fire

The controversy of our master Abraham with Nimrod

wanted to discuss with Abraham the matter of his call, so when Abraham came before the king, he asked him: Who is your Lord? Abraham said in response: )... Abraham said, "My Lord is He who gives life and causes death." He said, "I give life and cause death..." [Al-Baqara: 258]

The king said: )... He said, I give life and cause death. ..( [Al-Baqarah: 258]

And the king ordered the soldiers to bring two men from the prisoners, then he ordered to kill one man and leave the other, then he looked at Ibrahim and said to him: Here I am alive and dead, I killed one man, and left another!!

did not respond to this man's stupidity, and he did not continue arguing about this matter, rather he asked him another question that made him unable to argue with him. No He guides the wrongdoing people.” [Al-Baqarah: 258]

Al-Nimrod was stunned, and was silent in recognition of his inability, and Ibrahim decided to emigrate from this city because only his wife Sarah and his nephew Lot, peace be upon him, believed in him. He remained there for a period of time worshiping God and calling people to worship God and to his straight path

The migration of Abraham to Egypt

Years passed, and a drought descended on the country, so Ibrahim was forced to migrate with those with him to Egypt, and Egypt was ruled at that time by a mighty king who loved women, and he had aides helping him in that, so they would stand on the outskirts of the country, to tell him of the beauties who came to Egypt, so when they saw Sarah, and she was brilliant Beauty, they informed the king about her and told him that she had a man with her, so the king issued orders to bring the man, and in moments the soldiers brought Abraham to the king, and when he saw him, he asked him about the woman who was with him, so Abraham said: She is my sister. The king said: Bring her to me

went to Sarah, and informed her of what had happened between him and the king, and of what he had mentioned to him that she was his sister. Sarah went to the palace, and when the king saw her, he was amazed at her beauty, and stood

To her, she said to him: I want to perform ablution and pray. So God responded to her, and protected her and protected her. Whenever the king wanted to hold her, she clenched his hand, and asked her to pray to God to extend his hand, and he would not harm her, and this matter was repeated three times.

When he knew that he would not be able to do it, he called some of his servants, and said to them: You did not bring me a human being, but you brought me a devil. Then he commanded the servants to give her Hagar to be her servant.

returned to her husband without the king touching her, and she found him standing praying. When he finished, he looked at her and asked her what happened? She said: God averted his plot from me and gave me a maid named Hagar to serve me, and after a while Abraham returned to Palestine again and during the way his nephew Lot asked him for permission to go to the village of Sodom to invite its people to worship God, so Abraham gave him some cattle and money, and he and his family continued walking to Palestine Until they reached it and settled there, and Ibrahim, peace be upon him, remained in Palestine for a long time

loved Abraham, peace be upon him, and took him as a friend from among His creation. The Most High said: )...and God took Abraham as a friend (4:125)

God's ability to revive the dead

And one day, Abraham wanted to see how God revives the dead, so he went out to the desert calling his Lord, and asking him to show him that. A bunch of birds, and they saw them Then place a portion of them on every mountain, then invite them to come to you in pursuit, and know that God is Mighty, Wise.” [Al-Baqarah: 260]

So Abraham did what his Lord commanded, and he slaughtered four of the birds and placed their parts on the mountains, then returned to his place again, and stood heading towards the mountains, then called on them, so life returned to these birds, and they came to Abraham with the permission of her Lord, and Sarah, Abraham’s wife, was sterile and did not give birth. And she knew Abraham's desire and longing for good offspring, so she gave him her servant Hagar to marry her, perhaps God would grant him good offspring from her, so Abraham married Hagar, and she bore him Ishmael

The migration of Hagar and her son to Mecca

God Almighty commanded Abraham to take his wife Hajar and her son Ismail and migrate with them to Mecca, so Abraham took them there, and turned to God supplicating: benefits of people yearn for them and provide for them from fruits so that they may be grateful.” [Ibrahim: 37]

Then Abraham left them, and returned to his wife Sarah, and one day the angels of God came to him in the form of human beings, so Abraham quickly got up and slaughtered a fat calf for them, and roasted it, then put it in front of them to eat, and he found them not eating, because the angels do not eat or drink, and here the angels told Abraham that they are not human. Rather, they are angels who came to inflict punishment on the village of Sodom, because they did not follow their prophet Lot, and the angels announced to Abraham his son Isaac from Sarah, and she was old, so I was amazed when I heard the news, because she is an old and sterile woman and her husband is an old man, so the angels told her that this is God’s command, so she said The angels: {They said: “Are you amazed at God’s command? May God’s mercy and blessings be upon you, O people of the House. Indeed, He is Praiseworthy, Glorious.” [Hud: 73]

The year of slaughter and sacrifice on the feast

And one time Ibrahim, peace be upon him, saw that he was slaughtering his son in a dream, so he told his son Ismail about that, and this was a test from God for Abraham and Ismail, so Ismail responded to his father’s vision in obedience to God, and each of them prepared to implement God’s command, and Abraham put his son Ismail on his face, and he grabbed the knife to slaughter him, So relief was from God, as Gabriel, peace be upon him, came down with a scapegoat for Ishmael, so it was the year of slaughter and sacrifice on the feast, and God was truthful when He says: {And We ransomed him with a mighty sacrifice} [Al-Saffat: 107] And the Prophet of God Abraham would travel to Mecca from time to time to check on Hagar and her son Ismael

Building the Sacred House

On one of the visits, Abraham asked his son to help him raise the foundations of the Sacred House, which his Lord commanded him to build, and Ismail agreed, and they took the necessary stones for that until they finished building, and then they began praying to their Lord to accept from them, and they said: {And when Abraham lifted the bases from the house and Ismail Our Lord, accept from us that You are the All- Hearing , the All-Knowing. You are the Forgiving, the Most Merciful.” [Al-Baqarah: 127-128]

God responded to Abraham and Ismail, blessed the Kaaba, and made it a destination for all Muslims at all times and places  

Abraham, peace be upon him, had a message, a righteous religion, and a tolerant law, God commanded us to follow it

The death of our master Abraham, peace be upon him

Ibrahim, peace be upon him, fell ill and then died, after he had fulfilled the message of God and reached what he had to do. During the journey of Isra and Mi’raj, the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, met Abraham - peace be upon him - in the seventh heaven next to Al-Bayt Al-Ma’mur, which is entered every day by seventy thousand angels who worship and circumambulate it. Then they will go out and not return to it until the Day of Resurrection

Meeting our master Muhammad Peace be upon him Ibrahim, peace be upon him

This is as mentioned in the hadith of the Mi’raj, in which the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, says : “... Then Gabriel ascended me to the seventh heaven , so Gabriel asked for it to be opened. It was said: Who is this?” He said: Gabriel: It was said: And who is with you? Muhammad said, it was said: Was he sent to him? He said: Yes, it was said: Welcome to him, so yes, he came, so when I finished, I found Ibrahim, he said: This is your father, so I greeted him, so I greeted him, and he returned the greeting, then he said, Welcome to the righteous son and the righteous prophet..» Bukhari

Good wild

“That is Abraham.” [Ahmed] And he is the first to be clothed on the Day of Resurrection. The Prophet , peace be upon him, said : “...and the first to be clothed on the Day of Resurrection is Abraham.” [Agreed upon] People will be gathered on the Day of Resurrection naked, and Abraham, peace be upon him, will be clothed in honor of him, then the prophets, then the creatures. And God Almighty praised His Prophet Abraham and praised him. The Almighty said: } And We gave him good in this world, and in the Hereafter he will be among the righteous . Then We revealed to you that Follow the religion of Abraham, the Haneef, and he was not of the polytheists.” [An-Nahl: 123-120]

And God favored Abraham, peace be upon him, in this world and the Hereafter, so He made prophethood in him and in his offspring until the Day of Resurrection. For those who are righteous ([Al-Ankabut: 27] and Ibrahim upon him . Peace is one of the Messengers of determination, and God commanded His Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him, to follow his religion. They were neglected ( [ Al-An’am: 61]

And He said : “Then We revealed to you that I should follow the religion of Abraham, Haneef, and he was not of the polytheists.” [An-Nahl: 123]

And God praised Abraham for fulfilling and fulfilling what He entrusted to him. The Almighty said: {And Abraham is the one who fulfilled} [Al-Najm: 37] and because he is the best of the prophets and messengers after Muhammad, peace be upon him . The Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, commanded us to pray for him in our prayers, in the tashahhud during the prayer



