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The story of our master Joseph peace be upon him



The vision of Joseph, peace be upon him

One night, Joseph, peace be upon him, saw a strange vision while he was sleeping. He saw eleven planets and the sun and the moon prostrating to him. When he woke up, he went to his father Jacob, peace be upon him, in this vision. So he knew that his son would have a great deal, so he warned him not to tell his brothers about his vision, so Satan would spoil their hearts, and make them envy him for what God had given him of His bounty, so he did not tell his vision to anyone

Jealousy and envy of Joseph's brothers

loved Joseph very much, sympathized with him and caressed him, which made his brothers envy him and hate him, so they all gathered to plot for him to keep him away from his father. One of them suggested that they kill Joseph or throw him in a far land, so that their father would be free for them, and after that they would repent to God

And this idea was well received and accepted, and their opinion settled on his banishment and deportation, and they began to consult in arranging the trick through which Joseph could be taken and the implementation of what they agreed upon, so they thought a little, then they went to their father and said to him: ) They said, O our father, what is yours? Advisers (Youssef: 11)

answered them that he could not leave him for one hour, and he said to them: “He said: “It saddens me that you take him away, and I fear that the wolf will eat him while you are heedless of him.” [Yusuf: 13]

They said: “They said: If the wolf devours it while we are a band, then we will surely be losers.” [Yusuf: 14]

Yusuf, peace be upon him, was thrown into the well

And in the morning, all the children went out with Joseph, peace be upon him, to the desert, to graze their sheep, and as soon as they moved away from their father, they had the opportunity to implement their agreement, so they walked until they reached the well, and they took off his clothes and then threw him in it, and Joseph felt fear and panic, but God was With him, as it was revealed to him not to be afraid and not to panic, for you are a survivor of what they plotted for you

And after Joseph's brothers carried out their plot, they sat thinking about what they would say to their father when he asked them.

And at night, they returned to their father, and when they entered upon him, they wept intensely, so Jacob looked at them and did not find Joseph with them, but they told him that they had gone to race, and left Joseph to guard their belongings, so the wolf came and ate him, then they took out his shirt stained with blood, to be evidence of their sincerity

wolf was merciful to Joseph, who ate it without cutting his clothes. Then he said to them, making clear their lie: {And they brought lying blood on his shirt. He said, “Rather, yourselves have asked you a matter, so patience is beautiful. And God is seeking help for what you describe.” [Yusuf: 18]

Taking Joseph out of the well

Yusuf was still imprisoned in the well waiting for relief and deliverance, and while he was like that, a convoy heading to Egypt passed by him, so they wanted to supply water, so they sent one of them to the well to bring them water, so when he threw his bucket, Yusuf clung to him, so he looked in the well and found a beautiful boy holding him. So the man rejoiced and called the men of the caravan, so they brought out Joseph and took him with them to Egypt to sell him

On this day, the dear of Egypt was walking around the market to buy a boy for him. Because he had no children, he found these people offering Joseph for sale, so he went to them and bought him from them for a few dirhams

And Aziz Egypt returned to his wife, and he was happy with the child he had bought, and asked his wife to honor this boy, and treat him well, so perhaps he would benefit them or take him as their son, and thus God enabled Joseph on earth, so he became surrounded by the affection of the dear

Invite a dear woman to Joseph

Years passed, and Yusef grew up and became a strong young man of splendid beauty. The wife of Al-Aziz was observing Yusuf day after day, and her admiration for him increased moment after another. So the woman began to think about how Joseph would be tempted by her

One day, she seized the opportunity of her husband's absence from the palace, so she perfumed and adorned herself, wore the best clothes, closed the doors, and invited Yusuf until she entered her room, and asked him to commit adultery with her

But Yusuf, with his chastity and purity, refrained from what she wanted, and responded to her eloquently, as he said: }And the one who is in her house asked him about himself, and she closed the doors and said, “Come on for you.” He said, God forbid, that my Lord is better than Indeed, the wrongdoers will not succeed.” [Yusuf: 23]

Then Yusuf, peace be upon him, hurried towards the door, wanting to leave the place, but Al-Aziz's wife did not miss the opportunity, so she ran after him to prevent him from leaving, and she grabbed his shirt and tore it

Suddenly , her dear husband came, and the situation worsened, and the embarrassment increased, but the dear woman got rid of the embarrassment of her position in front of her husband, so she accused Yusuf of treason and attempting to assault her, and she said to her husband: )...the reward of whoever wants harm to your family is only that he is imprisoned or a painful torment.) [ Yusuf :25]

In the face of this accusation, Yusuf had to defend himself, and he said: “He said, “She confided in me about myself, and a witness from her family testified that if his shirt had been stolen from before, then she believed it, and he is one of the liars.” [Yusuf: 26]

the liars .” Shhh, from behind, you lied, and he is of the truthful.” [Yusuf : 26-27]

the husband turned to his wife, and said to her: {... it is part of your scheming, indeed your scheming is great} [Yusuf: 28] Then Al-Aziz asked Yusuf to neglect this subject, and not speak about it in front of anyone, then he asked his wife to ask forgiveness for her sin and her sin

The spread of the news of the dear wife

Everyone agreed that the act of al-Aziz’s wife should remain a secret that no one would know. However, the news of al-Aziz’s wife courting Joseph and her request for immorality spread, and it spread in the palace and the women of the city talked about what al-Aziz’s wife had done with her boy, and the al-Aziz’s wife knew what the women had said about her, so she became very angry. And she wanted to show them her excuse, and that the beauty of Yusef and his good image were the ones who made her do that, so she sent for them, and prepared comfortable seats for them, and gave each one of them a knife, then she said to Yusuf: Get out on them

went out as his lady commanded, and when the women saw him, they were impressed by his beauty and goodness, and cut off their hands without realizing it, and all the women thought that the boy was nothing but a king, and he could not be a human being. And the dear woman said: “I said, so I did not have it, and I have given him himself, so he was disobedient, and if he did not do what he commanded, he would not be imprisoned, and that he would be from the one who is ﴾” [32]

were convinced of what the dear woman does with Joseph, and when he saw that from them, he said: “The Lord of the prison, I love me from what they give me to him, and that they do not behave with them, and I will be given to them and more than the ignorance of the Joseph.” [33]

Joseph prison

Sedition almost occurred in the city because of the women’s love for Joseph, so those in charge of the matter in Egypt saw that Joseph would be imprisoned for a while, so they imprisoned him, and Joseph - peace be upon him - remained in prison for a period, and two boys entered the prison with him, one of whom was a baker and the other a butler, and a vision of Joseph’s morals, manners, and worship of his Lord What made them admire him, so they approached him one day telling him what they saw in their sleep,)... One of them said that I saw me pressing wine, and the other said that I saw me carrying bread on my head from which the birds eat. Indeed, we see you among the doers of good.” [Yusuf: 36]

Joseph explained to them their visions, that one of them will be released from prison and return to his work as a butler for the king, and the other, who is the king's baker, will be crucified, and the birds will eat from his head 

Before the king's butler got out of prison, he asked Joseph to mention his matter with God, and tell him that in prison an innocent person was unjustly imprisoned, so that he would pardon him and get out of prison, but the butler forgot, so Joseph remained in prison for a few years, and with the passage of a period of time he realized what he explained. They have Joseph

King's vision

And one day, the king slept and saw in his sleep seven fat cows that were eaten by seven skinny ones, seven green spikes and the other dry. The king is away from him so as not to be preoccupied with him, so they said: {They said, “Delusions of dreams, and we do not know the interpretation of dreams.” [Yusuf: 44]

But this vision continued to haunt the king and frighten him during his sleep, so the king became preoccupied with it, and insisted on knowing its interpretation, and here the bartender remembered Joseph's command, and asked him to go to prison to meet Joseph, and there he was asked to interpret the king's vision, so Joseph interpreted the fat cows and the green spikes in seven years a lot. There is good in it and people are saved from destruction

Joseph did not only interpret the dream, but gave them the right solution. And what they must do in the face of this crisis is to save in the years of goodness what will benefit them in the years of drought and need of grain, on the condition that they leave it in its ears, until God brings relief

When the bartender knew the interpretation of the vision, he returned to the king to tell him what Joseph had told him. So the king rejoiced with great joy, and he began to ask about that who explained his vision, so the cupbearer said: Youssef. The king immediately said: Bring him to me

So the king's messenger went to Joseph and said to him: Answer the king, for he wants to see you, but Joseph refused to go to the king before showing his innocence, and the king knew what happened to him from the women of the city

The innocence of Youssef, peace be upon him

So the king sent for the wife of the dear and the rest of the women, and asked them about the matter

Then the king issued his decision to acquit Joseph of what he was accused of, and ordered his release from prison, honoring him, and bringing him closer to him. Then he gave him the choice to take from the positions whatever he wanted, so Yusuf said: {He said, “Put me over the treasuries of the land. And the king's vision was fulfilled, the years of prosperity ended, and the years of famine began, and people came from everywhere in Egypt and neighboring countries to take their needs from the king's coffers

Joseph's meeting with his brothers

And one day, while distributing grain to people, Joseph was in front of men he knew in their language, shapes, and names, and it was a surprise that they did not expect. They were his brothers, the sons of his father Jacob, peace be upon him, who threw him into the well when he was young. They knew him, as his features changed after he grew up, so Joseph was kind to them, and they forgot about him, and told him that they had a brother younger than their father who did not come with them, because his father loved him and could not stand his separation

When Yusuf equipped them with the needs of the trip, fulfilled their needs, and gave them whatever food they wanted, he said to them:) And when he equipped them, he said, “Bring me a brother of yours from your father. If you do not bring it to me, then you have no power over me, and do not come close to me.” [ Yusuf ] : 59-60]

So they showed that the matter is not easy and he will refuse, so that they can replace it with wheat and fodder in their saddlebags instead of wheat, so they will be forced to return to him with their brother

And Joseph's brothers returned to their father, and said: {... O our father, we have been denied enough, so send with us our brother, so that we may gather, and we will guard him} [Yusuf: 63] So Jacob refused

And the brothers went to their merchandise to take it out, so they were surprised by their first merchandise, which they paid for, and they did not find wheat, so they told their father that their merchandise had been returned to them, then they embarrassed their father by waving to him in the interest of their family in obtaining food, and assuring him of their determination to save their brother, and they wanted him to increase the measure for their brother. Joseph used to give everyone a camel's load

Their father said to them:) He said, “I will not send him with you until you are given a covenant from God that you will bring him to me unless I am surrounded by you.” Then when they gave him their covenant, he said, “God is the guardian of what we say.” ( [Yusuf: 66] And he did not forget to advise them in this situation and advise them, so he said to them: ) And he said, O My children, do not enter from one gate, but enter from separate gates, and I will not avail you anything from God. Judgment is only for God. And the trustworthy are entrusted ([Yusuf: 67] And the brothers traveled to Egypt, and entered it as their father commanded them, and when they stood before Yusuf, he called his brother the little one, and he brought him close to him, and he was alone with him, and told him that he was his brother Yusuf

Then he weighed the goods for his brothers, and when they prepared to leave and return to their country, Joseph wanted to keep his brother by his side, so he ordered his boys to put water (a vessel he used to measure) in his little brother's saddlebags, and when the caravan began to leave, behold, a herald called out and indicated to them: )...you are They steal ([Yusuf: 70]

So the brothers came to ask about who had lost, so the herald told him that he had lost the king's measure, and he had made for whoever brings it a reward of the amount of a load of camels . The guards said : “They said: What is his recompense if you are liars?” [Yusuf: 74]

Here the measure that God inspired Yusef is revealed, as the prevailing rule in the law of the children of Israel was that the thief is a slave to the one stolen from him, and since Joseph, peace be upon him, knew that this is the punishment for the thief in the law of the children of Israel, he accepted that he resorted to their law without the law of the Egyptians, and he agreed His brothers on it for their self-confidence. Joseph issued orders to his workers to search the containers of his brothers. They did not find anything, then they searched his brother's bowl, and found in it a measure bowl

remembered what they promised their father about their little brother's return to him, so they said: {They said, O dear one, he has a very old father, so take one of us in his place, for we see you among the doers of good} [ Yusuf: 78]

Yusuf said: “God forbid that we should take except those with whom we find our belongings, then we are wrongdoers.” [Yusuf: 79]

Thus, God enabled Joseph to keep his brother, and as for the brothers, they were confused and sat thinking about what they would say to their father when they returned, so their elders decided not to leave Egypt, and not to confront his father unless his father permitted him, or God judged him by judgment, and asked them to return to their father, and tell him explicitly that his son stole, so he took possession of what he stole, and if he doubted about that; Let him ask the caravan they were with or the people of the city in which they were.

So they went back to their father and told him what had happened, but their father did not believe them, and he said: {He said, “Rather, yourselves have asked you a matter, so be patient with patience. 83]

Then he left them, and wept over Yusuf and his brother, until he lost his sight. His sons became angry and said: “They said, ‘By Allah, will you continue to remember Yusuf until you are exhausted or you are among the doomed’” [Yusuf: 85]

So Jacob, peace be upon him, replied to them that he complained about his matter to God, and not to anyone of his creation, and asked them to go in search of Joseph and his brother, because he feels in the heart of the believer that Joseph is still alive, and the believer never despairs of God's mercy.

And the children went to Egypt for the third time looking for their brother, and begging for some food, and they had nothing but bad goods.And when they reached Egypt, they entered upon Yusuf, and they said to him:) When they entered upon him, they said: O dear one, misfortune has afflicted us and our family, and we have brought mixed goods, so give us full measure and give alms to us. He rewards the charitable.” [Yusuf: 88]

Joseph with this question: {He said, “Do you know what you did to Joseph and his brother when you were ignorant?” [Yusuf: 89]

So they noticed the resonance of this voice, or else these features that they might know, so they said: {They said that you are Joseph..} [Joseph: 90] So Joseph told them his truth, and God’s grace upon him. So his brothers apologized to him, and acknowledged their mistake, so Joseph forgave them, and asked God for forgiveness for them. Then Yusuf asked them about his father, and he learned from them that he had lost his sight because of his grief over him, so he said to them: “Go with this shirt of mine and throw it over my father’s face so that he becomes a visionary, and bring me all your family.” [Yusuf: 93]

Joseph's brothers return to their father

So they took the shirt and left Egypt, heading to Palestine, and before the caravan arrived, Jacob said to those around him: )...I can smell Joseph's scent, were it not that you refute me. Days Joseph's brothers returned to their father, and gave him glad tidings of Joseph's life and his brother's safety, then they took out Joseph's shirt, and put it on Jacob's face, so his sight returned to him

asked their father to ask forgiveness for them, so Jacob promised them that God would ask forgiveness for them at the time of magic. Because this called for him to answer the prayer

And the children of Israel left their land heading to Egypt, and when they entered it, Joseph received them with great welcome, and honored his parents, so he seated them on his chair, and here Jacob and his wife and his eleven sons did not control themselves until they bowed in greeting to Joseph and in appreciation of his loyalty, and in appreciation of his forgiveness and grace, and Joseph remembered his old vision that he saw while he was He is small, so the eleven planets are equal to the number of his brothers, and the sun and the moon here are his parents. After Satan caused a strife between me and my brothers. Indeed, my Lord Subtle to what He wills. Indeed, He is the All-Knowing, the Wise.” [Yusuf: 100]

Then Yusuf, peace be upon him, turned to God Almighty, thanking Him for His blessings, and said: {My Lord, you have come to me from the kingdom and taught me the interpretation of hadiths, Originator of the heavens and the earth. Join me with the righteous.” [Yusuf: 101]

peace be upon him , was asked About the kindest people. He said: “I fear them.” They said: We are not asking you about this . He said: “Yusuf is the Prophet of God, the son of the Prophet of God, the son of the Prophet of God, the son of the Friend of God.” [Agreed upon]


