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Moses, Aaron, and the Children of Israel



Pharaoh's tyranny

In the past time, a mighty, tyrannical king lived in Egypt, known as Pharaoh, who enslaved his people and tyrannized them, and divided his subjects into several sections, weakened a group of them, and began to oppress them and use them in the lowest deeds of honor and status, and these are the children of Israel whose lineage goes back to the Prophet of God, Jacob Peace be upon him, and they entered Egypt when our master Joseph, peace be upon him, was a minister over it

And it happened that Pharaoh was asleep, and he saw in his sleep as if a fire had come from Jerusalem, and it burned all of Egypt except the homes of the Children of Israel. For the destruction of the people of Egypt, Pharaoh was terrified of this strange vision, and he ordered the killing of every male child born among the children of Israel, for fear that this boy would be born

Years passed, and the people of Egypt saw that the children of Israel decreased in number because of the killing of young males, so they feared that the adults would die with the killing of the young, so they would not find anyone to work in their lands, so they went to Pharaoh and told him about that, so Pharaoh thought, then he ordered the killing of the males one year, and left them another year

The birth of Aaron and Moses

was born in the year in which children are not killed. As for Moses, he was born in the year of the killing, so his mother feared for him, and her thinking was perplexed about the place where she put him away from the eyes of Pharaoh’s soldiers who were waiting for every newborn from the Children of Israel to kill him, so God inspired her to breastfeed him and put him in a box, then she throws this box in the Nile if it comes The soldiers, the Almighty said: “And We inspired the mother of Musa to suckle him, and if you fear for him, then throw him into the sea, but do not fear, and do not grieve

So I got ready A small box , she breastfed her son, then put him in the box, and threw him into the Nile when Pharaoh's soldiers came, and she ordered his sister to follow him, and walk next to him on the mainland to watch him, and get to know the place where the box settled

He took the wife of Pharaoh Moses, peace be upon him

The box remained floating on the face of the river, swaying left and right, carried by the waves from one side to the other, then those waves settled in it towards Pharaoh's palace on the Nile, and when his sister saw that, she hurried to her mother to tell her what happened. The lady, Asiya, the wife of Pharaoh, was walking in the palace garden as usual, and her maidservants were walking behind her. She saw the box on the river bank from the side of the palace, so she ordered her maidservants to bring it, then opened it in front of her, and Asiya looked in the box, so she looked at a little child, so God cast in her heart Loving this little baby

Asi was sterile and did not give birth, so she took him and held him to her breast, then kissed him, determined to protect him from killing and slaughter, and took him to her husband, and she said to him in tenderness and mercy: )... I am a cool eye for you and for me. They feel ([Al-Qasas: 9]

When Pharaoh saw his wife's adherence to this child, he agreed to her request and did not order him to be killed, and he took him as a son

A few hours passed, and Pharaoh's wife was carrying the child with joy and happiness with him, holding him to her breast and kissing him. Suddenly, Moses wept intensely, so the lady, Asiya, realized that it was time to breastfeed him, so she ordered a wet nurse to be brought in to breastfeed him, and take care of him, so a large number of wet nurses came to the palace, but the child refused to He breastfed them, which made the people of the palace preoccupied with this matter, and this matter became famous among the people, so his sister knew about it, so she went to the palace, and met the lady, Pharaoh’s wife, Asiyah, and told her that she knew a wet nurse who was suitable for this child

So Pharaoh's wife rejoiced, and asked her to hurry up and bring that nurse, so she went to her mother and found her grieving for her son with great sadness, so she told her what happened between her and Pharaoh's wife, so she calmed the soul of Moses' mother and relieved her mind 

Musa's mother went with her daughter to Pharaoh's palace, and when she entered him, they brought the baby to her, and as soon as she gave him her breast, the child accepted him and drank and quenched, and the mother took her son to his home in which he was born, so Musa lived during his breastfeeding period with his father, mother, and brothers, and when he returned to Pharaoh's palace they took care of his upbringing A good upbringing, so he grew up and was raised like children of kings and princes, strong, bold and educated

The help of Israel j Moses

Moses grew up and became a strong and brave man, and one day he was walking in the city and saw two men quarreling, one of whom was from his people, the Children of Israel, and the other a Copt from the people of Egypt, so the Israeli sought help from Moses, so Moses accepted, and wanted to prevent the Egyptian from attacking, so he pushed him with his hand and he fell on the ground dead And Moses found himself in a difficult situation, because he did not intend to kill this man, but rather he only wanted to defend an oppressed person, and Moses grieved, repented to God and returned to Him, and began to pray to Him, Glory be to Him, to forgive him this sin

But soon the matter spread in the city, and the people began looking for the killer, to punish him, but they did not find him, and the days passed, and while Moses, as usual, was walking in the city; So the Israeli man found himself quarreling with another Egyptian, and he sought help again with Moses, so Moses got angry about this matter, then he advanced to resolve this dispute, so the Israeli thought that Moses would accept him; To hit him because he was angry with him, so he said to him: )...He said, O Moses, do you want to kill me as you killed a person yesterday, if you only want to be a tyrant in the land, and you do not want to be of the reformers? [Al-Qasas: 19]

learned that Moses was the killer, so they began to think of taking revenge on him, and someone advised him to stay away from the city. So Moses left the city in fear, looking left and right, anticipating its people, and praying to God to save him from the wrongdoing people

Exodus to Midian

went out without a specific place in his mind to go to, then his thinking guided him to go to the land of Midian, so he relied on God and continued walking to it

When he reached Madian, he went towards a tree next to a well, and sat under it, and he found two girls, with their sheep, standing far from the crowd until the people finished, so Moses came forward from them, and asked them about the reason for their standing far away, so they told him that they do not water until the people finish watering their sheep, and the crowd reduces. They went out to water because their father, an old man, could not bear the hardship of this work, so Moses came forward and watered their sheep for them, then he returned again to the shade of the tree to take more rest after the trouble of traveling. And he began to supplicate to his Lord , saying: “...My Lord, I am poor because of what You sent down to me .” [Al-Qasas: 24]

When the two girls returned to their father, they told him what happened, so the father was impressed by this strange man and his magnanimity and chivalry, and he ordered one of his daughters to go out to him and invite him to attend so that he would reward him. The man revealed his name and his story, so Moses told him what happened, so the Sheikh reassured him, and one of the two girls asked her father to hire Moses to help them, as he is a strong and honest man

The sheikh offered Musa, peace be upon him, to marry him to one of his two daughters in exchange for him working for him for eight years, or ten years if he wanted

agreed to this matter, and married one of the two daughters, and continued to graze the sheep with that sheikh for ten years, then Moses wanted to leave and return with his family to Egypt, so the righteous sheikh agreed to that, and honored him and provided him with what would help him on his way back to Egypt

Moses' return to Egypt

Moses walked with his family towards Egypt, until darkness fell on them, so they sat down to rest from the impact of this journey, until they completed the journey after that in the morning, and the weather was very cold, so Moses looked for something to warm up on, and he saw a fire from afar, so he asked his family to wait; Until he goes to the place of the fire, and brings something from it with which they warm themselves

Moses, with his staff in his hand, went towards the fire that he had seen, and when he reached it, he called, saying: ﴾When he came to it, he called out, O Moses . Indeed, I am your Lord, so take off your shoes. You are in the sacred valley of Tuwa. I am God, there is no god but me, so worship me and establish prayer for my remembrance ۝Indeed, the Hour is coming, I am about to conceal it, so that every soul will be rewarded for what it strives for 

Then God Almighty asked him what he was holding in his right hand. Musa said: “He said, ‘It is my staff, on which I lean and I smash my sheep with it, and I have other desires with it’” [Taha: 18]

So God Almighty commanded him to throw this stick, so he threw it, and the stick turned and turned into a large snake that moves and walks quickly, so Moses fled from fear, fleeing, so God Almighty commanded him to return and not be afraid, and the stick will return as it was the first time, so Moses extended his hand to that snake to take it And if it had a stick as it was

And Moses was dark in color, so God Almighty commanded him to put his hand in his clothes and then take it out, so it came out pure white, and these were two miracles from God to his Prophet Moses, to confirm him in his upcoming message to Pharaoh and his people, then God Almighty commanded him to go to Pharaoh to guide him and inform him of the call. So Musa responded to the command of his Lord, but before he went, he started praying to his Lord to grant him success in what he is going to, and to ask Him for help and assistance . Say, and appoint for me a vizier from the family of Harun. My brother, strengthen me with him and make him join my affairs so that we may glorify you abundantly and remember you. Indeed, you were ever seeing us.” [Taha: 25-35]

So God Almighty answered his supplication, so Moses remembered that he had killed a man from the Egyptians, so he was afraid that they would kill him, so God Almighty reassured him that they would not harm him, so Moses was reassured

returned to Egypt, and told his brother Aaron what had happened between him and God Almighty, to share with him in delivering the message to Pharaoh and his people, and to assist him in expelling the Children of Israel from Egypt

And Pharaoh was severely tyrannical and oppressive to the children of Israel, so Aaron and Moses, peace and blessings be upon them, turned to their Lord, praying that He would save them from the tyranny of Pharaoh. Then God the Most High said to them, reassuring and affirming: {He said, Do not be afraid, for I am with you both, I hear and see. Your Lord, and peace be upon those who follow the guidance. Indeed, it has been revealed to us that the punishment is upon those who lie and turn away. Taha: 46-48]

Moses and Aaron go to Pharaoh

When Moses went with his brother Aaron to Pharaoh, they called him to God, and expelled the children of Israel with them, but Pharaoh began to mock them and ridicule them, and what they brought, and reminded Moses that he was the one who raised him in his palace and kept caring for him until he killed the Egyptian and fled on the run, so Moses told him that God had guided him and made him a prophet, in order to invite him to worship God and obey Him, but Pharaoh did not respond to him, so Moses offered him to come to him with evidence that would show him the sincerity of his message

asked him for evidence if he was honest, so Moses threw his stick, and it turned into a big snake, so the people were afraid and terrified of this snake, so Moses extended his hand to it and took it, so the stick returned as it was. Then he put his hand in the pocket of his shirt, then took it out , and it was pure white

The confrontation between Moses and the magicians of Pharaoh

Pharaoh told his people that Moses is a sorcerer, so the people advised him to gather magicians from everywhere to confront Moses and his magic, provided that this meeting was on the day of adornment, and this day was the day of the feast of Pharaoh and his people, where all people gather, in a spacious place in front of Pharaoh's palace to celebrate

hastened to announce the date to all the people, so that they would witness this day, and he wrote to all the magicians to prepare the equipment for that day

The expected day came, and people raced to the debate arena to see who was victorious. Moses or the witches?

And before Pharaoh came out to Moses, he met with the magicians, and he began to desire them, promise them, and grant them great hopes, as they were victorious over Moses and his brother, and surpassed them both, and the magicians were greedy for what Pharaoh had of reward and status

later , Pharaoh and the magicians behind him went out to the debate arena, then he sat in the place that had been prepared for him and his entourage, and the magicians stood in front of Moses and Aaron, may blessings and peace be upon them both

After that, Pharaoh raised his hand, signaling the start of the debate . The magicians offered Moses one of two things. Either he throws his stick first or they throw theirs first. So Moses left them the beginning 

So the magicians threw their ropes and sticks, so they bewitched the eyes of the people, and all the ropes and disobedience turned into snakes seeking and moving before the eyes of those present, so the people were afraid of the horror of what they saw in front of them, even Moses and Aaron, peace be upon them, were afflicted with fear, so God revealed to Moses not to be afraid and throw his stick, so Moses and his brother were assured of God’s command Then he threw his staff, and it turned into a great serpent that swallowed the magicians' ropes and their sticks. When the magicians saw that, they knew that it was a miracle of God's miracles and not magic, so God opened their hearts to believe in God and believe what Moses brought, so they prostrated to God the One and Only, declaring their faith in the Lord of Moses and Aaron

And here Pharaoh's anger intensified and he started threatening the magicians, and he said to them: ) He said, "Did you believe in him before I gave you permission? He is your chief who taught you magic, so I will certainly cut off your hands and your feet from opposite sides." I will crucify you on the trunks of palm trees, so that you may know which of us is more severe in torment and more lasting.” [Taha: 71]

But the sorcerers were not afraid and did not panic from his words and threats, after God brought the light of truth and faith into their hearts, so they said: {They said: {We will not give you preference over what has come to us of the clear proofs. our Lord to forgive us our sins and You forced us on him with magic, and God is good and keeps you. Indeed, whoever comes to his Lord as a criminal, he will have Hell in it. He will not die in it, nor will he live. And whoever comes to him as a believer has Fill in the righteous deeds, for those are the highest ranks , Gardens of Eden, beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide, and that is the reward of those who purify themselves (Taha: 72). -76]

So Pharaoh became very angry, and the deceivers among his people incited him against Moses and the Children of Israel, so Pharaoh issued orders to his soldiers to kill the sons of those who believed among the Children of Israel, and leave the women, and Pharaoh was able with these threats to terrorize the weak and those in whose hearts there was a disease among the people of Moses, so they did not believe in him out of fear. From Pharaoh and his oppression, and even those who believed were not completely safe from fear and awe of Pharaoh

When Moses saw what afflicted his people of fear and panic, he turned to God with a supplication to save him and the believers from Pharaoh's plot.

And Pharaoh began thinking of a trick to get rid of Moses, and one day he gathered his aides and his clan and announced to them what he had reached, which is to kill Moses.

And after he finished his speech, if a man from his people and clan had believed in Moses secretly, he would say to him: )... Will you kill a man because he says, “My Lord is God,” and he has come to you with clear proofs from your Lord, and if he is a liar, then against him is a lie. And if he is truthful, some of what he promises will befall you. God does not guide the extravagant . A liar ( [Ghafir: 28] Then he called the Egyptians to believe in God and warned them of the punishment. So Pharaoh turned away from him and did not listen to his advice

The calamity that befell Pharaoh and his people

And the days passed, and Pharaoh and his aides began to torment the children of Israel and force them to work, and he did not listen to what Moses asked him to leave him and his people to leave Egypt to the Levant, so God imposed on them years of drought and poverty as the water of the Nile decreased, the fruits decreased, and the people became hungry, and they were helpless before God’s affliction. Glory be to Him, and God sent them other types of torment in addition to what they are in, such as the flood that drowned their crops and homes, and the locusts that ate what remained of their crops and trees and overpowered them with moths, so he ate what they stored in their silos of grain and flour, and sent them frogs, so they disturbed their comfort, and about Their water that comes from the Nile, wells and eyes are blood

All these afflictions afflicted Pharaoh and his people, but Moses and those who believed with him, nothing happened to them, so this was evidence and proof of the sincerity of what Moses and his brother Aaron came with

passed , and these afflictions continued, and were even increasing day by day, so the Egyptians went to Pharaoh to advise him to release the Children of Israel in exchange for Moses calling on his Lord to remove that harm from them, and intercede for them with his Lord for this torment and distress

prayed to his Lord, until He answered him, and revealed what befell Pharaoh and his people of torment and affliction

Moses prayed to his Lord to get rid of the oppression of Pharaoh and his soldiers

Pharaoh increased his stubbornness and disbelief in God, and when Moses saw Pharaoh’s insistence on his disbelief and ungratefulness, and his persistence in his sin and his denial of all the verses that he brought, he raised his hands to heaven, turning to God, supplicating and beseeching Him, glory be to Him, to save the Children of Israel from the hands of Pharaoh and his soldiers, and to punish the infidels with torment. insulting 

God Almighty answered the prayer of His Prophet and Messenger Moses, and the divine command came to Moses to go out with the Children of Israel from Egypt at night, not fearing the consequence, and told him that Pharaoh will follow him, but God will save him and those who believe with him, and Pharaoh and his soldiers will drown

told the Children of Israel the news, and asked them to prepare to go out with him if the night came, so Moses' people hurried to prepare to leave Egypt, for it is the hour that they have been waiting for

walked in the direction of the sea, and after many hours, Moses and those with him had come a long way on their feet, and the news of the exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt reached Pharaoh, so he became very agitated, and he issued orders that all his soldiers meet with him immediately

In moments, a large number of soldiers and horsemen gathered to Pharaoh, so he took them and went out with them, waiting for the trail of Moses and his people until he caught up with them at sunrise, and here the children of Israel seized terror and panic from the horror of the situation in which they are. They were tormented and punished, and they thought that Pharaoh would inevitably overtake them

So Moses reassured them and reminded them that God would help them and save them, so God commanded Moses to hit the sea with his stick, so he did, and a dry road split, and the Children of Israel rushed through it before Pharaoh and his soldiers reached them

Pharaoh and his soldiers drowned

When Pharaoh and those with him reached the shore, the Children of Israel had gone out to the other shore, and when Pharaoh saw that the path that the Children of Israel took was still there, he also rushed with his soldiers to catch up with them, and when Pharaoh and his soldiers reached the middle of the sea, the road turned into water, and they drowned All of you. And when Pharaoh realized that he would drown, he wanted to escape by a trick, so he said: {And We crossed the sea with the Children of Israel, so Pharaoh and his soldiers pursued them in tyranny and enmity until, when drowning overtook him, he said, “I believe that there is no god but God.” He in whom the Children of Israel believed, and I am of the Muslims.” [Yunus: 90]

But no way, God's command was executed, and Pharaoh drowned and witnessed death, and he was certain that there was no escape for him from it, and at this time repentance does not work, and regret does not work

And after Pharaoh breathed his last, the waves carried his corpse and threw it on the seashore for the Egyptians to see, and they all realize that the man whom they worshiped and obeyed besides God, could not ward off death from himself, and became an example for every arrogant and mighty person.

The direction of the children of Israel to the Holy Land

After the Children of Israel crossed the sea, they walked towards the Holy Land, and on the way they saw people worshiping idols, so they asked Moses to make a god for them like these infidels, so Moses was patient with them and explained to them their ignorance, and showed them the countless blessings of God upon them, and that God favored them upon his creation, and that he saved them from Pharaoh and his soldiers, and he alone is worthy of worship and obedience

And Moses and those with him continued the march, and the heat of the sun burned their faces, so the Children of Israel went to Moses to complain to him about that, so God subjected them to the clouds, standing with them if they stopped, and walking with them when they walked, to shade them and protect them from the flames of the scorching sun . And when they were thirsty, God inspired Moses to strike with his stick that he carried with him the stone, so Moses raised his stick and fell with it on a stone in the mountain, and then a new miracle of Moses occurs before the eyes of the children of Israel, where twelve eyes explode as soon as the stick falls on the stone, with the number of the tribes of the children of Israel who were with him, which made Moses allocate a spring for each tribe to drink from

And when they were hungry, God’s grace overtook them, as He gave them manna, which is a kind of sweets, and quail, which is a kind of bird that looks like quail, so they began to eat from it, but they quickly got tired of this food and got bored of it, so they went to Moses complaining to him about that, and they said: )...Oh! Moses, we will not be patient with one food, so pray to your Lord to produce for us from what the earth grows of its herbs, its cucumbers, its garlic, its lentils, and its onions. Come closer to what is better, go down to Egypt, for you will have what you asked, and humiliation and humiliation were inflicted upon them, and they were plagued by the wrath of God. Signs of God and kill the prophets Unjustly, that is because they disobeyed and used to transgress.” [Al-Baqarah: 61]

was amazed , then told them that this would happen in the land, so let them go to a place where they plant and work until what they ask for is fulfilled

Honoring Moses by sending down the Torah to him

The Children of Israel lived in safety and reassurance, and they needed a law to rule on, and a law that regulated their lives, so God inspired Moses to go out on his own to a specific place, to give him the law that the Children of Israel resort to and regulate their lives, so Moses left his brother Aaron over his people, and preached to him and reminded him of God And warned him of misguided people who try to corrupt others

Then he went to the mountain where he met his Lord when he was returning from Madian to Egypt, and he had the Torah revealed to him. God bless Moses, indicating that man, with this formation, is not able to see God Almighty, and until the heart of Moses is reassured, God told him that he would appear to the mountain, and Moses had only to look at the mountain, and notice what would happen, and Moses looked at the mountain, and he saw it collapsed and destroyed

And the Qur’an depicted this for us: } And when Musa came to our appointed time and his Lord spoke to him, he said, “My Lord, show me that I look at you.” When his Lord manifested himself to the mountain, He leveled it with nothingness, and Moses fell unconscious. Then when he came to his senses, he said, Glory be to You, I repent to You, and I am the first of the believers. Al-A’raf: 143]

So Moses took the tablets containing the Torah, and they contained sermons and rulings by which the lives of the Children of Israel were organized and upright

Polytheism and worship of the calf

And it happened among the Children of Israel, after Moses had left them, that a man from among them known as Samaritan, gathered what they had of jewelry and gold, and made for them a hollow idol in the shape of a calf. And the God of Moses, so the children of Israel believed him, and worshiped the calf and left the worship of the one and only God, so the Prophet of God Harun turned to them advising and admonishing them, and that they were tempted by this matter, but they continued in their ignorance, and they did not benefit from the advice of Aaron, but rather objected to him and almost killed him, and declared to him that they would not They leave worshiping this calf, until Moses returns to them

And when Moses returned and found his people in that state, he became very angry with them, and out of the intensity of his grief and anger at what his people had done, he threw the tablets in which the Torah was from his hands, and went to his brother Aaron and grabbed his head and pulled him to him tightly, and said to him in a voice that showed anger: {He said, O Aaron.} What prevented you, when you saw them going astray, from following me? Did you disobey my command? (Taha: 92-93)

Aaron said: “He said, ‘You sleep, do not seize my beard or my head. I was afraid that you would say that you divided the children of Israel and did not observe my words.’” [Taha: 94] And he told him that the people were about to kill him. That is the man who made this calf, and he asked him about the matter, and the Samaritan told him what happened, so Moses burned that calf until he made it into small atoms, then he threw those atoms into the sea

Repentance of the Children of Israel

The Children of Israel felt their bad deeds, so they regretted it, and declared their repentance to God, and asked him for mercy and forgiveness, so God Almighty revealed to Moses that Aaron was innocent of them and that he tried a lot with them to move away from the worship of the calf, so Moses’ heart was reassured that his brother did not participate in that sin, so he went to God Almighty seeking forgiveness for himself and his brother, saying: “He said, ‘My Lord, forgive me and my brother, and admit us into Your mercy, and You are the Most Merciful of those who show mercy’” [Al-A’raf: 151]

And Moses chose seventy men from the best of his people, and he took them to a place determined by God Almighty, and when they reached that place, behold, they asked to see God openly, so Moses got angry with them, and God sent down a thunderbolt on them that destroyed them, and took their souls. So Moses took calling God and beseeching him to have mercy on them

And God Almighty willed that His Prophet Moses not be disgraced, so he responded to him and revived those who were killed by the thunderbolt, so that they might thank God for the blessing of reviving them after their death, and Moses returned them to his people, so he took the Torah and began to read it to the children of Israel and explain to them the sermons and rulings in it, and he took them covenants and covenants So that they know what is in it without violating it, so when they promised him that they would adhere to what was in it, he took them and walked in the direction of the blessed land, which is Palestine, but they began to deny the Torah and the orders and rulings that came in it, so God wanted to take revenge on them, so he lifted a large rock from the mountain and moved it until it became as if it were a cloud that shaded them. So they were afraid of it, and they thought that God would cast it upon them, so they turned to God for help and supplication, and they repented to God to save them from destruction, so God turned away from them that rock as mercy and bounty from Him

Entering the Holy Land

God revealed to Moses that the time had come for the children of Israel to settle down, and for them to enter the Holy Land of Palestine. So Moses rejoiced with great joy . But the children of Israel are cowardly and afraid, as they announced this to Moses, so they said: {They said, O Moses, there is a mighty people in it, and we will not enter it until they are expelled from it

And here two believing men stood up and said to them: “...Enter the door against them, and when you enter it , you will be victorious, and in God, so put your trust if you are believers.” [Al-Ma’idah: 23]

So what was the response of the Children of Israel except that they said: “They said, O Moses, we will never enter it as long as they are in it, so go you and your Lord and fight, we are here sitting” [Al-Maa’idah: 24]

intensified against those people who forget the blessing of God upon them, so he began to pray to his Lord to distance him from these sinners

Then the answer came to him from God Almighty, He said: {He said: It is forbidden for them for forty years to wander in the land, so do not grieve over the disobedient people} [Al-Ma’idah: 26]

Thus, God commanded the children of Israel to wander in the land for forty years. As a result of their objection to God's commands, and their failure to comply with what Moses commanded them to do, the Children of Israel began walking in the desert without guidance and continued wandering until they entered the Holy Land after that at the hands of Joshua bin Nun after he reunited them

Musa and al-Khidr

One day, Moses, peace be upon him, gave a sermon to the children of Israel, and preached to them an eloquent sermon, from which the eyes overflowed, and the hearts softened for it, then he went back from where he came from, and a man followed him and walked behind him until, when he approached him, he asked him, saying: O Messenger of God, are you on earth know you? He said : No

So God reproached him because he did not return knowledge to God - Glory be to Him - and revealed to him that in the compound of Bahrain there is a servant who is more knowledgeable than you, so Moses got up and asked his Lord for a sign to know him

So God revealed to him to take a dead whale with him on his travels, and in the place where life will return to the whale, he will find the righteous servant, so Moses took a dead whale in a container, then he set out to meet the good servant, and accompanied him on this trip, Joshua bin Nun, and he was a young boy

Moses walked with his boy for a long time until they reached a large rock by the sea, so they sat there to rest from the impact of travel, so they laid their heads and fell asleep, and after a while the boy, Joshua bin Nun, woke up before Moses woke up, and he saw something strange, he saw that the whale moved and life came into it, then The whale fell by the shore, and the waves of the sea came and carried it inside, so when Moses woke up, the boy forgot to tell him what happened, and they started walking on their way to meet the righteous man

Hours passed, and Moses and his boy were still walking diligently and energetically to meet the righteous man, until Moses felt hungry, so he asked his girl to bring the whale from him, so he told Moses that he had forgotten him there at the place where they sat to rest from the impact of fatigue, and God revived him, then he jumped and took his way into the sea Moses told him that this is the place he wanted

returned to that rock where they had forgotten the whale, and they found a man sitting covered with a cloth, his name was Al-Khidr, so Moses approached him and greeted him, so Al-Khidr revealed the cover from his face and said: Is there peace in your land? who are you He said: I am Moses. Al-Khidr said: Moses, the children of Israel? He said: Yes. Al-Khidr said: What is your business?

He said: You came to teach me what you have taught me. Al-Khidr said: Is it not enough for you that the Torah is in your hands, and that the revelation comes to you? Oh Moses, I have knowledge that you should not know, and you have knowledge that I should not know. Suddenly a small bird came and drank from the sea with its beak. Al-Khidr said to Musa: By God, my knowledge and your knowledge in the side of God’s knowledge is only as this bird took from the sea with its beak. [Bukhari]

Then Al-Khidr told Musa that he could not bear what he would see of his command, so Musa promised him patience and good obedience, so Al-Khidr asked him not to ask him about anything until he mentioned it to him.

agreed to that, and they set off walking on the seashore, and a great ship passed in front of them, so Al-Khidr spoke to its owners, that he and Moses should ride with them, so they carried them, and they did not take any payment from them, because they knew Al-Khidr well

And when the ship sailed, Musa was surprised that al-Khidr had taken off a plank from the ship, so he approached al-Khidr and said to him: People carried us without a loom (reward). Al-Khidr said : Did I not say that you would not be able to have patience with me? So Moses remembered what Al-Khidr had stipulated, so he apologized to him that he had forgotten

So Al-Khidr accepted Musa’s excuse, and he did not blame him this time for forgetting. Right face. Al-Khidr reminded him that he would not be able to be patient with him

felt that he had hastened to inquire about the cause of the killing of this boy, so he apologized to Al-Khidr, and promised him that if he asked him about anything after that, he would leave him.

So Al-Khidr accepted Musa’s excuse this time as well, and they walked on their way until he reached a village, so they asked its people for food, but they refused. and marveled at his behavior with those who refused to feed them, and mentioned to the greens that he deserved to be paid for what he had done

Al-Khidr told him that he must leave him, and began to explain to him what had happened. It was explained to him that the ship belonged to poor people working on it in transporting passengers from coast to coast for a meager wage, and there was a mighty king who took every good ship from its people unjustly and aggressively, and that he wanted to disgrace it by breaking one of the boards so that that tyrant would not take it, because he does not take damaged ships

And that the boy who killed him had his parents believers, and this boy was an infidel, so he saw that his killing was a mercy for his parents and preserving their faith so that they would not follow him on his religion, and may God bless them with a boy other than him in terms of religion and morals and more righteous than him

And that the wall was owned by two orphan boys and their father was righteous, and under the wall was a treasure of gold, and if he had left it until it fell, this treasure would have appeared, and the two boys could not, due to their weakness, maintain it, so the wall was repaired for them until they grow up and take their treasure because of the righteousness of their father, because the righteousness of the fathers reaches his blessing to Sons.

The story of the Israelite cow

In the life of the Prophet of God, Moses, strange and strange things happened, including this story that revolves around the killing of a man from the Children of Israel, who did not know his killer, and they searched a lot and did not know him, so when they got tired of searching, they remembered that among them was the Prophet of God Moses, so some people went to him and asked him To call his Lord to know that killer, so Moses called his Lord to reveal this secret, so God revealed to him to order the people to slaughter a cow, and they take part of it and beat the dead man with it, so God revives him, and tells them who killed him, and when the people came, Moses told them that God commands them to slaughter a cow, so they marveled The people of what he said, and they thought that he was mocking and mocking them, and the Children of Israel did not rush to implement God's command, but they began to ask Moses about the descriptions of the cow and argue with him, and they asked him to show them some of their descriptions

So God commanded them to sacrifice a cow that was not a virgin, nor a big one that gave birth to a lot, but rather a strong cow that gave birth once or twice, and it is the strongest and best of cows, but they did not, and they asked Moses to show them what color it is

So Moses told them that God commands them to slaughter a cow that was bright yellow in color, but they did not do so, and they asked Moses to add to them the descriptions of the cow, as the cows were similar to them. So they stressed themselves by that, so God stressed them, and commanded them to slaughter a wild cow that did not plow the land, did not water the crops, and was free of defects

So they went out looking for the required cow until they found it, so they bought it, then slaughtered it, and brought it to Moses and waited until they saw what he would say to them, and what he would do in front of them. And he returned life to him as it was, so he told about the killer, then he died again. This was a great miracle from God to confirm the sincerity of His Prophet Moses

The story of Qarun with Moses

Qarun was from the people of Moses, and he was rich, his wealth and treasures filled many treasuries, so he was unable to carry the keys to those treasuries except for a group of strong men due to their abundance

Qarun disobeyed Musa and Aaron and did not accept their judgment and advice, and he thought that the blessings that God bestowed upon him did not come to him except because he deserved them and that he had acquired them with his knowledge

And one day, Qarun went out to the city while he was in great adornment and a large procession, wearing the best of what he had of the adornment clothes, and when he passed by the people, some of them approached him and wanted to advise him and preach to him, so they said to him: )...Do not rejoice, for God does not love those who are happy. But seek what He has given you . God is the abode of the Hereafter, and do not forget your share of this world, and do good as God has done good to you, and do not seek corruption in the land, for God does not love the corrupters. They said that he collected this money with his intelligence and ability

reward and said to them: )...Woe to you! God’s reward is better for those who believe and do righteous deeds. 0 ]

And when Qarun's arrogance and arrogance increased, Musa called on him, so God responded to him, and destroyed him, his house, and his treasures, the earth, and destroyed his family, and he did not find anyone to support him or defend him. And it is estimated that were it not for God’s favor upon us, He would have swallowed us up, and it is as if the unbelievers will not succeed.” [Al-Qasas: 82]

The death of Moses, peace be upon him

When the time came for the death of the Prophet of God, Moses, God sent him the angel of death, peace be upon him, and said to him: Answer your Lord. So Musa struck him in the eye and he tore it out, so the angel of death returned to God and said to him: You sent me to a servant who does not want to 

So God Almighty said to him: Go back to him and tell him to put his hand on the back of a bull (the back of a bull), so he will have one year with what his hand covered with every hair. So the king returned to him and told him that, so Moses said: O Lord, then what ? And God Almighty said : Then death, and Moses said: Now. Then Moses asked God - the Mighty and Sublime - to bring him closer to the Holy Land, so Moses died close to Jerusalem in the Blessed Land in Palestine.[ Agreed upon]

And it was narrated that the angels were the ones who took charge of burying him and praying for him, and he lived for one hundred and twenty years
