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The story of our master Hood, peace be upon him (the people of Ad)


 Hood, peace be upon him    

add's people

In the land of Yemen, and in a place called (Al-Ahqaf), the first people of Ad resided, whose lineage goes back to Noah, and they used to live in houses with huge pillars.

And they build lofty palaces and lofty forts, and they are proud of their construction. The Most High said:

And they had a great civilization, and they excelled in agriculture because of the availability of abundant fresh water, and they had abundant goodness, and wealth and cattle abounded, and their region became fertile green fields, flowery gardens, orchards, and many springs.

And God gave the people of this tribe a physical structure that differs from all other human beings, so they were strong throughout their bodies. If they fight a people or fight them, they defeat them, and oppress them with severe brutality, the Almighty said: cattle, children, gardens, and eyes.” [Al-Shu’ara’: 134-130]

       The infidelity of the people retur   

Despite these great blessings and the many good things that God gave them, they did not thank God Almighty for them, but rather they associated others with Him. So they worshiped idols, and they were the first to worship idols after the flood, and they committed disobedience and misdeeds, and they corrupted the earth, so God sent them a hood, peace be upon him, to guide them to the straight path and forbid them from their misguidance and command them to worship God alone with no partner, and to tell them that God Almighty is worthy of gratitude for what He has bestowed upon them. of strength, wealth, and grace, so he said to them: “...O my people, worship Allah.

They asked: Who are you to say such things to us? Hood, peace be upon him, said: {I am a trustworthy Messenger to you, so fear Allah and obey me} [Al-Shu’ara: 125-126] His people responded to him with harshness and arrogance: “The chiefs of his people who disbelieved said: Indeed, we see you in foolishness and arrogance.” Indeed, we think that you are among the liars.” [Al-A’raf: 66]

Hood said to them: “He said, O my people, I am not foolish, but I am a messenger from the Lord of the Worlds.

  The arrogance of a people back  

The people of Ad were arrogant, and they denied worshiping God, and they said to him: “They said, O Hud, you have not brought us proof, and we do not abandon our gods from your saying, nor do we believe in you.” [Hud: 53]

And they said to him: What is the state in which you are, except that our gods have become angry with you, and you have gone mad in your mind, so that is what you are in. Hood - upon him be peace - did not despair and continued to call his people to the path of truth, so he reminded them of the blessings of God Almighty upon them. Perhaps they will repent to God and seek His forgiveness.

Then he said: “O my people, seek forgiveness from your Lord and then repent to Him. He will send rain showers upon you and increase you in strength to your strength. Do not turn away as criminals.” [Hud: 52]

Hood, peace be upon him, did not find in them anything but dead, petrified hearts clinging to their transgression and delusion, and their insistence on worshiping idols, when they met his advice and guidance for them by insulting and ridiculing him. He is innocent of what you associate with Him Without him, plot against me all together, then do not wait. Indeed, I put my trust in God, my Lord, and your Lord. There is no animal but He takes hold of its forelock. Indeed, my Lord is on a straight path ۝And if you turn away, then I have already conveyed to you what I have sent to you, and my Lord will appoint a people other than you in succession, and you will not harm Him at all. Indeed, my Lord is Guardian of everything.} Hood: 54-57]

So they were arrogant and boasted of their strength and said to Hud: “Who is stronger than us in strength?” [Fussilat: 15] And they began to mock him and hasten the punishment and punishment in mockery and mockery. us, if you are of the truthful.” [Al-A’raf: 70]

Hud, peace be upon him, said: “He said, “Abomination and wrath have befallen you from your Lord. Are you arguing with me about the names you have named, you and your fathers? How many are waiting? (Al-A’raf: 71)

    The torment of the people returned

And God’s punishment began for a people who returned by sending them a severe heat, wells and rivers dried up with it, and crops and fruits died with it, and the rain ceased for them for a long time, then a great cloud came, and when they saw it, they were glad of it, and they rejoiced, and they thought that it would rain water, and they said: ) .. This is A rainy accident..( [Al-Ahqaf: 24]

They thought that the clouds would bring them good, to quench their thirst and water their camels and horses, and their crops and orchards, but it was carrying torment and annihilation for them, so a strong wind came to them that lasted seven nights and eight days without interruption, destroying everything in front of it until it destroyed them. In it is a painful chastisement, it destroys everything by the command of its Lord, and now only their dwellings can be seen. Thus do We recompense the criminal people.” [Al-Ahqaf: 24-25

And God saved Hood and those who believed with him. The Most High said: “So We saved him and those with him, with mercy from Us, and cut off the roots of those who denied Our signs and were not believers.” [Al-A’raf: 72]

And Hood, peace be upon him, and the believers with him walked to another place where they worshiped and glorified God.
