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Arwa bint Al-Harith bin Abdul-Muttalib



Arwa bint Al-Harith bin Abdul-Muttalib, the Hashemite Quraishite

   The cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, as well as the fourth of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, Ali bin Abi Talib. She was described as eloquent and eloquent. The year of her conversion to Islam was not mentioned. She lived until the time of Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan, and she was delegated to him in Damascus when she was old, coming from the city where she resides.

The narrations mention that Amr ibn al-Aas and Marwan ibn al-Hakam were among the attendees at that council, so we fell in love with her, so she reproached Amr for his lineage and insulted Marwan, so Muawiya was forced to intervene and apologize to her on their behalf, and asked her about her need, and she replied to him, saying: “I have no need of you!” Then she got up and left, and Muawiya said to his companions: “By God, if all of my councils had spoken to her, she would have answered each one in a manner other than what she answered the other with, and the women of Banu Hashim are more eloquent than the men of others.” She died in Medina during the time of Muawiyah, and was buried in Al-Baqi.


She is Arwa bint Al-Harith bin Abdul-Muttalib bin Hashim bin Abd Manaf bin Qusai bin Kilab bin Murra bin Ka’b bin Lu’ay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik bin Al-Nadr bin Kinana bin Khuzaymah bin Mudraka bin Elias bin Mudar bin Nizar bin Maad bin Adnan.

And her mother was Ghazia bint Qais bin Tarif bin Abd al-Ezza bin Aamer bin Amira bin Wadia bin al-Harith bin Fahr.

And her sisters are

Nawfal bin Al-Harith: His mother was Ghaziyyah, the daughter of Qais bin Tarif. He was a man at the time of the Messenger of God, and he accompanied him and narrated from him.

Abu Sufyan bin Al-Harith: And his mother is Ghazia bint Qais bin Tarif. Ibn Al-Kalbi, Al-Zubayr bin Bakkar and others mentioned, and they said: The name of Abu Sufyan Al-Mughirah, and others said: Rather, his name is his nickname, and Abu Sufyan embraced Islam, so he became a good Muslim.

Al-Mughirah bin Al-Harith: He has company. Abu Omar said: “The brother of Abu Sufyan bin Al-Harith, the cousin of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, has company. It has been said: Abu Sufyan bin Al-Harith, his name is Al-Mughirah, but it is not correct. And the correct view is that he is his brother, and God knows best.” Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani said: “Ibn Al-Atheer tracked this down with the fact that the lineage owners, such as Al-Zubair, Ibn Al-Kalbi and others, asserted that Abu Sufyan’s name was Al-Mughirah. They did not mention a brother to him called al-Mughira. He is not called Abu Sufyan. Likewise, al-Baghawi asserted that Abu Sufyan’s name was al-Mughirah ibn al-Harith.

Aslam bin Al-Harith: Muhammad bin Omar Al-Hafiz Al-Jaabi mentioned him, among those who narrated it to him and his son on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family.

Rabia bin Al-Harith: a companion, nicknamed Abu Arwa, and his mother is: Ghazia bint Qais bin Tarif.

Abdullah bin Al-Harith: His name was Abd Shams bin Al-Harith, a companion, and his mother was Ghazia bint Qais bin Tarif, and he had no offspring. His name was Abd Shams, so the Messenger of God named him Abdullah.

Abd al-Muttalib bin al-Harith: It was included.

about her

Her father - who is the eldest of Abd al-Muttalib's children - died during his father's life. Abu Wadaa Al-Harith bin Sabra (and it was said: Sabeera) bin Saeed bin Saad bin Sahm Al-Qurashi married her, and she bore him Al-Muttalib, Abu Sufyan, Umm Jamil, Umm Hakim, and Al-Rabaa, the daughter of Abi Wadaa. And her husband was among those who witnessed Badr under compulsion with Banu Hashim, and he was captured. The Messenger Muhammad said: “He has a son who is wise in Mecca, who has money, and he is in debt.” So his son, Al-Muttalib, set out from Mecca to Medina in four nights. He ransomed his father, until tomorrow her husband was the first of the Quraish captives to be ransomed.

Arwa, a figure honored by the Shiites, and Ibn Tayfur transmitted a sermon narrated from her, which was said to have been delivered in Muawiyah's council in Damascus, and it included sharp criticism of him.
