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The story of Ms. Asia, Pharaoh's wif


Introduction to Mrs. Asia 

Have you imagined that you would leave all this world with its riches and embrace a new world, a world that touched your heart's strings and instincts?

In this article, we will tell you a story in which there is stability in it. We will tell you the story of a lady from the women of the worlds, Mrs. Asiya, the wife of the greatest tyrant in his time, the wife of Pharaoh, the enemy of God.

She used to live in pleasure in her palace among the maidservants and slaves, and she had enough money to enrich her for a lifetime. She lived an affluent life without any hardship or fatigue. Pharaoh was a tyrant, but she was not affected by him and did not share his kingdom and work with him. Rather, she persevered in the truth when God enlightened her path to guidance. .

It was a reason for the survival of our master Moses when Pharaoh's soldiers picked him up from the sea, so when she saw him she said to Pharaoh: ﴾And the wife of Pharaoh said, I am a comfort to my eye, and you do not kill him. Stories: 9]

The faih of Mrs. Asia and the comb in Moses

And when Moses, peace be upon him, grew up and called for monotheism, she believed in him as she was combing the palace of Pharaoh, and when Pharaoh knew about that, she challenged him, saying: (My Lord and your Lord is God), so Pharaoh commanded her and her children to be thrown into the fire.

As Asia believed in the sincerity of Moses, peace be upon him, and his prophethood, and on the day the magicians met, those who passed by Pharaoh's people thought that she would be victorious for Pharaoh, but in fact she was with Moses, peace be upon him, believing in what he brought from his Lord, Glory be to Him.

And it was not long after that that Pharaoh learned of her conversion to Islam, then he swore that he would make her taste the most severe punishment, so he gathered his people and said to them: What do you know about Asia, the daughter of Muzahim?

The persistence of Mrs. Asiya

Pharaoh called out to his soldiers, so they nailed stakes to her, tied her hands and feet, and placed her under the scorching sun. He ordered his soldiers to place a large rock on her back, but before the rock was thrown on her back, she raised her eyes to the sky and said: Lord, build for me a house in Paradise.

She wished for God's protection and did not care about the torture and humiliation at that time, so she saw her house in Paradise and her soul overflowed and the rock was thrown on a body that had no soul in it. a house in Paradise, and save me from Pharaoh and his deeds, and save me from the people wrongdoers.” [At-Tahrim: 11]

God made Mrs. Asia an example of steadfastness, patience in the face of adversity and tribulations, and belief in God and faith in Him alone, so the infidelity and tyranny of her husband did not harm her, and she was not arrogant like him, rather she knew the truth and was steadfast in it, so God rewarded her with a house in Paradise, and the Prophet, peace be upon him, told us that she is one of the masters of the women of the worlds On the authority of Abu Musa, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Many men have been perfected, and no women have been perfected: except Asiya, the wife of Pharaoh, and Maryam bint Imran, and the superiority of Aisha over women is like the superiority of porridge over all other foods.” Bukhari and Muslim.

Look at this gift from God to a woman who was steadfast in a time when she had everything. I ask God for you and me to be steadfast and faithful to God in word and deed. Praise be to God, much good and blessed praise, as our Lord loves and is pleased with. I praise Him with praise befitting His majesty and greatness, and I thank Him with gratitude that is equal to His bounty and grace.
