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The Prophet's invasions are written in order - their causes and results




The invasions led by the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, provide important lessons for the Islamic nation:

1. High morals The Prophet’s conquests were distinguished by his exemplary personality, as he showed patience, forgiveness, and kindness even in the face of adversity.

2. Good morals: The Prophet’s dealings during the invasions emphasized the importance of good morals, respect for others, and ethical behavior, even toward enemies.

3. Sound beliefs: The invasions reinforced the importance of believing in God, trusting His plans, and relying on Him in difficult situations.

4. Correct worship: The Prophet’s devotion to God during the invasions highlighted the importance of sincere worship, prayer, and seeking guidance and strength from God.

5. High Ethics (repeated for emphasis): The emphasis on ethics and ethical behavior has been a consistent theme that demonstrates the importance of integrity and uprightness in all circumstances.

6. Purity of heart: The Prophet’s sincerity and purity of heart, which appeared in his intentions and actions during the invasions, is a model for believers in developing sincerity in their endeavors.

7. Love of jihad and martyrdom: The conquests showed love of jihad (struggle for the sake of God) and willingness to sacrifice, even martyrdom, for the sake of Islam and the well-being of society. .

The words of Ali bin Al-Hasan, in which he compared the teaching of the Prophet’s conquests to the teaching of the surahs of the Qur’an, confirms their profound importance in Islamic education.

What does the word “invasion” mean:

The word "ghazwa" refers to military raids or conquests in which the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, participated in or led against non-Muslim groups, especially in cases of conflict between Muslims and infidels or polytheists. These campaigns were instrumental in expanding the scope of Islam and have been studied for the lessons they offer in various aspects of faith, ethics, and strategy.

?What is the difference between raid and battle

Ghazwa: is the fight in which the Messenger participates

Battle: It is the fight that takes place without the participation of the Messenger in it

The number of the Prophet's invasions

19 Battle: According to Ibn Hajar

21 Battle: Narrated by Abu Ya'la

24 Ghazwa: On the authority of Saeed bin Al-Musayyib

27 Battle: This was said by Ibn Saad and Al-Waqidi

The Prophet's invasions in order

The Battle of Wadan or Al-Abwa

The first battle that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, waged in the month of Safar in the year 2 AH, with the aim of exploring the roads surrounding Medina and the paths leading to Mecca.

And the conclusion of treaties with the nearby tribes, and a notice to the polytheists of Medina and its Jews, and the Arabs of the desert who struck around it, that the Muslims are strong, and a warning to the Quraish that they might feel the exacerbation of the danger to their economy and the means of their livelihood, so they incline to peace, which resulted in an alliance with the Banu Damra of Kinana, and no fighting took place.

Battle of Buwat:

The second invasion was in the month of Rabi` al-Awwal in the year 2 AH

The Messenger of God went out with 200 of his companions, intercepting a caravan of Quraish under the leadership of Umayyah ibn Khalaf al-Jamahi, with 100 men and 2500 camels, and he reached Bawat on the trade road between Mecca and the Levant.

The eyes of the Quraish learned of the exit of the Muslims, so the caravan accelerated its movement and took a path other than the paved caravans, so it overtook the Muslims, and the Muslims returned to Medina.

In this battle against Medina, Saad bin Muadh was appointed caliph, and the standard-bearer was Saad bin Abi Waqqas.

The Battle of Safwan:

It is also called the first Battle of Badr. In the month of Rabi` al-Awwal of the second Hijri year, the Messenger of God and his companions went out in search of “Karz bin Jaber al-Fihri,” who raided the city’s livestock.

Clan raid:

It occurred in the month of Jumada al-Awwal in the year 2 of the Hijra, when the Messenger of God went out with 150 of his companions and left Abu Salama bin Abd al-Assad in Medina until he reached the clan area, where he stayed for a month and reconciled with it Bani Mudlej, then he returned and those with him among the Muslims without a fight.

Battle of Badr :

It is also called the Great Battle of Badr and the day of the Criterion, which took place on the 17th of Ramadan of the year 2 AH (between the Muslims led by the Messenger of God, and the Quraysh and its Arab allies led by Abu Jahl Amr bin Hisham, and it is considered the first battle of Islam’s decisive battles, and it was named after a well-known well It is located between Mecca and Medina.

The battle began with an attempt by Muslims to intercept a caravan of Quraish heading from the Levant to Mecca led by Abu Sufyan bin Harb, but Abu Sufyan managed to escape with the convoy, and sent a messenger to the Quraysh asking for their help and rescue.

The number of Muslims in the Battle of Badr was 313 men, while the polytheists increased by three times, so they were 1000 men with 200 Persians.

It ended with the victory of the Muslims and the killing of their leader Amr bin Hisham, and the number of Quraish killed in the Battle of Badr was 70 and 70 of them were captured. As for the Muslims, only 14 men were killed, six of the immigrants and eight of the supporters.

The prestige of Muslims increased in the city and its environs, and they had a new source of income, which is the spoils of battle, and thus the material, economic and moral condition of Muslims improved.

Battle of al-Kadr from Bani Sulaym:

It was reported to the Messenger that Bani Salim and Bani Ghatfan mobilized their forces and intended to invade the city, so the Prophet surprised them in their own home, so they fled, leaving behind 500 camels whose sheep were Muslims.

Battle of Bani Qainuqa:

The Jews knew what happened to the infidels of the Quraish in Badr, so their envy appeared against the Muslims, and they broke covenants with the Muslims.

The Prophet got angry and went out with the Muslims, who besieged them for 15 fifteen nights, until he forced them to surrender and submit to his rule. Who decided to expel them from their homes, and that was in the middle of Shawwal of the second year of migration.

As-Suwaiq Battle:

Abu Sufyan went out to Medina after the defeat he suffered in Badr to avenge the Muslims, so he raided an area in Medina called Al-Areed and killed a man and burned the palm trees, but the Messenger of God caught up with them, so they fled, and when they felt powerless due to the weight of what they had from the market, they began to throw it to lighten their loads, so it was named Conquest in relation to that.

The Battle of Dhi Amr:

The largest military campaign before the Battle of Uhud, and it was in Muharram in the year 3 AH.

The intelligence of the Messenger of God reported that a large group of Bani Tha'labah and Muharib gathered to attack the city, so he set out for them in 450 fighters, between rider and foot, and appointed Othman bin Affan as caliph over the city.

As soon as the polytheists knew of his arrival, they dispersed on the tops of the mountains, and when the Prophet arrived with his army to the place where they gathered (Bdi Amr) and stayed there for the entire month of Safar, so that the Bedouins could feel the strength of the Muslims, then he returned to Medina.

Branch's Battle of Bahran:

In Rabi` al-Akhir of the year 3 AH, the Messenger of God set out to attack the Quraysh, until he reached Bahran, a place in the al-Fara region in the Hijaz. He stayed there for three months, and returned to Medina without a fight

Battle of Uhud:

The second major battle that Muslims waged after the battle of Badr, and it was named after Mount Uhud near Medina, on one of the southern slopes of which the battle took place.

It was between the Muslims and the Quraish tribe on the seventh Saturday of the month of Shawwal in the third year of migration, the Muslims are led by the Messenger of God, and the Quraish tribe was led by Abu Sufyan bin Harb.

Quraish wanted to take revenge on the Muslims and restore their position among the tribes after the defeat in the Battle of Badr, so they collected about 3 thousand fighters, while the number of Muslim fighters was about 1000, and 300 of the hypocrites withdrew, bringing their number to 700 fighters.

So the battle began with a victory for the Muslims, but the archers disobeyed the order of the Messenger of God and left their places. The polytheists took advantage of this, led by Khalid bin Al-Walid, so they turned back and the result was overturned and 70 Muslims were killed, while 22 of the Quraysh and their allies were killed.

Uhud was a lesson for Muslims in learning the obligation to obey the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and to be vigilant and prepared, and that God tests the believers and exposes the hypocrites.

The Battle of Hamra al-Assad:

When the Messenger of God finished the Battle of Uhud, the people stayed all night treating their wounds, and when it was morning, the Messenger of God commanded Bilal bin Rabah to call the people to go out to the enemy, and not to go out with them except those who witnessed the fighting yesterday, so the Messenger of God and those with him from among the Muslims came out with their wounds as a challenge for polytheists.

The news reached Quraish, so they decided not to confront and hasten to return to Mecca, so the Muslims camped for 3 days in Hamra al-Assad, then they returned to Medina.

Battle of Banu Nadir:

The Battle of Banu Nadir occurred in the year 4 AH with the Jews of Banu Nadir after their attempt to assassinate the Messenger Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, when he came to them asking for their help in blood money for two dead

The Messenger of God told a revelation of their treachery, so he returned and sent them asking them to leave the city, so they fortified and besieged them for several nights until they submitted, so he agreed to their exit on the condition that they take only what camels carry without weapons

Battle of Badr afterlife:

In the Battle of Uhud, Abu Sufyan threatened the Muslims to meet at Badr next year, and on this basis the two armies left, but Abu Sufyan decided to return. In the month of Sha'ban of the year 4 AH

Battle of Dumat al-Jandal:

The news came to the Messenger of God that the tribes around Dumat al-Jandal cut off the road and plundered those who pass through it, and that they had gathered a large crowd that wanted to attack the city, so the Messenger decided to go out to them with 1000 of his companions, and no fighting took place, as the people of Dumat al-Jandal fled when they learned of the arrival of the Muslims

Trench raid

It is also called the Battle of the Parties and took place in the month of Shawwal of the year 5 of the Hijrah

The masters of Banu al-Nadir went out to incite the Arab tribes to invade Medina, and the Quraysh and their allies from the Ghatafan and the Arab tribes responded to them

When the Muslims learned the news of the parties advancing on them, the Messenger convened an advisory council to discuss the defense plan for the city. Salman Al-Farsi indicated that a trench should be dug around the city

The polytheists were surprised by the ditch, and the Arabs did not know it before, so they resorted to imposing a siege on the city and tried repeatedly to penetrate the ditch, to no avail, and there was no direct fighting

The Jews of Banu Qurayza, who lived south of Medina, broke their covenant, and the situation became very dangerous for the Muslims. In front of them was the army of the parties, and behind them was an enemy who broke their covenant, and the hypocrites began to infiltrate and flee

The Messenger thought of dissolving the alliance of the parties by offering a third of the fruits of Medina to the Ghatafan tribe in exchange for their withdrawal, but he changed his mind after consulting Saad bin Muadh and Saad bin Ubadah, who preferred not to bow

Naim bin Masoud, one of the leaders of the Ghatafan tribe, came to the Prophet, announcing his conversion to Islam, and he had a pivotal role in ending the battle by spreading division between the polytheists and the Jews and convincing each side that the other side would fail him

In the meantime, strong winds arose at the positions of the polytheists, which did not leave a tent for them without uprooting it, and did not leave a fire without extinguishing it, which prompted them to lift the siege and return from where they came from, and the war ended

Battle of Banu Qurayza:

The Prophet Muhammad led it in the fifth year of migration against the Jews of Banu Qurayza, who treacherously committed treachery during the siege of the parties, so he marched to them and besieged them until it ended with their surrender and the request for arbitration. And so it was.

Battle of Banu Lihyan:

It occurred in the sixth year of migration between the Muslims and Bani Lihyan, as punishment for their treachery, with six Muslim preachers at the water of Al-Rajee’ two years ago, so the Messenger went out to them in the year 6 AH with 200 of his companions

He appointed Ibn Umm Maktum as caliph over Medina, and declared that he wanted the Levant

Battle of Bani Al-Mustaliq:

It is called the Battle of al-Muraysi', and it took place in Sha'ban of the 6th year of the Hijrah, and its reason is that the news reached the Messenger of God that the master of Bani al-Mustaliq al-Harith bin Abi Dirar and his allies had marched to him for the sake of war.

So the Messenger of God sent Buraidah bin Al-Hasib Al-Aslami to make sure. The Messenger of God gathered his companions and marched until he reached Al-Muraysi.

Hudaybiyyah Peace Battle:

The Prophet saw in a dream that he and his companions entered the Sacred Mosque, took the key to the Kaaba, circumambulated and performed the Umrah, so he informed his Companions of that, so they rejoiced and rejoiced, then they prepared to go to Makkah for the purpose of Umrah in the month of Dhul-Qa’dah of the year 6 AH.

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, sent Othman bin Affan to the Quraysh and said to him: “Tell them that we did not come to fight, but rather we came to Omar.” Quraysh sent Suhail bin Amr to make peace, whose terms were.

Muslims return and do not enter Makkah this year, provided that they enter Makkah for Umrah next year in safety.

The situation of war between the two sides is ten years, during which people will be safe, and they will stop each other. Whoever loves to enter the reign of Muhammad enters it, and whoever loves to enter the era of Quraysh enters it.

Whoever came to Muhammad from the Quraysh without the permission of his guardian, fleeing from them, he returned it to them, and whoever came to the Quraysh from those who were with Muhammad did not respond to him.

The Treaty of Hudaybiyah is a moral victory for the Muslims. Quraysh now recognizes the Muslims, and God Almighty called it a conquest.

The Battle of the Monkey:

In the 6th year of the Hijrah, a group of the Ghatafan tribe raided the camels of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, in an area called Al-Ghaba on the borders of the city, killed its guard, and kidnapped his wife along with the camels.

The Muslims knew what happened, so the Messenger and those with him set out to chase the aggressors, and they were able to free the woman and the camels, and two of the Muslims were martyred, two of the polytheists were killed, and the rest fled.

Battle of Khaybar

Khaybar is the city to which the Jews of Banu al-Nadir fled after the Prophet expelled them after the violated the peace treaty and attempted to assassinate him

Khaybar was a den of conspiracy: so they partied the parties against the Muslims, and provoked the Banu Qurayza to treachery and betrayal, then they took contacts with the hypocrites and the Ghatafan and the Arabs of the desert, and they themselves were preparing to fight

When the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, concluded the treaty of al-Hudaybiyah with the Quraysh, he wanted to fight the Jews so that security and peace would be established, and the Muslims would devote themselves to conveying God’s message and calling to Him

So the Messenger of God set out in the month of Muharram of the year 7 for migration to Khaybar, which was fortified with eight large forts, so the Muslims began to open one fort after the other, and that permeated days of siege, fighting and intense resistance from the Jews until they asked for surrender and reconciliation

As for the items of reconciliation: The Jews asked the Messenger to save their blood and to leave their money, and they had that. Then they asked him to keep them cultivating the land of Khaybar in return for half of what comes out of its fruits, so he gave them that, and the surrender of the people of Khaybar was followed by the Jews of Fadak and Wadi Al-Quray and finally the Jews of Taima

Between 16 and 91 men were martyred among the Muslims in the battles of Khaybar, while the number of dead Jews was 93.

The Battle of That Riqa'

The invasion of Dhat al-Riqa' is a campaign that the Prophet undertook in the fourth year of migration against Banu Tha'labah and Banu Muharib from Ghatafan, after he was informed that they were preparing to invade Medina.

It is called the Battle of Muharib, the Battle of Bani Thalabah, the Battle of Bani Anmar, and the Battle of the Prayer of Fear.

Conquest of Mecca

It took place on the 20th of Ramadan in the year 8 of the Hijrah

The Quraish tribe violated the armistice that was in the Hudaybiyah Treaty by aiding its allies from Bani Bakr in raiding the Khuza’a tribe, the allies of the Muslims. Except what was on the part of our master Khaled bin Al-Waleed.

When some of the Quraysh men, led by Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl, tried to confront the Muslims, Khalid fought them and killed twelve of them, and the rest fled from them, and two of the Muslims were killed.

And when the Messenger Muhammad stayed in Mecca, he pardoned its people and said: “Go, you are free.” Then he came to the Kaaba and circumambulated it and stabbed the idols that were around it with a bow he had with him, and said: “Truth has come and falsehood has perished. so he is authorized.

One of the results of the conquest of Mecca was the conversion of many of its people to Islam, led by the master of Quraysh Abu Sufyan bin Harb, and his wife Hind bint Utbah, as well as Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl, Suhail bin Amr, Safwan bin Umayyah, Abu Quhafa, the father of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, and others.

Hunayn Battle

In the year 8 AH and in the month of Shawwal, the Messenger of God went out to fight the tribes of Hawazin and Thaqif, and he had gathered a great army, so the Muslims were deceived by their numbers and equipment, so they were defeated by the command of God Almighty. The Almighty said in the court of revelation.

{And on the day of Hunayn, when your abundance amazed you, and it did not avail you anything, and the earth became too narrow for you with what it welcomed. They are running back}, before the battle turns and the Muslim army is victorious with the blessing of the Messenger of God’s supplication, steadfastness, and trust in his Lord, Glory be to Him.

Battle of Taif:

The Battle of Taif took place in Shawwal of the eighth year of migration. The Messenger of God sent Tufayl to the idol of Amr bin Hamma al-Dawsi to destroy it. When the Messenger of God was close to Taif, the enemy began throwing arrows at them, and the Muslims' wounds became severe, and 12 men were martyred. The Messenger of God set up the catapult and besieged them. 18 days

The Prophet was not authorized to open Taif, so he called the people to return, so they grieved, but they acquiesced in the Messenger’s order and returned, and asked the Messenger of God to call upon Thaqif, so the Prophet called them for guidance, then he went to Al-Jarana and deprived of it, and he spent his Umrah and then returned to Medina, and the Battle of Taif was prepared The last fighting forays of the Messenger of God

Battle of Tabuk:

It is called the Battle of Al-Usra, because of the intense heat, and the lack of supplies and equipment. The Messenger of God knew that the Romans had gathered in the Levant to fight him, so he walked until he reached Tabuk, and found Heraclius leaving towards Homs, so he stayed in Tabuk for a few nights, and the Battle of Tabuk was the end of the invasions of the Messenger of God - Peace be upon him-

The Prophet's conquests are brief:

Historians report that he, may God bless him and grant him peace, went out with the Muslims between 19 and 27 battles

Only participated in the fighting in 9 invasions.

Only one polytheist, Ubayy ibn Khalaf, was killed in the Battle of Uhud.

It was (one) the only battle in which he was wounded.
