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miracles of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him


Meaning of miracle

A miracle is an extraordinary thing that appears at the hands of the Messenger. To be a witness to prove his message

The prophets singled out miracles

It is God’s Sunnah regarding all prophets to provide them with miracles. God does not send a prophet but gives him a miracle by which he proves his prophethood, proves his message, and challenges all those who oppose him and deny him. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “There is no prophet among the prophets but that he will be given what the like of him has been entrusted to humans, and what was given to me was a revelation that God revealed to me, so I hope that I will be the most followed one day Resurrection »

The number of miracles of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him

The miracles of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, are many and many, and they exceeded a thousand, as stated by the scholar Ibn al-Qayyim, may God have mercy on him, in “Ighath al-Lahfan”, and these miracles are what happened and ended, and some of them are what remains until God Almighty wills.

The great miracle of the Prophet, peace be upon him

The Noble Qur’an is the greatest miracle, and the great sign of the prophethood of the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, and it is the permanent and permanent verse that does not undergo change and alteration

And miraculous in what it contains of future news that occurred as he told about it, such as the Almighty’s saying: {The Romans * were defeated * in the lowest land, and they, after their victory, will be victorious * in a few years} [Al-Rum / 1-3]

It is miraculous, including the legislation of the Court, as all mankind was guided to the likes of it

It is miraculous, including the sciences and news about the secrets of this universe, which modern science is still discovering day after day, little by little, of these secrets

Miracles of the Prophet, peace be upon him, happened and ended

It is certain that the life of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, was marked by various miracles, which indicates his special status as the Messenger of God. Among the notable miracles mentioned in Islamic heritage are the following:

1. The Isra and Mi’raj: The miraculous night ascension of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to heaven, during which he met many prophets and received divine revelation.

2. The splitting of the moon: The Qur’an mentions the splitting of the moon as a sign of the approaching Day of Resurrection. This event, traditionally described in hadiths, symbolizes the miraculous nature of the Prophet's message.

3. Eating a lot of food: On occasions when food was limited, the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, was able to multiply a small amount to feed a large group of people.

4. Water flowing from the fingers: The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was able to extract water in abundance by placing his fingers in a vessel, which was enough for an entire army to drink and perform ablution.

5. To predict future events: The Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, was aware of future events that were not known to others at that time. Many of his predictions have come true, and they serve as testimony to his prophecy.

6. The trunk of the palm tree: The trunk of the palm tree in the mosque used to make a sound like the sound of a child crying if the Prophet stood on it. After he built a platform for him, he placed his hand on the trunk and it calmed down, which indicates her longing for him.

7. The Stone of Peace upon the Prophet: There was a stone in Mecca that greeted the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, even before his prophetic mission. I acknowledge and appreciate that.

8. Healing the sick: The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, had the ability to heal the sick. Many hadiths in Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, and others document cases of healing from various diseases and ailments.

These miracles, among other things, serve as evidence of the Prophet Muhammad’s prophecy and divine message, and an affirmation of his unique relationship with God. Scholars have documented these miracles extensively in various books about the life and teachings of the Prophet.
