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The story of the hoopoe Solomon


 hoopoe Solomon

Allah says

(  And he looked at the bird and said, “Why do I not see the hoopoe, or was he among those who are absent?” (20)  I will surely punish him with a severe punishment, or I will not punish him, or he will bring me clear authority.  (21)  .  (22)  Indeed, I found a woman ruling over them, and she has been given everything, and she has a mighty throne.  (23)  I found her and her people prostrating themselves to the sun without  God And Satan made their deeds seem fair to them, and hindered them from the path, so they are not guided. (24)  That they do not prostrate themselves  Allah He who brings out what is hidden in the heavens and the earth, and He knows what you hide and what you reveal. (25)  God  There is no god but He, Lord of the Throne, the Great (26) ۞Qaal said, “We will see if you speak the truth, or were you among the liars?” (27)  Take this book of mine and deliver it to them, then turn away from them and see what they return.  (28

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim, may God have mercy on him,  said

(  And he looked at the bird and said, “Why do I not see the hoopoe, or was he among those who are absent  

The meaning was present, or was he absent, and this shows us whether the one who entered it or has an opposite, and there has been hesitation between them, so if one of them is mentioned, he dispenses with it from mentioning the other, because the opposite comes to the heart and he has a feeling of its opposite

He, may God have mercy on him, said: The hoopoe is the one who guides the birds and shows him the places of water under the ground that no one else can see. And from his guidance is what God told about him in his book that he said to the Prophet of God Solomon and he visited him and threatened him. He sai 

 ( He said, “I comprehend what you do not comprehend ”)  

Within this, I brought to you a matter which I knew very well, so that I understood it, and it is great news of importance, so that is what he said

And I came to you from Saba with certain news 

And the news is: the news that has significance and souls aspire to know it, then he described it as certainty in which there is no doubt or doubt, and he revealed the truth of the news revealingly confirming the evidence of confirmation, so he said

(  I found a woman who owns them)

And  And He said that this hindrance prevented them from guidance and prostration to God, who should be only for Him, and He mentioned among His actions, Glory be to Him, to bring out the hidden in the heavens and the earth, which is hidden In them from rain, plants, minerals, and all kinds of what comes down and comes out of the sky or the earth. In mentioning the hoopoe, this matter is one of the actions of God, glory be to Him, regarding it, indicating what God has chosen for it in terms of its specificity.

he told him about the matter of that woman, that she was for kings, and that she was given all that is given to kings, and he magnified her status by mentioning the throne that belongs to her, and that it is a great throne , And he told what calls them to their goal and their conquest in their lands after calling them to God, so he said: (I found her and her people prostrating to the sun instead of God), and he removed the conjugation from this sentence And he brought it unique, 

not symmetrical to what preceded it, allowing it to be the chosen one, and what preceded it as a prelude to it, then he told about the goal for them that carries them on that, which is the beautification of Satan for them their deeds until he hinders them from the right path, which is His servants belong to God alone, Glory be to Him.    From taking out the water hidden under the ground

The owner of ((Al-Kashshaf)) said: And in bringing out the veil is a woman, although it is from the words of the hoopoe to the engineer it and knows it under the ground, and that is by inspiring the one who brings out the veil in the heavens and the earth. In his narration, his region and his companions.  No human being did a job, and God did not cast on him the robe of his work
