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Harut and Marut



Harut and Marut

 And they followed what the devils recited to the king of Solomon  .  And Solomon did not disbelieve, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and what Harut and Marut were sent down to the two kings in Babylon, and they do not teach anyone that they say, We are only a trial, so do not disbelieve. ۖ Then  they  will learn from them that by which they separate a man from his  wife  , and what they are  harmful  with. from anyone except with the permission of God  ,  and  they learn that which harms them and does not benefit them  ,  and they know who bought it what they have in the end  . How evil  is that for which they have sold themselvesIf only they knew

God Almighty said to His Prophet Muhammad, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, in the history of his noble book, that during the reign of Solomon, peace be upon him, the Psalms left the book of God and followed what the devils told them to recite magic

 The devils used to ascend the heavens, where they listened to the words of the angels, who were talking about some of what will happen, God willing, on earth, in terms of death, order, or calamities. Each word is 70 words, and people wrote that speech in books, and it spread among the children of srael that the jinn and devils know the unseen, God forbid

The position of Solomon, peace be upon him, from magic 

So the Prophet of God Solomon, peace be upon him, sent some of his soldiers and collected those books, so he put them in a box and then buried them under his chair, and none of the devils could approach the chair, otherwise he would burn   . Peace be upon him, because God gave him a secret, so they obeyed him despite their disbelief, so they used to do hard work for him. When Solomon died, the number of scholars who knew what Solomon did with the books of magic decreased and that he buried them under his throne

Satan's tricks after the death of Solomon, peace be upon him

?And he said to them: Shall I show you a treasure that cannot be exhausted by taking it from it

 They said yes, he said that Solomon was not a prophet, but he was a magician, so they dug under his chair. The Muslims objected and got angry and said, Rather, Solomon was a prophet, a Muslim, a believer, and Satan returned to decorate evil, so he whispered to the infidels of the children of Israel from those who believed his words, and he went with them and showed them the place and stood aside. But here I am in your hands. If you do not find the chest, then kill me. So they dug and found the chest and took out those books. When they brought them out, the damned Satan said that Solomon was only ruling over humans, demons, animals, and birds with this magic

Bani Israel and magic

 The unbelievers said, Solomon was a magician, this is his magic with him, he used to command us and with him he conquers us, then the devil went and spread among the people that Solomon was a magician, God forbid, and the infidels of the Children of Israel took knowledge of what is in those books, and the truth is that magic is not the work of the prophets nor the saints, and Solomon, peace be upon him, did not disbelieve because he was a prophet From God, who He is free from major sins and minor meannesses, and from all abominations and vices, in addition to being free from disbelief. When the number of sorcerers who were apprentice at the hands of the devils increased during the reign of our master Solomon, peace be upon him, and they claimed prophethood and challenged people with magic. From distinguishing magic from a miracle,

 The task given by God Almighty to Harut and Mart 

God Almighty chose two of His angels, the name of one of them is Harut and the name of the other is Marut, and they are two generous angels from God's angels who do not disobey God as He commands them and do what they are commanded. He used to teach people magic, with permission from God, to reveal its truth and warn people against us, not to learn it, practice it and act with it, but rather to show people the difference. Between magic to be avoided and the miracle that is the evidence of the prophecy of the prophets, peace be upon them. And they landed in the city of Babylon, which is a well-known city in Iraq, and it seems that magic was widespread in it, and perhaps it was spread there at the hands of the Jews, because magic is directly linked to the Jews , and they are the most practiced and spread of nations and peoples

And after the mission of the two kings in Babylon ended, they ascended to heaven as two noble kings descended from it, but the people of Babylon did not take the advice of the two kings, but rather took advantage of what they learned from magic in evil and corruption, so they began practicing magic and separating between a man and his wife. Satan

Wisdom from the descent of Harut and Marut 

It is worth mentioning that God sent down Harut and Marut in the land of Babylon as a trial for people, i.e. a trial and a test. God afflicted the people of Babylon with these two trustees, so God afflicts His servants as He wills

There is no punishment for his judgment, nor is he able to overcome his affairs, and he is not asked about what he does, and they are asked

So  whoever learned magic from them and took their advice  to distinguish between magic and miracles and was wary of magic and sorcerers succeeded in the exam 

 And whoever learned magic from them and did not take their advice and used magic to separate a man rom his wife or otherwise, he failed the exam


 It was estimated that he told amazing stories and fabricated narratives that he is not going to mention here, for example, but not limited to, that the two kings Harut and Marut planted lust in them, and a woman called Venus fell into them, and They came to her in what God forbids, and it was also said that they were killed.  And it was said that they are suspended between heaven and earth,  choosing the torment of this world  over the torment of the hereafter,  etc. ...   And all of this is the lies of the Children of Israel, for which God did not send down any authority, and no law, transmission, or reason testifies to it. Their slander and falsification to the Prophet,  May God bless him and grant him peace, and how the commentators and investigators responded to these fabrications and lies,  such as Imam Abi Hayyan and Imam Al-Razai.  The angels are infallible  from such sins and major sins. They do not disobey God as He commands them, and they do what they command



