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Saad bin Abi Waqqas



Lineage of Saad bin Abi Waqqas

Saad bin Malik bin Ahaib Al-Zuhri Al-Qurashi Abu Ishaq, he is from Bani Zahra, the family of Amna Bint Wahb, the mother of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him The Messenger, may God ’s prayers and peace be upon him, was proud of this closeness . uncle’s wife.”

Islam Saad bin Abi Waqqas

was one of the group who embraced Islam the first time they became aware of it, and only Abu Bakr, Ali, Zaid and Khadija preceded him . Light, so I went to him quickly until I met him among the people of horses, and he had prayed the afternoon, so I embraced Islam, and no one preceded me except Abu Bakr, Ali, and Zaid, may God be pleased with them.” He was seventeen years old. As Saad, may God be pleased with him, says: “I converted to Islam the day I did, and God did not impose prayers.”

Umm Saad's anger

says : “And my mother did not hear the news of Islam until she revolted, and I was a righteous boy who loved her, so she turned to me and said: O Saad, what is this religion that you embraced that turned you away from the religion of your mother and father? By God, leave your new religion, or I will not eat or drink until I die, and your heart will break with grief for me, and remorse will eat you for what you did, and people will reproach you for eternity.” So I said: “Do not do that, mother, for I do not leave my religion for anything.” Except that his mother avoided food and stayed for days on that, so her body became weak. Her powers failed, and when Saad saw her, he said to her: “O mother, I love you so much that I love God and His Messenger. By God, if you had a thousand souls, and one soul after another came out of you, I would not abandon this religion of mine. 

” When she saw the grandfather, she acquiesced in the order and ate and drank against her dislike, and the Almighty’s saying was revealed: {And We enjoined upon man that his parents be carried by his mother and here in weakness, and weaned him in two years: Give thanks to me and your parents to fate . And if they strive to make you associate with Me that of which you have no knowledge, do not obey them, and be kind to them in this world, and follow the path of him who turns to Me, then to Me is your return, and I will inform you. How much for what you used to do? (Luqman: 14-15)

Saad is one of the heralds of Paradise

The Messenger , may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was sitting among a group of his companions, and he looked at the horizon in listening to those who were receiving a whisper and a secret, then he looked at the faces of his companions and said to them: “Now a man from the people of Paradise appears to you.” Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas asked him to guide him to what he could draw closer to God in terms of worship and work. He said to him: “Nothing is more than what we all do and worship, except that I do not hold any grudge against any of the Muslims.”

Answered invitation

Saad bin Abi Waqqas, if he shot an enemy, he would hit him , and if God called upon a supplication, he would answer him. The man said: “I see you threatening me as if you were a prophet!” Saad went away, performed ablution and prayed two units of prayer, then raised his hands, saying: “Oh God, if you know that this man has insulted people who have preceded you with good deeds, and that he has angered you by insulting them, then make it a sign and a lesson.” It was only a short time until a she-camel came out of one of the floors, a sobbing that he did not reject . Something, until she got into the crowd of people, then broke into the man and took him between her legs, and she was still thrashing him until he died

The first blood in Islam

At the beginning of the call, the companions of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, if they prayed, they went to the reefs, so they underestimated their prayers from their people, so while Saad bin Abi Waqqas was with a group of companions in a reef of Makkah, when a group of polytheists appeared to them while they were praying, so they denied them and rebuked them for what they were doing until they fought them. On that day, Saad, may God be pleased with him, struck a man of the pagans with the beard of a camel, splitting it open (the bone in which the teeth are), and it was the first blood in Islam

The first throwing arrow in Islam

The Messenger , may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, sent Saad in the detachment of Ubaidah bin Al-Harith, may God be pleased with him, to water in the Hijaz, below the Al-Murra fold, and they met a group of Quraysh, and there was no fighting between them, except that Saad had shot an arrow on that day, and it was the first arrow he was thrown with in Islam

Battle of Uhud

participated in the Battle of Uhud and the people at first dispersed from the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and Saad stood striving and fighting . his parents except for me, and that was when he ransomed him with them.”

Army command

When the fighting with the Persians raged, the Commander of the Faithful, Umar, wanted to lead the army himself, but the Companions saw that this emirate should be given to another man, and Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf suggested: (The lion is in his clutches, Saad ibn Malik al-Zuhri). He fought the Persians in Qad Syah , and God decreed victory for the Muslims, and they killed the infidels and their leader, Rostam. He crossed with the Muslims the Tigris River until they reached Al-Madain and conquered it. 

By the one in whose hand Salman’s soul is, they will leave it in groups, just as they entered it in groups.” Indeed, the distinguished commander, Saad, secured the place where the army arrived on the other side, with the Al-Awwal Battalion and the Al-Kharasa Battalion, then stormed the river with his army and did not lose a single soldier in a wonderful scene, and a brilliant success, and Saad bin Abi Waqqas entered Iwan Khosrau and prayed There are eight rak'ahs of the conquest prayer , thanks be to God for their victory

Emirate of Iraq

, may God be pleased with him, appointed him the Emirate of Iraq, so Saad started building and renovating in Kufa, and one day the people of Kufa complained about him to the Commander of the Faithful, and they said: “Saad does not know how to pray.” And Saad laughed, saying: “By God, I lead them in the prayer of the Messenger of God. In the others »And he summoned Umar to Medina, and he answered quickly, and when he wanted to take him back to Kufa, Saad laughed, saying: «Do you order me to go back to people who claim that I am not good at praying?! It affects staying in the city

The six companions of the Shura

When Omar, may God be pleased with him, came to death after being stabbed by the Magusi, he made the matter after him to the six with whom the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, died, and he was satisfied with them, and one of them was Saad bin Abi Waqqas, and Omar said: “If her guardian is Saad, then that, and if her guardian is someone else, let him seek the help of Saad.”

Saad and the day of the camel

retired from sedition and ordered his family and children not to tell him about it. One day, his nephew Hashem bin Utbah bin Abi Waqqas went to him and said to him: “Uncle, here are a hundred thousand swords. One sword, if you strike a believer with it, he will not do anything , and if you strike an infidel, he will be cut off.” So his nephew left him in peace, and when the matter was over for Muawiyah, he asked Saad: “Why did you not fight with us?” He replied: I passed through a dark wind, so I said: Brother, brother , so my she-camel bowed until it left me. Muawiyah said: “There is no brother in the Book of God, but brother .”

said : {And if two factions of the believers fight each other, make peace between them, and if one of them transgresses against the other, then fight the one that transgresses until it fulfills the command of God...} [Al-Hujurat: 9]

And you were not with the transgressor against the fair, nor with the fair with the transgression.” Saad replied, saying: “I would not fight a man - meaning Ali bin Abi Talib - to whom the Messenger said: You are to me as Aaron was to Moses, except that there is no prophet after me.”

Saad's death

Omar Saad bin Abi Waqqas, may God be pleased with him a lot, and God rewarded him with a lot of good money, but when he realized his death, he called for a worn-out woolen robe and said: “Shroud me with it, for I met the polytheists with it on the day of Badr, and I want to meet God Almighty with it as well.” And his head was with his son’s stone Weeping, he said to him: “Why are you crying , son? God never punishes me, and I am among the people of Paradise.” His faith in the sincerity of the good news of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was great. His death was in the fifty-five year of the Prophet's migration, and he was the last of the immigrants to die, and he was buried in Al-Baqi

