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Talha bin Ubaidullah Al-Taymi, one of the ten promised Paradise



Lineage of Talha bin Obaidullah

Talhah bin Ubayd Allah bin Othman al-Taymi al-Qurashi al-Makki al-Madani, Abu Muhammad, he was in a trade for him in the land of Busra, when he met a monk from the best of its monks, and told him that the Prophet who would come out of the land of the sanctuary had qualified his time, and advised him to follow him and returned to Mecca to hear the news of the revelation Who comes the honest and trustworthy, and the message that he carries, so he hurried to Abu Bakr and found him next to Muhammad as a believer, so he was sure that the two would not meet except on the truth, so Abu Bakr accompanied him to the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, where he embraced Islam and was one of the first Muslims

Persecution of Talha bin Ubaid Allah

, may God be pleased with him, was one of the wealthy of his people, and despite this he gained his luck from the persecution of the polytheists, and he migrated to Medina and witnessed all the scenes with the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, except for the Battle of Badr . Not to be with the Muslims, so the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, reassured them that they would have the full reward of the fighters, and divided them from the spoils of Badr like those who witnessed it

Championship Talha bin Obaidullah on Sunday

In Uhud, Talhah, may God be pleased with him, saw the side of the battle in which the Messenger, may God ’s prayers and peace be upon him, was standing , and he met him as a target for the polytheists . The hole in which his foot slipped, and Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, says when he mentions someone: “All of that was on the day of Talhah  And a blow and a throw, and if his finger was cut off, then we set him right, and the Almighty’s saying was revealed: “Among the believers are men who have been true to what they promised God

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, recited this verse in front of the honorable Companions, then pointed to Talhah, saying: Whoever is pleased to see a man walking on the earth whose love has been fulfilled, let him look at Talhah  Throughout his life, he will enter Paradise, so what a beautiful reward

Atta Talha and his presence

lived among the Muslims, anchoring the rules of religion, fulfilling his rights. Auf: “I went to Talhah one day and saw him worried, so I asked him: What is your business? He said: The money that I have is so much that he made me anxious and distressed, and I said to him: What do you have to do, divide it

And one day he sold his land for a high price, and when he saw the money in front of him, his eyes overflowed with tears and he said: “This money is spent in his house for a man who does not know what to do, because he is deceived by God.” He has a dirham

And he, may God be pleased with him, was one of the most kind people to his family and relatives, and he used to provide for all of them. It has been said: “He would not leave anyone from Bani Taym as a breadwinner except that he would suffice him for his food and that of his children.” “I accompanied Talha bin Ubaid Allah on travels and at home, and I did not find anyone more generous on dirhams, clothes, and food than Talhah.”

Talha on the day of the camel

When the sedition broke out in the time of Othman bin Affan, may God be pleased with him, Talha supported the argument of the opponents of Othman, and he purified most of them in what they sought in terms of reform, but if the matter reached the killing of Othman, may God be pleased with him, he would not have resisted the sedition, and he did not support it in any way, but what was was . He and Al-Zubayr completed their pledge of allegiance to Ali, may God be pleased with them all, and they went out to Mecca for Umrah, and from there to Basra to take revenge on Othman 

And she was The Battle of the Camel in the year 36 AH, and Talha and Al-Zubayr were on one team and Ali on the other, and Ali, may God be pleased with him, shed tears when he saw the mother of the believers, Aisha, in her howdah on the battlefield, and he shouted to Talha: “O Talha, you brought the wedding of the Messenger of God to fight with it, and you hid your wedding in the house ? Then he said to Al-Zubayr: “Oh Zubair: I implore you by God. I remember a day when the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, passed by you while we were in such and such a place. He said to you: O Zubayr, don’t you love Ali?” I said: Do I not love my uncle's son, my cousin's son, and who follows my religion? He said to you: O Zubair, but by God, you will fight him while you are unjust to him.” Al-Zubayr said: “Yes, I remember now, and I had forgotten him , and by God, I will not fight you.”

Talha's testimony

be pleased with them, gave up participating in this war, but they paid a price with their lives for their withdrawal, but they met their Lord with the comfort of their eyes with what they decided. Al-Zubayr was pursued by a man named Amr bin Jarmouz and killed him treacherously while he was praying, and Talha was shot by Marwan bin al-Hakam with an arrow that took his life

And after Ali, may God be pleased with him, finished burying them, he bid farewell to them with words that he ended, saying: “I hope that I, Talha, Al-Zubayr, and Othman will be among those whom God said: “And We removed what was in their chests of hatred, our brothers on beds facing each other.” Then he looked at their graves and said: “My ears heard.” The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Talha and Al-Zubayr, my neighbors in Paradise.”

Talha's grave

When Talhah was killed, he was buried on the side of the Euphrates, and some of his family saw it in a dream, so he said: “Do not relieve me of this water, for I have drowned.” He said it three times. So they bought him a house for ten thousand and buried him in it, and his grave is known in Basra, and he was sixty years old when he was killed, and it was said that he was more than that



