David, peace be upon him
The return of the children of Israel to disbelief
The Children of Israel entered the Holy Land (Palestine) and settled in it, and that was at the hands of Joshua bin Nun, and they worshiped God on the methodology that Moses came with, and after a while they returned to their corrupt natures again, so they disbelieved in the blessings of God, and they deviated from the straight path, so God empowered them with a king A mighty named Goliath killed their men, took their women and children captive, drove them out of their homes, and took from them the sacred sarcophagus containing the tablets of the Torah, the staff of Moses and some things of Aaron.
Goliath and his soldiers fight
And the Children of Israel wanted to fight Goliath and his soldiers, and they did not have at this time a king uniting their ranks to fight this mighty king, and there was among them at that time a prophet of God, so they went to him and told him that they wanted a king over them to fight Goliath, so their prophet marveled at this request, and reminded them that he feared that Fighting forced them to refuse to fight, but they assured him of their determination to fight, so they were expelled from their homes, and they moved away from their children, so God revealed to their Prophet to tell them that God had sent you a king, so when he told them that they were amazed and angry at this choice, as there were many Among them, especially the rich, aspires to be the king who unites the ranks to fight Goliath, and has dominance and authority, and enjoys the honor of ruling and leadership, and for that reason many of them objected to choosing Goliath to take over the king from among them..
So their Prophet told them that this was God's choice, and that He, Glory be to Him, had given Taloot strength in the body, and breadth of knowledge, and that the sign of the king of Taloot was that the angels would bring him the coffin that Goliath had taken before, and in moments the angels had brought the box and placed it in front of Taloot, so when he saw Banu Israel accepted that, and agreed to his ruling for them, then God revealed to the Prophet of the Children of Israel to tell them that God commands them to go out with Taloot to fight their enemy who humiliated them, and captured and captured their children.
But they refrained from fighting except for a few of them who encouraged and prepared for the fight, so they walked with Taloot to meet the mighty Goliath and his soldiers, and with this few that believed, Taloot went out and walked in a desert road that had no water, so the Children of Israel complained of thirst and thirst, so their king Taloot reassured them and asked them to be patient and continue walking. Moments later, Taloot and his soldiers approached a river, and Taloot said to them, indicating that they would pass by a river. Taloot and the children of Israel arrived at the river, but most of them did not respond to what King Taloot commanded them to do, so they drank from the river until their stomachs were full, except for a few of them.
So Taloot commanded everyone who drank from the river until he was full to leave the army and isolate the rest, then he continued his walk with the rest of the children of Israel, and crossed the river to meet with the army of Goliath. The truthful ones who know that God gives victory to the believers by the strength of their faith, not by their large numbers. When Goliath and his soldiers appeared before them, and approached them, they invoked God and said: “...Our Lord, pour out patience upon us and make our feet firm and give us victory over the unbelieving people.” [Al-Baqara: 250]
And in the battle field, Goliath and his soldiers stood on one side, and Goliath and the Children of Israel on the other, then Goliath rode his horse, armed with all the shields, and called out at the top of his voice, Is there a swordsman? Is there a fighter? And there was a great soldier in the army of Taloot, who is the Prophet of God David, whose lineage goes back to Abraham - peace be upon him - so he came out from among the ranks to duel the mighty Goliath after all the children of Israel refused to go out to him, so David struck Goliath with stones through his sling, and he fell dead, so he fled The army is on the run, and the few who believe in God's will and power have triumphed over the infidel polytheists.
And the battle ended, and the era of a new prophet and a new king began, the Almighty said: {So they defeated them, God willing, and David killed Goliath, and God gave him kingship and wisdom, and taught him whatever he wanted, and had it not been for God’s repulsion of some of the people by Bitten, the earth would have been corrupted, but God is of bounty to the worlds.” [Al-Baqarah: 251]
David, peace be upon him, king and prophet
God combined kingship and prophecy for David, so he was a king and a prophet, and revealed to him the Psalms, which is a holy book in which there are many exhortations and judgments. And Jacob, and the tribes, and Jesus, and Job, and Jonah, and Aaron, and Solomon, and we came Dawood Psalms (An-Nisa: 163)
Miracles of David, peace be upon him
God gave David a beautiful voice that he had not given to anyone before him, so when he read his book, the Psalms, and glorified God, the bird stood in the air glorifying God with him, and listened to what he was reading, and likewise the mountains, for they were glorifying with him in the morning and evening. By the evening and the sunrise, and the birds are crowded, each has its own attendants (p.: 18-19)
And God supported David with many miracles indicating his prophethood, so now he has iron, so that it will be easier for him to make shields and niches that are used in wars and fighting.
And God Almighty wanted to teach David a lesson in justice when he judges, so while he was sitting in his mihrab praying and worshiping, he was surprised by two men climbing on the wall of his mihrab until they reached him, so they entered upon him, so he was afraid of them and panicked, so the two men said: Oh David, do not be afraid, two opponents transgressed some of us We came to judge between us with truth, so David asked them about their case, and one of the two opponents said: This is my brother who has ninety-nine ewe and I have one ewe, so he wanted to take it from me to complete the hundred, so David hastened to judge this case before he heard the words of the other, and he said: {He said} He has wronged you by asking your ewe for his ewe, and many associates oppress one another, except for those who believe and do righteous deeds, and they are few. David thought that he had tried him, so he asked forgiveness of his Lord, and he fell down on his knees and turned to sleep.” [Sad: 24]
And as soon as David completed his judgment, these two men suddenly disappeared without leaving the door or returning as they came, so David realized that these two angels were sent by God to teach him to hear from the two opponents before he judges between them, so David sought forgiveness from his Lord.
The worship of David, peace be upon him
David was drawing closer to God by remembrance, supplication, and prayer, so God praised him by saying: “Be patient with what they say, and remember Our servant David, the Helpful.
And the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, used to say about him: “He was the most worshiping of mankind.” [Bukhari] And he, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: “The most beloved fasting to God is the fasting of David. [agreed].
And David did not eat except from the work of his own hands, because he knew that the best earning is what a person earns from his own handiwork. ». [Bukhari]
David, peace and blessings be upon him, died, and his son Solomon, peace be upon him, assumed power after him, and God made him a prophet. The Most High said: “And Solomon inherited David...” [An-Naml: 16]