debtor folk
On the land of Madyan, which is an area in Jordan now, there lived an infidel people who crossed the road, robbed people of money who passed by them, and worshiped a thick tree called a grove.
And they used to mistreat people, cheating in buying and selling, measures and weights, and taking more than they were entitled to.
Messenger of God Shuaib
God sent a man among the people of Medina, who is the Messenger of God Shuaib, peace be upon him, so he called them to worship God and not associate partners with Him, and forbade them from committing malicious acts, from people losing their things, and robbing the money of the caravans that pass through their homes, so he said to them: ) .. He said, O my people, worship Allah, you have no other deity besides Him. A clear proof has come to you from your Lord, so give full measure and weight, and do not defraud people of their things, and do not mischief in the land after it has been reformed. This is good. you, if you are believers.” [Al-A’raf: 85]
And Shuaib kept calling his people and explaining the truth to them, so a small number of his people believed in him and most of them disbelieved, but Shuaib did not despair of their lack of response, but he started calling them, mentioning to them the countless blessings of God, and forbidding them from cheating in buying and selling.
But his people did not accept his words, nor did they believe in him, rather they said to him in a way of mockery and insulting you:) They said, O Shuaib, your prayers command you that we leave what our fathers worshiped, or that we do with our wealth whatever we want. ( [Hood: 87]
Shuaib replied to them with a kind phrase, inviting them to the truth: ) He said, O my people, have you seen that I am on clear proof from my Lord, and He has provided me with a good provision from Him, and I do not want to contradict you to what I forbid you to do. I want nothing but reform as much as I can, and my success is only with Allah, in Him I rely and to Him I turn ([ Hood: 88]
Thus, the Prophet of God Shuaib was a strong argument in his call to his people, and the commentators called him the orator of the prophets for his ingenuity, then he said to them to fear them from the punishment of God: {O my people, do not let my dissension offend you, lest you be afflicted with what befell the people of Noah, or the people of Hud, or the people of Salih and what is not And Lot is among you Far away (Hud: 89)
Threatening Shoaib, peace be upon him, with death, and overpowering him with magic
So they began threatening him and threatening him to kill him, had it not been for his family and clan, and they said to him: )... O Shuaib, he does not spend much of what you say, and we see you weak among us, and if it were not for your family, we would have stoned you, and you are not dear to us (Hud: 9). 1]
He said to them: “He said, ‘O my people, is my family dearer to you than God, and you have taken it behind you back. Indeed, my Lord encompasses what you do.’ [Hud: 92]
Then he began threatening them and frightening them of the punishment of God if they continued on the path of misguidance and disobedience, and at that point his people gave him a choice between two things: either to return to the religion of the fathers and grandfathers, or to leave the country with those who believed with him, but Shuaib and those who believed with him prove their faith, and delegate their affairs to God.
So what was among his people except that they accused him of witchcraft and lying, and they mocked those who threatened them with punishment, and they hastened this punishment if it was true. So Shuaib invoked his Lord, saying: {...Our Lord, decide between us and our people with justice, and You are the best of the conquerors} [Al-A’raf: 89] That is, judge between us and our people with justice, and You are the best of judges.
The exit of Shuaib and those who believed with him before the torment descended
God Almighty asked Shuaib to leave him and those who believed with him; Because the torment will descend upon these liars, then God gave power to the infidels a severe heat, from which the crops, udders and wells dried up, so the people went out seeking salvation, and then there was a black cloud, and they thought that there was rain and mercy in it, so they gathered under it until it covered them, but it sent down a burning lava on them, and blazing fires that burned them all, The earth shook, and a shriek took their lives, turning them into lifeless corpses without movement or life.
And God saved Shuaib and those who believed with him from the painful chastisement. They were sitting there, as if they had not sung therein except as far away from Madyan as Thamud was far away (Hud: 94-95). ]