Disbelief in God in the people of Nineveh
In the land of Mosul in Iraq, there was a town called "Nineveh", whose people deviated from God's approach and his straight path, and began to worship idols, making them equal to God and a partner with Him, so God wanted to guide them to worship Him and to His right path.
Yunus is a prophet to his people
God sent Yunus, peace be upon him, to the people of Nineveh, to invite them to faith, and to abandon the worship of idols that do not harm or benefit, but they refused to believe in God, and adhered to the worship of idols, and they colonized their disbelief and misguidance without anyone believing from them, but rather they lied to Yunus and rebelled against him, and mocked him. And they mocked him, so Yunus became angry with his people, and he despaired of their response to him, so God inspired him to tell his people that God will punish them because of their disbelief, so Yunus complied with the command of his Lord, and he informed his people, and promised them that the punishment and
punishment would come down from God Almighty, then he left among them, and taught the people That Yunus had left the village, then verify that the torment will inevitably come to them, and that Yunus is a prophet who does not lie, so they hastened, repented to God Almighty, and returned to Him and regretted what they had done with their Prophet, and men and women, sons and daughters wept for fear of the torment that would fall on them, so he revealed Punishment is far from them, and the punishment is far from them with His power, strength, and mercy. The Most High said:
Yunus leaving his village
After Yunus left his village, he went to the seashore and boarded a ship. In the middle of the sea, the waves raged and the winds intensified, so the ship tilted and almost sank.
The ship was loaded with heavy goods, so people threw some of it into the sea to lighten the load. Despite that, the ship did not calm down. Rather, it kept turbulent, swaying with them right and left. They consulted among themselves to lighten the human load. Throws himself into the sea.
So the lottery fell on the Prophet of God Yunus, but the people refused to throw Yunus himself into the sea, and the lottery was repeated again, so it fell on Yunus, so they returned a third time, so the lot fell on him as well, so Yunus, peace be upon him, threw himself into the sea, and a big whale was waiting for him sent by God him, and inspired him to swallow Yunus without scratching his flesh, or breaking his bones; And he did, the Most High said: {And indeed, Yunus was among the messengers.
And Yunus remained in the belly of the whale for some time, praising God - the Almighty - and praying to Him to save him from this distress. Indeed, I was of the wrongdoers So We responded to him and delivered him from grief, and thus do We rescue the believers.” (Al-Anbiya’: 87-88)
And God commanded the whale to throw it on the coast, then a tree with broad leaves grew on it that shaded it and covered it and protected it from the heat of the sun.
God commanded Jonah to go to his people. To tell them that God repented of them, and was pleased with them, so Yunus complied with the command of his Lord, and he went to his people, and told them what he had revealed to him, so they believed in him, so God blessed them with their wealth and children. The Almighty said: {And We sent it to a hundred thousand or more, so they believed, so We gave them enjoyment for a while} [Al-Saffat: 147-148]
Praise be to God Almighty for the Prophet Yunus, peace be upon him
And God Almighty praised Yunus in the Holy Qur’an, the Almighty said: ﴾And Ismail and Elisha and Yunus and Lot and each of them We have preferred above the worlds} [Al-An’am: 86]
The praise of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, to Yunus, peace be upon him
The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, also praised Yunus, peace be upon him, and said: “A servant should not say, ‘I am better than Yunus bin Matta.’” [agreed].
The Prophet, peace be upon him, told that whoever is afflicted by calamity or evil and then supplicates with the supplication of Yunus, peace be upon him, God will relieve him. anything at all but God answered it.” [Tirmidhi]