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 Saad bin Moaz

Saad bin Moaz bin Al-Numan Al-Ansari, the master of Al-Aws, in his thirty-first year embraced Islam, and was martyred in his thirty-seventh year, and between them, Saad bin Moaz, the leader of the Ansar, spent lofty days in the service of God and His Messenger

Islam Saad bin Moaz

The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, sent Mus’ab bin Umair to Madinah to teach the Muslims the Ansar who pledged allegiance to the Messenger in the first pledge of allegiance to Aqaba, and to call others to faith. “Go to this man and rebuke him.” Usaid carried his spear and went to Musab, who was in the hospitality of Asaad bin Zarara, and he was one of those who preceded in Islam

Usayd returned to Saad bin Muadh, who said to those with him: “I swear, Usayd has come to you with a face other than the one he went with.” Here, Usayd used his intelligence to push Saad to the council of Musab, the Messenger’s ambassador to them, to hear what he heard from the words of God, for he knows that Asaad bin Zarara is The cousin of Saad bin Muadh, and Usayd said to Saad: “It happened that Banu Haritha went out to Asaad bin Zarara to kill him, knowing that he is the son of your aunt.” He finds noise, but a calm that covers the congregation, and verses recited by Musab with reverence, and here he realizes Usayd's trick

But as soon as he heard the Qur’an, God opened his chest to Islam and illuminated his insight, so he threw his spear far away and extended his oath of allegiance, and surrendered to the Lord of the worlds. In Islam

Battle of Badr

The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, gathered his companions, the Muhajireen and the Ansar, to consult them about the matter, and he wanted to know the position of the Ansar regarding the war. Saad bin Muadh said: “O Messenger of God, we have believed in you and believed you, and we have testified that what you have brought is the truth, and we gave you our covenants and covenants to hear and obey. Go ahead, O Messenger of God, as you wish, for we are with you, for He who sent you with the truth, if you show us this sea and you plunge into it, we will plunge into it with you. Not one man of us is left behind, and we do not hate that you meet our enemy tomorrow. With it your eye, explain to us the blessing of God »The Messenger, peace and blessings of God be upon him, explained and said: «Walk and rejoice, for God has promised me one of the two groups, and God is as if I am now looking at the wrestler of the people»

Trench raid

In the Battle of the Trench, the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was concerned with the opinion of the Ansar, with every step he took, because the whole matter was taking place in Medina. Muadh and Saad bin Ubadah, and he said to them: “Go until you see whether what we have reported about these people is more deserving or not? If it is true, then bow to me with a tone that I know, and do not slander people, and if they are loyal to what is between us and them, then speak loudly of it to people

So they went out until they came to them, and they found them in the worst of what they had reported to them, and they said: “Who is the Messenger of God? There is no covenant between us and Muhammad, nor a contract.” So Saad bin Muadh insulted them and they insulted him, so Saad bin Ubadah said to him: “Leave your grievances with them, for there is nothing between us and them more than grievances.

” Then they turned to the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and they greeted them and said: “Adl and al-Qarah” i. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: “God is great, give good tidings, O Muslims.” The Messenger, peace and blessings of God be upon him, negotiated with the leaders of Ghatafan, so he told Sa’d ibn Mu’adh and Sa’d ibn Ubadah about that, so they said to him: “O Messenger of God, is there something you love so we can do it, or is it something that God commanded you to do that we must act upon?” Or something you make for us? The Messenger said: “Rather, I am doing something for you, and by God, I am only doing that because I saw the Arabs shooting at you from a single bow, and attacking you from every side, 

so I wanted to break away from you in a matter.” Saad bin Muadh said to him: “O Messenger of God, I have We and these people used to associate partners with God and worship idols, we did not worship God and we did not know Him, and they did not covet to eat a date from it except by buying or selling it. By God, we have no need for this, and God does not give them anything but the sword until God judges between us and them”

The injury of Saad bin Muadh

The city witnessed a terrible siege, and the Muslims put on war clothes, and Saad bin Muadh came out carrying his sword and spear. It was narrated from Mrs. Aisha that she was in the fort of Bani Haritha on the day of the trench, and Um Saad bin Muadh was with her in the fort, and that was before the veil was imposed on them, so Saad passed by wearing a scaled shield. His arm came out of it, and he had a spear in his hand, and he was saying: “Stay a little longer, catching up with the rage of a lamb. There is nothing wrong with death when the time has come.” Umm Saad said: “The truth, my son, may God delay it.” When the arrow hit him

In one of the rounds, an arrow hit him in the arm from the pagans, from a man called Ibn al-Irqah, and blood gushed from his vein and he was quickly treated. I would have left something from the Quraysh war, so keep me for it, for there is no people more beloved to me than a people who harmed your Messenger, lied to him and expelled him. Qurayza loyalists and allies in the pre-Islamic era

The Messenger rules Sa'd in Banu Qurayza

The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, came to Banu Qurayza immediately after the trench, and besieged them for twenty-five nights. Then the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, ruled over Banu Qurayza. That would be good for them.” Until he approached their turn, he turned to his people and said
