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Mrs: Khadija bint Khuwaylid, the first wife of the Prophet


Khadija bint Khuwaylid

Khadija bint Khuwaylid bin Asad of Quraish (68 BC - 3 BC / 556 AD - 619 AD); The mother of the believers and the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad and the mother of all his children except his son Ibrahim. Khadija lived with the Prophet in the period before the mission, 

and she felt the prophethood of her husband, so she took care of her house and children, and directed her commercial caravans, and provided the Prophet with his supplies in his solitude when he was secluding and worshiping in the cave of Hira. And when God revealed his revelation to the Prophet, Khadija was the first to believe him in what happened, and she went with him to her cousin Waraqa bin Nawfal, who preached to him that he was the prophet of the nation. 

The Quraysh denied and oppressed the Muslims, until the Quraysh siege fell on Bani Hashem and Bani Al-Muttalib in the people of Abi Talib, so she joined her husband in the people, and she suffered what the Hashemites suffered from hunger and disease for three years, and after the siege was lifted from the Messenger and those with him, Khadija fell ill, and soon after that She died three days after the death of the uncle of the Prophet, Abi Talib bin Abdul Muttalib, and it was said more than that, in the month of Ramadan, three years before the migration of the Messenger in the year 619 AD, at the age of sixty-five years, and her stay with the Messenger after he married her was twenty-four years and six months, and the Messenger buried her in Al-Hujun (Al-Ma’ala cemetery). ).

Khadija bint Khuwaylid enjoys a great prestige and a great position among all Islamic sects. Abu Hurairah narrated: “The Messenger of God said: The best women of the worlds are four: Maryam bint Imran, Asiya the daughter of Muzahim, the wife of Pharaoh, Khadija bint Khuwaylid, and Fatimah bint Muhammad.” And Gabriel came upon him. Peace be upon the Prophet once, and he said: “Oh, Messenger of God, this is Khadija. She brought you a vessel containing earth, food, or drink. If she comes to you, recite peace upon her from her Lord, the Mighty and Sublime, and from me, and give her good tidings of a house in Paradise made of reeds, in which there is no clamor or fatigue.


Khadija's lineage tree and his encounter with the lineage of the Prophet and the rest of the mothers of the believers.

She is: Khadija bint Khuwaylid bin Asad bin Abd al-Uzza bin Qusai bin Kilab bin Murra bin Ka’b bin Luay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik bin al-Nadr, who is Quraish bin Kinana bin Khuzaymah bin Mudraka bin Elias bin Mudar bin Nizar bin Maad bin Adnan. The Messenger in Qusay bin Kilab.

Her father: Khuwaylid bin Asad, he was a master of the Quraysh rulers. It is narrated that he stood up and confronted the last of the followers, the kings of Yemen, and prevented him from taking the Black Stone. He was also part of the delegation that the Quraysh sent to Yemen to congratulate Saif bin Dhi Yazan when he defeated the Ethiopians and expelled them from Yemen after The year of the elephant is two years old.

Her mother: Fatimah bint Zaida bin Al-Assam bin Rawaha bin Hajar bin Abd bin Muais bin Aamer bin Luay bin Ghalib bin Fahr bin Malik bin Al-Nadr, who is Quraish bin Kinana bin Khuzaymah bin Mudraka bin Elias bin Mudar bin Nizar bin Maad bin Adnan, and her grandmother was Hala bint Abd. Manaf bin Qusay bin Kilab.

Her brothers and sisters: They are:

Uday bin Khuwaylid: Khuwaylid was nicknamed him, and his son became extinct.

Al-Awam bin Khuwaylid: Murrah bin Mutib al-Thaqafi killed him in the Fajar war.

Nawfal bin Khuwaylid: Nawfal was harsh on the Muslims, and he killed an infidel on the day of Badr.

Hizam bin Khuwaylid: He is the father of Hakim bin Hizam. Hizam was killed in the other dawn.

Amr bin Khuwaylid: It is said that he married Khadija to the Prophet Muhammad.

Hala Bint Khuwaylid: She is the mother of the companion Abi Al-Aas bin Al-Rabee.

Raqiqa Bint Khuwaylid: She is the mother of Omaima Bint Raqiqa.

Khalida bint Khuwaylid: She was at the treatment of Ibn Abi Salama Ibn Abd al-Ezzi Ibn Gheera al-Thaqafi.

Al-Taherah bint Khuwaylid: Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani mentioned her in the section of those whose companions were mentioned.

Her uncles and aunts: her uncles Amr bin Asad was after the death of her father on the day of Harb al-Fajjar, the leader of his people, Nawfal bin Asad (father of Waraqah bin Nawfal), al-Harith bin Asad (grandfather of Abu al-Bakhtari bin Hashim and Amr bin Umayyah bin al-Harith), al-Huwairith bin Asad, and al-Muttalib bin Asad (father of Al-Aswad bin Al-Muttalib and Abu Habish bin Al-Muttalib), Othman bin Asad (grandfather of Al-Huwairith bin Abbad bin Othman), and her aunts are Umm Habib bint Asad (mother of Bara bint Abd Al-Uzza, grandmother of the Prophet Muhammad through his mother), and Arnab bint Asad.

Biography before Islam

Khadija bint Khuwaylid was born in Mecca fifteen years before the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, that is, she was born in the year 556 AD. Bin Nawfal shows him her dreams, and all that he experiences in terms of feelings and visions that she sees, or an obsession that she feels.

her marriage

There is a difference between the Islamic sects about Khadija’s marriage, so the Sunnis held that Khadija had married twice before her marriage to the Prophet, so that the Prophet would be her third husband, while the Shiites opposed that and went to the fact that the Messenger Muhammad was the first husband of Khadija and that she was his first virgin wife.

at the year

As soon as Khadija reached the age of marriage, she became the focus of attention of the youth of Quraysh and the supervision of the Arabs. She was a girl of clear mind, of noble origin, and one of the oldest houses of Quraysh in lineage. Abu Hala bin Zarara bin al-Nabash al-Tamimi married her, and she lived with him for a short period of time, and she bore him two sons: Hind and Hala. Then he died, leaving her a huge fortune, then she married Ateeq bin Aadh Al-Makhzoumi after him, then he divorced her, and it was said: Rather, he died after she gave birth to a daughter named Hind from him. After him, Ateeq bin Abed bin Abdullah bin Omar bin Makhzoum, then after him the Prophet, so he built it and he was twenty-five years old, and she was fifteen years older than him.” Tamim, so Hind bin Abi Hala was born to him, named after his father, then Ateeq bin Abed bin Abdullah bin Omar bin Makhzoum succeeded her after him.

At the Shiites

The Shiites believe that “Hala,” the sister of the Mother of the Believers, Khadija, had been married to a Makhzoumi man, and she bore him a girl named “Hala” after her name, then when Al-Makhzoumi died, a Tamimi man named Abu Hind succeeded her. Al-Tamimi, “Hind” Ibn Abi Hind joined his people from his father, while Hala, the daughter of Al-Tamimi, remained with her mother, Hala, and when Hala, the sister of the Mother of the Believers, died, Khadija sponsored her sister’s daughter and joined her to her after she married the Prophet. There are a few of some Shiite researchers, unlike the masses of Shiites and the generality of the Imami sheikhs, who believe that “Zainab and Ruqayya” are the other two who are neither born to the Messenger of God nor Khadija, but were born to this Tamimi from a woman other than Hala. Khadija sponsored them as part of her sponsorship of Hala, her niece, thus the three daughters would become the stepsons of the Messenger of God.

her trade

Khadija used to send men in her trade to the Levant and Yemen, and she was always scrutinizing and scrutinizing whom she chose in order to ensure the safety of her money and the greatness of her profit. In the pre-Islamic era, a man appeared to them, and when he approached, he called out at the top of his voice: O women of Taima, there will be a prophet in your country called Ahmed who will send the message of God, so any woman who is able to be his wife should do so. 

Women, so she sent to him, offering him to go out with her money as a merchant to the Levant, and it was said, but rather that Abu Talib bin Abdul Muttalib, the uncle of the Messenger, was the one who referred to him to work in Khadija’s trade and said to him: “I am a man who has no money, and time has become severe for us, and this is the loan of your people Her departure to the Levant has come, and Khadija bint Khuwaylid is sending men from your people with her loans. 

If you came to her and offered yourself to her, she would have rushed to you. And Khadija was informed of what the Messenger and his uncle were talking about, so she sent for him about that, and said: I give you twice what I give a man of your people. An order and to monitor its conditions for it, and made the uncles of the Messenger recommend it to the people of the caravan, so when they came to Busra from the Levant, they alighted in the shade of a tree, and Nestor the monk said: No one ever sat under this tree but a prophet, then he said to Maysara: Are there redness in his eyes? Maysara said: Yes, no She left him, he said: He is a prophet, and he is the last of the prophets.

 This, by God, is a prophet whom our rabbis find in their books, and he was a facilitator when it was the emigration period and the heat was intense, he saw two angels shade the Messenger from the sun, so he realized that it was all easy, and God had bestowed upon him love from a facilitator, so it was as if he was his slave, and they sold their trade and profited double what they used to profit. When they returned, they were in Bamr Dhahran, and Maysara said: O Muhammad, go to Khadija, so tell her what God has made for her on your face, for she knows that for you. Their trade, she explained, so when Maysara entered upon her, he told her what the monk Nestor said, and what the other one who disagreed with him said in the sale.

Her marriage to the Messenger

Khadija started thinking about Muhammad after she heard it from her boy Maysara, and after she saw his honesty and sincerity, she revealed her secret to her friend, Nafisa, the sister of the companion, Ali bin Umayyah, and said: “Oh, Nafisa, I see in Muhammad bin Abdullah what I do not see in other men, for he is the truthful and honest.” And he is the honorable, the wise, and the generous, and in addition to that he has a strange news and a strange matter, and I heard what my servant Maysara said about him, and I saw what he was shading when he came to us from his travels, and what the monks spoke about him, and my heart is almost certain that he is the prophet of this nation ». Nafisa said to Khadija: You give permission and I will manage the matter. itself.

After Muhammad was satisfied with marrying Khadija, he spoke to his uncles Abu Talib, Abbas, and Hamza, so they went to Khadija’s uncle and betrothed her to him. We have a house of pilgrimage, and a safe sanctuary, and we have made the rulers of people. This nephew of my brother, Muhammad bin Abdullah, is not weighed by a man of Quraysh in honor, nobility, and merit except that he is outweighed by him. And tomorrow he will be with so-and-so, and this one will be rich then poor, and the poor becomes rich and the states are like this... After this, by God, he has great news and great speeches, and he has a desire in Khadija bint Khuwaylid, and she has the same in him, and whatever you like of the dowry, I do ». Then Waraqah bin Nawfal replied to him and said: “Praise be to God who made us as you mentioned and favored us over what you enumerated. 

We are the masters of the Arabs and their leaders, and you are the people of all that. And we wanted to communicate with your rope and your honor, so bear witness against me, the Quraysh, that I have married Khadija, the daughter of Khuwaylid, to Muhammad bin Abdullah on such and such.” Then he was silent. I married Muhammad bin Abdullah Khadija bint Khuwaylid.” After that, the marriage took place, and Muhammad gave birth to her, so he slaughtered camels and said two camels and fed the people. Forty years, and at that time she was the best woman of her people in terms of lineage, wealth and intelligence, and she was the first woman the Messenger married, and he did not marry anyone else until she died. In this marriage, a verse was revealed: Ra bracket.png And he found you a breadwinner, so he became rich Aya-8.png La bracket.png Which means poor, you have no money, so he enriched you with Khadija.

Khadija lived with the Prophet for fifteen years before his mission, surrounding him with all care, care, and attention, and these years were the years in which Khadija was preoccupied with giving birth to her children, except for Abdullah, who was born after the mission. Fatimah al-Zahra, then Abdullah, who was known as the good and pure, Khadija was busy raising her children, then God willing, al-Qasim died, and during this period the Messenger asked his uncle Abu Talib, and he noticed the large number of children he had, to give him Ali to raise him, he wanted to ease his burden, and Khadija took care of him He completed the care, and when Al-Awam bin Khuwaylid died, Al-Zubayr left behind him when he was two years old, so Khadija decided to sponsor him and take care of him. Bin Haritha and Summer, his aunt Khadija entered upon him, and she was with the Messenger of God at that time, and he said to her: Choose, aunt, which of these boys you want, it is yours, so she chose Zaid and took him. To be revealed to him, so he was like a son from Khadija, and she cared for him with the best care, and this good education had a great impact on these people following the light of Islam, so “Ali” was the first of the boys to convert to Islam, and “Zubayr” was one of the first to enter Islam. And Zaid bin Haritha, the second of the safest men after Ali.

The Messenger Muhammad was continuing his journey by himself, by worshiping him in the cave of Hira, far from people, and Khadija was busy with the family and providing what it needed, at the time when she was busy with her trade that she spent on the family, and yet she used to go to him in the cave of Hira to provide him with food and drink. Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani said: “She was eager to satisfy him with every possible thing, and she never did anything that made him angry, as it happened to others.” After him, a slave-girl called Nabaa, and he said to her: Look what Khadija says to him. Nabaa said: I saw a wonder, it is only that Khadija heard of him, so she went out to the door, so she took his hand and held her to her chest and slaughtered her, then she said: May my father and mother be sacrificed for you, by God, I do not do this for anything, but I I hope that you will be the Prophet who will be resurrected, and if you are he, then know my right and status and pray to the God who sends you to me. ».


When the Messenger fell in love with solitude, he began to go to the cave of Hira, contemplating and worshiping in seclusion, and Khadija’s position was that of a helper and supporter. Sometimes she accompanies him in his solitude, serves him, socializes him, waters him and feeds him. When he was in his forties, good news began to appear to him, whether he heard them or saw them, whether he was awake or asleep, such as hearing a call ordering him to cover his private parts when he was carrying stones from horses to build the Kaaba, and such as handing over stones and trees to him, and from This is what Amr bin Sharhabeel narrated, that the Messenger said to Khadija: “If I was alone, I heard a call, and by God, I was afraid that this would be a matter.

 God bin Abi Bakr bin Amr bin Hazm said: “It was from the beginning of the matter of the Messenger of God that he saw in a dream that was difficult for him, so he mentioned that to his companion Khadija bint Khuwaylid, and she said: Preach, for God does not do anything but good for you.” Khadija, Muhammad bin Yusuf al-Salhi al-Shami narrated: “The Messenger of God once saw in a dream that the roof of his house was removed from it, and a silver ladder was inserted into it, then two men descended to him, so he wanted to seek help, but he was prevented from speaking, so one of them sat to him and the other to his side, so he entered One of them had his hand in his side, so he removed two ribs from it, and put his hand in his stomach, and the Messenger of God found their coldness, so he took out his heart and placed it on his palm, and said to his friend: Yes, the heart is the heart of a righteous man, so he purified his heart and washed it. If the roof is as it is, he mentioned that to Khadija, and she said to him: Preach, for God will only do good for you. This is good, so give glad tidings.

Al-Bukhari narrated in his Sahih on the authority of Aisha, Mother of the Believers, that she said: “The first thing that the Messenger of God began with from the revelation was the true vision in sleep, so he did not see a vision except that it came like the morning light, then he loved the solitude, and he used to be alone in the cave of Hira and swear in it, and it is the nightly worship of two people.” The number before he goes to his family and supplies for that, then he returns to Khadija and supplies for the same amount until the truth came to him while he was in the cave of Hira. The king came to him and said: Read. He said: I am not a reader.

 I am a reader, so he took me and squeezed me for the second time until I was exhausted, then he sent me and said: Read. I said: I am not a reader. .png Read, and your Lord is the Most Generous Aya-3.png Who taught by the pen Aya-4.png He taught man what he did not know Aya-5.png La bracket.png So the Messenger of God returned with it, his heart trembling, and he entered upon Khadija bint Khuwaylid, and he said: Zmluna, Zmloni, Zmlloh Until the horror went away from him, and he said to Khadija and told her the news: I feared for myself, so Khadija said: No, by God, God will never disgrace you, that you are up to the womb, bear all, 

win the needy, read the guest, and help the deputies of truth, so Khadija set off with him until Waraqa bin Nawfal bin Asad brought him Bin Abd al-Ezza, the cousin of Khadija, and he was a man who converted to Christianity during the Jahiliyyah, and he used to write the Hebrew book, so he would write from the Bible in Hebrew as God willed that he should write, and he was an old man who was blinded. : My nephew, what do you see? So the Messenger of God told him what he saw, and Waraqah said to him: This is the law that God came to Moses, I wish I were alive when your people expel you, so the Messenger of God said: Or are my publishers? He said: Yes, no man has ever come with the same as what I have come with, except for my return, and if I realize your day, I will support you with an apron victory.
