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Mother of the Believers, Aisha, daughter of Abi Bakr, and her status in Islam



At the people of the Sunnah and the community

The books of Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jama`ah are full of hadiths and the virtues of Aisha's status. She is among the Ahl al-Sunnah the mother of the believers and the most beloved of the Prophet Muhammad's wives to him. He said: “Aisha.” Then he was asked: “Who are the men?” He said: “Her father.” And the Sunnis believe that people at the time of the Prophet Muhammad knew her love for the Prophet Muhammad,

 so they were investigating their gifts on Aisha’s day, which aroused the jealousy of the mothers of the believers, and they asked Umm Salamah to ask the Prophet to order people to guide him wherever he was, so he said to her: “Oh.” Umm Salama, do not disturb me about Aisha, for by God, the revelation did not come down to me while I was under the quilt of another woman among you.” And according to the Sunnis, it is cleared in the incident of disbelief with verses from the Qur’an, sent down from above the seven heavens. It is from her bounty that the revelation was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad while he was in her quilt, and not others. And that the Prophet Muhammad, when he fell ill with his last illness, chose to spend his last days in her room, without the rest of his wives.

At the Shiites

The Shiites’ view of Aisha bint Abi Bakr differs in terms of status and sanctification. They find that she was hostile to the Ahl al-Bayt, and this was evident in several incidents, the most important of which was her armies and battalions to war Ali. demanded and undermine the pillars of his rule. Their latecomers and predecessors wrote books condemning it, such as the book “Al-Kafiyah fi Abtaal Repentance of Sinners” by Sheikh Al-Mufid from the later generations, and in parts of defamations by al-Majlisi and obscenity by Yasser al-Habib. They said that the Prophet Muhammad said: “Aisha does not allow our enmity, the Ahl al-Bayt.” And that Jaafar Al-Sadiq once asked his companions: “Do you know whether the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, died or was killed? God says: {So if he dies or is killed, will you turn on your heels}, so he was named before death! They watered it!” They said: “They and their parents are worse than God’s creation!” And other hadiths transmitted by Jafar Al-Sadiq.

The majority of Shiite scholars agree that Aisha is free from adultery, rather they believe that all the wives of the prophets are free from immorality. Abdul-Hussein Sharaf al-Din al-Amili says about this: “It is according to the Imamiyyah, and in the same matter and reality, the purest pocket, the purest dress, the highest soul, the most expensive presentation, and the most impeccable preservation.

” And higher in impurity, dearer in bliss, and loftier than what is permissible for her other than integrity, or what is possible in her right except chastity and maintenance. The Secretary-General of the International Assembly for Proximity of Islamic Sects in Iran, Ayatollah Muhammad Ali Taskhiri, stated in an interview with him at a conference held in Doha that the contemporary Twelver scholars honor and respect Aisha, unlike their predecessors. He said: “We all respect Mrs. Aisha, the mother of the believers, may God be pleased with her.” . And a number of references, scholars and sheikhs of the Twelver Shiites forbade defaming Aisha bint Abi Bakr, because this spreads hatred among Muslims and defames the honor of the Messenger Muhammad, and at the forefront of these scholars: the fatwa of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran Ali Khamenei and the scholar Sayyid Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah .

Teach her about religion

Aisha was one of the most knowledgeable women about the religion of Islam and what is related to it of the Qur’an, interpretation, hadith, and jurisprudence. Masruq bin Al-Ajda’ said: “I saw the sheikhdom of the companions of Muhammad asking her about the duties.” Omar used to refer to her everything that was related to the rulings of women, or to the household conditions of the Prophet, and no one could match her in this competence at all. Al-Zuhri said: “If Aisha’s knowledge was combined with the knowledge of all women, Aisha’s knowledge would be better.” Rather, Al-Hakim said in Al-Mustadrak that “I have not seen anyone more knowledgeable about what is permitted and forbidden, science, poetry and medicine than Aisha, the mother of the believers.” The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, never hadith, so we asked Aisha if we found knowledge from him.

Aisha used to ask the Prophet Muhammad a lot about the meanings of the Qur’anic verses, and this enabled her to be able to interpret the Qur’an. Aisha bint Abi Bakr also enjoyed a strong memory that enabled her to narrate many hadiths about the Prophet Muhammad, in addition to memorizing a lot of poetry and proverbs, in addition to her frequent questions of the Prophet Muhammad, until Ibn Abi Malika said about her: “She did not hear anything that she did not know except and reviewed it.” Until you know him.”

 So she was correcting the Companions for what they had made a mistake in. One day she was informed that Abdullah bin Abbas issued a fatwa that whoever gives a gift is forbidden to him what is forbidden to a pilgrim until he slaughters his gift. She said: “It is not as Ibn Abbas said. God, may God bless him and grant him peace, with his hands, then he sent it with my father, and he did not forbid the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, anything that God made lawful for him, until he sacrificed the sacrifice. 

Badr al-Din al-Zarkashi wrote a book in which he mentioned all the issues that Aisha was said to have remedied against the Companions, and he called it “The Answer to State What Aisha Reconciled About the Companions.” And Aisha used the means to explain the religion, so she sometimes resorted to practical explanation, such as performing ablution in front of some of them to teach him how to perform ablution, and even took the initiative to explain the rulings even without being asked, as she used to resort to reasoning in jurisprudence.

Aisha narrated many hadiths directly from the Prophet Muhammad, because she had the luck of accompanying him, and rarely narrated on the authority of one of them on the authority of the Prophet Muhammad, so her room became the destination for students of hadith, until Al-Dhahabi said that more than a hundred people narrated on the authority of Aisha. 

And the most famous of those who narrated on the authority of Aisha among the companions are Omar bin Al-Khattab, his son Abdullah, Abu Hurairah, Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari, Abdullah bin Abbas, and Abdullah bin Al-Zubayr, and among the followers are Urwa bin Al-Zubayr, Al-Qasim bin Muhammad bin Abi Bakr, Alqama bin Qais, Ikrimah, Mujahid, Al-Sha’bi, Zur bin Habish and Masruq bin Al-Ajda’, Obaid bin Omair Al-Laithi, Saeed bin Al-Musayyib, Al-Aswad bin Yazid, Muhammad bin Sirin, Peacock bin Kisan, Ata bin Abi Rabah, Suleiman bin Yasar, Ali bin Al-Hussein, Yahya bin Yamar, Ibn Abi Malika, Abu Burdah bin Abi Musa Al-Ash’ari, Abu Al-Zubayr Al-Makki, Mutrif bin Abdullah bin Al-Shakhir, and others. Among the women are Amra bint Abd al-Rahman, Mu’adhah al-Adawiya, Aisha bint Talha, Jasra bint Dajaja, Hafsa bint Abd al-Rahman bin Abi Bakr, Khaira Umm al-Hasan al-Basri, Safiya bint Shaybah, and others. Al-Dhahabi counted the hadiths of Aisha as 2210 hadiths, of which 174 were agreed upon. Al-Bukhari singled out fifty-four hadiths, and Muslim with sixty-nine hadiths.

Because of the love of the Prophet Muhammad for Aisha, women used to resort to Aisha to convey their complaints to the Prophet Muhammad because of her status with him, and examples are many in this regard. So Aisha narrated that the man used to divorce his wife as he wished, then return her during her waiting period, even if he divorced her a hundred times, until a man said to his wife: “By God, I will not divorce you, so let me separate from me, and I will never shelter you.” She said: “How is that?” He said: “I divorce you, so whenever Your waiting period was about to expire.”

 So the woman went to Aisha and told her, so Aisha waited until the Prophet Muhammad came and told him, so the revelation was revealed by saying: Ra bracket. And from what you have given them nothing except that they fear that they will not keep the limits of God, then if you fear that they will not keep the limits of God There is no blame on them for what they have set out. 

These are the limits set by Allah, so do not transgress them. And whoever transgresses the limits set by Allah, those are the wrongdoers. 229.png If he divorces her, then she is not lawful for him after that until she marries another husband. If they think that they should keep the limits of God, and those are the limits of God explaining it to a people who know Aya-230.png La bracket.png. In another example, a girl came to Aisha complaining that her father had married her to his nephew, and she hated it, so Aisha told the Prophet Muhammad, so he sent to her father, and he made the matter up to her, and she said: “O Messenger of God, I have approved what my father did, but I wanted to inform the women about the matter.” something?”

After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Aisha continued to defend the woman, and denounced anyone who spoke something that undermined the dignity of the woman and became angry with him. One day, two men entered her and said: “Abu Hurairah narrates that the Prophet used to say that tira is only in the woman, the beast and the house.” : The people of Jahiliyyah used to say: The tira is in the mount, the woman and the house.” Then I read: Ra bracket. That is easy for God Aya-22.png La bracket. png

And just as she was fiercely defending women and their rights, she was strongly condemning women who violated the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad and the provisions of Sharia. One day, women from the people of the Levant entered upon her, and she said: “Who are you from?” They said: “From the people of the Levant.” She said: “Perhaps you are from the region whose women go to the bathrooms.” They said: “Yes.” She said: “As for I heard the Messenger of God God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, says: “There is no woman who takes off her clothes anywhere other than her home but that she has torn what is between her and God Almighty.” And when she saw a change in the clothes of some women after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, she denounced them and said: “If the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, realized what had happened to the women, he would have prevented them from the mosque, just as the women of the Children of Israel prevented it.”

The death of the Prophet Muhammad

When the Prophet Muhammad fell ill, his last illness, he wanted to be sick in the house of Aisha, so his wives gave him permission. During that period of his illness, Bilal came to him to call him to prayer, and the Prophet Muhammad said: “Tell Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer.” Aisha said: “O Messenger of God, Abu Bakr is a gentle man (2) and when does he get up?” He stood weeping and could not, so if you had ordered Umar to lead the people in prayer.”

 He said: “Tell Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer, for you are the companions of Joseph.” Aisha said after that: “By God, it did not compel me at that time to speak to him about that except out of hatred for people to feel bad about the first man to take the place of the Messenger of God.” never. On the day of death, Abd al-Rahman bin Abi Bakr entered with a toothpick in his hand, and Aisha supported the Prophet Muhammad to her chest. for you?" He nodded that yes, let him finish. Then the Prophet Muhammad attended the death, and Aisha remembered that, saying: “He died on the day that he was looking for me in my house. His saliva mixed with mine.”

The Prophet Muhammad was buried in the room of Aisha, in the place where he died. Saeed bin Al-Musayyib narrates on the authority of Aisha that she saw in her dream as if three moons had fallen into my room, so she asked her father, and he said: “O Aisha, if your dream comes true, the best of the people of the earth will be buried in your house three.” When the Prophet Muhammad died and was buried, he said to her Abu Bakr: « O Aisha, this is the best of your moons, and he is one of them. Then Abu Bakr and Omar Ibn Al-Khattab were buried in her room, and that was the completion of the three moons.

After the death of the Prophet Muhammad

After the death of the Prophet Muhammad and the selection of Abu Bakr as the caliph of the Muslims, Aisha confined herself to her room, and when the wives of the Prophet wanted to send Uthman to Abu Bakr to ask him for their inheritance from the Prophet Muhammad, Aisha denounced them and said to them: “Didn’t the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: We do not inherit what we leave, for it is alms.” Abu Bakr's succession did not last long, and death came to him after two years, three months and ten nights of his succession. Aisha oversaw her father's illness, and she used to console herself with a verse saying:

Abu Bakr said: “That is the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.” Abu Bakr Aisha recommended that he be buried next to the Prophet Muhammad, and when he died, he was dug for him in Aisha's room, and his head was placed on the shoulders of the Prophet Muhammad.

Afterthe death of Abu Bakr, Aisha devoted her life to spreading the Islamic religion, so she used to narrate hadiths and give fatwas on matters of religion, and Omar and then Othman would send to her and ask her. When Omar was stabbed, he sent his son Abdullah to ask Aisha's permission to be buried next to the Prophet Muhammad and Abu Bakr. Aisha said: “I used to want it for myself, and today I prefer it for myself.” Abdullah returned the news to his father, and he said: “Praise be to God, nothing was more important to me than that. Then Omar, if you give me permission, then let me in, and if you turn me back, take me back to the Muslim cemeteries. After his death, Abdullah returned and asked Aisha for permission, and she granted him permission. Omar was the third of three to be buried in her room.

During the reign of Uthman, Uthman performed Hajj with the mothers of the believers, including Aisha, so he honored their status, so he made Abd al-Rahman bin Awf at the front of their locomotive, and Saeed bin Zaid at the back of the locomotive. Aisha remained on good terms with Uthman until his death, and she was among the first to demand his blood and retribution for those who killed him and those who rebelled against him. Aisha was in Mecca at the time of his murder, and the news reached her on her way back to Medina, so she returned to Mecca, and the people gathered to her, and she said: “Oh people, the mob from the people of the cities and the people of the waters and the slaves of the people of Medina gathered that the mob censured this murdered yesterday.

 year. And he used their teeth before him, and protected them for them from the places of fever, and they are matters that he had preceded with, and nothing else is suitable for him, so he followed them and removed them from them in order to rectify them. When they did not find an excuse or an excuse, they went out and exterminated the aggression, and it was reported that they did what they said, so they shed the forbidden blood, and they made it lawful for the forbidden country and they took the forbidden money, and they made it lawful for the forbidden month. By God, the finger of Othman is better than the layers of the earth like them, so he will be saved from your gathering against them until others afflict them and make them homeless after them. By God, if what they attacked him with was a sin, he would be rid of it as gold is purified from its slag, or clothes from its dirt, when they soaked it as a garment absorbs water. 

Aisha saw the injustice of Othman in the claim of the revolutionaries against him, especially as she narrated the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad’s will to Othman so that he would not give up the caliphate if her guardian no matter how much they asked him to do so. God will control this matter one day, and the hypocrites want you to take off your shirt that God has covered you with, but do not take it off, he says: That Three times.” Al-Nu’man said, so I said to Aisha: “What prevented you from informing the people of this?” She said: “By God, I have forgotten him.” Rather, Aisha became angry with her brother Muhammad for his role in the siege of Uthman.

After Ali bin Abi Talib pledged allegiance to the caliphate, Aisha, Talha bin Ubayd Allah and Al-Zubayr bin Al-Awam went to the head of the Jarrar army of Basra, and they demanded that Ali punish the killers of Uthman, so Ali prepared an army from the men of Kufa, and he headed to meet them. So that he can arrest the killers of Uthman, and carry out retribution on them, as the matter requires patience. They were convinced of Ali's idea, which was brought to them by Al-Qaqaa bin Amr Al-Tamimi, and they spent the night on that. However, there were those who plotted sedition between the two teams at night, so they planted in both camps someone who killed some soldiers, so that the fighting flared up between the two teams after both sides thought that the other side had betrayed him. According to another narration, Ali's army came to confront Aisha's army and those with her, and after an argument with the army leaders, Ali ordered that one of the boys advance towards Aisha's army carrying the Qur'an and calling them to it. 

A battle broke out in which Talha and al-Zubayr were killed. When Aisha saw what was going on in terms of fighting, she gave Ka'b bin Sur Al-Azdi, who was holding the bridle of her camel, a copy of the Qur'an, and ordered him to call on the people to stop fighting, saying: "Oh Ka'b, let go of the camel, and come forward with the Book of God, so invite them to it." Some of them shot Ka'b with an arrow that killed him, and Aisha herself was wounded in the hand by a stray arrow that pierced her howdah. Then the fighting raged around the camel carrying Aisha's howdah, until the camel was bitten, and the battle ended with the victory of Ali's companions. Then Ali ordered the removal of Aisha's hodge, and sent her brother Muhammad bin Abi Bakr to inspect her condition. When he was satisfied with her condition, he equipped her with provisions and returned her to Medina, accompanied by her brother Muhammad, his two sons, Hassan and Hussein, and forty well-known women of Basra.

her death

After the Battle of the Camel, Aisha returned and stayed at home until she attended her death on the night of Tuesday 17 Ramadan 57 AH, and it was said 58 AH, and it was said 59 AH, and Abu Hurairah prayed for her after the string prayer. And Abdullah, my two sons, Muhammad bin Abi Bakr, and Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman bin Abi Bakr, and I was buried in Al-Baqi.
