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Maryam Bint Imran is the “Virgin” Mary,



Maryam Bint Imran 

 Maryam Bint Imran 

the “Virgin” Mary, the “Friendly One”, the mother of Jesus Christ, Jesus son of Mary. God testified to her chastity and purified her and chose her over the women of the worlds, and chose her for a divine miracle represented by her pregnancy with Jesus and his birth without a father. It was narrated in her perfection on the authority of the Prophet Muhammad that he said: “Many men were perfected, and only the women of Pharaoh’s wife, Maryam, daughter of Imran, were perfected, and the superiority of Aisha over women is like the superiority of porridge over all other food” (Bukhari and Muslim).

her birth

It was narrated that Hannah, the daughter of Imran's wife, was barren and did not give birth, until she became unable, so while she was in the shade of a tree, she saw a bird feeding a chick for him, so her affection for the boy moved and she wished for him, and she said: O Lord, you have a vow for me, thank you, if you give me a son, I will give him in alms. Jerusalem, and it will be one of his servants.

The first test was that her mother, who was hoping to have a boy to give him to serve Jerusalem, had a daughter, and the girl does not serve in the mosque as the man does, and Henna regretted and apologized to God Almighty

its inception

Maryam was born an orphan, as her father, Imran, died while she was in the womb of her mother, Hanna, daughter of Faqudha. Her mother could not raise her because of her age. Every person wanted to be bailed out by her. Imran Abu Maryam was their teacher and the one who taught them their religion and was the best for them. They agreed to stand on the riverbed and throw their pens (they chose the pen because Abu Maryam used to teach them with the pen). The last pen left in the river without being washed away is the one that guarantees it. They threw their pens and their pens were swept away, and Zakaria's pen stood, meaning that it was not the last one, but it stood completely in the river. They chopped a second time, and the same thing happened the first time, that is, Zakaria's pen stopped in the river. They threw the third time, and the pen stopped in the river again.

Mary grew up with her house in the mosque, and her solitude in it, and by God’s kindness, food would come to her from the unseen, and whenever the Prophet Zakariya visited her, he found with her a provision, so he was asking about the source of this livelihood because he is her guarantor

Throughout that period, Maryam, who was vowed and residing in the mihrab, was a worshiping girl who was observant in the solitude of the mosque, reviving her nights with remembrance, worship, prayer and fasting.

Mary carried Jesus and gave birth to hi

After Mary became pregnant, and the pregnancy began to appear on her, she left her mihrab in Jerusalem to a place where she would hide from people's eyes so as not to attract attention.

Then labor came to the trunk of the palm tree while she was alone, so she gave birth to her pregnancy, and no one beside her took care of her and comforted her. All these worries and difficulties met on Mrs. Maryam, who is in the world of faith and piety, until it came to her that she wished for death as indicated by the Holy Qur’an

And this is one of the miracles, for this is a stream of sparkling water that God blows for it, and here it is, and it is weak from the effects of childbirth, able to shake the trunk of the palm tree, and the dates fall on it in fairies.

  Then he said (and the one who guarded her chastity) without stating her name, because the context is in the mention of the prophets and she is not a prophet. And the declaration of the name is for praise if it is in praise and for slander if it is in slander. We notice in Surat Al-Tahrim that it is one of the highest mentioned in the context of women, and that is why its name was mentioned as a matter of praise. As for in Surat Al-Anbiya, she is the least mentioned in the surah in rank, i.e. the prophets, her name was not mentioned..... We ask which one is more specific in the expression (and Maryam bint Imran who guarded her chastity) in Surat Al-Tahrim or (who guarded her chastity) in Surat Al-Anbiya?. So we say that the most special is (Maryam, daughter of Imran), and the Almighty’s saying (And We breathed into her of Our Spirit) in the prophets is more general than (We breathed into him) and is more praiseworthy. So Maryam, daughter of Imran, is more special than the one who guarded her chastity, so he mentioned the most special with the most special (so we breathed into it) and made the general with the general (and we breathed into it).

Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them both, said: The pregnancy and birth took place in one hour, and it was said: in nine months, and it was said in eight months, and it was said: in six months, and Muqatil said: Mary carried him in an hour, and formed him in an hour, and delivered him in an hour, and her age at that time was ten years. And when she gave birth to him, she carried him immediately to her people, and they disapproved of her.

And it was mentioned in the book “Kashf al-Asrar”: that the names of Jesus, peace be upon him, are four: Jesus, a word, Christ, and a spirit. And a spirit because it is from the wind of Gabriel, and it is said: No, rather it came out of the water from the soil of his mother to her womb with the breath of Gabriel, and he is from the water, not from the wind, and it is said: He was born from his hour, and it is said: for eight months, and it is said: for the full period, and as for naming him a word because he became a word A creature and he called him Christ because he used to roam the earth, and it is said: He was born anointed with oil, and it is said: because he used to wipe away the harm from the blind, the blind, and the leper, and it is said: The Christ whose feet have no soles. And in it also: When he commanded her to shake the trunk of the palm tree, God Almighty said: (And shake the trunk of the palm tree for you, and it will fall upon you ripe dates) It was said: Because she was born without a father, and he told her that, so she shook with a dry trunk without buds and no pollen sprouting. So as not to wonder who was born without a father or touch. And in it also, why did the river flow without her effort and did not give her dates except with her effort? It was said: Because dates are food and lust. And water is a reason for purification and service, and it is said: When she was alone, he sent her food from Paradise for no reason, and when she gave birth, the wasta came and ordered her to shake the palm tree. And he mentioned in “History of Ibn Al-Wardi” a narrator from “Al-Kamil” by Ibn Al-Atheer who said: Mary Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the year three hundred and four, due to the victory of Alexander, and the descent of Adam, peace be upon him, five thousand five hundred and eighty-four, and the flood of Noah, peace be upon him, three thousand three hundred and forty-two years, and the birth of Ibrahim, peace be upon him, were two thousand two hundred and sixty-one, and the death of Musa, peace be upon him, was one thousand seven hundred and sixteen years, and the beginning of the reign of Bakht Nasr seven hundred and thirty-eight years, and before the migration six hundred and thirty-one years, and when she gave birth to him, her people brought him, carrying him, so they took stones to throw and stone them, so Jesus spoke while he was hanging in the cradle On her shoulders (he said I am a servant of God...) the verse, so when they heard the words of Jesus they left it, so Mary took him and walked him to Egypt with her cousin Joseph the carpenter son of Jacob, and some of them claimed that Joseph married Mary, and he did not approach her, and this Joseph was the first to deny her pregnancy, then He achieved her innocence and walked with her, so they resided in Egypt for twelve years, then Jesus and his mother returned to the Levant and settled in Nazareth, and there it was called the Christians, and he resided there until he was sent when he had become thirty years old, and he began to call six days past January, and he showed miracles, and revived Lazarus Three days after his death, he put on wool and hair, ate from the earth’s plants, and what he gained from his mother’s spinning, and made birds out of clay, healed the blind and the leper, and walked on water. And the apostles who followed him were twelve, and they are: Shamoun al-Safa, Shamoun al-Qanani, Ya`qub ibn Zaydi, Ya`qub ibn Khalfi, Qulus, Marcus, Andrew, Tamrilla, John, Luke, Thomas, and Matthew.

And it was mentioned in the book “Kashf al-Asrar”: that the names of Jesus, peace be upon him, are four: Jesus, a word, Christ, and a spirit. And a spirit because it is from the wind of Gabriel, and it is said: No, rather it came out of the water from the soil of his mother to her womb with the breath of Gabriel, and he is from the water, not from the wind, and it is said: He was born from his hour, and it is said: for eight months, and it is said: for the full period, and as for naming him a word because he became a word A creature and he called him Christ because he used to roam the earth, and it is said: He was born anointed with oil, and it is said: because he used to wipe away the harm from the blind, the blind, and the leper, and it is said: The Christ whose feet have no soles. And in it also: When he commanded her to shake the trunk of the palm tree, God Almighty said: (And shake the trunk of the palm tree for you, and it will fall upon you ripe dates) It was said: Because she was born without a father, and he told her that, so she shook with a dry trunk without buds and no pollen sprouting. So as not to wonder who was born without a father or touch. And in it also, why did the river flow without her effort and did not give her dates except with her effort? It was said: Because dates are food and lust. And water is a reason for purification and service, and it is said: When she was alone, he sent her food from Paradise for no reason, and when she gave birth, the wasta came and ordered her to shake the palm tree. And he mentioned in “History of Ibn Al-Wardi” a narrator from “Al-Kamil” by Ibn Al-Atheer who said: Mary Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the year three hundred and four, due to the victory of Alexander, and the descent of Adam, peace be upon him, five thousand five hundred and eighty-four, and the flood of Noah, peace be upon him, three thousand three hundred and forty-two years, and the birth of Ibrahim, peace be upon him, were two thousand two hundred and sixty-one, and the death of Musa, peace be upon him, was one thousand seven hundred and sixteen years, and the beginning of the reign of Bakht Nasr seven hundred and thirty-eight years, and before the migration six hundred and thirty-one years, and when she gave birth to him, her people brought him, carrying him, so they took stones to throw and stone them, so Jesus spoke while he was hanging in the cradle On her shoulders (he said I am a servant of God...) the verse, so when they heard the words of Jesus they left it, so Mary took him and walked him to Egypt with her cousin Joseph the carpenter son of Jacob, and some of them claimed that Joseph married Mary, and he did not approach her, and this Joseph was the first to deny her pregnancy, then He achieved her innocence and walked with her, so they resided in Egypt for twelve years, then Jesus and his mother returned to the Levant and settled in Nazareth, and there it was called the Christians, and he resided there until he was sent when he had become thirty years old, and he began to call six days past January, and he showed miracles, and revived Lazarus Three days after his death, he put on wool and hair, ate from the earth’s plants, and what he gained from his mother’s spinning, and made birds out of clay, healed the blind and the leper, and walked on water. And the apostles who followed him were twelve, and they are: Shamoun al-Safa, Shamoun al-Qanani, Ya`qub ibn Zaydi, Ya`qub ibn Khalfi, Qulus, Marcus, Andrew, Tamrilla, John, Luke, Thomas, and Matthew.

Then Mary immigrated him to Egypt, where Christ was raised. Because the enemies of God among the Jews feared for their throne and wealth, so their king sent his soldiers to kill this blessed newborn.

Return to Palestine and its life during the mission of Jesus

  To Palestine after the death of the tyrant king, and it remained there until God Almighty sent the Messiah with his message, so his mother shared with him her burdens, and the burdens of the Jews persecuting him and plotting against him, until if they wanted to kill him, God rescued him from their hands, and cast his likeness on one of his traitorous disciples, who is Judas Iscariot, so the Jews took him. So they crucified him alive. While God raised Jesus to him

And when God raised him to heaven, and the Jews said what they said, God sent him down from heaven to his mother, Mary, while she was crying over him. Then God Almighty raised him and dispersed the disciples. His elevation was after three hundred and thirty-six years of Alexander's victory, and between the elevation of Jesus and the birth of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, approximately five hundred and forty-five years.

And Mary, peace be upon her, lived for fifty-three years, and she became pregnant with Christ when she was thirteen years old. The king of the Jews who were about to kill Jesus was named Hardos. Ibn Saeed said: The Jews were diligent in his request, so some disciples came to Herodus, the King of the Jews, and said to him and the group of Jews, “What will you grant me if I guide you to Christ?” So they gave him thirty dirhams, so he took it and guided them to him, so God raised the Messiah to him and cast his likeness on the one who guided them to him, so the Jews seized him and tied him with a rope and led him and said to him: You used to revive the dead, so will you not save yourself from this rope and spit in his face, and throw thorns at him while he is crying out for them and saying to them: I am so and they do not believe him and they crucified him on the tree for six hours, then Joseph the Carpenter from Hardos took him away and buried him in a grave that Joseph had prepared for himself, then it appeared to them that he was the disciple who indicated Jesus, and God revealed Jesus to his mother while she was crying, and he met with the disciples and sent them as messengers to the country.

her death

Mary died five years after Jesus was raised, and she was then fifty-three years old, and it is said: Her grave is in the land of Damascus.
