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How Mothers of Believers Shape the Spiritual Landscape


 mothers of believers

Umm al-Mu'minin and its plural Ummat al-Mu'minin is an Islamic nickname and term applied to the
 wives of the Prophet Muhammad. This title was mentioned in Surah Al-Ahzab in the Qur’an: Ra bracket.png In God's Book, there are no believers and emigrants, except that you act kindly towards your friends. This is written in the Book. ya-6.png La bracket .png. Muslims deduce that they have a superiority and an advantage over the rest of the women by the text of a verse from Surah Al-Ahzab in the Qur’an: {O wives of the Prophet, you are not like any of the women. There is a disease in his heart, and speak a kind word (32) [Al-Ahzab: 32].

Al-Hafiz Abd al-Rahim al-Iraqi, one of the Shafi’i Muslim jurists in the fourteenth century AD, mentioned the difference in the number of the wives of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, with whom he consummated the marriage, according to two sayings. They are twelve or eleven in his famous millennium. The reason for the difference is in Maria al-Qibtiyyah, is she his wife or a right-hand king. The agreed-upon of his eleven wives. The Quraysh women among them are six, they are: Khadija bint Khuwaylid, Sawda bint Zam’a, Aisha bint Abi Bakr, Hafsa bint Umar bin Al-Khattab, Umm Salamah, and Umm Habiba bint Abi Sufyan, and the Arab women from non-Quraysh are four: Zainab bint Jahsh, Juwayriyyah bint al-Harith, and Zainab Bint Khuzaymah, and Maimunah bint al-Harith. And one of the non-Arabs, namely: Safiyyah bint Huyay from the Children of Israel. Maria Al-Qibtiya, who is from Egypt, remains. And two of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad died during his lifetime, namely Khadija bint Khuwaylid and Zainab bint Khuzaymah, and he died on behalf of nine women.

Abd al-Rahim al-Iraqi, Ibn al-Qayyim and others have proven that there were a number of those whom Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, contracted with, but he did not enter into them. Ibn al-Qayyim said: As for the one who proposed to her but did not marry her, and the one to whom she gave herself away but did not marry her, then there are about four or five. As well as the dog, as well as the one who saw her whiteness. He did not consummate the marriage with her, and she gave herself to him, so he married her to someone else on the basis of a surah from the Qur’an. This is what is preserved, and God knows best. Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi said: He contracted seven and did not enter into them.

Khadija the daughter of Khwailid

Main article: Khadija bint Khuwaylid

She is Khadija bint Khuwaylid bin Asad bin Abd al-Ezza, a Quraysh woman, who meets with the Messenger Muhammad bin Abdullah in his grandfather Qusay bin Kilab, and the first of his wives. He married her when she was forty years old, and he was twenty-five. He is from Maria Coptic. Ibn Ishaq says: Khadija bint Khuwaylid was a merchant woman of honor and wealth.

Sawda bint Zam'a

Main article: Sawda bint Zam'a

She is Sawda bint Zamaa bin Qais bin Abd Shams bin Abd Wad bin Nasr bin Malik bin Hasel bin Aamer bin Louay. She meets with the Prophet in his grandfather Luay bin Ghalib. He married her shortly after the death of Khadija. She passed away in the year 54 AH. Salit bin Amr married her to her, and it is said that Abu Hatib bin Amr bin Abd Shams and Wad bin Nasr bin Malik bin Hasel, and the Prophet Muhammad gave her four hundred dirhams. Ibn Hisham said: Ibn Ishaq contradicts this hadith, mentioning that Sulaita and Abu Hatib were absent in the land of Abyssinia at this time. Before him, she was with Al-Sukran bin Amr bin Abd Shams bin Abd Wad Ibn Nasr bin Hasel.

Aisha bint Abi Bakr

Main article: Aisha bint Abi Bakr

Aisha bint Abi Bakr embraced Islam at the beginning of Muhammad bin Abdullah's call to Islam, and Ibn Ishaq mentioned that Aisha was among the first to embrace Islam at the beginning of the mission. He said: And she was young at that time. And that she converted to Islam after only eighteen years, and there is a hadith that doubts its validity, saying that she was six years old at the time of the marriage contract, and the Prophet Muhammad engaged her in Makkah, and he built her in Medina when she was a girl of nine years, and he differs in it, as the “hadith” mentions that she was engaged to the restaurant of Bin Uday, then he retracted her engagement! Likewise, by analogy with the age of her sister Asma, who is ten years older than her, and she died in 73 AH at the age of 100 years, so her age in the year of immigration is 27 and her sister’s age is 17. The Messenger of Islam Muhammad did not marry a virgin other than her. She died in the year 56 AH or after, when she was close to seventy.

The genealogy tree of the mothers of the believers and his encounter with the lineage of Muhammad bin Abdullah.

Hafsa bint Omar bin Al-Khattab

Main article: Hafsa bint Umar ibn al-Khattab

She is Hafsa, the daughter of Umar ibn al-Khattab. Her father, Umar ibn al-Khattab, gave her in marriage to her. He gave her four hundred dirhams as a dowry. Before him, she was with Khunays ibn Hudhafa al-Sahmi. He married her in the second or third year after the migration, and she died in the year 45 AH.

Zainab bint Khuzaymah

Main article: Zainab bint Khuzaymah

In the pre-Islamic era, she was called Umm al-Masakeen, and she was one of the immigrants. Her husband, Abdullah bin Jahsh, was killed in the Battle of Uhud, so Muhammad sent her to propose to her for himself. And the duration of her stay with the Prophet is two or three months, and it was said eight.

Umm Salama

Main article: Umm Salama

She is Umm Salama, daughter of Abi Umayyah ibn al-Mughira al-Makhzoumiyyah, and her name is Hind. He married her to Salama ibn Abi Salama, her son, and gave her a bed stuffed with fiber, a mug, a newspaper, and a tumbler. Before him, she was with Abu Salama ibn Abd al-Assad, and his name was Abdullah. The Prophet married her after the death of her husband in the fourth year of migration, and she died in the year 58 AH or after.

Umm Salama

Main article: Umm Salama

She is Umm Salama, daughter of Abi Umayyah ibn al-Mughira al-Makhzoumiyyah, and her name is Hind. He married her to Salama ibn Abi Salama, her son, and gave her a bed stuffed with fiber, a mug, a newspaper, and a tumbler. Before him, she was with Abu Salama ibn Abd al-Assad, and his name was Abdullah. The Prophet married her after the death of her husband in the fourth year of migration, and she died in the year 58 AH or after.

Zainab bint Jahsh

Main article: Zainab bint Jahsh

She is Zainab bint Jahsh bin Riab Al-Asadiya, her brother Abu Ahmad bin Jahsh married her, and the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, gave her four hundred dirhams. “So when Zayd had finished her marriage, we married her to you.” It was revealed about it. She died in the year 20 AH or after.

Juwayriyah bint al-Harith

Main article: Juwayriyah bint al-Harith

She is Juwayriyyah, the daughter of Al-Harith bin Abi Dirar bin Habib bin Judima Al-Khuza’ia Al-Mustalqi, and she was under a cousin of hers called Musafi’ bin Safwan Al-Mustalqi. measure.

Muhammad bin Abdullah married her in the fifth year of migration, and she was then twenty years old. When he married her, the Muslims released their captives from her people. In the conversation

On the authority of Aisha, the Mother of the Believers, she said: When the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, divided the captives of Banu al-Mustaliq, Juwayriyah bint al-Harith fell into the share of Thabit bin Qais bin al-Shammas or his cousin, and wrote it on herself, so she came to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to seek his help in writing it. She said: O Messenger of God, I am Juwayriyah bint Al-Harith bin Abi Dirar, and I was struck by something that was not hidden from you, so I fell into the arrow of Thabit bin Qais bin Al-Shammas or his cousin, so I wrote it on myself, so I came to you to help you in my writing, and he said to her: Is there any good for you So? She said: What is it, O Messenger of God? He said: I will complete your writing and marry you. She said: Yes, O Messenger of God. He said: I did. And the news spread to the people that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, married Juwayriyah bint al-Harith. Free them from captivity, and by marrying her, he freed a hundred people from the Banu al-Mustaliq family. I do not know of a woman who is more blessed for her people than she. »

Ibn Saad narrated in Al-Tabaqat that when Juwayriyah bint Al-Harith fell into captivity, her father came to the Prophet and said: My daughter cannot be taken as a captive like her. I am more generous than that, so he let her go, and he said: “Did you see that if we chose her, wouldn’t we have done well?” He said: Yes, and I did what you owe. . And the Prophet Muhammad changed her name, according to Ibn Abbas. The mother of the believers, Juwayriyah, died in Medina in the year fifty-seven, and it was said in the fifty-seventh year of migration, and she is 65 years old.

Main article: Umm Habiba

Her name is Ramla bint Abi Sufyan bin Harb. Khaled bin Saeed bin Al-Aas married her, and they were in the land of Abyssinia in the year seven of the Hijrah. Al-Najashi gave her four hundred dinars on behalf of the Messenger Muhammad, and he was the one who proposed to her to the Messenger, and before him she was with Ubaid Allah bin Jahsh Al-Asadi. She passed away in the year 44 AH.

Safia bint Huyay

Main article: Safia bint Huyay

One of the Jews of Bani Nadir, she fell into captivity, so the Prophet bought her from Dihya, and married her in the Battle of Khaybar in the seventh year of migration, and Muhammad bin Abdullah gave a feast, in which there was no fat or meat, it was fruits and dates, and before him she was with Kinana bin Al-Rabee bin Abi Al-Haqq. She passed away in the year 50 AH.

Maimuna bint Al-Harith

Main article: Maymuna bint al-Harith

She is Maymouna bint Al-Harith bin Hazn bin Bahair bin Hazm bin Rawaiba bin Abdullah bin Hilal bin Aamer bin Sa’sa’a. Al-Abbas bin Abd Al-Muttalib married her in the seventh year of the Hijrah in the Umrah of the case, and Al-Abbas gave her four hundred dirhams on behalf of the Messenger. Abdul Ezzi bin Abi Qais bin Abd Wad bin Nasr bin Malik bin Hasel bin Amer bin Louay; It is said that she is the one who gave herself to the Prophet, and that is because his sermon ended with her while she was on her camel, and she said: The camel and what it owes is for God and His Messenger, and in it was the Qur’anic verse: “And a believing woman if she gives herself to the Prophet.” She died in Saraf in the year 51 AH.

Maria Coptic

Main article: Maria al-Qibtiyyah

Maria al-Qibtiyya is a slave girl who was given by the king of Egypt to Muhammad bin Abdullah, peace be upon him, along with her sister, whose name is Sirin. Upon her arrival to the Prophet, she bore him a son, whom he named Ibrahim, who died young. She died in the year 12 or 16 AH.

He who held them and did not enter them

Umrah al-Kalabiyyah

The daughter of Yazid bin Rawas bin Kilab. The Messenger of God was informed that she was white, so he divorced her and did not consummate the marriage with her.

Canadian murder

The Canadian murderer, the daughter of Qais bin Maadi Karb bin Jabala Al-Kindiyah, the sister of Al-Ash’ath bin Qais, the Messenger of God was arrested before she left him from Yemen, so Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl succeeded her, and she was the reason for his marriage to her; Al-Ash’ath said to the Prophet - when he heard Asmaa seek refuge with him from him: By God, O Messenger of God, I will marry you to someone who is more honorable and more beautiful than her, so he married his murdered sister.

Sana al-Salamiyya

The daughter of Asma bin Al-Salt bin Habib bin Jaber bin Haritha bin Hilal bin Haram bin Sammal bin Awf Al-Salami, she died before the Messenger of God reached her.

The sister of Dihiya al-Kalbi, in whose image Gabriel used to come to the Messenger of God, she died before the Prophet entered upon her.

Canine high

The daughter of Dhabyan bin Amr bin Awf bin Ubaid bin Abi Bakr bin Kilab. It was reported that she stayed with the Messenger of God for a while, then he divorced her.

Layla Al-Awsiya

Bint Al-Khatim Al-Ausi, came to him while he was alert to her, so she stepped over his shoulder, and he said: (Who is this? The lion ate him) She said: I am Laila Bint Al-Khatim, the daughter of the bird restaurant, I came to you to introduce myself to you, he said: I accepted you. So she returned to her family, and they said to her: The Messenger of God has many co-wives, and you are a jealous woman, and we do not feel safe that you will anger him so that he supplicates against you.

Asma bint al-Numan

Asma bint al-Nu`man is the daughter of al-Nu`man bin al-Jun bin Sharahbil, and it was said: Asma bint al-Nu`man bin al-Aswad bin al-Harith bin Sharahbil bin al-Nu`man is from Kinda. They agreed that the Messenger of God married her, and they differed in the story of his separation from her. Come you, you refused to come. Some of them said that she said: I seek refuge in God from you. He said: (I have sought refuge with Muadh, and God has protected you from me) When she said that, he separated from her, and she used to call herself the wretched one.
