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Barira bint Safwan, Mawla Aisha bint Abi Bakr



Barira bint Safwan 

 She was in charge of some Bani Hilal, so they wrote to her, then sold her from Aisha. A well-known female companion, it was said that she was a slave of some Bani Hilal, so they wrote to her and then sold her to Aisha, so she freed her.

It differed in her husband, was he a slave, or a free? It was said: He was a slave named Mughith, and when she emancipated the Prophet Muhammad, she chose to leave him, and he loved her, so he would walk in the streets of Medina lamenting her separation, and he interceded for her with the Messenger, so she said to the Messenger: Do I command? He said: Rather, I intercede. She said: I do not want him. Aisha, may God be pleased with her, said: The Prophet made her waiting period when she separated from him. And it was said: that her husband was free.

The main features of her character

Her virtues are many, and the books of the biography and the Sunnah mentioned her in countless places, and she had an ample share in serving Aisha and the Messenger Muhammad, as well as in jihad for the sake of God, as she used to go out with Aisha and play her role with the other female companions of watering the Mujahideen and treating the wounded.

It is proven that Barirah was always in the service of Aisha and the Messenger, and she was of rare courage and heroism. It is not surprising that she is, as she lives with Aisha.

Barira was an example of generosity, generosity, and giving, and she lived a patient believer who preserved her religion and Islam, and her life was an example of asceticism, piety, and fear of God.

From her positions with the Messenger

The biographies mention that this companion had an honorable position with Aisha, as well as with the Messenger in the incident of dissolution before the revelation of innocence from God, as the Messenger asked and consulted those around him among the companions and relatives about what was said about Aisha before the revelation of the Qur’an with innocence, so he asked Osama bin Zaid and Ali, and Osama indicated Ibn Zayd upon the Messenger with the one who knows the innocence of his family, and the one who knows in himself for them from the friendliness, so he said: O Messenger of God, your family is destroyed, and we only know good. As for Ali bin Abi Talib, he said: O Messenger of God, God did not restrict you, and there are many women besides her, and that you ask the slave girl to believe the news.

Ali bin Abi Talib wanted to make the matter easier for the Messenger, as he did not believe what the hypocrites claim, and he also advised him to ask the slave girl about the morals and conditions of Aisha, and the slave girl is the servant who is bound by her mistress in the house. So the Messenger called the slave girl, Barira, and said to her: “O Barira, have you seen anything that makes you suspicious of Aisha?” Barirah said: By Him Who sent you with the truth, I have never seen a matter more constrained by her than the fact that she is a young girl who sleeps looking after her family's dough, and the domesticated (poultry) comes and eats it.

And on the authority of Aisha, the wife of the Prophet, she said: There were three years in Barira: One of the years was that she was set free, so she was given the choice in her husband, and the Messenger of God said: “Loyalty is for whoever is set free.” And the Messenger entered, and the bramble was boiling with meat, so he offered him bread and a piece of Adam's house, and he said: "Did I not see the bramble in which was meat?" They said: Yes, but that meat is given as alms for Barirah, and you do not eat alms. He said: She owes charity, and we have a gift.

Barira bint Safwan,

From her positions with the Companions

On the authority of Aisha, she said: Barira came to me and said: I wrote to my family for nine ounces every year, so help me. I said: If your family loved me, I would prepare it for them, and your loyalty would be to me, so I did. So Barirah went to her family and said to them, but they refused her, so she came from them while the Messenger of God was sitting, and she said: I offered that to them, but they refused except that loyalty be to them. So the Prophet heard it, and Aisha told the Prophet, so he said: “Take it and stipulate loyalty for them, for loyalty is only for those who set free.”

with her husband's helper

On the authority of Ibn Abbas: The husband of Barirah is a black slave who is called Mughith, as if I see him walking around behind her crying and his tears flowing down his beard. The Prophet said: “If only I could take him back.” She said: O Messenger of God, are you ordering me? He said: “I am the intercessor.” She said: I don't need it.

of its positions with the subordinates

On the authority of Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, he said: I was sitting with Barira in Medina before I got this matter, and she used to say: O Abd al-Malik, I see qualities in you, and it is appropriate for you to take charge of the affairs of this nation. For I heard the Messenger of God say: “A man will push away from the gate of Paradise to look at it on a cup of blood spilled from a Muslim unjustly.”

her death

Barira died during the time of Yazid bin Muawiyah, as mentioned in various sources.
