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 Bilal bin Rabah

Bilal bin Rabah al-Habashi (Abu Abdullah), very dark, skinny, skinny, excessively tall, with thick hair. He did not hear the words of praise addressed to him, except that he bowed his head and lowered his eyes and said, with his expression on his cheeks running: “I am an Abyssinian, I was a slave yesterday”

One day, may God be pleased with him, he went to propose to himself and his brother two wives, and he said to their father: “I am Bilal, and this is my brother. Two slaves from Abyssinia

The story of Islam Bilal bin Rabah

He is an Ethiopian from a black nation, a slave to people from Banu Jamah in Makkah, where his mother was one of their slave-maids and slave-girls, and the news of Muhammad began calling out to his hearing, when people in Makkah began to pass on it, and he was listening to the conversations of his masters and their guests, and on the day of his conversion to Islam the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, and Abu Bakr were secluded in Cave, when Bilal passed by them while he was with the sheep of Abd ibn Jud’an, so the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, pulled his head out of the cave and said: “O shepherd, is there milk?” Bilal said: “I have nothing but a sheep from which is my sustenance.

 If you wish, I prefer you with its milk today.” Then the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Bring it. So Bilal came with it, so he summoned the Messenger of God in his cup, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, arrested her, so he milked in the cup until he filled it, so he drank until it was quenched, then milked until he filled it and watered Abu Bakr, then he milked until he filled it, so he watered Bilal until he quenched, then sent her while she was fuller than she was, then he said: « Boy, do you have Islam? I am the Messenger of God.” So he embraced Islam, and said: Conceal your Islam. He was ignorant of the family of Abdullah bin Jadaan, so he said: “I see your sheep have grown and their milk has increased?” They said: “Her milk increased three days ago, and we do not know that from her?” He said: “Your servant and the Lord of the Kaaba knows the whereabouts of Ibn Abi Kabshah, so prevent him from grazing the pasture.” So they prevented him from that pasture.

Expose him

One day Bilal entered the Kaaba and the Quraysh were at its back, not knowing, so he turned and did not see anyone. He came to the idols and spit on them and said: “Your servant is disappointed and lost.” So the Quraysh asked for him, so he fled until he entered the house of his master Abdullah bin Jadaan, so he hid in it, and they called Abdullah bin Jadaan, so he came out and said: “Did you hit me?” He said: Is someone like me being told this? I have to sacrifice a hundred camels of Al-Lat and Al-Uzza.” They said: “Your lions did such-and-such”

So he summoned him, and they sought him and found him, and they brought him to him, but he did not recognize him, so he called the shepherd of his money and sheep and said: “Who is this?” Did I not command you that none of its births remain in it except that I expel him?” He said: “He was tending your sheep, and no one knew them except him.” So he said to Abu Jahl and Umayyah bin Khalaf: “Your business is with him, he is yours, do with him what you like.” Umayyah says to himself: “The sun of this day will not set unless the Islam of this runaway slave will set with it”

Torture of Bilal bin Rabah

The torment began, for they used to take him out at noon when the desert turned into a deadly hell, and they would throw him on its flaming pebbles while he was naked, then they would bring a burning stone like boiling hot water. A few men would move it from its place and throw it on top of it, and his executioners would shout at him: “Remember Al-Lat and Al-Uzza.” one, one”

And when the afternoon came, they set him up, put a rope around his neck, then ordered their boys to roam the mountains and roads of Makkah with him, and Bilal, may God be pleased with him, only says: “One, one.” Ammar bin Yasser said: “Everyone has said what they wanted - meaning the weak and tormented, they said what they wanted.” The polytheists - other than Bilal.” Waraqah bin Nawfal passed by him while he was being tortured and saying: “One is one.” He said: “Oh Bilal, one is one

mission of Bilal bin Rabah

Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq went to them while they were torturing him, shouting at them: “Do you kill a man because he says, ‘My Lord is God’?” Then he shouts at Umayyah: “Take more than his price and leave him free.” They sold him to Abu Bakr, who immediately freed him, and Bilal became one of the free men

Migration of Bilal bin Rabah

After the migration of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and the Muslims to Medina, the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, made a brotherhood between Bilal and Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah, and the Messenger prescribed the call for prayer, and chose Bilal, may God be pleased with him, to be the first muezzin of Islam

Battle of Badr

Fighting broke out between the Muslims and the Quraish army, and Bilal there was roaming and wandering in the first battle that Islam waged, the Battle of Badr, that battle for which the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, commanded that its motto be (Uhud, Uhud). God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, took refuge in him and asked him to be his captive, hoping that he would be saved with his life. Bilal caught sight of him and shouted, “The head of infidelity, Umayyah bin Khalaf, I will not escape if he is saved.

” He raised his sword to pluck the head that has always been weighed down by vanity and arrogance. Bilal saw that he alone would not be able to break into the protection of his brother in religion, so he shouted at the top of his voice among the Muslims: “Oh supporters of God, the head of infidelity is Umayyah ibn Khalaf. Something, and Bilal threw a long look at the body of Umayyah, who had fallen under the swords, and then quickly ran away from him, his voice shouting: “One, one”

Opening day

Bilal lived with the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, witnessing all scenes with him, and he was getting closer to the heart of the Messenger, who described him as “a man from the people of Paradise.” The conquest of Mecca came, and the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, entered the Kaaba with Bilal, and he commanded him to call the call to prayer, and Bilal called the call to prayer, according to the splendor of time, place and occasion

Fadl Bilal bin Rabah

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “I entered Paradise, and I heard a soft sound in my hands, so I said: O Gabriel! What is this stubble? He said: Bilal walks in front of you. The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, asked Bilal the most hopeful of his deeds in Islam, and he said: “I do not purify myself unless I pray with that purification. It is written for me that I pray.” As he, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: “Paradise longs for three: Ali, Ammar and Bilal”

And the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “There was no prophet before me but he was given seven noble companions and ministers, and I was given fourteen: Hamza, Ja’far, Ali, Hassan, Husayn, Abu Bakr, Umar, Miqdad, Hudhayfah, Salman, Ammar, Bilal, Ibn Masoud and Abu Dharr”

Bilal entered upon the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, while he was having lunch. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Lunch, O Bilal.” He said: “I am fasting, O Messenger of God.” The Messenger said: “We eat our provision, and the best of Bilal’s provision is in Paradise. Did you feel, Bilal, that the bones of the fasting person praise and seek forgiveness The angels have what he eats with him.” Bilal bin Rabah was informed that people preferred him over Abu Bakr, so he said: “How do you prefer me over him, but I am one of his good deeds”

Marriage of Bilal bin Rabah

Bani al-Bukair came to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and they said: “Marry our sister so-and-so.” He said to them: “Where are you from Bilal?” Then they came again and said: “O Messenger of God, marry the sister of so-and-so.” So he said to them: “Where are you from Bilal?” Then they came for the third time and said: “I will marry our sister So-and-so.” Then he said: “Where are you from Bilal? Where are you from a man from the people of Paradise? So marry him

And the Prophet, peace be upon him, came to Bilal’s wife, greeted him, and said: “Is Bilal sinning?” She said: “No.” He said: “Maybe you are angry with Bilal!” She said: “He comes to me often,” and he says: “The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, the Messenger of God.” So the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to her: “Whatever Bilal told you on my authority, Bilal believed you

Bilal from the Almoravids

The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, went to the supreme companion, and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq rose up the affairs of the Muslims after him, and Bilal went to the caliph saying to him: “O successor of the Messenger of God, I heard the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: “The best deed of the believer is jihad for the sake of God.” Abu Bakr said to him: “ What do you want, Bilal? He said: “I wanted to fight for God’s sake until I die.” Abu Bakr said: “Who will give us permission?” Bilal said, his eyes flowing with tears: “I do not authorize anyone after the Messenger of God.” Abu Bakr said: “Rather, stay and authorize us, O Bilal.” Bilal said: “If you emancipated me to be yours, let it be what you want, and if you emancipated me for God then leave me and what you emancipated me To him, Abu Bakr said: “Rather, I emancipated you for God’s sake, Bilal.” The narrators differ that he traveled to the Levant, where he remained stationed and a fighter, and some of them narrate that he accepted the hope of Abu Bakr and remained in Medina

Seeing Bilal bin Rabah the Prophet in a dream

Bilal saw the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in a dream, and he was saying: “What is this recklessness, Bilal? What is the time for you to visit us? So he woke up sad, so he rode to Medina, and he came to the grave of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and began to cry beside him and wallow over him. Indeed, the roof of the mosque, and when he said: “God is great, God is great,” the city shook, and when he said: “I bear witness that there is no god but God,” its tremor increased, and when he said: “I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God,” the women came out of their cloakrooms, and what was seen on a day more weeping than that. today

The last ears

His last call to prayer was on the day the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, died, and when the Commander of the Faithful, Umar, may God be pleased with him, visited Sham, the Muslims begged him to make Bilal call for one prayer for them. Those who caught up with the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and Bilal calling for prayer, wept as they had never cried before, and Umar wept the most

The death of Bilal bin Rabah

Bilal died in the Levant stationed for the sake of God, as he wanted, and his remains are under the soil of Damascus, most likely in the twenty year of immigration
