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Adam and Eve



:Eve Created from Adam's Rib and their Progeny on Earth

Eve was created from one of Adam's ribs, and their descendants inhabited the Earth. Adam and Eve descended to Earth, each in a different place, until they met to continue the journey of humanity and the age of the Earth

Adam's Isolation in Paradise

Despite enjoying the abundance of fruits and blessings in Paradise, Adam felt lonely. God caused him to fall asleep, and when he woke up, he found Eve beside him. He was fascinated by her and found comfort in her presence. The Quran does not delve into the details of Eve's creation as it did with  Adam's creation

Scholars' Opinions

Scholars have argued that Eve was created from Adam's rib, which is the first opinion. The second opinion suggests that being created from one soul does not imply being from the same gender. They believe that Adam was created from clay, and similarly, Eve was created from it.

The Opinion of Sheikh Shaarawy

Sheikh Shaarawy supported the second opinion by referring to the Quranic verse: "There has come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. Grievous to him is what you suffer; [he is] concerned over you and to the believers is kind and merciful." (Quran 9:128) The intended meaning is that the Messenger, peace be upon him, is from the same gender, not an angel or a different being. When the two genders, Adam and Eve, came together, humanity multiplied, and the Earth flourished

The Purpose of Adam's Succession on Earth

The disagreement regarding this matter does not affect the context of the story. The focus is not on the method of creation, but on God's appointment of Adam and Eve as successors on Earth for the multiplication of humanity and the establishment of monotheistic worship. The ultimate goal is to follow God's straight path, which is the noblest aim of succession

God's Legislation

God decreed for Eve to give birth to both male and female offspring. But how could humanity multiply if Adam and Eve were siblings? God established the law that when the male offspring from one womb marries the female offspring from another womb, and vice versa, the generations would continue. This continued for many years until Allah granted the birth of Cain and Abel from successive wombs. Cain's sister was more beautiful than Abel's sister

Cain and Abel

Cain had to marry the less beautiful sister, which angered him. He envied his brother Abel for marrying the more beautiful sister. Cain asked Abel to marry his sister from the same womb, although it was not God's legislation. Abel replied that it was God's command, and it was his right to marry her

The Beginning of the Dispute between Cain and Abel

When they argued, they went to Adam to resolve the matter, but Adam did not agree with Cain's request as it went against God's command. However, Adam provided them with a solution to settle their dispute. He asked them to offer a sacrifice to God, and whoever had their sacrifice accepted would marry the more beautiful sister. Both Cain and Abel agreed to this solution. In the past, when they offered a sacrifice to God, it was placed on a mountain, and fire would descend from the sky and burn the preferred sacrifice, making it inedible

Cain's Sacrifice

Cain had a garden and worked as a farmer, but he intentionally chose the worst fruits that could not be eaten to offer them to God and draw closer to Him. He placed his sacrifice on the mountain. This teaches us the importance of offering the best of what we have and giving to the poor and needy
