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The story of the Israelite cow




The story of the cow is mentioned in the Qur’an in Surat Al-Baqara. God commanded Prophet Moses, peace be upon him, to order his people to slaug
hter a cow, but they responded with suspicion and hesitation. This article will give a detailed description of the story, highlighting the negotiations and stubbornness of the Israelites


The story begins with the prophet Moses staying among his people, and calling them to worship God. But their hearts were twisted, and their obstinacy led to the incident known as the story of the cow. It did not require intense negotiations and resistance. The origin of the story is the discovery of the murder of a rich man among the children of Israel. Unable to identify the murderer, they seek Moses' help in seeking guidance from God

Prophet Moses' interaction with God

Prophet Musa turned to God Almighty, and God commanded him to order his people to slaughter a cow. The people, instead of immediate submission, got involved in negotiations. They accused Moses of mocking them and questioned his seriousness. Moses sought refuge in God from ignorance and mockery of them. He explained that the solution to their problem lay in slaughtering a cow

cow color

The Israelites, notoriously elusive, continued their negotiations and hesitations. They questioned the color of the cow and asked Moses for clarification from God. Moses, in turn, asked God for guidance, and emphasized the peculiarities of the cow, describing it as a yellow cow, bright in color, pleasing to the onlookers

Finding and slaughtering a cow

Despite the clarity of the instructions, the negotiations continued. The Children of Israel persevered in their evasiveness and hesitation. God has punished them for their behavior as he annoyed their prophet. And they asked Moses to ask God for more clarification because cows resemble them. Moses explained that the cow should be neither old nor young, but a middle-aged cow

Miracle Watch

Finally a cow with specific characteristics was found and they bought it and slaughtered it. Moses took part of the cow (or touched its tongue) and struck the murdered man with it, miraculously bringing him back to life temporarily. Moses asked the refreshed man about his killer, and the man pointed to the culprit without speaking. The riddle that had puzzled them for so long because of their elusiveness and obstinacy is finally solved


This story serves as a lesson in the lack of respect and manners shown by the children of Israel towards their prophet and their Lord. The Qur'anic context emphasizes their frequent use of the phrase "your Lord" when addressing Moses. It was more appropriate for them to say "Our Lord" respectfully. The story also highlights their doubts and cynicism, even after they witnessed the miracle and endured God's harshness. Finally, they acknowledged that Moses had brought the truth
