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Qarun was the richest man among the people of Moses (bani Israel).




Qarun was mentioned in the Qur’an as one of the wealthy people of Moses (the Children of Israel). He possessed enormous wealth, so much so that the keys to his treasures were heavy for those who carried them. Qarun is described as the minister responsible for the affairs of the children of Israel in the court of Pharaoh. The Qur’an highlights his wealth and the challenges associated with it, as well as the consequences of his arrogance and disobedience to God. The narrative serves as a moral lesson about the dangers of wealth, pride, and ingratitude.

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In the narration of Ibn Abbas, as narrated by Al-Amash on the authority of Al-Minhal bin Amr, and on the authority of Saeed bin Jubayr, Qarun is said to be the cousin of Moses, peace be upon him. Ibrahim Al-Nakha'i, Abdullah bin Al-Harith bin Nawfal, Summaq bin Harb, Qatada, Malik bin Dinar, Ibn Jurayj, and others believed that Qarun was Musa's cousin.

Ibn Jurayj mentioned the lineage, saying: Qarun bin Yashar bin Qahth, and Musa bin Imran bin Qahth. But there are different opinions. Muhammad bin Ishaq bin Yasar claimed that Qarun was Musa’s uncle.

Ibn Jarir mentioned that most scholars agree that Qarun was Moses’ cousin, and God knows best. Qatada bin Da'mah mentioned that they used to say: He is the cousin of Moses, and he is known as Al-Munawwar for his good voice when reciting the Torah. But because of his hypocrisy and transgression, like the Samaritan, divine punishment destroyed him because of his enormous wealth. According to Shahr bin Hawshab, Qarun’s clothes were longer, which symbolizes his arrogance and pride over his people.

Qarun in the Qur’an

Ibn Jarir mentioned that most scholars agree that Qarun was Moses’ cousin, and God knows best. Qatada bin Da'mah mentioned that they used to say: He is the cousin of Moses, and he is known as Al-Munawwar for his good voice when reading the Torah. But because of his hypocrisy and transgression, like the Samaritan, divine punishment consumed him because of his enormous wealth. According to Shahr bin Hawshab, Qarun’s clothes were longer, which symbolized his arrogance and pride in his people.

Qarun is mentioned in the Qur’an in Surah Al-Ankabut (29:39) and Surah Ghafir (40:24). However, his story is detailed in Surat Al-Qasas (28: 76-82).

In these verses, Qarun is depicted as a wealthy man from the people of Moses. He wronged them, but God gave him many treasures. Qarun's people warned him against being arrogant and seeking the afterlife, and doing what God had done good to him. However, Qarun proudly showed off his wealth and said it was because of his knowledge. God responded that he had destroyed nations stronger and more prosperous than Qarun, stressing that the oppressors would not be asked about their sins. In the end, God destroyed the earth with Qarun and his dwelling. Those who wanted his status yesterday said that God blesses whomever He wishes, and had it not been for God’s favor upon them, they would have suffered the same fate.

His story

The Qur’an mentions the story of Qarun, a wealthy man from the people of Moses, in several surahs, including Surat Al-Ankabut and Surat Ghafir, and in more detail in Surat Al-Qasas (28: 76-82).

The verses show that Qarun was given enormous treasures, and the keys to his treasures were so heavy that a group of strong men struggled to carry them. But instead of thanking God for this wealth, Qarun transgressed against his people. The Qur’an does not specify the nature of his transgression, but rather leaves it open to various possibilities, such as injustice, seizing their lands and property, or depriving the poor of their due share in his wealth.

The wise men of his people advised Qarun to strive for moderation and intentionality with his money. They warned him against the intoxication of joy, encouraged him to work for the afterlife, and advised him to spend on good deeds. Despite the advice, Qarun arrogantly attributed his wealth to his knowledge, forgetting that it was a gift from God.

People warned him of the consequences of his actions, but he did not listen to their advice. Finally, the earth swallowed Qarun and his family as punishment for his injustice.
